月度归档 2024年8月21日

Meitu Creative Platform Annual Honor Award: Building a Designer Ecosystem and Helping Designers Grow

From December 5th to 6th, the Meitu Creativity Conference with the theme of "Future AI Design" was held in Xiamen, and the Meitu Creativity Platform (MCP) was awarded in 2023 to encourage designers to create more excellent works and continue to empower designers ecologically.

At the conference, Meitu officially presented the top ten sticker designers of Meitu in 2023, the top ten filter designers of Meitu in 2023, the top ten AI designers of Meitu in 2023, the top ten image and design service experts of Meitu in 2023, and the artist of the year of Meitu Digital Art Museum in 2023.

The Meitu Creative Platform (MCP) launched by Meitu in 2020 is a material creation platform open to global creators, focusing on the growth and creation of designers. It has now formed an ecosystem that integrates creation, distribution, and revenue.

At the creative level, Meitu Creative Platform (MCP) continues to provide designers with rich tools and resources such as material libraries, editors, and special effects libraries. In 2023, AI design tools will be introduced into the content creation ecosystem, and the tool system will be further improved, providing new driving force for creativity.

At the distribution level, based on Meitu’s 247 million monthly active users and the number of images and videos 7.45 billion per month, Meitu Creative Platform (MCP) can provide designers with a display platform with 100 million exposure, helping original works to quickly reach the public.

In terms of revenue, Meitu Creative Platform (MCP) is deeply linked to productivity scenarios through different paths such as "Meitu Creator Program" and "Meitu Imaging Service", which helps designers monetize on the platform and provides inexhaustible momentum for the creation of works.

Meitu Creative Platform (MCP) continues to promote designers’ integration with the user platform and the commercial market by providing a series of S-level brand projects such as "Guochao Pattern", "Four Seasons China Color", and "MT City Travel Notes", further opening up the incremental space of the commercial market.

In 2023, Meitu Creative Platform (MCP) held themed scene creation sharing and practice activities in Beijing, Xiamen, Hangzhou, Guangzhou and other large cities, effectively strengthening the emotional connection with designers and inspiring designers’ creative inspiration.

The perfect creative environment of Meitu Creative Platform (MCP) continues to attract outstanding designers. As of now, more than 5,000 in-app illustrators, photographers, and AI creators are active in different creative fields, helping to diversify the designer ecosystem in terms of content.

The head of Meitu Creative Platform (MCP) said that designers are important partners in the development of Meitu Creative Platform (MCP). The 2023 annual honor award of Meitu Creative Platform (MCP) aims to recognize designers’ contributions to the platform and encourage designers to continue to create. Further strengthen the deep link between Meitu Creative Platform (MCP) and designers, and work with designers to create more high-quality design creative works in the future, contributing to the design industry.

Lighting | deep learning empowers spectral imaging

Writing | Huang Longqian

Recently, from the School of Optoelectronics, Zhejiang University Hao Xiang The team of researchers is "Spectral Imaging with Deep Learning"The topic is Lighting: Science & Applications Published a review paper, sorted out the spectral imaging technology based on deep learning, explained the principle and research summary of its various technical routes, and organized the current spectral imaging dataset, outlining the possible future trends and challenges.

First, spectral images

The image we usually see in the display screen is an RGB three-color image, which has three channels of red, green and blue, that is, the color of each pixel is formed by superimposing the three colors of red, green and blue. If the three-color image is expanded to ten colors, hundred colors, and thousand colors, then our control and rendering of the image color will be extremely fine. An image with so many bands is a spectral image (term explanation >): it has more than three bands, which can be thirty or even hundreds.

Figure 1 Schematic diagram of a spectral image composed of 9 bands

The spectral information of a substance can fully reflect its internal physical structure and chemical composition. When there are enough wavelength bands in the image, each part is a spectral curve – reflecting the structural composition of the place. Therefore, the spectral image not only reflects the spatial characteristics of the imaging target, but also contains its structure and composition characteristics. Therefore, in addition to fine image rendering, the key application of spectral images is material composition analysis, which is widely used in remote sensing, medical detection, food detection and other fields.

Second, spectral imaging

Spectral imaging is a combination of imaging technology and spectral detection technology, and the main technical goal is to obtain spectral images. Traditional spectral imaging technology is scanning(Including point scanning, line scanning, band scanning)By constantly moving the spectrometer to obtain the spectrum of each point, a two-dimensional image is finally obtained. This scanning spectral imaging system is bulky and slow, which has been criticized.

Figure 2 Scanning spectral imaging (from left to right, point scan, first scan, and band scan)

With the development of computational optics, computational spectral imaging has become a new spectral imaging method. The method uses some coding to make the hidden spectral information enter the detector in a certain way, and finally uses the optimization algorithm to reconstruct the spectral image. The traditional computational spectral imaging method is iterative. Although it has effectively reduced the size of the system compared with the scanning spectral imaging, it has a great computational burden, often requires several minutes or even hours of iteration, and the reconstruction accuracy is relatively average.

The huge burden of data computing prompts people to think and look for more effective spectral reconstruction algorithms. In recent years, deep learning has developed rapidly, and the powerful pattern recognition and feature extraction capabilities of deep neural networks after good training have been favored by spectral imaging researchers. Deep learning methods have become the object of exploration, and deep learning has gradually empowered spectral imaging.

Methods of deep learning

The process of computational spectral imaging coding sampling system design and spectral image reconstruction, deep learning technology can be applied in every aspect of the process. How to effectively classify these different techniques is a key issue. The review proposes to classify according to the properties of light, that is, the computational spectral imaging system is divided into amplitude coding, phase coding and wavelength coding according to different coding methods.

(1) Amplitude-encoded spectral imaging

Figure 3: The spectral coding process in a coding aperture system

Amplitude-coded spectral imaging is achieved through a coded aperture system(CASSI)Conducted, using coding aperture(Amplitude mask)Amplitude coded spectral imaging based on deep learning replaces the iterative algorithm of compressed sensing recovery with deep neural networks, and performs efficient spectral reconstruction through codec co-optimization, iterative expansion neural networks, and untrained networks.

