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Guo Fucheng’s solo singing style is exposed, and his short peacock blue hair is mysterious and bright


Guo Fucheng’s Hong Kong concert style exposed

  Sina Entertainment News, Guo Fucheng’s stunning singing and dancing and styling at the previous 12 "Stage Collection" concerts have amazed fans, and everyone is looking forward to another "surprise" from Chengcheng. Chengcheng has been preparing for the seventh Hong Kong solo concert for years, and it is now scheduled to debut in the Red Pavilion on November 17. Priority booking will start accepting credit card bookings on the 18th, and the first round of the concert posters will also be exposed for the first time.

  This concert was also styled by the famous art director Zhang Shuping. Uncle has always been known for his bold and innovative ideas. This time, he will perform the "Hair Transformation Technique", choosing peacock blue as the main color of the city’s hair, and taking its mysterious and bright color. The stylist Herman’s characteristic in the styling is to use a special effect of hair wax to make the city’s hair into many small patches, "wax" into a blade shape, we jokingly call it "peacock blue blade head". With the lighting effect, it seems that there are many reflective glass pieces placed on the city’s head, which is very three-dimensional. But it takes almost 8 hours to make this hairstyle, from bleaching to coloring to completion. Chengcheng laughed: "For the effect, it is worth sitting for 8 hours! I can only listen to music online to relieve my boredom! "

  After completing the hairstyle part, he officially went into shooting. This time, he still used the master teacher Xia Yongkang (Wing Shya) to shoot, playing his unique lighting effect, projecting an ordinary background vinyl film through the light, creating a very psychedelic effect, echoing the reflective "blade head" of the city.

  The name of this concert is "Guo Fucheng’s Dancing Forest True Story de Show Reel Concert", which means gathering the city on the stage. The ultimate essence of the performance projects over the years, appearing on the stage at one time, like composing the "Dancing Forest True Story" of the city, and like editing it into Show Reel on the city stage, it has a double meaning. Chengcheng hopes to enter his top-secret Dancing Forest realm with his fans this time. Chengcheng also said: "After completing this Dancing Forest True Story Concert, I will temporarily put aside such concerts, so I hope to concentrate on the performance of the musical after this ultimate presentation!" So friends who love city concerts should not miss this Dancing Forest True Story Concert! It is known that the internal booking of the concert has been oversubscribed by nearly four times, so the organizers have been afraid to answer the internal booking calls recently, and fans must quickly pre-order tickets through credit cards. And the conference is planning a super shocking "stage", which is guaranteed to be unprecedented!

  When asked about the idea of the composition on the poster, Uncle humorously said: "Creation is infinite imagination, what do you see? What is it! There may not be an explanation!" It is known that this poster is only used for priority booking, and another poster for public ticket sales is still in progress.

  In addition to the promotion of "C + Detective", Chengcheng is fully engaged in the rehearsal of the concert, and is very busy! The picture shows Guo Fucheng. TUNGSTAR/text and picture

Editor in charge: Liu Liyan

National Health Planning Commission: There are 5.4 million registered patients with severe mental disorders in China.

  BEIJING, Beijing, April 8 (Shang Qi) Depression, anxiety, alcoholism and senile dementia … … With the rapid development of China’s economy and society, the aging population has intensified, the pace of life and work has been significantly accelerated, and the accompanying psychological pressure has generally increased. The public has paid more and more attention to their own mental and psychological health. So, what is the mental health status of China people at present? On the morning of the 7th, the National Health and Family Planning Commission held a press conference to introduce this.

  What is the status of severe mental disorder?

  — — There are 5.4 million registered patients with severe mental disorders in China.

  On the morning of the 7th, the National Health and Family Planning Commission held a regular press conference in Beijing to report the recent progress of mental health work in China.

  According to reports, by the end of 2015, there were 2,936 mental health service institutions in China, with 433,000 beds, a significant increase over 2010 (1,650 institutions and 228,000 beds); There are 27,733 licensed (assistant) psychiatrists, 57,591 psychiatric nurses and more than 5,000 psychotherapists in China. More than 900,000 people have obtained professional qualification certificates for psychological counselors.

