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Huawei P7 Arsenal customized version released, mobile phone brand staged football carnival


What is the operation effect of parking service around the Road Campus of the Second Affiliated Medical College? The reporter "looks back"!

  On August 1st, Wenzhou Net News reported that parking service service was introduced to Xueyuan West Road in the urban area, hoping to rectify the traffic chaos in Xueyuan West Road by "solving the problem of marketization". This morning, the launching ceremony of parking service service around the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University will be held in Xueyuan Campus of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, which indicates the official start of parking service service there.

  The reporter learned that the parking service service around the Second Affiliated Hospital of College West Road and Eye Optometry Hospital has been put into trial operation for nearly a month. What was the effect during the trial operation? With this question, yesterday afternoon, the reporter once again came to Xueyuan West Road for a site visit.

  It takes only 30 seconds to complete the delivery and parking process.

  At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the reporter saw in Xueyuan West Road that six signs with the words "25 yuan in parking service in the Second Affiliated Hospital" had been set up in the west-east direction of the road section to remind the residents to choose the regular parking service. Right in front of a building in the Road Campus of the Second Affiliated Medical College is the parking service Service Area. More than 10 staff members wearing uniform red vests are providing parking service services to people who come to see a doctor. The reporter found that there were more than 160 parking services at this service point at this time. After on-site timing, the whole process takes only about 30 seconds from the time when citizens drive into parking service service area to the time when parking personnel complete the delivery.

  Zhou Chengwen is the on-site manager of parking service service point. According to him, after the citizens drive their cars to parking service service area, parking personnel will immediately come forward to give the owner a bracelet with the number and contact information marked on it. After the citizens have finished seeing a doctor, they can call the number on the bracelet to pick up the car, and the parking personnel will return the car with the corresponding bracelet after driving it back to the hospital.

  "At present, we keep 15-20 parking service staff at the scene every day. After the citizens hand over the car to the parking staff, we will park the car in the regular underground parking lot in the neighborhood near the hospital, and there will never be parking staff driving on the road or parking at random." According to Zhou Chengwen, at present, the parking service point receives 200-300 vehicles that need parking every day. Generally, it takes only 3 minutes to drive from the hospital to the parking lot, but it takes 6-7 minutes to get back from the parking lot without traffic jams. "Therefore, when the citizens pick up the car, we will explain and let them call 10-15 minutes in advance to reduce the waiting time for picking up the car." Zhou Chengwen said.

  The reporter learned that at present, from 9: 30 am to 10: 00 am every day, it is the peak period of the service point. During this period, there may be many people and few cars, but with the end of the summer vacation, this situation will be improved.

  There are still these problems to be solved at the scene.

  Because the current parking service is not only convenient, but also more affordable than before, it has been praised by many citizens. However, during the interview, the reporter also found that there are still many problems that need to be solved.

  The reporter found that at the intersection of Xueyuan West Road and Feixia Road, there were still several "parking service scalpers" standing in the middle of the road. In addition, the reporter also found several illegal parking service personnel on the west side of the Stomatological Hospital. According to relevant sources, since the Second Affiliated Hospital set up a regular parking service service, it has caused a lot of influence on these illegal parking service people. "At first, they stopped to collect 40 yuan, but since the introduction of a regular parking service service, their business has been difficult, but there are still several diehards on the roadside ‘ Leak ’ 。”

  According to the previous bidding scheme for the right to operate the driving parking service, in addition to setting up the parking service area in the Second Affiliated Hospital, parking service area should also be set up in the designated area of the optometry hospital opposite. However, the reporter found yesterday that the parking service service on this side of the optometry hospital has not yet been opened. According to relevant sources, the parking service on this side of the optometry hospital has not been opened yet, because the selection of parking areas by various departments has not yet reached a final result. "This side is different from the second affiliated doctor. At present, it is impossible to set up a U-shaped passage for parking and delivery. If the delivery point is set on the road, it will easily lead to congestion, so the parties are still discussing it." The person introduced.

  In addition, the reporter also found that a new isolation guardrail was set in front of the stomatological hospital, which made the separation of people and vehicles more clear, but with the setting of the guardrail, new problems appeared. A passer-by told reporters that there are two huge distribution boxes and mobile communication cable boxes on this sidewalk. Because these two "big guys" are very close to street lamps, the originally spacious sidewalk there has become particularly crowded. "There are already many pedestrians and electric cars on this road, and every time they go to this place, they will be blocked. I really can’t figure out why these two big boxes should be placed in such a small place." The citizen said.

  Source: Wenzhou Daily

  Original title: The parking problem of Xueyuan West Road in the urban area is still a long-standing problem after more than 20 years — —

  Parking service process is convenient and affordable, but there are still many problems to be solved urgently.

  Reporter Du Yichuan

Does the untrustworthy executor who shows off his wealth and owes himself 600,000 yuan on Tik Tok have any money?

  Cctv newsHe refused to perform the effective judgment but frequently flaunted his wealth in Tik Tok. He was hospitalized in the name of twins. After being found by the executive judge, he was removed from the hospital and escaped in the middle of the night. After being found under the bed at home, he tried to cut himself with a knife, claiming that he had no money, but there were many gold ornaments in the bedside table … …

  Recently, the People’s Court of Pudong New Area in Shanghai (hereinafter referred to as the Shanghai Pudong Court) executed a private loan dispute case with an iron fist, and imposed compulsory measures on the executed person Zhang for 15 days in judicial custody, and also transferred him to the public security organ for criminal responsibility for refusing to execute the judgment or ruling.

  Lost contact Lao Lai Tik Tok Xuanfu executive judge tracking

  Since July 2014, Zhang has repeatedly borrowed money from her friend Ms. Sun on the grounds of capital turnover needs, with a cumulative amount of 600,000 yuan, and issued a debit note to Ms. Sun. However, after the loan expired, no matter how urged by the other party, Zhang refused to pay back a penny. Ms. Sun had no choice but to appeal to the Shanghai Pudong Court and won the support.

  However, after the judgment came into effect, Zhang still failed to repay the loan, and Ms. Sun applied for enforcement. Zhao Lirui and Chen Zhe, the judges in charge, repeatedly notified Zhang to talk in court, but failed. They did not find any property clues under his name through the property inspection and control system, so they included him in the list of people who were executed in bad faith and issued a "height limit order".

  How to find Zhang has become a difficult problem for the executive judge. Until July 2019, according to the clues provided by Ms. Sun, Tik Tok’s last few "fancy show off wealth" videos caught Zhao Lirui’s attention. The publisher is a man named "Mirage". In the video, he basks in money and luxury cars for a while, just like a "rich man". The positioning display video was released in a hospital in Shanghai. Ms. Sun’s identification, this person is Zhang.

  According to the judge’s analysis, if the video is really recorded and released by Zhang, it obviously has sufficient performance ability. Although he avoids it, he may be found through the location on the video. At this time, it was 8 pm, and the executive judge decided to give up the rest time and go to the hospital to find out.

  Alias hospitalization is full of doubts. Face recognition distinguishes the truth.

  When I came to the inpatient department, the nurse said that there was no patient named Zhang in the hospital. The two judges didn’t give up, and they took their mobile phones one by one to verify. After visiting for a long time, someone finally recognized that the person in the video seems to be an inpatient in the west area on the fifth floor, but it is strange that his registered name is not Zhang.

  The judge quickly found the man and found that his appearance was very similar to that of Zhang, so he asked him to take out his ID card for verification. However, he said that he did not have the habit of carrying his ID card with him, and stressed that he was not Zhang, but his "twin" brother. According to the information held by the judge, although Zhang does have a brother, they are two or three years old and cannot be twins. The judge had a clever plan and asked him to call "Zhang" on the spot, but he said that he and his brother had not contacted for many years and did not know each other’s phone number.