(2) Phase-encoded spectral imaging

Figure 4: A phase-encoded spectral imaging system

Phase-encoded spectral imaging through diffractive optics(Diffraction Optical Elements, DOE)Phase coding is achieved by designing the two-dimensional height profile of the DOE to achieve specific phase delays at different positions. Phase coding affects different spectral components through Fresnel diffraction, and then by modeling the diffraction process, the original spectral image can be reconstructed by the algorithm. Due to the complexity of diffraction calculation after phase coding, traditional iterative algorithms are difficult to achieve effective recovery of spectral images. This problem has been solved after the emergence of deep learning. At present, the spectral recovery of phase coding is mainly carried out through deep neural networks. Compared with amplitude coding, phase-encoded spectral imaging has the advantages of small light energy loss and compact system.

(3) Wavelength-encoded spectral imaging

Wavelength-encoded spectral imaging directly encodes the image in the spectral dimension and can be performed through optical filters. RGB images can be regarded as a kind of spectral coding. At present, the mainstream wavelength coding methods use existing RGB or design optical filters, and the encoded spectral reconstruction mostly relies on deep learning technology.

Direct spectral reconstruction based on RGB images is a very hot direction. With the NTIRE 2018 and NTIRE 2020 spectral reconstruction competitions, many deep learning technology teams participated, greatly expanding the existing deep learning spectral restoration techniques. The researchers analyzed the RGB spectral reconstruction and filter design spectral reconstruction involved in deep learning, and divided the reconstruction methods into point reconstruction and block reconstruction, so as to introduce each reconstruction method.

Figure 5 Codec Cooperative Design Spectral Imaging Technology [
1] [
[2] (Source: Advanced Theory and Simulations)

Wavelength coding based on custom optical filters is an emerging spectral imaging technology in recent years. By designing wide-spectrum filters, greater coding freedom can be obtained than RGB filters. Combined with effective deep learning technology, compact, fast and accurate spectral recovery can be achieved.

IV. Future Outlook

Based on current deep learning techniques and spectral imaging techniques, the researchers have made some suggestions for the future development of deep learning-based spectral imaging. These include the large-scale and normalization of datasets, and the use of large neural networks(For example Transformers)Introduce additional information such as object categories, solve the problem of layer disappearance in the process of codec collaborative design, and use neural networks architecture search technology.

Paper information

Huang, L., Luo, R., Liu, X. et al. Spectral imaging with deep learning. Light Sci Appl 11, 61 (2022). 



[1] Song H, Ma Y, Han Y, et al. Deep ? Learned Broadband Encoding Stochastic Filters for Computational Spectroscopic Instruments [J]. Advanced Theory and Simulations, 2021, 4 (3): 2000299.

[2] Zhang W, Song H, He X, et al. Deeply learned broadband encoding stochastic hyperspectral imaging [J]. Light: Science & Applications, 2021, 10 (1): 1-7.

Contributions from the research group are welcome – press release

Article reprint/business cooperation/research group submission, WeChat:447882024

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Jackie Chan visited Taiwan four years later to raise money for poor school children (Photos)

    China News Agency, Taipei, June 18 (Reporters, Xu Xiaoqing, Geng Jun) After four years, the famous artist Jackie Chan visited Taiwan again on the 18th. Jackie Chan, who is Taiwan’s son-in-law, said here that "I am afraid of my hometown, and this trip is a special trip to raise money for poor children in Taiwan."

    At the invitation of TVBS Caring for Taiwan Cultural and Educational Foundation, at 1 pm, Jackie Chan appeared on the 84th floor of the "One? One" building in Taipei to attend the "Baby Our Hope – Jackie Chan Endorsement Fundraising Press Conference". This is Jackie Chan’s second appearance in Taiwan after many years, which has attracted the attention of many media.

    Jackie Chan said that as a Taiwanese son-in-law who married a Taiwanese wife, he was "half Taiwanese." He said that after living in Taiwan for a long time many years ago, he loved to eat Taiwan’s cold noodles and red rice, and he had a deep affection for the streets of Zhongxiao East Road and Dunhua South Road in Taipei, and even the grass and trees. In fact, he has always wanted to do something for Taiwanese children.

    At the press conference, Jackie Chan met face-to-face with poor school children from Taitung, Yunlin, Taipei and other counties. He confessed to the children that "when I was a child, I was similar to you, or even more bitter, and I didn’t have schooling." He encouraged Taiwanese children who received funding to cherish the good environment created by social charity groups, study hard and thrive.

    According to Li Tao, a veteran TVBS host, Jackie Chan is keen to participate in Taiwan’s philanthropy and is an "activist" who talks less and does more. Jackie Chan himself also admitted that he often watches Taiwanese TV programs at home in Hong Kong, especially some news about visiting the poor, hoping to learn about the groups in Taiwan that need urgent care.

    According to reports, Jackie Chan recently learned through a TV news that the football team of Fengli Primary School in the mountainous area of Taitung has been short of funds for a long time. He immediately donated a sum of money to help the caddies buy jerseys and provide travel expenses for the football team to participate in large-scale competitions. This time, Jackie Chan endorsed TVBS charity activities, hoping to raise 60 million NT dollars this year as a bursary for 10,000 poor school children.

    Jackie Chan also revealed that in addition to caring about the physical and mental health of Taiwanese children, he is non-stop mobilizing the Asian entertainment industry to raise funds for the relief of the Wenchuan earthquake. He said that after the Sichuan earthquake, not only Hong Kong people from all walks of life took action, but also Taiwan compatriots did a lot for it. Everyone is very concerned about the earthquake.

    Jackie Chan’s "whirlwind" appearance in Taiwan this time. He called on the media: focus more on children’s charities and less gossip. End

Editor in charge: Li Xian

Intelligence, driving control, and appearance have been fully upgraded, and Geely Boyue COOL intelligent technology has been fully exposed

  After the naming was exposed last week, Geely Automobile recently exposed the product information of Boyue COOL intelligent technology. As the new smart SUV of the Boyue family, Boyue COOL has achieved comprehensive digital advancement in intelligence, driving control and appearance on the basis of continuing the three good qualities of the Boyue family "good-looking, easy-to-drive and smart". Fully meeting the advanced needs of users with leapfrog configuration and super quality-price ratio will further establish Geely’s leading advantage in the field of Chinese brand SUVs.

Intelligence, driving control, and appearance have been fully upgraded, and Geely Boyue COOL intelligent technology has been fully exposed _fororder_image001

  The whole system is equipped with 8155 chip, Galaxy OS Air system, the car is silkier and the interaction is smarter

  Positioned as a "digital human vehicle", Boyue COOL’s intelligent configuration is its biggest highlight.