  Wang Bin, deputy director of the CDC of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, revealed that by the end of 2016, there were 5.4 million patients with severe mental disorders registered in China, with a management rate of 88.7%. Among them, the number of patients with schizophrenia accounts for about 3/4 of the total number of registered patients.

  What factors lead to depression?

  — — Heredity, external pressure, unhappy life, etc.

  According to reports, depressive disorder includes depression, unspecified depressive disorder and bad mood. The prevalence rate of depressive disorder in China is generally on the rise, with 4.06%, of which 3.59% is depressive disorder, which is higher than the survey results in 1980s and 1990s.

  Wang Gang, president of Beijing Anding Hospital, said that from some mechanisms of depression, factors such as heredity, external pressure and some unpleasant events in life may lead to depression, among which the contribution of heredity is about 40% and 50%.

  It is worth noting that he also introduced that the first episode of depression is generally concentrated around the age of 30. In addition, the incidence rate of most mental diseases is equal between men and women, but the incidence rate of women is significantly higher than that of men.

  After treatment, whether depression can be cured is also the focus of public attention. In this regard, Wang Gang said that it is not difficult for patients with depression to get a clinical cure after comprehensive treatment, and most of them can return to the social function level before the onset.

  Why is the prevalence of anxiety disorder rising?

  — — Public psychological pressure has generally increased.

  What is anxiety disorder? Zhu Zhuohong, director of the mental health counseling center for employees of central state organs, explained that anxiety disorder is a group of mental disorders with anxiety as the main manifestation, accompanied by some physical manifestations, especially autonomic nerve dysfunction.

  "For example, some people will have severe palpitation, sweating, shaking hands, and even physical manifestations such as frequent urination, urgency and diarrhea." He said.

  The results show that the prevalence rate of anxiety disorder in China is 4.98%, which is higher than the survey results in 1980s and 1990s.

  Wang Bin explained that with the rapid development of China’s economy and society, the pace of life and work has been significantly accelerated, and the public psychological pressure has generally increased, which has led to a corresponding increase in the risk of illness.

  She added, "In recent decades, residents’ health awareness and willingness to seek medical treatment have also improved, and the ability of professionals to identify mental illness has also improved. These factors are related."

  How to prevent senile dementia?

  — — Promote healthy aging and improve various health policies for the elderly.

  With the aggravation of population aging in China, the prevalence of senile dementia is also on the rise.

  The results show that the prevalence rate of senile dementia is 5.56% among people aged 65 and above, which is higher than that of some areas in China since 1987.

  It is reported that compared with other countries with higher life expectancy, the prevalence of senile dementia in China is lower than that in the United States, Japan, South Korea and other countries.

  Talking about the next work plan, Wang Bin said that considering the current situation of the rising prevalence of dementia in the elderly, we should promote healthy aging from the perspective of individuals, families and society, improve various health policies for the elderly, and delay the development of patients’ illness by taking comprehensive intervention measures.

  Is the prevalence of alcohol use disorder different between men and women?

  — — Men are significantly higher than women.

  According to public information, alcohol use disorders include alcohol dependence and poisoning symptoms, which are manifested as long-term overclocking, excessive drinking, short-term heavy drinking, etc., which will not only harm the body, but also lead to a series of serious mental health problems.

  According to the National Health and Family Planning Commission, due to the influence of local drinking habits and residents’ drinking habits, previous surveys in various parts of China show that the prevalence of alcohol use disorders varies greatly in different regions.

  The results show that the prevalence rate of alcohol use disorder in China is 1.84%, and the prevalence rate of men is significantly higher than that of women.