  Coincidentally, the man just received a short message at this time, and the judge caught a glimpse of the message clearly written on the screen that the short message was the information of the change of Zhang’s provident fund account. In order to lock his identity, the judge immediately contacted the public security department to carry out joint execution, and the police quickly rushed to the scene with a face recognition instrument. The comparison results showed that this person was Zhang.

  Pulling out the tube overnight, trying to get away, panicking and hiding under the bed

  In the face of hard evidence, guilty Zhang began to refuse to answer all questions. The enforcement judge had intended to summon him to court to talk, but after communicating with the attending doctor, his body had not yet reached the discharge standard. For humanitarian reasons, the judge immediately gave an oral warning and issued an enforcement notice and a summons to let Zhang go to the court to explain the situation immediately after he recovered from hospital. However, Zhang, whose whereabouts were exposed, didn’t wait until his body recovered, so he hurriedly pulled out the instrument and needle and was discharged from the hospital overnight, and once again disappeared.

  With the deepening of the investigation, the executive judge also found new situations. According to Zhang’s marriage registration information, he had been married once before marrying his current wife Ni, and he was always married with his first wife. "This means that Zhang has formed a family with two women respectively, and both of them have registered their marriages. If one party sues, he may constitute bigamy and need to bear criminal responsibility." Chen Zhe said.

  According to the address record left by Zhang during his residence permit in Shanghai, the executive judge found the residence of Ni and went to find Zhang many times, and finally found him one night two months later.

  Hearing the intensive footsteps approaching in the corridor, Zhang, who was in a panic, had no way to escape, and even the lights were too late to turn off. He simply hid under the bed and was caught by the executive judge and the bailiff.

  Desperate, self-mutilation with a knife, criminal responsibility and consequences.

  Even so, Zhang was still unwilling. After climbing out of the bed, he quickly took out a fruit knife from his pocket and put it on his left wrist in an attempt to threaten to obstruct the execution. The judge immediately issued a solemn warning to him that if he intends to expand the situation by ending his life, he will only face more serious legal consequences. After nearly two hours of criticism and education, Zhang’s mood finally calmed down.

  Zhang, who frequently shows off his wealth on the Internet, claims that he is a poor man and really has no ability to pay back the money. However, the judge found several credit card machines at the scene. After checking the credit card records, he found that the amount of each transaction was not small, and there were many gold ornaments in the bedside table.

  It was already past 1: 00 in the morning, and the judge decided to bring Zhang back to talk, but he kept his mouth shut about his property and refused to repay the debts he owed. In view of his repeated refusal to appear in court without justifiable reasons, his ability to perform but his long-term refusal to perform the obligation of effective judgment, and his obstruction of execution in various ways, the court imposed compulsory measures on him in judicial custody for 15 days according to law, and transferred the case file materials to the public security organs to investigate his criminal responsibility for refusing to execute the judgment or ruling.

  A month later, in the Executive Board of Pudong District Court, Zhang Hailou met with Sun Mou, the applicant of this case, and the two sides reached an implementation settlement agreement. Zhang Hailou returned 10,000 yuan to Sun Mou, and the remaining loan will be repaid in stages after Zhang Hailou found a stable job.

Spring ploughing is busy, spring is strong, and the vitality of spring is everywhere in the motherland.

CCTV News:Spring ploughing is busy and spring is strong. Next, we follow the camera to feel the vitality of spring all over the country.

What we are seeing now is 25,000 mu of wheat managed by a grain and cotton planting cooperative in Wucheng County, Dezhou, Shandong Province. At present, wheat has entered the jointing stage. Local archives have been established for all the entrusted plots, and remote sensing satellites can be used to monitor the growth and diseases and pests of wheat 24 hours a day, patrol the fields online and offline, and customize scientific and accurate water and fertilizer management schemes for farmers. Wisdom empowerment, symptomatic application of drugs to help stabilize production and increase production.

Following the camera, we came to Pingli County, Ankang, Shaanxi Province, deep in the Qinba Mountains. Among the mountains, green tea gardens and golden rape flowers reflect each other, adding bright colors to spring. The villagers transferred land and participated in the production and management of tea gardens and the cultivation of high-quality rapeseed to increase income. At present, the tea garden in Pingli County covers an area of 200,000 mu, and the tea industry and eco-tourism are integrated and developed to promote rural revitalization.

This is Andaqiha Village, Qunke Town, Hualong Hui Autonomous County, Haidong, Qinghai. In the early spring, more than 1,700 acres of apricot blossoms spread out in front of the village and behind the house. Huahai tourism has made this village on the bank of the Yellow River a well-known flower viewing place in the local spring, attracting many tourists every year, and the villagers will also prepare accommodation, catering and various special agricultural products. The quietly flowing Yellow River, the vast distant mountains and beautiful villages constitute a refreshing picture.

Now we come to Xiaotaipingcun Formation next to Taiping Lake in Mile City, Honghe, Yunnan Province. Spring grass, spring water, spring flowers and mountains and rivers are fascinating. Just a few years ago, it was a rocky desertification barren hillside with typical karst landforms. Most of the land in the village is mountainous with large slope and thin soil layer. Since 2016, Xiaotaiping Village has become a well-known ecological livable village by strengthening the linkage among counties, townships and villages, guiding multiple subjects to participate in rural governance, completing thousands of acres of rocky desertification and barren land improvement, and concentrating on circulation to develop nurseries and tourism.

What you are seeing now is the Wumeng Prairie in Panzhou City, Liupanshui, Guizhou Province. The mountains are stacked, and 40,000 mu of wild plateau dwarf rhododendrons are in full bloom. The average elevation of Wumeng Prairie is 2,500 meters. The local area attaches great importance to the protection of Rhododendron hybridum in the plateau, prohibits cutting, digging and climbing, pays attention to fire prevention, and strictly limits the number of grazing. Some time ago, the snowfall made the soil moisture of this plateau grassland abundant, and the azaleas also bloomed more beautifully.

The most splendid Fireworks this year and Shunji Iwai’s aesthetic of mourning for things.

Poster of the Chinese version of the movie Fireworks


Special feature of 1905 film network Summer, swimming pool, bathrobe, fireworks, secret admirer … … All the beautiful things in the world seem to have stayed on that day.


On December 1st, an animated film adapted from Shunji Iwai’s work of the same name was opened in the mainland, and it only took 27.9619 million box office in one day. Although it still lags behind the one produced by Dongbao, it is still the best among Japanese animated films released this year compared with "Sword of God".


Story | Start with fireworks and end with fireworks.


This story begins with a question of teenagers: When viewed from the side, are fireworks round or flat? The two sides with different views argued, and finally they decided to go to the lighthouse at the fireworks meeting that night to find out.


Girls with different growth rates always have different worries from boys. Disgusted by her mother’s remarriage and about to transfer to another school, Cai Jinnai lay by the pool with her eyes closed.


Come to the swimming pool to be the official on duty. You Jie decided to compete in swimming and asked her to be the referee. Unexpectedly, Dian Dao hurt his foot in the game and lost the game. What he didn’t know was that his unrequited love for Cai Jinnai invited the winner Suksuke to watch the fireworks together in the evening.


However, you Jie, who is proud and shy, stood Cai Jinnai up for an agreement with his friends. Disappointed Cai Jinnai admitted that she had made up her mind to invite the winner of the two to watch the fireworks together. It’s just that Cai Jinnai thought Canon would win, and originally wanted to invite Canon. Her elopement plan also fell through in her mother’s obstruction.


The Taoist priest who witnessed all this suddenly thought: If he had won at that time, would the outcome be different? So, Canon road back to before the game.


