The Red Boat, a major revolutionary historical TV series produced by the Central Radio and Television General Station, produced by the Television Drama Documentary Center of the General Station, and produced by China TV Drama Production Center Co., Ltd., has been officially launched in Hengdian Film and Television City recently. The drama will reproduce the historical process of the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s birth, development and growth from 1919 to 1928 in a panoramic way, and vividly interpret the connotation and value of the "Red Boat Spirit".
Launching ceremony of "Red Boat"
The TV series "Red Boat" is guided by the "Red Boat Spirit", which tells the story of Mao Zedong, Li Dazhao, Chen Duxiu and Zhou Enlai, and other proletarian revolutionary pioneers’ persistence, hard work and selfless dedication under arduous circumstances, focusing on the purity of communist party people’s initial heart, the truth of doctrine, the firmness of faith and the beauty of personality.
The whole play is ambitious, grand in structure, solid in play and true in historical facts, which shows the story of China and the strength of China, and artistically shows the historical inevitability of China’s road.
"Red Boat" stills
As the key repertoire of "A Tribute to the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC)", the TV series "Red Boat" interprets the historical logic and initial struggle of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in the past century from the original point, and its shooting and production has extraordinary historical significance and strong practical significance.
"Red Boat" stills
The production team of the play is strong, directed by Yeming Song, who has directed many masterpieces of major revolutionary historical themes such as Marshal Peng Dehuai and Diplomatic Fengyun. Young actors such as Wang Renjun and Xi Wang co-starred with powerful actors such as WangZhifei and Dong Yong, and powerful actors such as Yang Lixin and Ding Liuyuan joined in.
"Red Boat" stills
The main creators of the crew will uphold the spirit of artisans, adhere to the standards of profound thinking, exquisite art and excellent production, aim at high quality, high efficiency and high productivity, reproduce major historical events in a panoramic way with the artistic creation of the new era, stick to their original intentions, keep in mind their mission, take the promotion of the "Red Boat Spirit" as their own responsibility, and strive to hand over an answer that satisfies the audience.
"Red Boat" stills