  In addition, compared with the survey results of some economically developed countries and middle-income countries published by international authoritative journals in recent years, the prevalence of alcohol use disorder in China is at a medium level. (End)

"Pineapple e-loan" sweetened "Pineapple First County"

Pineapple growers in xuwen county returned home with a full load. Economic Daily reporter Zhang Jianjun photo

  At present, when a large number of pineapples are listed in xuwen county, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, the thick pineapple fragrance spreads in the air with the breeze. In the past few days, pineapples in xuwen county have been frequently searched — — There is an endless "ocean" of pineapples in the vast land of Shan Ye and between the slopes of Guling, which is nicknamed "the sea of pineapples".

  "The price has tripled this year, which is the highest price since I planted pineapple!" When it comes to pineapples, Chen Mingshi, a grower in Longmen Village, Qujie Town, xuwen county, smiled from ear to ear. "There is a credit from ABC! There are about 500 households in our village that grow pineapples, and all those who meet the requirements have applied for loans at the Agricultural Bank of China. Agricultural Bank of China’s fast loan issuance and low interest rate have helped us solve the funding problem. "

  Xuwen is the largest pineapple production county in China, with an area of 350,000 mu and an annual output of nearly 700,000 tons, which exceeds one third of the country’s total area and output, and is known as the "hometown of pineapples in China". For local growers, capital has always been a hurdle. How can it be effectively solved?

  To this end, in recent years, the credit staff of Guangdong Branch of Agricultural Bank of China took root in Xuwen’s "pineapple sea" for in-depth investigation, accelerated financial reform and service innovation, and successively launched online credit products such as "pineapple e-loan" and "filing e-loan" to support the development of pineapple industry and increase the income of growers.

  Affected by dry and rainy weather this year, Xuwen pineapple has higher sugar content, but the output is falling, the demand is in short supply, and the price is rising all the way. Facing the peak season of sales, Guangdong Branch of Agricultural Bank of China supports the development of pineapple industry with credit, and at the same time helps farmers to promote pineapple through multiple channels.

  Among them, the staff of Agricultural Bank of China Zhanjiang Branch took the initiative to become Xuwen pineapple "voluntary propagandist" to help growers broaden sales channels. Since the beginning of this year, the bank has provided on-site centralized financial services such as loans and sales to pineapple growers for more than 156 times, serving 3555 farmers.

  Affected by COVID-19 epidemic and other factors, 2020 is the most difficult year for Xuwen pineapple. "Last year, most pineapples were rotten in the ground, and no one wanted them. Fortunately, the Agricultural Bank of China contacted the merchants in time to buy some, otherwise the losses would be heavy." Chen Mingshi has a lingering fear about this.

  The reporter was informed that in view of the difficulty in selling pineapples last year, Agricultural Bank of China Guangdong Branch took the initiative to contact xuwen county Lianxiang Agricultural Products Farmers’ Professional Cooperative and Pineapple Canning Factory, and finally helped growers sell more than 55,000 tons of pineapples; Since the beginning of the pineapple planting season in July last year, employees have been organized to go to the villages and towns in the "pineapple sea", go deep into the fields, actively promote the filing of farmers’ information, and provide online loan services to eligible pineapple growers to help them tide over the difficulties.

The sun will live a billion years less? It’s not just you and me.

  Can you imagine a world without the sun? Astronomers’ research shows that if there is no sun, the average surface temperature of the earth will drop to below-17.78 degrees Celsius in a week, and it will drop to-73.33 degrees Celsius in a year. Most plants will die in a few weeks, and then most life will disappear because of the disappearance of the sun, and everything will be dead.

  Now we know how important the sun is to us! However, something unfortunate happened. Recently, foreign scientists’ research on the metal abundance of the sun shows that we may overestimate the life of the sun by one billion years, and the sun may die one billion years earlier than we expected.

  Elemental abundance controls the sun’s life gate

  It is understood that scientists have previously deduced that the life of the sun is about 10 billion years based on the standard solar model that ignores the rotation effect, which is a theoretical value simulated by the stellar evolution program, not a real value. And this value only refers to the central hydrogen combustion life in the theory of star evolution.