This time he won, and Cai Jinnai invited him naturally, and then the boy and the girl embarked on an "elopement" trip with the ultimate goal of watching fireworks.


Theme | Why "Fireworks"?


Japanese writer Kotaro Isaka wrote in the book: "The primitive carefree feeling brought by fireworks washed away the fatigue and meaningless persistence of people in the place, and made everyone return to the most innocent childhood."


Stills of the movie "Golden Dream"


Fireworks are of special significance to the Japanese, but for young boys and girls, it is definitely the most important event at that age to meet with the people you like to watch fireworks together. At the moment when the fireworks are lit, time is like solidification. You can only see the dazzling fireworks overhead, and you can only think about the person around you at this moment.


Animated version of "Fireworks" Cai Jinnai and Diandao watch fireworks together.


Jinnai, a Chinese dish in the animated version, achieved something that was never done in the live-action version: watching fireworks with Canon Road. Then she said, "It doesn’t matter whether the fireworks are round or flat, as long as they are with Dian Daojun." Although the two versions have their own treatment on whether they watched the fireworks together, doesn’t this sentence in the animated version echo the "wherever you like" said by Cai Jinnai, who chose not to watch the fireworks in the live-action version?


The live-action version of "Fireworks" dish Jinnai doesn’t care about watching fireworks, just wants to be with Canon Road.


As Cai Jinnai said, whether the fireworks are round or flat is no longer important, nor is it important to watch the fireworks, because the fireworks themselves are just a cover. Through this cover, the teenagers frankly shouted out the names of the people they secretly loved, and the ignorant teenagers and precocious girls finally reached a spiritual interweaving and resonance.


You Jie, who has a crush on you, feels depressed after seeing Diandao "escape" with the girl, and expresses his feelings to the sky. The infected boys shout out the names of the people they like.


Creation | Shunji Iwai and the Tragic Aesthetics in Fireworks


The animated version of Fireworks is directed by animation director Akiyuki Shinbo (Story Series, Lion in March) and directed by Hitoshi Ohne (), and is based on Shunji Iwai’s original work.


The film can be said to be the ultimate work of Shunji Iwai’s tragic aesthetic view.


If you were to talk about the style of Shunji Iwai’s works, how would you describe it? Beautiful, pure, cruel and sad … … Then, summarizing these with Japanese traditional aesthetics is probably "the beauty of mourning." Shunji Iwai’s aesthetic feeling of mourning for things first appeared in the TV short film Fireworks, and it was continued in the animated version.


The film has always been Shunji Iwai’s gentle and delicate.

See food jin nai was taken away, Canon heart very regret.


A slow motion used to depict the inner emotional changes of boys,

The silhouette of teenagers reflects Cai Jinnai’s concern for canon.


The profile shows that the girl secretly observes the reflection and silhouette of the boy in the water.


The train bound for the seaside gives a sense of unreality.


Explain the scene change, render the empty shot of the atmosphere,


Canon peeks at food, Jinnai.


The close-up of the subtle expressions of the protagonists, these shooting techniques together constitute the inner world of the protagonists, which also depicts the youthful and ignorant love between boys and girls.


Canon changed the past four times, creating parallel time and space.


In the story, Akiyuki Shinbo expanded the two endings in Shunji Iwai’s original work, which were divided into "winning or losing the swimming competition", and the regretful hero changed the past four times. The director painted the textured pictures and the strange shapes of fireworks with pencils, so that the audience and the hero and heroine in the story can know that their world is not the real world, but the parallel time and space created by boys.


Parallel worlds, like fireworks, will eventually turn into nothingness after a short period of beauty. In reality, Canon Road and Caijinnai have never had such an intersection, and will soon separate the two places, but their hearts will be filled with such a common memory.


Fireworks will fade away, youth will grow old, and when everything is gone, only the memory of you by my side will last forever.

Avatar 2: the first choice for parent-child viewing on New Year’s Day, with special effects far exceeding Marvel superhero blockbusters.

On December 30th, Avatar: The Way of Water (hereinafter referred to as Avatar 2) exceeded $1.1 billion at the global box office. The film is not only a stunning blockbuster with extraordinary visual effects, but also a family film suitable for parent-child viewing.

The line "Children are our weakness and our armor" has aroused the emotional resonance of countless audiences. In the upcoming New Year’s Day holiday, Avatar 2 will still be the first choice for the audience in major movie markets around the world, including China.

As a super 3D visual blockbuster that James Cameron led the team for thirteen years, Avatar 2 is undoubtedly the biggest attraction to attract the audience with its highly realistic visual effects and amazing imagination.

The Pandora planet in the film not only has the fantastic deep forest, strange mountains and rocks, exotic animals and strange-looking Nami in the first film, but also has a magnificent and thrilling underwater world, magical marine life, giant Tukun and winged sea snakes, which obediently become the mount for Nami on the island reef to swim in the ocean.

Whether it’s the forest or the ocean, the mountain or the island reef on Pandora, the expressions or actions of people and animals, the skin or the hair are vivid and subtle, giving people a strong sense of reality that they are immersive and close at hand.

Near the end of the film, Colonel Miles Quaritch leads the earth people to kill Tukun in the ocean and kidnap Jack’s children as hostages. With the help of Nami on the island reef, Jack and his wife fight to the death, and the scene is particularly intense and wonderful.

Judging from the stunning 3D visual effects production level of the whole film, personally, it is far superior to Marvel Comics and DC superhero blockbusters, which undoubtedly represents the highest film industry level in Hollywood and even the world.

Earlier, Cameron criticized Marvel Comics and DC’s movies more than once, saying that Thanos’s motion capture performance in "The Avengers" series was poor. After watching Avatar 2, I found that this is not Cameron’s arrogance, but the fact is true.

Such a top-level visual special effects presentation comes from Cameron’s rich imagination, creative concept of Excellence, investment in shooting and production, and courage to explore and try advanced film technology.

According to media reports, when filming Avatar 2, Cameron moved a huge water tank with a capacity of 900,000 gallons into the studio to simulate the marine environment and truly present the underwater scene. He also developed a motion capture system for underwater shooting and designed and produced underwater 3D shooting equipment.

Although the plot of Avatar 2 is an old routine of Hollywood commercial blockbusters, and there are some logical problems, it shows a strong concept of family affection, and the golden lines about it are impressive, which has aroused the emotional resonance of countless audiences.

Colonel Miles Quaritch, the villain in the film, kidnapped Jack and his wife’s children three times to coerce and force them to submit. Even when the earth people who drive fishing boats hunt Tukun, they also take this despicable means to kill the pregnant Tukun mother.

I have to say,These earthlings are really bad, and they know that "children are the soft underbelly" is not only applicable to animals like humans and Tukun, but also beyond national boundaries and planetary boundaries.

At the end, the child rescued his parents from the underwater shipwreck, so the hero Jack said with emotion, "Children are our weakness and our armor." This Chinese translation line is ingeniously borrowed, which can be called an ingenious translation, and has aroused the emotional resonance of thousands of audiences in Qian Qian.

In addition, "the family will be together!" Other lines about family and affection in films such as "Being a father means protecting your family" also left a deep impression on the audience.

These plots and lines make Avatar 2 not only a stunning blockbuster with extraordinary visual effects, but also a family film suitable for the whole family, and it is the first choice for parents and children to watch movies during the New Year holiday.

According to the Guangzhou Daily reported on December 27th, the proportion of family viewing and parent-child viewing in the audience group of Avatar 2 continued to increase, and "giving children a valuable growing memory" was recognized by many parents and audiences.

Since Avatar 2 was released in the world’s major film markets on December 16th, its global box office of 434.5 million dollars in the first weekend, although it was lower than expected before the release, it still set a new box office record for James Cameron’s films in the same period.