  The new car is equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 car machine chip of the same level as 300,000 or 400,000 new power cars as standard. It has 16G memory + 128G storage, 7nm-level process, and 8-core CPU. During driving, the car and machine respond more smoothly, the voice interaction response is faster, and the recognition is more accurate. Enjoy the silky experience of the car machine anytime, anywhere. The unique and industry-leading Galaxy OS Air intelligent car machine system at the same level brings powerful voice control and rich application ecology to Boyue COOL. The V01 voice-specific chip supports 0.4s Keyword Spotting speed, strong recognition ability, low resource occupation, and high interaction efficiency. It also supports functions such as personalized voice, complex multi-conditional voice search, and continuous scene dialogue, making driving more focused and easier to operate. The car system can also support commonly used APP applications on mobile phones, including Autonavi maps, Volcano Car Entertainment, QQ Music, NetEase Cloud Music, Bilibili and other massive software, fully meeting entertainment needs. Mobile APP remote control brings a better cockpit experience.

Intelligence, driving control, and appearance have been fully upgraded, and Geely Boyue COOL intelligent technology has been fully exposed _fororder_image003

  In terms of intelligent driving, in order to allow more users to enjoy intelligent technology configuration and realize the universality of technology, Boyue COOL is equipped with L2-level intelligent driving assistance system, including ICC intelligent pilot, AEB-P pedestrian recognition protection, ELKA emergency lane keeping assistance and other 13 driving auxiliary features, will queue up, turn, brake, count, blink, follow the car, improve driving safety, so that users can easily drive.

Intelligence, driving control, and appearance have been fully upgraded, and Geely Boyue COOL intelligent technology has been fully exposed _fororder_image005

  The new car is also equipped with FACE ID facial recognition, which can monitor driver fatigue, distraction and other dangerous situations and intervene to remind, which is smarter than mobile phones and makes driving safer. Subsequent OTAs can also realize high-level functions such as brushing the face to start the engine, automatically adjusting the seat position and car machine preferences. In addition, in terms of the convenience of daily car use, Boyue COOL is also equipped with comfortable and intelligent configurations such as electric tailgate with induction opening, wireless charging of mobile phones, and CN95 high-efficiency filter elements, bringing users a more practical and convenient travel experience.

Intelligence, driving control, and appearance have been fully upgraded, and Geely Boyue COOL intelligent technology has been fully exposed _fororder_image007

  The unique GEEA 2.0 evolvable electronic and electrical architecture at the same level, the four major domains of the whole car are upgraded and evolved, and new cars are driven every day

  The advanced underlying architecture makes Boyue COOL more long-term potential. The unique GEEA 2.0 evolvable electronic and electrical architecture at the same level has jumped to the same level as the new force, which can realize cross-domain coordination between the whole vehicle powertrain, dynamic driving, body electronics and infotainment systems, with higher integration, wider coverage, faster upgrade speed, stronger protection and safety. It also supports the intelligent upgrade of the global FOTA cloud, and the driving experience is smarter, smoother, and safer. It is like driving a new car every day.

Intelligence, driving control, and appearance have been fully upgraded, and Geely Boyue COOL intelligent technology has been fully exposed _fororder_image008

  In terms of power, Boyue COOL is equipped with a new generation of Geely Jinqing 1.5TD four-cylinder direct injection engine, with a maximum power of 133kW and a maximum torque of 290N · m. It matches the industry’s most efficient 7DCT wet dual-clutch transmission, and the fastest 100-kilometer acceleration is 7.9s. Thanks to the application of 13 key component technologies and 9 low-friction technologies, Boyue COOL perfectly balances power and fuel consumption, with a minimum 100-kilometer fuel consumption (WLTC) of only 6.29L.

  The new Sino-European joint adjustment chassis brings a good control experience. The 100-kilometer brake is only 36.46m ahead of the same level, with multi-link independent suspension and super long suspension stroke, which can turn bumps into smooth roads and easily deal with various complex road conditions. The ultra-small acceleration and deceleration pitch layer and the leading steering sensitivity of the same level bring better dynamic stability, more flexible steering, more sensitive handling, and no motion sickness for long-distance driving.

  The standard Bosch version 9.3 ESP body stability control system makes the body dynamic control more delicate. The same level of minimum 3.3 ° A column obstacle angle, high-strength steel accounting for 68% of the safety body, integrated hot-formed boron steel door knocker and other hardcore configurations are blessed to protect the safety of driving and riding in all directions.

Intelligence, driving control, and appearance have been fully upgraded, and Geely Boyue COOL intelligent technology has been fully exposed _fororder_image009

  In terms of space utilization, Boyue COOL is also the most practical and convenient SUV in the 100,000 class. Boyue COOL body size is 4510 × 1865 × 1650mm, wheelbase is 2701mm, and the unique 0.6 luxury car golden axle length ratio in the same class, combined with the smallest front and rear overhang in the same class, not only brings a more stable driving experience, but also realizes super space utilization.

  In the second row of space, whether it is horizontal, vertical or head, Boyue COOL’s performance is better than the competition, with a high "rate of room acquisition". The unique 39 magic storage spaces and 571L oversized trunk of the same level far exceed the competition of the same level. No matter how many things can be packed, there is no pressure to take the whole family on a self-driving tour, and it can easily meet the needs of multi-scene travel.

Intelligence, driving control, and appearance have been fully upgraded, and Geely Boyue COOL intelligent technology has been fully exposed _fororder_image011

  New digital angular aesthetic shape, front and rear double penetration light group, light show, full of technology

  Corresponding to the leapfrog intelligence and driving control product power, it is the outstanding appearance of Boyue COOL. The overall shape of Boyue COOL adopts a new "digital edge and corner" aesthetic, showing a youthful atmosphere. The radiant front grille of the front of the car adopts a three-dimensional three-dimensional design, which spreads outward from point to surface, with infinite edges and corners, and the front face of the car is deeply dynamic. The digital light and shadow waist line running through the car is interspersed with the front and rear features, echoing the down-pressed roof, creating a dynamic posture ready to go.

