Wu Mengda passed away "I hope the audience still has the impression of’Wu Mengda ‘"

Wu Mengda passed away "I hope the audience still has the impression of’Wu Mengda ‘"

1905 movie network news On February 27, according to official reports, the Hong Kong actor passed away due to illness at the age of 68.

Previously, friends in the circle said in an interview that Wu Mengda had entered a state of dying, and his relatives and friends had rushed to the hospital and were all mentally prepared.

It is reported that when Wu Mengda was shooting a promotional poster for the movie last year, he suffered a sudden heart attack, almost unsteady in front of the camera, and showed a painful expression. Tian Qiwen revealed that Wu Mengda did not know that there was a problem with his body at that time. Later, he went to the hospital for a check-up and found out that he had liver cancer. After that, he suspended all work schedules, focusing on his health first, and his wife and children were by his side to take care of him.

The 68-year-old, who is said to have had three marriages and five children, had quietly drawn up a will in case something suddenly happened in the future, according to Wu Mengda himself.

In 1973, Wu Mengda enrolled in TVB’s artiste training class and entered the entertainment industry. In 1991, he won the Best Supporting Actor Award at the 10th Hong Kong Film Awards for his film. Later, he and his collaborations, "Jiupin Sesame Official" and other films, won public recognition. For this reason, he was also called by many people as "Stephen Chow’s golden partner" and "the universal supporting actor of Hong Kong movies". He was also evaluated as "a good actor who can play big comedies and big tragedies, and some people say that he is" Chinese ".

However, due to various reasons, his relationship with Zhou Xingchi was often discordant. In recent years, he has also responded on various platforms that as long as Zhou Xingchi is still doing this, there is still a chance to cooperate.

In an interview with 1905 Movie Network in 2018, Wu Mengda was asked, "In 50 years, in 100 years, how do you want the audience to evaluate you?"

He said, "I hope the audience can still remember me, and I hope the audience still has the impression of’Wu Mengda ‘."

We believe that in a hundred years, everyone will still remember a very outstanding actor named "Wu Mengda".


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