Since then, the box office trend of the film is similar to Titanic and Avatar directed by Cameron, showing strong stamina and being another long-distance runner in the global film market.

According to foreign media reports, Disney, the producer of Avatar 2, predicts that the North American box office of the film is expected to be close to 400 million US dollars by the end of 2022, while the cumulative box office of Avatar in North America at the end of 2009 was 352 million US dollars.

On December 28th, the global box office of Avatar 2 exceeded US$ 1 billion, which was not only faster than that of North America, but also faster than some movie market observers predicted.

For this reason, the New Year’s Day holiday will be a good time for the parents of "Yangkang" in China to take their "soft spots" and go into the cinema to watch Avatar 2. Don’t miss the remaining 20 days.

Entertainment Talk Show | Constant Romance

Not surprisingly, the footage of "New Longmen Inn" starring Chen Lijun and Li Yunxiao didn’t appear on social media for long, and the two stars began to explode. From then on, because these actors will go to Hangzhou again in the future, there is probably one more reason, such as watching the new national style environmental Shaoxing opera "Xinlongmen Inn", and also watching Chen Lijun’s "Jade-faced Husband" Jia Ting and Li Yunxiao’s gold inlaid jade.

The play "Xinlongmen Inn" was produced by Zhejiang Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe led by Mao Weitao, a famous Yue Opera performer. It became popular not long after it was staged, and it has been sold out so far. Unexpectedly, it is also reasonable. Surprisingly, the whole drama is full of young actors, acting the plots of the famous movies Longmen Inn and Xinlongmen Inn, and these two movies, one from the famous director Hu Jinquan, the other from Li Huimin and Tsui Hark, starring Brigitte Lin and Maggie Cheung, that is to say, it has lacked freshness in all aspects, and the previous one is an insurmountable peak, no.

Many people think that both the version of the Yue Opera "Xinlongmen Inn" and the images of Chen Lijun and Li Yunxiao are imitating the Baozang Song and Dance Troupe, but in fact, as long as you know a little about Yue Opera, it is not difficult to know that such a stage expression is derived from the old tradition of Yue Opera.

Poetry and Politics: Women’s Yue Opera in Shanghai’s Public Culture in the 20th Century, written by Jiang Jin, is a book I like very much. This book combs the history of Yue Opera, introduces important actors and plays, and examines the history of Yue Opera from the perspectives of gender, politics, the game between popular culture and elite culture.

Yue Opera was born in Shengzhou. From the beginning of "Xiaoge Class", it constantly improved its performance form and gained a firm foothold in Shanghai. At the same time, a fundamental change has taken place. It gradually changed from an all-male class to an all-female class. The reasons for becoming an all-female class are complicated. From the performance ability of men and women, the actresses at that time were more devoted and more capable, because it was very difficult for them to get out of the mountains and get a job opportunity, so most of them worked very hard. Moreover, the joys and sorrows in the story often linked with their own experiences and touched their hearts. They were particularly devoted to their performances, and they really laughed if they wanted to, and they really shed tears if they wanted to. This will more resonate with the audience.

From a cultural point of view, people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces have a very rich secular life and developed secular culture, forming a kind of "emotional culture", which pays attention to personal life and true feelings. Yue opera is the concentrated expression of "love culture", and it is highly consistent on stage and off stage. While expressing feelings on the stage and telling love stories between the opposite sex, it is difficult to grasp the scale of male and female actors and actresses, and the actors are embarrassed, and the audience under the stage is also embarrassed. Only female CP will not make people uncomfortable at all. From the audience’s point of view, the audience of Yue Opera has gradually become dominated by women, further affecting its form.

In fact, the expression of this kind of "popular drama" and the core of "emotional culture" have been continued in Chinese film and television. From today’s perspective and referring to the drama tradition in Jiangnan area, it is not difficult to see that it is a cinematic "drama", which is full of "drama" from the core to the expression. It even gradually extended to a huge genre, shaping the creation and acceptance of later generations. Many ancient dolls, many Xian Xia, or stories like Dream of China may all fall under a big category: drama. The drama in the south of the Yangtze River is their not-so-distant source.

In the history of Yue Opera, the most important turning points and practices are all related to these factors. For example, the reform of Yue Opera in Yao Shuijuan and Yuan Xuefen, as well as their own theaters and schools for Yue Opera, all have a strong gender color, especially the enthusiasm for building theaters and schools, which can be understood from the perspective of women’s psychology-women like to build their own nests. There is also the interaction between Shaoxing opera actresses and female audiences, and even female audiences set up various fan organizations for idols, in this way to expand social interaction and exercise their social participation ability. This is actually very similar to today’s fan organizations.

A history of ups and downs of Yue Opera is actually a history of women, a romantic history belonging to women. Judging from this history, from "Xiaogeban" to the popularity of Chen Lijun and Li Yunxiao, some things in the deepest part of human nature have never changed, or even changed, they have become very slow. They always appear in the same or similar appearance in different times. This is a little reassuring.


Bai Yansong: Are soccer and soccer the same sport in China?

On July 19th, Bai Yansong paid attention to the "football road, how should China go?" in CCTV’s "News 1+1" program. Among them, the golden sentence is constant. Some words may sound a little harsh, but we can understand the helplessness of many experienced fans who can only have fun in the midst of years of pursuing love and constant loss. The so-called "love is deep and responsibility is urgent".

Let’s listen to what Yansong said ~

"I don’t want to talk about China football and everyone laughs."

When it comes to football in China, everyone will be happy and tell many jokes. In fact, I don’t want everyone to laugh when talking about China football, but China football has tortured fans for so many years, and I think we have some capital to laugh now. What can we do if we don’t smile?

But we really don’t want to laugh. We really want China football to develop better. But how to develop?

"How can China football develop without a stadium and a good coach?"

There is a survey: What do you think is the most important thing for China football to be strong? I think two figures are too low: 3% people choose.Build more stadiums, and 3% of people choose.Training of grass-roots coachesThis ratio is too low.

Let’s take a look at the goal of China Football Association: to expand the training scale of coaches year by year. By 2020, the total number of certified coaches in China will reach 70,000. Note that it is to strive to achieve it by 2020, which is quite different from the fact that 100 children in Iceland may have a good coach to take care of them.

There are also people who study football in China now, but after graduating in four years, they can’t get a certificate, and then they may be assigned to a school and stop teaching football and become ordinary physical education teachers.

Without a stadium and a good coach, it is almost impossible to make football in China the same sport as football.

"Playing football well has nothing to do with the population."

I often hear people in China say that 1.4 billion people can’t find 11 players. The four most populous countries in the world rank first in China, second in India, third in the United States and fourth in Indonesia. Except for the United States, which often enters the World Cup, the remaining three countries are not good at playing football, so it has nothing to do with the population.

What does that have to do with anything? CCTV 5, the sports channel, made a 20-episode feature film called Football Road before the World Cup. Frankly speaking, after the World Cup, I watched it again, and I saw that my blood was boiling and I often became very quiet. How about football in China? Is China football and football a sport after all, and how can they become the same sport?

"The goal of the national team competition in 2018 has almost not been completed."

Next, let’s look at the goals of the national team. The Chinese Football Association’s Action Plan for 2020 has drawn up three goals for the national team in 2018:

The goal of FIFA U20 World Cup was to strive to participate, but I didn’t go.;

FIFA U17′ s goal was to compete, but it didn’t go.;

The goal of U23 Asian Championship was to enter the top eight, but failed.!

In other words, the goal of the 2018 competition was almost not completed. The goal of the 2019 competition is to enter the top four of the Asian Cup. Can it be completed? Frankly, I’m not optimistic.