Intelligence, driving control, and appearance have been fully upgraded, and Geely Boyue COOL intelligent technology has been fully exposed _fororder_image013

  The unique front and rear double penetrating light groups of the same level make every appearance shine brightly. The digital Aurora LED front penetrating light can achieve a long irradiation distance of 189m, and it is dazzling at a distance of 100 meters. It can also automatically switch between far and near light, and protect safety at all times with intelligent technology. The ultra-long digital neon LED penetrating the tail light has 258 LED beads. When lit, it is like a neon across the rear of the car, driving in the city night, and it becomes the focus at a glance.

  It is worth mentioning that Boyue COOL also has the function of digital welcome lamp language. When approaching the vehicle or leaving the vehicle, the LED lamp beads running through the front and rear light groups light up at the same time, bringing an unforgettable sense of ritual. With the unique evolvable digital interactive light show of the same level, the sense of technology is extremely cool.

Intelligence, driving control, and appearance have been fully upgraded, and Geely Boyue COOL intelligent technology has been fully exposed _fororder_image014

  In the interior, the digital style of Boyue COOL is also very prominent. The unique 10.25-inch full-LCD instrument of the same level, with a full-screen suspension design, can focus on displaying vehicle-related parameters, intelligent driving-related information, in-vehicle entertainment information and other content, easily at a glance, with a panoramic view of the information, 13.2-inch 2K digital central control screen, with a resolution of 1440 × 1920, the visual presentation is colorful, the picture is clear, and the outline is delicate. With the 8155 chip and Galaxy OS Air system, the cleverness of the same level can crush the same level, just like loading an iPad into the car, the driving experience is efficient and smooth.

Intelligence, driving control, and appearance have been fully upgraded, and Geely Boyue COOL intelligent technology has been fully exposed _fororder_image015

  The cloud-feeling comfortable seat made of imitation suede in the car, with a thickness of 15mm ultra-comfortable sponge cushion, is also equipped with electric memory and heating functions, matching the 1.12-square-meter large digital panoramic sunroof and the unique 72-color digital emotional ambient light and speaker ambient light of the same class. The seat comfort is bursting, the sense of technology is full, and the journey is more warm.

Intelligence, driving control, and appearance have been fully upgraded, and Geely Boyue COOL intelligent technology has been fully exposed _fororder_image016

  In terms of overall car color, Boyue COOL offers four exterior colors of oxygen white, nitrogen blue, hydrogen green, and titanium gray, as well as two color matching interior colors of technology dynamic black gray and simple high-grade beige, further satisfying users’ pursuit of personalization.

  As the best-selling SUV product series under Geely Automobile, the Boyue family has been on the market for 7 years and has sold more than 1.50 million cars. The launch of Boyue COOL will further enrich the product line layout of the Boyue family, consolidate Geely’s leading position in the SUV market, and form a two-car layout with Boyue L to fully impact the first camp of the A-class SUV market. The new car will arrive in stores in early April and start pre-sale simultaneously. (Geely Automobile, for pictures)

Huawei P7 Arsenal customized version released, mobile phone brand staged football carnival


How to sweep the world without sweeping a house? Large spot checks on the official website of car companies

  The executive introduction clicks in empty without a word; the most recent one in the marketing newsletter is still 2010; the website has not been introduced to its own model after reading it; the vertical version is arranged in the title picture with text style news newsletters, and there is no picture for the new general manager. Under the title, it is empty and white. Where have you been, general manager? All kinds of mistakes make people laugh and cry, what happened to the official website of the car company…

  If a person is sloppy and untidy, without paying attention to details, would you like to believe that he is serious, reliable, and trustworthy?

  "People rely on clothes, horses rely on saddles", the official website of a car company, as the most direct way for users to recognize the brand, is it not the face of the company facing consumers?

  In today’s automotive society, automakers with annual sales of hundreds of thousands or millions of vehicles and turnover of tens of billions or hundreds of billions of yuan are all big guys, and it is common to spend millions of yuan on brand activities. But why, more or less, there are such and such mistakes on the official website, and some even make people laugh and cry.

  In the Internet age, the industry talked about Internet thinking every day. Auto e-commerce was also a buzzword of the moment, but the most basic network was a prerequisite for everything…

  Product introduction, enterprise dynamics, service categories, and online interaction with consumers are all functions of the official website, and they are also the most efficient means for users to understand the enterprise.

  Take the two most basic functions of news information and model display, which attract the most attention from users, as an example.

  The author consulted the official websites of 25 industry companies. According to yesterday’s deadline, a total of 403 news articles were released from May to July, and the average company released only 5 news articles per month. Among them, Dongfeng Yueda Kia is the best, publishing a total of 52 news articles, which is about 17 articles per month. Consumers can keep abreast of the latest developments of the company in detail. BMW Brilliance updates are the most lagging. There is no news release from May to July. The most recent one was published on April 15.

  FAW Toyota’s website uses 36 pictures to occupy the center position, which is about the size of the entire screen to display product information. Including model introduction, car purchase discount information, consumer interaction activities, etc., the information basically covers all its models, which is convenient for users to browse and can grasp first-hand information without going to the store. On the contrary, Geely, which has nearly 20 models, has only 4 pictures in the same position, which fails to make full use of the promotion on the official website. And BMW Brilliance is even worse, and the model introduction cannot be found on the homepage…

  Dongfeng Nissan: Where have you been?

  In fact, in terms of page layout and aesthetics, Dongfeng Nissan’s official website can be called exquisite workmanship. A big picture with Xuanyi, Teana, Xuanyi Classic, TIIDA, Qashqai, Sunshine, Liwei Qixiong debuting, Dongfeng Nissan is waiting for you to compare, and it is domineering.

  But when the author clicked on the news center column, he was really shocked. So far in July, there has only been one news release, and the vertical version is arranged as a news bulletin with a title picture and text style. When I saw the new general manager take office, there was suddenly no picture. Under the title "Daiyue Jin Appointed as the New General Manager of Dongfeng Nissan", there was nothing. General Manager, where have you been?

  Similar mistakes have appeared 4 times in the first 22, which is really not right. At least you can’t lose the boss…

  BYD: Missed to meet customer service classmates

  New energy vehicles are currently a hot topic, with news such as exemption from purchase tax, elimination of local protection, and unified fast charging of national standards continuing recently.

  Although the location of the news center on BYD’s official website was obvious, there was only one news item for each of the three months of May, June, and July, which was really pitiful. Old Wang also knew how to praise his own melons. BYD, which had always claimed to be in the leading position of new cars, should also be at the forefront of promotion.