  "This is not to say that the sun really can only exist for 10 billion years. The accurate statement should be called the main sequence life of the solar model. In theory, the sun will become a red giant in about 10 billion years, but it still exists and will emit more sunlight. " Associate Professor Yang Wuming from the Astronomy Department of Beijing Normal University told the Science and Technology Daily reporter.

  He said that there are many preconditions to get the theoretical value of 10 billion years, and it is necessary to assume the initial element abundance of the sun and the physical process inside the sun. The life of the solar model is different with different initial element abundances. Because it is impossible to really get the initial element abundance of the sun and determine its internal physical processes, the life of the sun and even other stars cannot be accurately estimated.

  Twenty years ago, astronomers’ direct and indirect measurements of the sun showed that the metal abundance of the sun was around 1.8%; However, the latest solar spectrum measurement shows that the metal abundance of the sun is only 1.3%, which is far lower than the previous measurement results, and correspondingly, the life of the sun will be reduced by 1 billion years.

  The so-called solar metal abundance is the general term for the abundance of solar elements except hydrogen and helium. This metal is different from what we usually call metals. Because the contents of hydrogen and helium in the sun account for the vast majority, astronomers call all the heavier elements in the sun "metals". Although the content of these metals is small, it affects the fate of the sun.

  Because the electrons of metal elements easily absorb photons, which hinders radiation, the higher the metal abundance of the sun or star, the higher the opacity. The opacity of the sun or star is closely related to its life, temperature, brightness and other properties. Sani Vaniotch, a physicist who studies solar metal abundance at Stockholm University in Sweden, said that a very small amount of metal is enough to completely change the behavior of a star, and metal abundance can basically tell you how the star will die.

  Influence of atmospheric model on solar lifetime estimation

  The solar spectral measurement used in the latest research usually means that astronomers get the spectral lines of all measurable elements such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and iron through solar spectral analysis, and then compare them with the spectral lines given by the solar atmospheric model. When the two are consistent, the abundance of elements such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and iron used in the atmospheric model is considered as the element abundance of the solar photosphere. "However, this method cannot obtain the relative abundance of inert gases such as helium, neon and argon. The abundance of helium on the surface of the sun can only be inferred by helioseismology. " Yang Wuming said.

  After the latest measurement results come out, many people are wondering: Why is there such a big difference between the solar metal abundance measured before and after?

  In this regard, Yang Wuming explained that the old solar metal abundance was derived from the one-dimensional atmospheric model of local thermal balance combined with the observed spectral lines; The new solar metal abundance is derived from the three-dimensional atmospheric model of non-local thermal balance combined with the observed spectral lines. The old one-dimensional atmospheric model is considered to ignore many physical factors. Some scientists think that the new atmospheric model is closer to the real situation, and it is the improvement of the atmospheric model and the update of the transition probability data of atoms and molecules that cause the difference in the abundance of old and new metal elements.

  In the evolution of stars, if other conditions remain unchanged, the decrease of metal abundance will lead to the energy generated by the central nuclear reaction radiating outward more easily. However, the energy tends to radiate outward, which will cause the star to contract more easily and increase the density and temperature of the center of the star. More importantly, the increase of density and temperature will accelerate the hydrogen combustion rate, which will lead to the shortening of the total time of central hydrogen combustion, that is, the main sequence life of the solar model will be shortened. However, if other conditions change, such as the increase of hydrogen abundance or the influence of the sun’s rotation on its evolution, then the aforementioned life reduction does not exist.

  So, how to verify which method is more correct in the future?

  In Yang Wuming’s view, the answer to this question lies in which metal abundance measurement is more accurate and whether the helioseismology inversion result is reliable. Only by giving the correct abundance of solar elements can we determine how long the life of the sun is. If we can give a new solar model of gold abundance consistent with the helioseismology inversion results, all related problems will be solved.

  Life geometry is related to the theory of stellar evolution.