"We don’t want to be people who tell jokes about China football."

I really hope that all football players in China can take a good look at the 20 episodes of Football Road on Sports Channel. After reading it, we will all be the beneficiaries. We don’t want to be people who tell jokes about football in China. Frankly speaking, how lively the World Cup is, we are just passers-by, just a group of spectators. Only when China football is really well done and China football and football become the same sport, will we be really happy.

Want to see more suggestions from Bai Yansong about the development of football in China, click to watch the full video ↓↓↓

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College athletes, why do you do this!

Starting from July 28th, the 31st Summer Universiade held in Chengdu has become a stage attracting worldwide attention. More than 6,500 college athletes from 113 countries and regions around the world took dreams as horses, sweated and launched fierce competitive competitions on the field covering 18 major events and 269 minor events.

On the evening of July 28th, the opening ceremony of the 31st Summer Universiade was held in Chengdu, Sichuan. China university student sports delegation enters the stadium. Photography/Our reporter Han Haidan

The China University Sports Delegation sent 411 university athletes from more than 100 universities in 25 provinces and municipalities across the country to participate in the competition. Most of them participated in the Universiade for the first time, including Olympic champions such as Zhang Yufei and Zou Jingyuan, and Qin Haiyang who just won four gold medals and broke the world record at the World Swimming Championships.

China university athletes participating in the Universiade should not only complete the task and win the championship, but also show the spirit of China university students in the new era and the development achievements of university students’ sports, and become the messengers of Chinese and foreign exchanges through sports.

Before the founding of New China, the birthplace and development of modern competitive sports were in universities, and schools were veritable "cradles" of modern competitive sports. In the long history of more than 100 years, the development of college students’ sports in China has always made great progress despite the wind and rain.

During the development of sports in China, the measure of "separating sports from education" once made almost all professional athletes participate in the Universiade in a certain period of time. With the return of the ideological trend of "integration of sports and education" and its continuous advocacy, the concept of "Little Olympics" in the Universiade has gradually faded, and the pursuit of competitive achievements is no longer regarded as the whole of participating in the Universiade, and the Universiade has truly returned to college students.

The synchronous development of education, humanities, study and physical training is paid more attention by the whole society, which has a profound impact on the changes of Chinese people’s concepts and policies and the future trend of the development of college students’ physical education in China.

Early athletes were all college students.

Since most modern competitive sports originated from the West, from the end of 19th century to the beginning of 20th century, missionary schools and YMCA brought most sports, equipment, teaching methods and competition methods to China. After spreading, competitive sports developed in China mainly in the form of school sports. At that time, the outstanding players and coaches in various sports were basically students and young teachers.

For example, in 1895, the first director-general of the Tianjin YMCA disembarked from Tianjin and brought basketball from abroad. After the Dongmalu Club of the Tianjin YMCA, the first indoor basketball court in China was set up in 1914. Basketball first became popular in missionary schools, and then it became popular in major schools in Tianjin.

In the 1920s, Dong Shouyi, the "father of basketball in China", worked as a physical education teacher in Tianjin Nankai School. Dong Shouyi, who was obsessed with basketball, was in charge of training the basketball team and trained Tang Baokun, Li Guochen, Liu Jianchang, Wang Xiliang and Wei Pengyun. The Nankai school team, with the "Five Tiger Generals" as its team, has successively defeated Shanghai Hujiang University, the United States Navy Team and the University of St. Thomas in the Philippines in a series of competitions, making it famous in the Far East.

Dong Shouyi wrote China’s first basketball monograph, The Latest Basketball, and was elected as a member of the International Olympic Committee in 1947. He believes that the purpose of sports competition can not only focus on the generation of achievements and records, but also on technology. Instead, teachers and students can get physical and mental health from sports by participating in sports, participating in sports, feeling the good atmosphere brought by sports, and gaining aesthetic feeling and spirit through sports competition.

Liu Changchun, the first athlete in China to officially participate in the Olympic Games, just graduated from the Physical Education Department of Northeastern University in 1932 and participated in the Los Angeles Olympic Games. Liu Changchun’s coach, Song Junfu, then the head of the physical education department of Northeastern University, studied physics in the United States, and then studied in the physical education department of Springfield College, the birthplace of basketball. After returning to China, he served as the head of the physical education department and professor of Shanghai Hujiang University, Northeastern University, Shandong University and Sichuan University.

On August 5th, 2008, in Dalian, Liaoning Province, the hometown of China’s "first Olympic man" Liu Changchun, a bronze sculpture of Liu Changchun, 3.8m high, 4.5m long, 1.5m wide and weighing 2 tons, was unveiled in the Olympic Square to meet the public. Figure/Zhongxin

Mao Zhenming, the first dean of the School of Physical Education and Sports of Beijing Normal University and the chairman of the National School Sports League (teaching reform), once said: "The athletes at that time were actually college students. They represented the highest competitive level in the country and were all qualified college students."

After the founding of New China, the Party and the state attached great importance to school sports. In October 1949, the central people’s government put forward "new physical education". At this time, the main task of college physical education was to popularize and stimulate all students’ interest in sports. In the early 1950s, China’s university sports policy was mainly aimed at students’ physical health and personal hygiene. The state advocated popularizing sports in universities, emphasizing health promotion and developing good living habits. In 1954, the former State Sports Commission issued the Joint Instruction on Developing Mass Sports in Secondary and Higher Schools, which pointed out the direction for the development of college physical education and became the dominant idea for the development of school physical education at that time.

Liu Bo, director of the Sports Department of Tsinghua University, told China Newsweek that in the 1960s, the state adjusted the management mechanism of sports and education, so that the sports system and the education system operated separately. "Among them, the part of competitive sports, including the training and selection of athletes, as well as the organization and management of competitive sports competitions, is the responsibility of the State Sports Commission and local sports commissions at all levels. The sports system mainly relies on sports schools and colleges at all levels around the country, and is responsible for cultivating competitive sports talents. The development of competitive sports in ordinary colleges and universities has not been included in the national administrative plan, and has gradually separated from the national competitive sports system. "

Therefore, for a long time, the focus of college physical education stayed at the stage of advocating the popularization of physical education on campus.

In 1970s, China gradually returned to the international sports arena. In 1975, the establishment of China University Sports Association became a major landmark event. In the same year, China Sports Association joined the World University Sports Federation, four years before China returned to the International Olympic Committee. In 1977, the China Sports Association set up a delegation for the first time to participate in the World University Games held in Sofia, the Bulgarian capital, seven years before China played in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games.

Walter WANG, the late former vice chairman of the Major Sports Association, once recalled to the media: "Since its establishment, the China University Sports Association was still managed by the then State Sports Commission. By the early 1980s, the domestic affairs of China Major Sports Association, such as the holding of domestic college students’ competitions, began to be handed over from the State Sports Commission to the State Education Commission, but the international affairs, such as teaming up for the World University Games, were postponed for nearly twenty years. "

This had its special historical background at that time. At the end of 1970s, China’s sports circle had just returned to the international sports world, and the national team athletes in various sports lacked international competition experience, and the Universiade, known as the "Little Olympics", was a rare opportunity to compete.

At the Universiade in 1977, Sun Jinfang, the former captain of the China women’s volleyball team who won five consecutive championships, was 22 years old and was a player of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education. Sun Jinfang once recalled: "At that time, there were few opportunities for the national team to go out to participate in the Games, and the Universiade was our first time to participate in the World Comprehensive Games. We have never met sports teams from so many countries before, especially the Cuban team. At that time, they were the’ dream team’ of women’s volleyball. We have been looking forward to it for a long time, and finally the Universiade provided an opportunity for us to communicate with them face to face. "

China Women’s Volleyball Team won the silver medal at the 1977 Universiade, which was generally regarded as the starting point of China Women’s Volleyball Team’s "five consecutive championships".