  However, the manufacturer’s activities and preferential promotion columns are frequently updated and rich in content, allowing consumers to keep abreast of the latest corporate information.

  But when I opened the online car purchase column and watched the "BYD e-purchase anniversary celebration" event, the customer service who was specially prompted that you must contact in advance before payment could not display the corresponding information after clicking, which made the author feel ashamed. It’s a good event, why is the most critical step stuck?

  Finally, I couldn’t help but shout. As of 5:00 am on July 24th, my companions had all fallen asleep, and Xiao Ai, who was still fighting at night, still had no chance to meet at this moment…

  Ford: Executives, where are you?

  Ford’s website was simple and clean, and the page settings were quite standard. Under the News Center column, the setting of the "Reporter Zone" was unique and unique in this reading of the official website.

  Corporate dynamics is a daily compulsory course for every media teacher. Is this project designed for the release of hot topics in the enterprise? I just wanted to like it, but I almost flashed my waist when I didn’t think about it… The author was surprised to find that the sub-column, "Introduction to senior executives of the company", was blank after clicking on it, and there was not a word. Executives, where are you? "If I knew this earlier, why did I have to start", there is nothing, and why waste this column on emotions…

  Return to the homepage, the bottom row of navigation bar. There are several sub-sections under the Client Server, used cars, and news center columns, but there is nothing under Ford Technology. Click to browse the secondary page, and it can be seen that it is divided into four aspects: fuel economy, safety performance, dynamic driving, and easy control. Since there are, why can’t it be displayed on the homepage to facilitate users to choose their favorite areas? Details, or details.

  Dongfeng Citroen: Fork, are you a fork or not?

  It has to be said that Dongxue’s official website design is the most unique one.

  Magazine page-like promotional graphics are novel in style, with horizontal dragging left and right. The 18 images clearly display the latest dynamic information of the enterprise.

  Under the News and Events column, the "Test drive the champion model or participate in WeChat interaction, that is, have the opportunity to win the World Cup surprise package" activity displayed in the first position reminded the author of the earlier days of the night battle, so click to view the details.

  The first thing that came into view was the pop-up window of the winning list, which was very envious. Although I didn’t know about this event earlier to try my luck, surprises always came unexpectedly. When I tried to turn off the pop-up window, Fork Fork Jun got angry, eh? Can’t turn it off… Although the event ended on the 14th of this month, you can’t be so naughty…

  When a colleague tested it on his computer, we were convinced that he was really not a fork! He just looked similar and looked the same…

  BMW Brilliance: What did you do last March?

  Simplicity and cleanliness are the first impressions that the official website page of BMW Brilliance gave me. But after a cursory browsing, I quickly discovered its biggest feature. Hey, there is no car?

  As the official website of a luxury car brand, BMW has continued its trend-setting characteristics and is at the forefront of fashion. It is the only company on the official website of this statistics that cannot see any product information on the homepage.

  You can only see the product production information from 2003 to 2009 on the company information – products and operations – model overview page. At the bottom of the homepage, click the links of BMW China and authorized dealers to see the relevant product information on the jump page.

  In addition, in terms of news release, BMW Brilliance is also the only company that has not released a news release in May, June, and July. The most recent one dates back to April 15.

  FAW Toyota: 36 Big Pictures Let You See Enough at Once

  "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6… 35, 36!" There were actually 36 display pictures of FAW Toyota’s central area, which was much more generous than the other "cheapskates" who only had 3 or 4 pictures.

  Corolla, Vios, RAV4, Crown, Corolla Full Interpretation, Latest Financial Services Solution, Lander Cool Luze, Prado Self-Driving Tour Recruitment, Prius, 86 Zero Distance…

  It includes model introduction, car purchase discount information, consumer interaction activities, etc., basically covering all its models. Users can easily browse and gain first-hand information without visiting the store.

  The layout doesn’t cost money, and it’s not how you want to organize it!

  Great Wall: Online scoring, whether it is good or not, the user has the final say

  Auto e-commerce is a buzzword, but at the moment, there are really few people who are in full swing on their official website, including Great Wall Motors. Just like the dazzling sales performance, the official website of the Haval brand also made my eyes really brighten.

  The most attractive thing for the author is the activity page for ordering Haval H2 online. There is a 360 ° product static display area that integrates appearance and interior. Users can freely choose the full picture of the interior and exterior of the vehicle, including 13 spray paint colors and 8 interior colors. You can control all the information of the model without leaving home.

  In addition, the most outstanding part of the column design is also the only one among all websites. Users can rate products online. Including space, power, control, fuel consumption, comfort, appearance, and interior seven aspects, with a maximum score of 5 and a minimum score of 1.

  At the same time, users can also write a comment of at least 30 words, together with the above scoring items, which will be displayed on Haval’s official website in real time. It can be said that whether it is good or not, the user has the final say. (Reporter, Liu Ye)

Hengda property sued Hengda to recover 2 billion why do enterprises frequently "son sue me"?

An announcement that Hengda Property sued Hengda for 2 billion exposed the internal entanglement of the "father and son".

In fact, it is not only Hengda Property that has taken the parent company to court. Since the beginning of this year, there have been many cases of property companies recovering accounts receivable from related real estate companies. At present, the real estate industry is in a downward cycle, and the capital problems of real estate related parties often lead to the impact of property companies, especially listed property companies. On the one hand, they are suspected of "blood transfusion" parent company. On the other hand, the real estate liquidity crisis has caused a large number of bad debts of property companies in accounts receivable, which has affected the profitability level.

In the opinion of industry experts, establishing a regulatory system for the use of property management fees in the property industry to ensure that project funds can be misappropriated at least is the key to preventing such incidents.

Hengda property to China Hengda recover 2 billion yuan

On November 28, Hengda Property announced that regarding the enforcement of its deposit pledge of about 13.40 billion yuan by the relevant banks, its wholly-owned subsidiary Jinbi Property has filed a lawsuit with the Intermediate People’s Court of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China, for the recovery of Shenzhen Qihang Metal Materials Co., Ltd., Guizhou Guangjuyuan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., Hengda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd., Hengda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd., and China Hengda Group for the enforcement of the deposit certificate pledge guarantee of about 2 billion yuan by the bank. It requires the relevant responsible parties to repay about 1.996 billion yuan and the provisional interest of about 150 million yuan. Hengda Property said in the announcement that it has received the notice of the court’s formal acceptance of the case on November 28.