  Chen Pengfei, a professor at the School of Astronomy and Space Science, Nanjing University, said that he was inclined to think that the initial life span of the sun was correct, and the life span of the sun would not be reduced by one billion years. "For several reasons, I prefer to think that the original model is correct: first, the measurement results of metal abundance in the solar wind by satellites support 1.8%; Secondly, the density of photosphere on the surface of the sun is high enough, so it is reasonable to adopt the approximation of local heat balance model in the past; Thirdly, the new model takes into account the inhomogeneity of the solar atmosphere, which is indeed an improvement, but it also ignores other factors, such as the influence of magnetic field; Fourth, to take a step back, even if the results of the new model are correct, because the distribution of metal abundance may be uneven, the metal abundance on the surface of the sun may be different from that inside. " Chen Pengfei said.

  At the same time, Yang Wuming also agrees that the initial solar life is correct. He said that the life of the sun has not been overestimated by 1 billion years, and that the life of the sun is overestimated because only the reduction of metal abundance is considered. When the influence of hydrogen abundance increase and rotation on the evolution of the sun is considered, the life of the sun will not be reduced.

  However, the astrophysicist Martin asp Lund of the Australian National University insists that the 1.3% solar metal abundance is correct. He said that all aspects of astronomy will be affected, and an accurate understanding of the evolution of stars has laid the foundation for almost everything.

  So, if astronomers do overestimate the life of the sun by one billion years, what theories need to be revised?

  In Yang Wuming’s view, if the life of the sun is really overestimated by 1 billion years, it shows that the theory of stellar evolution established by astronomers before is not complete, so they need to re-examine the theory and model of stellar evolution established before. For example, the standard theory of star evolution ignores the influence of star rotation, but in fact all stars are rotating. We have reached the time when we need to seriously consider the influence of rotation on the evolution of stars. Astronomical research on star clusters and galaxies depends on the theory of stellar evolution to a certain extent. If the theory of stellar evolution is wrong, the previous understanding of star clusters and galaxies needs to be adjusted.

The entertainment is over! Ding Liu was ridiculed as "desperate illiterate" and Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Zhang Songwen demonstrated to be an artist.

The end of the Spring Festival has brought a new term: desperate illiteracy. At that time, YiBo was interviewed in the offline publicity of "Nobody". A reporter asked what he had learned through the role. Originally, he was just a standard questions, but YiBo hesitated for a long time. In the end, he could only end up with "I don’t know how to answer".

Not only did the audience question the top-notch cultural level, but even the official media couldn’t stand it and publicly criticized "desperate illiteracy".

In fact, it’s not only YiBo who is puzzled when he arrives at the interview, but also Zhao Lusi, Liu Haocun and others have left embarrassing interview clips.

Zhao Lusi was even suspected by netizens that she had not read the script outline, otherwise how could she not even know the story background?

Liu Hao’s interview about the definition of an actor has been famous on the Internet for a long time, but he couldn’t answer it after thinking for a long time. He had to smile around to cover up his embarrassment and weakly said, "Will it be broadcast here?"

The article also mentioned "Man Jiang Hong", and the "illiterate jokes" caused by the publicity link abound.

Netizens found that Jackson Yee, the leading actor, had written a lot of typos. Not only that, he also associated "Yue Fei’s death" with "romance", which was a bit irrelevant.

Compared with these young artists, the advantages of powerful actors are self-evident. Take The Knockout, who just finished, as an example. The two leading actors, Zhang Yi and Zhang Songwen, have quite good writing styles.

Zhang Yi’s acting experience was read by netizens, and he also opened a personal column in the newspaper.

Zhang Songwen is also an out-and-out literary youth, and his articles have been published in Youth Digest. During The Knockout’s broadcast, he wrote a whole article about the characters’ experience, which was exquisite and vivid.

Performing a good play is more than just memorizing lines. If you want to deduce the soul of the role, you must first have a full understanding of the role.

As a starring role, you should be familiar with the background of the story, so as not to ask why. Observing the characters deeply on the basis of understanding the background of the story is to test the basic skills of the actors.

Where is the effort, the effect will appear. The truth that no pains, no gains is still out of date in acting.

Acting is not lip service, let alone a good interpretation of the role by feeling. Whether you have worked hard on acting, the audience’s eyes are discerning.