"At that time, the Universiade did have the saying of’ Little Olympics’ in China sports." Zou Zhenxian, a famous triple jumper from China who participated in Sofia in 1977 and Bucharest Universiade in 1981, told China Newsweek. "At that time, the track and field competitions were the highest in the world, that is, the Olympic Games, the track and field World Cup and the Universiade."

In both competitions, Zou Zhenxian was a player of Beijing Institute of Physical Education (now Beijing Sport University). It won the gold medal at the Universiade in 1981 with a score of 17.32 meters, setting a record for the triple jump at the Universiade, which was also the first track and field gold medal won by China athletes at the World Universiade.

Little known is that in 1981, Lang Ping, Li Ning and other China athletes participated in the 1981 Universiade in Bucharest. Lang Ping led the China women’s volleyball team to win the championship, while Li Ning won three gold medals in gymnastics.

Left: The track and field team of China University Student Sports Delegation took a group photo at the 1977 Universiade, and the fifth on the left is Zou Zhenxian. Chinese: Zou Zhenxian’s entry permit for the 1977 Universiade. Right: Zou Zhenxian’s entry permit for the 1981 Universiade. Figure/provided by respondents

"Integration of sports and education" breeds fruitful results

In 1980s, China ushered in the tide of reform and opening up, and gradually transformed into a market economy system. At the same time, the sports system and the education system have exposed a series of problems.

Among them, the outstanding problems are: the athletes in the sports system have only received sports training for a long time, and there is a lack of cultural education, which has left the impression of low cultural level to the outside world. In addition, it is also because many athletes only receive physical training for a long time. If they fail to win the national championship and world championship, they often have a "pain point" of single survival skills after retirement, which causes social concern and controversy at the level of employment placement.

Affected by this, if children’s sports talent is extremely outstanding since childhood, more and more parents no longer want their children to become athletes in terms of concept and consciousness, but prefer their children to receive academic education.

Furthermore, the old "training system of sports schools, provincial teams and national teams" in China sports system has been gradually shaken. Among them, some grass-roots sports schools began to find it difficult to recruit students year after year, which posed a challenge to the talent transfer of competitive sports in China.

In view of this situation, the former State Education Commission and the former State Sports Commission first appeared the trend of "integration of sports and education" (originally called the combination of sports and education or the combination of sports and education). At that time, the state advocated that colleges and universities could devote 1% of their annual budget to the construction of high-level sports teams, and the enrollment scale of sports teams in colleges and universities would not exceed 1% of the total undergraduate enrollment plan in the previous year. This is the initial exploration of the integration of sports and education in that era.

On December 27th, 1985, the former State Education Commission and the former State Sports Commission jointly held the "National Symposium on Amateur Sports Training for School Students" in Yexian County, Shandong Province, and the meeting formulated the "Plan for Developing Amateur Sports Training in Schools and Improving Sports Technical Level (1986-2000)" (hereinafter referred to as "Plan").

On the basis of the publication of the Plan, the former State Education Commission successively promulgated the Notice on Recruiting High-level Athletes in Some Ordinary Colleges and Universities in 1987 and the Administrative Measures on Training High-level Athletes in Pilot Colleges and Universities, and selected 51 colleges and universities to be allowed to start independently recruiting sports talents and set up high-level sports teams to undertake the function of helping the development of competitive sports in China.

However, at this time, the training of college sports special students is limited in capital and resources, and it is in the initial "exploration stage", and the competitive level of college sports can not support them to participate in world competitions and complete their tasks. As mentioned by Wang Gang earlier, the Universiade was still an important "training stage" in the sports system in the 1980s and 1990s, so the right to select athletes was still in the hands of the State Sports Commission (renamed the State Sports General Administration in 1998).

In 2001, the Universiade came to Beijing. As Beijing has just successfully applied for the 2008 Olympic Games, the sports system almost sent all the top athletes to play, reaching the peak of scale. At that time, the sports system regarded this Universiade as a preview of the Beijing Olympic Games, whether it was the organization of events or the results of competitions. Among them, the China University Basketball Team, led by Yao Ming, Wang Zhizhi and Bater, defeated the American University Basketball Team for the first time in history; 18-year-old Liu Xiang won his first career 110m hurdles world championship in 13.33 seconds. Li Na won three gold medals in tennis. In the end, the China university student delegation ranked first in the medal list with 54 gold medals, 25 silver medals and 24 bronze medals.

In the final of the 2001 Universiade, the China college students’ men’s basketball team lost to the Yugoslav college students’ team and missed the gold medal. Figure/Zhongxin

After the 2001 Beijing Universiade, the State Sports General Administration handed over the international affairs of major sports associations to the Ministry of Education in accordance with the relevant spirit. Since then, China Sports Association can independently send college students to participate in the Universiade. It was also from the 2001 Beijing Universiade that the concept of combining sports with education was more widely advocated in the domestic sports and education circles.

Walter WANG once recalled: "The institutional reform in the State Council, which began around 2000, made the division of functions between government departments clearer, and the student sports work further returned to the education department. However, this institutional reform is only an opportunity. More importantly, at that time, the sports level of college students in China has developed to a certain stage, and we have been able to participate in the activities of the Universiade. "

In the decade from 1990s to the beginning of 21st century, with the further reform and opening up of China society, the development of college students’ sports can be described as vigorous. The scale of colleges and universities with high-level athletes’ enrollment qualifications continued to expand, and in 2006 it was expanded to 235.

Tsinghua University, who has always attached importance to physical education since before liberation, has made great achievements in building high-level sports teams in domestic universities. Tsinghua University ranks first in the country in terms of enrollment items, the number of students and the diversity of team building modes.

Liu Bo introduced that as early as 1954, under the initiative of President Jiang Nanxiang (who once put forward the slogan: Work for the health of the motherland for 50 years), many sports teams in Tsinghua University were established, including track and field, skills, football, basketball and volleyball. After the policy of "Planning" was issued in 1987, Tsinghua University gradually resumed the establishment of college students’ teams in various sports, and also tried to build a dual-degree training system with Beijing Institute of Physical Education (now Beijing Sport University). In the late 1990s, Tsinghua University successively set up diving teams and shooting teams, and jointly established them with the swimming center and shooting and archery center of the State Sports General Administration.

Other colleges and universities outside Tsinghua University have also developed their own special sports. For example, Peking University has built a mountaineering team "Eagle Club", Beijing Institute of Technology has developed a football team, and Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Fudan University have established volleyball teams, all of which are models for the construction of college sports teams in China.

The establishment of national college sports leagues has further stimulated the development of high-level sports teams in colleges and universities in China. 1998 was the "first year" of the establishment of China University Basketball League (CUBA). Tsinghua University, Peking University, Huaqiao University, Taiyuan University of Technology, Guangdong University of Technology, Zhejiang University and Xiamen University all regard basketball as a "power point" and make the basketball team a "business card" with high recognition.

In the summer of 2003, China participated in the Daegu Universiade, which was the first time that athletes were selected by the China Sports Association, which was in charge of the Ministry of Education. In the current competition, the China University Student Sports Delegation has generally realized that it is mainly college students. In many sports teams, college students from non-professional athletes account for a considerable proportion. The China University Football Team, which is composed of players from Beijing Institute of Technology, is the first time to be composed of a pure university campus student army. It once caused a sensation by defeating Brazil.

By the 2005 Izmir Universiade, Hu Kai, a student from Tsinghua University, won the men’s 100-meter championship and caused a sensation throughout the country, which became a "milestone event" in the history of college sports in China.