On November 29, China Evergrande announced that it had paid attention to Hengda Property’s announcement on November 28 that Jinbi Property (a subsidiary of Hengda Property) had sued China Evergrande and three related subsidiaries for the enforcement of the 2 billion yuan deposit certificate pledge guarantee by the bank. As of now, China Evergrande has not received the notice of the Guangzhou Intermediate People’s Court to file a lawsuit against Jinbi Property.

It is well known that China Evergrande and Evergrande Property have a "father and son" relationship, and the public litigation at this time also exposed its internal entanglements.

In this regard, Yuan Chengjian, co-founder of Jiancheng Shengye, believes that from the perspective of legal relationship, although the two companies are affiliated companies, they are also two independent listed companies. Adopting such a legal and responsible handling method for shareholders can protect the interests of Hengda property shareholders during the handling of Hengda real estate debt, and also provide a reference for other similar events.

"But judging from the current situation, this treatment method has little practical effect, and it is estimated that the misappropriated funds that can be truly recovered will not be too much, or even just a kind of debt confirmation." Yuan Chengjian said.

Wang Yuchen, director of Beijing Jinsheng Law Firm, also pointed out that even if Hengda Property eventually wins the case, it will be difficult to recover the money, because judging from the current financial situation of China Evergrande, there may also be difficulties in implementation.

Xinyuan Service and Jinke Service also "collect debts" from the parent company

Taking the parent company to court is not just Hengda Property, but also the case of property service companies collecting debts from affiliated real estate companies.

On August 15 this year, Xinyuan Service announced that the financing obtained from its pledge was finally transferred to Xinyuan Real Estate for its daily business activities, namely project construction and delivery guarantee. Subsequently, Xinyuan Service submitted an arbitration against Xinyuan Real Estate to the Hong Kong International Arbitration Center, claiming to recover any losses suffered by the company on the mortgage.

It is reported that Xinyuan Real Estate holds shares in Xinyuan Service 300 million with a shareholding ratio of 60%. Xinyuan Real Estate is wholly owned by Xinyuan Real Estate.

In October this year, Xinyuan Service announced that the Hong Kong Arbitration Center has made a final and legally binding arbitration award, requiring Xinyuan Real Estate to immediately pay the losses suffered by Xinyuan Service, including the deposit principal of 402 million yuan, the time deposit interest loss of 2443.82 million yuan and the cost of review and investigation, totaling about 430 million yuan. On November 15, Xinyuan Service, which has been suspended for one year, issued two announcements to update its resumption progress.

In addition, the related party transaction between Jinke Services and Jinke shares has also been a source of concern.

Jinke shares received the litigation materials from the Chongqing No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court on May 29, and learned that the plaintiff Jinke Service Sued Company and its holding subsidiaries’ case on loan contract disputes has been accepted by the court. Jinke shares are requested to immediately return the principal of the loan of Jinke Smart Service 1.50 billion yuan, the interest as of March 20, 2023 32.3327 million yuan and the interest from March 21 to the settlement date.

On August 13, Jinke Services announced that the relevant member companies of Jinke Shares will transfer their respective offset properties to Jinke Services as payment in lieu of the payables due from the continuing related party transaction. The amount involved is 20.40 million yuan, and the offset properties include 36 items, with a total valuation of 20.80 million yuan. Although the relevant member companies of Jinke Shares have transferred 36 offset properties to offset the payables of about 20.40 million yuan, the scale of debt offset is still relatively limited compared to the litigation amount of about 1.50 billion yuan.

At that time, Jinke Service proposed in the announcement that Jinke shares were currently facing a serious liquidity crisis, and therefore could not settle the payments due to the company in cash. In view of the relevant circumstances, the company had reduced the provision of property management services or non-owner value-added services to Jinke shares.

Industry: Establishing a regulatory system is the key to prevention

In recent years, the profitability of property enterprises has declined significantly, among which the clearing of risks such as related party transactions is the main reason. In this regard, the Middle Finger Research Institute analyzed that the real estate liquidity crisis has caused a large number of bad accounts receivable of property companies, which has greatly affected the level of profitability. For example, in 2022, the average value of accounts receivable and bills of listed companies in property services was 1.531 billion yuan, an increase of 36.45% year-on-year; some listed companies disclosed the accounts receivable from related companies, and the average value of this indicator was 173 million yuan, an increase of 63.21% year-on-year. With the expansion of the scale of accounts receivable, the turnover days of accounts receivable have slowed down significantly. In 2022, the bad debt provisions for accounts receivable accrued by property management companies have generally increased. Some companies have made a large amount of impairment against the accounts receivable of related real estate enterprises, which has a significant impact on their performance.

In fact, in the past two years, the real estate industry has been in a downward cycle, and many property companies have also been affected by the financial problems of real estate related parties. On the one hand, the financial independence of listed property companies has been questioned, and they are suspected of "blood transfusion" parent companies. On the other hand, a large number of related party transactions receivables cannot be collected.

In this regard, Yuan Chengjian believes that establishing a regulatory system for the use of property management fees in the property industry to ensure that project funds can be misappropriated at least is the key to preventing such incidents, and it is also a true system guarantee for owners to be responsible.

Beijing News reporter, Yuan Xiuli

Editor, Yang Juanjuan, Proofreader, Wang Xin

Global netizens are chasing "Celebration of More Than a Year" Chinese drama series overseas to attract fans again

1905 movie network news To say that the most popular and most discussed costume drama recently, it is undoubtedly "Qingyu Nian". As soon as the update day comes, all social platforms are swiped by "Qingyu Nian", and the broadcast charts are also leading the way. Even Bilibili’s TV series up owners are doing "Qingyu Nian" Amway commentary. As an ancient legendary drama of "big IP + powerful actors + fresh meat", "Qingyu Nian" has not only been widely discussed in China, but also set off a "Qingyu Nian fever" overseas.

At present, the drama has landed on the global video sharing website YouTube, the North American video platform Viki, ODK and other new media platforms, and has received high ratings. It is understood that TV stations in South Korea, Japan, North America and other regions will also broadcast the drama one after another.