The Knockout’s ratings can soar all the way, which is inseparable from the actor’s control over the role. An Xin and Gao Qiqiang are antagonistic to each other, and the contest between one positive and one evil is full of tension and quite penetrating. Just at the stage of studying the script, the starring actors have been studying hard for many days.

Ronnie, the actor of Gao Qilan in the play, revealed that the whole crew took acting very seriously and could not keep up without a little effort. Whether an actor is serious about his work or not, ratings are the most intuitive reflection.

A good actor not only plays the play freely, but also has his own connotation and foundation. As the co-star of Nobody, Tony Leung Chiu Wai is a senior figure. Many people think that he is taciturn and not very active in front of the camera.

As a matter of fact, Tony Leung Chiu Wai has an inner show and loves reading very much. He can often quote from the classics, handy, and inadvertently reveal a very amazing literary talent.

After acting, Tony Leung Chiu Wai put more energy into reading. He can analyze the role clearly, and every sentence is reasonable, and the director will ask him a thing or two.

Throughout Tony Leung Chiu Wai’s career experience, he frequently contributed classic works, such as Chungking Forest, Spring Break, In the Mood for Love, Infernal Affairs, A Master and Listener, all of which are branded with his strong personal style.

Realism and heaviness in performance is an arduous challenge. Good cultural accomplishment has laid a solid foundation for his acting career. No matter what role he plays, it is difficult for the audience to see a sense of disobedience from Tony Leung Chiu Wai.

Full of work and meticulous work, the performance is like a slow stew. You should not rush for success, let alone be impetuous. Instead, you should bend down, calm down and hold your horses. If you don’t even know the most basic questions, it is the actor’s dereliction of duty.

Are young actors really unable to put on a good show nowadays? Not really. Learn to be a man first, and if you don’t keep your attitude straight and don’t want to practice from scratch with an open mind, problems will gradually accumulate until water under the bridge.

In the face of reporters’ questions, they are hesitant and ambiguous. Although it is not a big problem, such a phenomenon appears one after another in young actors, which is ultimately not professional enough.

Doing homework in advance is the basic accomplishment of actors, and it should be consciously observed and even engraved. However, in the eyes of some actors, it seems to be a common thing to spoil. This is why the "nine leaks" of internal entertainment emerge in an endless stream, and the cultural level of stars has been repeatedly criticized by netizens.

It is important to put on a good show, but besides, young actors can’t ignore the importance of timely charging. This is not only for the long-term development of personal career, but also for fans and audiences. Temporary popularity is not equal to strength, and taking the audience’s love for granted rather than self-correction, such popularity can only be a flash in the pan.

Summer Economy | Night shopping, night entertainment, night travel … Which cities love "nightlife" best?