On August 21st, 2008, in the men’s 4×100 relay race of the Beijing Olympic Games, Hu Kai, a student from Tsinghua University, played for China and ran for 39.13 seconds to advance to the final. Photography/Our reporter Sheng Jiapeng

Hu Kai, currently the deputy director of the Sports Department of Tsinghua University, was admitted to Tsinghua University as a high-level athlete in the summer of 2001. After entering the school, he paid attention to both study and training, and his competitive ability was not inferior to that of professional athletes. Hu Kai participated in the national track and field championship and grand prix finals in 2004, winning the 100m and 200m championships. In the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Hu Kai was successfully selected for the national team and participated in the 100m and 4×100 relay races on behalf of the national team.

Hu Kai’s success proves that it is completely feasible to train high-level athletes on campus. After that, more and more outstanding sports talents in China were born from the campus, which became an important achievement of the integration of sports and education in China.

At present, whether the national sports events such as the College Basketball League are booming or more students like Hu Kai are selected into the national team, to a great extent, it has promoted the sports cause of colleges and universities in China to a higher standard. Because, compared with campus sports in developed countries such as the United States, the industry will find that college sports in the United States can completely represent the competitive sports level of the whole country, and the growth process of athletes has not been divorced from the normal education system.

An outstanding advantage of American college physical education is its commercial operation ability. According to the financial report statistics of NCAA, in 2021, the total income of college sports in the United States exceeded $1.1 billion, and nearly 90% of the income came from the broadcast of the "Crazy March" basketball game (every March, the NCAA entered the most intense single-game elimination stage). In 2010, NCAA signed a 14-year, 10.8-billion-dollar contract with broadcasters such as CBS. American college sports are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is expected to continue to be favored by broadcasters in the form of long-term contracts after the contract expires in 2024.

The vast majority of these commercial income is to continuously feed back colleges and universities. For example, the well-known "Pacific Twelve Schools Alliance" in the United States, among which the famous universities such as UCLA and Stanford University have an average annual competitive sports fund of tens of millions of dollars. The school uses this generous fund to recruit the best students in the United States, pay sports scholarships, pay the salaries of coaches and trainers, improve the level of scientific research support, build university stadiums and training facilities, and give students the best training treatment to cultivate them into talents.

Universiade returns to college students.

In the subsequent Universiade, the China delegation, with college students as the main body, was basically stable in the top three, including Bangkok in Thailand, Belgrade in Serbia, Shenzhen in China, Kazan in Russia, Gwangju in South Korea, Taipei in China and Naples in Italy. After many Universiade, the concept of "Universiade Returning to College Students" has become more and more popular.

"After decades of changes, the term’ Little Olympics’ has long faded. At the recent Universiade, competitive achievements are important, but they are no longer the whole of this event. " Zou Zhenxian said, "Perhaps many college students will not pursue the career of professional athletes in the future, but participating in the Universiade is also a valuable asset in their life. The Universiade is not only a stadium, but also a platform for countries all over the world to show their cultures and communicate with each other. "

Entering a new historical stage, the sports career of college students in China has further developed.

In 2020, 283 colleges and universities across the country have been allowed to recruit high-level sports teams, which is more than five times that of the early year of 1987. After Hu Kai, high-level sports teams in colleges and universities have continuously trained many world champions and Olympic champions for the country. For example, the first gold medal winner of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games is Yang Qian from the Tsinghua University Shooting Team.

It is understood that after years of development, Tsinghua University has built its own school team "pyramid". By the end of 2020, there are four Class A teams (track and field, shooting, men’s basketball and women’s basketball) representing the highest level sports teams of China university students and even professional teams, seven Class B teams (including women’s volleyball and fencing) representing the high level sports teams of Beijing university students, and 43 Class C teams (including table tennis and ice hockey) representing the outstanding level sports teams among ordinary students with a broad mass base.

The Chinese College Basketball League has been the top student league and amateur league in China in terms of competition scale, competition level, talent incubation and so on, and it provides talents for CBA league every year. Nowadays, the college basketball league has continuously precipitated the sports culture atmosphere of college students in China, and has become the basketball temple in the minds of college students all over the country. According to the data of some online platforms, more than 1 billion people watch the live broadcast of the game through TV and Internet every year, and the audience watching the game on the spot has reached 2 million.

On July 31st, 2022, in the 24th China University Basketball League (CUBA) men’s first-class league national finals held in Chongqing, Tsinghua University beat Guangdong University of Technology 89-86, and won the championship for three consecutive years. Figure/provided by respondents

At this stage, the development of college students’ sports in China has made remarkable achievements, and the holding of this Universiade in Chengdu will undoubtedly be a positive guide to the progress of school sports in China. At the same time, it is also necessary to take this opportunity to continue to solve some problems at the level of fairness.

According to statistics, since the founding of New China, China has issued 174 documents on school physical education and students’ physical health. On September 24th, 2021, the Guiding Opinions on Further Improving and Standardizing the Examination Enrollment of High-level Sports Teams in Colleges and Universities (hereinafter referred to as the Guiding Opinions) jointly issued by the Ministry of Education and the State Sports General Administration is one of the most important policies at this stage, which will strictly control the examination enrollment and daily management of high-level sports teams in colleges and universities.

The Guiding Opinions clearly pointed out that there are some problems in the enrollment of high-level sports teams in colleges and universities, such as poor cultural achievements of individual athletes, low level of sports competition, irregular examination organization in individual colleges and universities, lax school management, and falsification of technical grade certificates of individual local athletes.

Among them, there are two most controversial phenomena in the whole society: First, students with low competitive level get the drop-off index of famous schools by fraudulent means such as falsification of athletes’ technical grade certificates, and immediately quit sports teams and change their majors after entering school, which also makes some famous schools with high-level sports teams enrolling a large number of students every year unable to transport sports talents for the country. Second, the truly high-level athletes can only enter the prestigious schools by single stroke or walk because of their unsatisfactory results in cultural courses, but they are unable to complete their studies after entering the school. Individual universities turn a blind eye to this and seriously waste the educational resources of prestigious schools.

The Guiding Opinions has launched a series of measures with strong control: from 2024, only those who have won the title of national first-class athletes (including) or above can apply for high-level sports teams. The enrollment items of high-level sports teams in colleges and universities will be gradually included in the national unified examination to improve the performance requirements of cultural courses. Among them, the "world-class university construction university" requires candidates’ college entrance examination scores to reach the minimum control score of undergraduate admission in the source province when recruiting high-level sports teams; Other colleges and universities require candidates’ college entrance examination scores to reach 80% of the minimum control score for undergraduate admission in the province of origin. In addition, from 2024, all professional tests will be included in the national unified examination, which will be organized and implemented by the State Sports General Administration, and colleges and universities will no longer organize relevant school examinations.

In recent years, the Ministry of Education and the State Sports General Administration have successively included football and swimming events of high-level sports teams in colleges and universities in the national unified examination, so as to improve the fairness and scientificity of professional tests and get favorable comments from candidates and parents.

If the candidate’s competitive level is really excellent, the Guiding Opinions still leaves a "path" to allow exceptional admission: "For candidates with outstanding achievements in physical education and special training potential, colleges and universities are allowed to explore the establishment of an exceptional admission mechanism for cultural courses, and exceptional admission will be subject to strict supervision by the society. And in principle, the academic level requirements of high-level sports team students and ordinary students should be consistent, and they should participate in the sampling inspection of undergraduate graduation thesis (design). Colleges and universities can actively create conditions for high-level sports team students to complete their studies without lowering academic standards and ensuring the quality of education and teaching through credit system, extending academic system, personalized teaching and remedial classes. "

Relevant experts pointed out that the promulgation of the Guiding Opinions aims at eliminating the problems existing in educational equity, but its fundamental goal has not changed. The policy issued by the Ministry of Education and the State Sports General Administration has been clear for many times: "The purpose of building high-level sports teams in colleges and universities is to cultivate all-round high-level sports talents for the country, and the goal is to complete the tasks of participating in the World University Games and major international and domestic sports competitions, and contribute to the national Olympic glory plan and the sustainable development of competitive sports", and clearly put forward "strengthening the combination of education and sports".