"Qing Yu Nian" is a novel that was first published on the Chinese website of Qidian in 2007. It is an early work of platinum writer China Literature Limited, and it is also its famous work. The TV series "Qing Yu Nian" tells the story of Zhang Qing, a student majoring in literary history at a university, who is familiar with classical masterpieces. In order to make Professor Ye recognize his thesis proposition of analyzing ancient literary history with modern concepts, he further expounds the views he wants to express by writing novels. His novel mainly tells the story of Fan Xian, a young man with a mysterious life background. After various tests and tempering by his family, rivers and lakes, and temples, he writes an unusual life legend.


Screenshot of overseas video website YouTube


On the overseas video website YouTube channel, "Qingyu Nian" has been launched in Chinese, English, French, Spanish and other languages. In the YouTube community, the characters of Fan Xian, Qingdi, Lin Waner, Fan Sizhu, Princess, Second Prince, and Uncle Wuzhu have received hundreds of thousands of likes and thousands of comments.


The identity of Wuzhu has become the number one puzzle for global netizens


After "Qingyu Nian" was broadcast on the Rakuten Viki platform, it became the first Chinese follow-up drama broadcast at the same time, with an average user rating of 9.7 points (out of 10 points), and has been translated into 10 different languages, including English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, etc. Viki netizens have left touching full marks, from world view, plot character setting, to the interpretation of each character, just like the students who wrote the teacher’s review, long-winded and hearty.


"Celebration of the Year" is launched on the Rakuten Viki platform

As a peak in the online literary industry, as soon as the cast of "Celebration of More than a Year" is released, the book fans are already full of Chinese New Year. There are not only young actors with excellent audience connections: Zhang Ruoyun, Li Qin, Song Yi, Guo Qilin, Xiao Zhan; there are also a large number of seniors with extremely high national level: Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Yuan Quan, Li Xiaoran. The actors cover the three generations of old, middle and young people, and their appearance and acting skills coexist. The ups and downs of Machiavellian drama, the natural comedy, and many old actors bless the acting skills of Huadan fresh meat. This drama is not without reason.

The ending song of the play is sung by Xiao Zhan, who fascinated many overseas drama fans this summer. On the foreign website mydramalist, it has become the top-rated Chinese drama in all Asian dramas of the same period.


Mydramalist Rating

According to the data, among the overseas audience groups, women are still the main force of "Qingyu Nian" chasing dramas, accounting for about 60%; according to the age data, the circle of fans is relatively large, mainly young and middle-aged audiences aged 18-35. Unlike domestic data, overseas audiences over the age of 40 account for a significant majority, nearly 20%.


Age Proportion of Domestic Audience of "Qingyu Nian"

 Age Proportion of Overseas Audience for "Celebration of More Than a Year"


According to "Celebration of the Year"Overseas issuerLi Wenjuan, vice president of Century Youyou, introduced that the company established cooperation with Google’s YouTube in 2014 and opened more than 100 channels, involving more than 10 languages such as Chinese, English, Vietnamese, Arabic, Thai, Indonesian, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, etc. The number of subscribers has exceeded 8 million. In recent years, it has operated "Old Tavern", "Yunxi Biography", "Love · Chitose Adult’s First Love", "Rouge", "Little Separation" and other more than 500 high-quality Chinese dramas.

"Qingyu Nian" is firstly rooted in traditional Chinese culture, but it is also beyond traditional historical novels. It is a masterpiece that combines oriental classical charm and modern consciousness. It conforms to the aesthetics of overseas audiences, and at the same time promotes the traditional Chinese values and virtues of cherishing the beauty of the moment and not forgetting the original intention. This is the deep-seated challenge that Chinese dramas face when they go overseas. In addition to the global distribution, platform operation and overseas promotion of dramas, how to build a bridge of cultural exchanges between China and other countries and regions in the world is also the direction that film and television need to continue to work hard to go overseas.

Fuyang beverages sell well across the country

Yingzhou Evening News on April 2, located in Funan Economic Development Zone, Anhui Dayao Beverage Co., Ltd. production workshop assembly line is racing to make orders. At present, the workshop digital equipment accounts for more than 92%. It is reported that the beverage production project was landed in August 2021 and put into production in August 2022. The company currently produces Dayao guest juice soda, orange juice soda, and lychee flavor soda. The sales scope covers the whole country. Last year, the company achieved an output value of 230 million yuan. This year, the target output value is more than 300 million yuan, and the tax is expected to exceed 40 million yuan.

(All media reporter, Xu Dandan, photo)

Executives are being investigated one after another, and Evergrande is about to usher in the end?

Recently, Hengda news constantly, Hengda real estate was investigated, workout stranded, executives were investigated one by one… The disposal of Hengda issues by regulators is constantly up the ante, Hengda, and the ending is getting closer and closer.

Evergrande cannot issue new bills

On the evening of September 24, China Evergrande released a bombshell message: in view of the fact that Evergrande Real Estate Group is being investigated, the current situation cannot meet the eligibility for the issuance of new notes.

There are relevant provisions for the issuance of bills by real estate enterprises. Article 8 of the "Pilot Measures for the Administration of Overseas Issuance of Securities and Listing of Domestic Enterprises" stipulates that there are five circumstances under which overseas issuance and listing shall not be allowed.One of them is that domestic enterprises are being investigated according to law for suspected crimes or major violations of laws and regulations, and there is no clear conclusion yet.

The "Hengda Real Estate Group is under investigation" mentioned in the announcement was on August 16 this year. Hengda Real Estate announced that it had received the "Notice of Filing a Case" issued by the China Securities Supervision Commission. Due to the company’s suspected information disclosure violations, the China Securities Supervision Commission decided to file a case against Hengda Real Estate.

In fact, after being investigated, he immediately knew that new bills could not be issued, and the announcement was made now, perhaps out of consideration for the resumption of trading in Hengda Hong Kong shares on August 28.

In addition, new notes cannot be issuedThat is, there is no way to issue bonds and borrow money, which means that Hengda’s blood transfusion pipeline is blocked from the financing end, and it also means that overseas workouts may end in failure.

Previously, Hengda’s workout voting meeting was pushed back and forth until September 22, when it directly announced that the workout meeting would not be held because sales were not as expected.

In March this year, Evergrande announced a restructuring plan for its $19.149 billion foreign debt, offering three options to creditors.

First, replace the old debt 1:1 with the new note,new billThe duration is 10 to 12 years.

Second, convert to a 5-9 year termnew billConverted into a combination of Hengda Property, Hengda New Energy Vehicles, or equity-linked notes linked to Hengda’s listed shares.