Many interviewed experts believe that college sports can continue to be a useful supplement to the cultivation of high-level sports talents for a long time to come.

Zhong Bingshu, former president of the Capital Institute of Physical Education, told China News Weekly that "the integration of physical education and education reflects the country’s hope to guide the traditional training mode of competitive sports talents to a brand-new mechanism for cultivating competitive sports talents through the education system, give full play to the function of school physical education as universal education, and rely on its own resource advantages to cultivate high-level sports teams and student athletes who are good at competition and learning."

In Zhong Bingshu’s view, the future of physical education will be further integrated, and the future will be a trend for a long time. School physical education will play an increasingly important role in the training of competitive sports talents, and the training mode of deep integration of professional sports teams and high-level sports training and competition system in colleges and universities will be more perfect.

In the long run, with the deepening of the integration of sports and education and the increase of investment, the overall competitive training quality of campus sports will be improved day by day. Most teenagers will choose the road of campus sports and receive physical training while studying. Under the premise of ensuring basic achievements, many student athletes with excellent academic and training can also be born. The overall development level of campus sports in China will gradually approach the developed countries and become the main channel for the selection of sports talents in China.

Published in China Newsweek magazine, No.1103, August 7, 2023.

Magazine title: exploring the road of "integration of sports and education"

Author: Ye Everest

China men’s basketball team’s key to victory, Zhang Ning finally began to understand, abolished Chen Lei to take over the right to attack and kill the quartet.

Should Zhang Ning be scolded? Some fans who support Zhang Ning think how can you blame Zhang Ning? Zhang Ning is not a god. Can a team be won by one person? And Zhang Ning doesn’t have the ball. How can you blame Zhang Ning? This is entirely due to the tactical arrangement of head coach Chen Lei. Zhang Ning doesn’t have the tactical core of Chen Guohao, but the question is, do you know that Zhang Ning didn’t want to play the Universiade originally? Zhang Ning is the ace player specially invited by the Basketball Association of the Universiade to win the championship, and Zhang Ning himself is also an all-star player in CBA. As the top CBA player, Chen Guohao’s reputation is much worse than Zhang Ning’s, so it’s not too much for you to say that he is James to play CBA. As a result, Zhang Ning showed no superstar demeanor. After losing to the provincial team Taipei, Zhang Ning suffered all kinds of abuse and criticism.

However, Zhang Ning’s reputation was reversed with his strong play. Zhang Ning led the China men’s basketball team to beat the Japanese 84-62. Zhang Ning himself made 12 of 17 shots and got 27 points, 5 rebounds and 4 assists. Chen Guohao made 10 of 12 shots and got 22 points, 8 rebounds, 3 assists, 2 blocks and 1 steal. Wiliam got 12 points. What did this game show us? That is, Zhang Ning’s individual singles ability is absolutely top-notch among the players in this Universiade. Moreover, Zhang Ning, who owns the ball, can not only score by himself, but also drive Wiliam to score. Chen Guohao also plays more efficiently with Zhang Ning’s assistance.

Zhang Ning’s style of play is simple, and there are three main tactics. He either holds the ball outside the three-point line or plays pick-and-roll with Chan Kwok-ho. After pick-and-roll he can score by himself. After pick-and-roll, Chan Kwok-ho can also pick up Zhang Ning’s pass and hit the basket, while Wiliam lies in the bottom corner. When Zhang Ning meets a double-team or sees that Wiliam has a vacancy, he immediately passes the ball to let Wiliam project a three-point. Zhang Ning’s style of play is not very professional, and he prefers to play wild ball.

What are the disadvantages of this style of play? Of course, once you can’t score, or your personal ability is insufficient, it will cause you to occupy a lot of ball rights, and your teammates can’t play, and one person will dominate the victory of the whole team. But isn’t this exactly in line with the purpose of inviting Zhang Ning by the Basketball Association of the Universiade? Originally, the goal of inviting you to come over is to win the championship. To win the championship is to abuse college students by using your personal ability. After all, it is widely rumored that professional players can easily hang and beat college students. Otherwise, Su Qun wouldn’t have revealed that the China men’s basketball team is rushing to win the championship this time to form a team. As a result, Zhang Ning’s role can’t be changed, and he always thought that he was just here to help.

How did Zhang Ning lead the China men’s basketball team to lose three games in a row? Zhang Ning takes the ball and carries it a few times, or observes the movement of his teammates, and then passes the ball to Wang Lanying or Li Yiyang. Then the tactical arrangement of head coach Chen Lei is also very simple, with Chen Guohao and Zou Yang as the core of attack, and the whole team is serving the two college athletes. At this time, Zhang Ning has no ball rights. Can Zhang Ning solve this problem? Not really. Zhang Ning only needs not to pass the ball and dribble himself to break through. Against the Japanese team, Zou Yang only got 2 points, 7 rebounds, 1 assist and 1 block, Li Yiyang got 2 points, 3 assists and 2 steals, and Wang Lan made 1 of 10 shots and only got 2 points, 6 rebounds and 2 assists. As for this performance of his teammates, Zhang Ning often has to pass the ball to Wang Lan and Li Yiyang.

If Zhang Ning plays the Japanese team and then passes the ball to Wang Lanzhang and Li Yiyang to control the ball as before, then the China men’s basketball team will undoubtedly lose this game. We have been talking about Zhang Ning as a special guest and an ace player of the China men’s basketball team. With him, the China men’s basketball team will set the goal of winning the championship. At this time, Zhang Ning is a privileged player. As long as you can win, even if you occupy all the ball rights of the team, no one will spray you at all. You are the ace. This is it.

Many fans will question whether Zhang Ning is ruining his basketball career by doing so. But have you ever thought that with Zhang Ning’s strength, he basically has no chance in the first team of China Men’s Basketball Team. According to his ability, CBA will always be the main force as long as there is no large-scale injury. What is Zhang Ning afraid of at this time? And do you still need to give face to Tsinghua University head coach Chen Lei, a graduate of Peking University? And if Chen Lei has outstanding ability, will he be reversed by Guanggong to win the championship? As a professional player in CBA, isn’t Zhang Ning much better than Chen Lei? In competitive sports, you have been listening to a weak person making tactical execution for you. Can this be successful? This is the current situation of sports in China, where a group of incompetent head coaches occupy the position.

Final summary

If Zhang Ning had woken up earlier, as he said, if Zhang Ning had played so early, the China men’s basketball team would not have lost three games in a row, but also lost to the provincial team Taipei and Zhang Ning. It is estimated that the China men’s basketball team now has the opportunity to compete for the championship. Zhang Ning’s only bad thing in this Universiade is that he is too humble. Obviously, you are the ace player. You don’t take a lot of ball rights to score points in singles, and you don’t lead the attack of the whole team. Instead, you pass it to Wang as soon as you lose. In the Japanese game, after Zhang Ning changed his style of play, he not only won the game, but also made Chen Guohao efficient, and Wiliam’s score was no longer questioned. Therefore, Zhang Ning should have abolished the head coach Chen Lei’s style of play with Chen Guohao and Zou Yang as the core. Unfortunately, nothing happened. I hope Zhang Ning will not be too humble in the future and really play his due ability on the court.

I’m A Mu. Do you think Zhang Ning should have abolished the tactics of head coach Chen Lei long ago? You are welcome to pay attention to message exchange.