And thirdly,A combination of the above two

That is to say, all three options require the issuance of new notes.

Now Hengda cannot issue new bills, financing channels are blocked, and workouts are also put on hold. It is clear that the Hengda issue has begun to close the net.

Many generals are being investigated

The first person to be taken away was Ke Peng, the former CEO of Evergrande Group. In January this year, he was taken away by the police for investigation because of his involvement in Hengda’s old reform in Shenzhen.

Shenzhen’s old renovation project was once regarded as Evergrande’s most important "ballast stone".

As early as 2016, Hengda’s financial report showed that it had 38 old renovation projects in Shenzhen, and the total value after all development would exceed 600 billion yuan. In 2019, Xia Haijun, then president of Hengda, once said that Hengda had 48 projects in Shenzhen, which was the largest developer of land reserves in Shenzhen, and the future income was unlimited. In 2020, Hengda’s financial report showed that Shenzhen accounted for 55 of the 104 old renovation projects laid out by Hengda.

But now it has been investigated, indicating that illegal activities may have been involved in the operation of these old renovation projects.

On September 16, Du Liang, general manager of Evergrande Wealth, and other suspected criminals were taken criminal coercive measures by Shenzhen public security. According to market news, the people arrested by Evergrande Wealth this time are all management.

Evergrande’s wealth is Xu Jiayin’s "money bag", which is used to provide financing for Evergrande’s own or related projects.

In August 2021, due to the difficulty of redemption, Evergrande announced that its financial products would stop selling to the outside world. According to the statistics of China Evergrande Group, from the initiation of financial products to the suspension of sales, the total amount of financing involved about RMB 92.10 billion yuan.

In September 2021, Evergrande’s wealth exploded, causing investors from all over the world to protect their rights. On September 10 of that year, Xu Jiayin publicly stated, "I can have nothing, but Evergrande’s wealth investors can’t have nothing. We must ensure that all maturing wealth products are repaid as soon as possible, not a penny less."

However, according to the "Internal Control Assessment and the Main Results of the Review of Certain Issues Raised by the Former Auditor" issued by Evergrande on August 24, 2023, as of December 31, 2022, Evergrande Wealth has not paid principal and interest of 34 billion yuan.

On August 31, Hengda Wealth once again issued a document saying that due to the lower than expected progress of asset disposal and the lack of asset disposal funds, it could not be redeemed for the month. From 8,000 yuan per month to 2,000 yuan per month, and then completely unable to redeem, in less than two years, Hengda Wealth’s cash flow has completely dried up.

Now it seems that Xu Jiayin’s lofty words at that time were nothing more than a delaying strategy, and now they cannot be repaid. Evergrande’s wealth may be suspected of crimes.

On September 21, Zhu Jialin, the former chairperson of Evergrande Life Insurance, was investigated.

Evergrande’s other purse is "Evergrande Life Insurance", which was fully taken over by Haigang Life Insurance, a newly established state-owned insurance company, due to serious insolvent.

In the heyday of Evergrande Life Insurance, it was responsible for "blood transfusion" for various businesses. Like Evergrande’s wealth routine, it sold high-yield universal insurance to attract the purchase of insurance products, and funneled the money to Evergrande’s real estate, automobile and other businesses through trusts and other means.

Hengda life is 2015 through the new Great Eastern Life Insurance changed its name, the total assets from 73.10 billion yuan in 2016 to 241.50 billion yuan in 2020, net profit has dropped from 1.243 billion yuan in 2017 to 333 million yuan in 2020, serious insolvent, the industry said its previous financial report may have problems, as the chairperson of Hengda life Zhu Jialin, may be involved.

On September 26, the latest news from Caixin English Network said that Xia Haijun, the former CEO of China Evergrande, and Pan Darong, the chief financial officer, have both been controlled or taken away.

Xia Haijun, the former president of Evergrande, is the most famous and responsible person in Evergrande besides Xu Jiayin, and is known as the "working emperor of the real estate industry".

Before Hengda’s thunder, the then president Xia Haijun immediately sold his holdings of Hengda dollar debt, cash 56.688 million dollars (about 360 million yuan), in 2021, Xia Haijun also successively reduced his holdings of Hengda property, Hengda Auto, Hengda RV Bao shares, a total of about 1.0155 billion Hong Kong dollars (about 827.20 million yuan).

In March 2022, Hengda Property was exposed 13.40 billion deposits were enforced, and with further investigation of the incident, the three executives involved, Xia Haijun, Pan Darong and Ke Peng, were asked to resign by the board of directors.

Xia Haijun has been the No. 2 figure in Evergrande for more than a decade. Major events in Evergrande’s development history are inseparable from Xia Haijun’s participation and decision-making, including Hengda’s financial management.

Xia Haijun and others were controlled by the relevant departments, which is a very obvious signal that the relevant departments have dealt with Evergrande, or have reached the stage of closing the net, even the executives who have left before cannot escape responsibility.

It’s hard to get back

With the "capable generals" around Boss Xu being caught one by one, Evergrande is not far from the finale.

Since Hengda’s explosion, the fire sale of Hengda’s shares, the "technical" divorce, and the filing for bankruptcy protection in the United States may pay for this series of "lying down" operations.

In the past six months, China Hengda has repeatedly disclosed that Hengda Real Estate is involved in major litigation and fails to pay off due debts. Among them, as of the end of July, Hengda Real Estate involves more than 30 million yuan in pending litigation, a total of 437.743 billion yuan in due and unpaid debts 2775.01 billion yuan, and a total of 207.50 billion yuan in overdue commercial tickets. Up to now, Hengda Real Estate has more than 600 information on the person subject to execution, and the total amount of execution exceeds 55.70 billion yuan. In addition, there are many restrictions on consumption orders, dishonest persons subject to execution (Lao Lai) and final case information.

Hengda since the second half of 2021 large-scale exposure to debt risk, nearly two years is still difficult to ease the pressure on funds, as of the end of June this year after excluding contractual liabilities of 1.78 trillion yuan, involving a large number of loans, payables, net assets negative 644.20 billion yuan. According to incomplete statistics, Hengda is currently involved in the country’s unfinished housing reached 1.60 million sets, which is behind 1.60 million families, close to 5 million people. The regulatory authorities left Xu boss time, or just to let him complete the task of "guaranteeing the building" as much as possible.Author | Wang Jian