In the evening of summer, the business circle of the city is gradually becoming lively, and "shopping" and "shopping" have become "necessary" items in summer nights. In recent years, "nightlife" is expanding from catering and shopping to entertainment and leisure, and night cultural activities such as performances and exhibitions are gradually increasing.
Night shopping, night eating, night practice, night reading, night entertainment, night outing … The prosperity of "night economy" is an important symbol of a city’s economic openness and activity. Since the beginning of this year, many places have proposed to develop the night economy, and local government officials have taken the lead in taking to the streets to eat supper, and many places have issued documents to promote the vitality of night consumption.
In the hot summer, how can cities ignite "fireworks" in 2022? What are the new trends of night economy under the boost of local consumption policies? Which cities love "nightlife" best? Who is the main force of night consumption? The Beijing News Shell Finance takes you through the data to see the "consumption picture" of midsummer night.
1.2022Economic scale is expected to break through.40Trillion yuan
Which cities are"The city that never sleeps"?
Night economy is an important part of urban economy, and it is also an important starting point for cities to stimulate consumption.
According to the survey report of urban residents’ consumption habits of the Ministry of Commerce, 60% of residents’ consumption occurs at night, and young people born after 1995 are the main group of night economy.
2019 is called "the first year of night economy in China", and the night economy develops rapidly. The State Council issued "Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Circulation to Promote Commercial Consumption", proposing to enliven night businesses and markets and improve the convenience and activity of night consumption. In 2019, the night economy reached 26.4 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15.3%. In the following two years, the night economic growth rate exceeded 17%. According to Ai Media Consulting, China’s nighttime economic growth rate will continue to grow in 2022, and the economic scale is expected to exceed 40 trillion yuan.
In 2021, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced the first batch of 120 national night cultural and tourism consumption gathering areas. The data shows that Beijing, Hebei, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Shandong, Guangxi, Chongqing and Sichuan have the largest number of night culture and tourism consumption areas. Qianmen Street in Dongcheng District of Beijing, Tianqiao Performing Arts Zone in Xicheng District, 798-751 Art Block in Chaoyang District, Liangmahe Style Waterfront in Chaoyang District, Huaxi LIVE· Wukesong in Haidian District and Gubei Water Town in Miyun District are all on the list.
Night economic agglomeration has become the common carrier of night economic construction in most cities. Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Qingdao, Suzhou, Foshan and Kunming have clearly put forward relevant construction plans. For example, Foshan proposes to build eight high-quality night economic clusters by the end of 2021, and Kunming proposes to build 15-20 night economic clusters.
In order to boost the economy and consumption vitality, measures to develop night economy have been issued in many places this year.
The Beijing News Shell Finance reporter found that taking Beijing as an example, in February 2022, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce and other 10 departments issued "Several Measures for Further Promoting the Development of Business Circle", which put forward 14 specific measures to promote the development of business circle from four aspects: innovating business circle management mode, creating a prosperous and standardized business circle consumption environment, improving the intelligence level of business circle and increasing policy support, among which "encouraging key business circles to develop night economy" became an important content.
Henan proposes to focus on the development of "night economy", allowing the use of "shops outside" and "open-air markets" under standardized and orderly conditions. In Xi ‘an, qualified commercial pedestrian streets and commercial complexes are allowed to operate outside in the specified time period at night, and outdoor activities such as automobile market, cultural and creative market, cultural performances and night trips to Chang ‘an are held based on characteristic commercial districts.
This summer, the "trunk market" rose again, enriching the nightlife consumption scene.
In Nanjing, Qingdao and other cities, whenever night falls, many people drive their cars to the local square, line them up in turn, open the trunk to display goods, install small light bulbs and literary signs, and turn them into miniature shops. Such a "trunk shop" has attracted many citizens to stop.
Generally speaking, China’s night economy presents the characteristics of "strong in the south and weak in the north". According to the big data of the ride, during the period from May 1 to June 20, 2022, among the TOP 10 cities with night travel activity, 9 cities in the south and only one city in Beijing in the north. Among them, the top five cities in activity belong to South China.
In addition, the demand for night travel also reflects the economic vitality of the city, and the demand for night travel of residents in new first-tier cities is generally more. The Beijing News Shell Finance reporter found that among the top ten cities traveling at night, there are 5 new first-tier cities, 3 first-tier cities and 2 second-tier cities. In 2021, the GDP trillion club, New Jincheng, Dongguan ranked third, and Foshan ranked fourth.
It is worth mentioning that second-tier coastal cities are also active at night. Two second-tier cities, Xiamen and Quanzhou, ranked in the top ten for night trips, and Xiamen ranked second, second only to Shenzhen.
2."at nightDrink "into a young man"New consumption trend
exceedsixsucceedInterviewedConsumers go at least once a month.
On summer nights, having a drink with three or five friends has become one of the ways for young people to relax at night.
Urban nightlife scenes are constantly enriched, and pubs that are mainly open at night have become an important scene for people to socialize and entertain. According to the sample survey of Ai Media Consulting, more than 60% of the consumers interviewed go at least once a month, among which 27.5% go once every two to three weeks and 18.9% go once a month.
Although drinking is the main thing, unlike nightclubs, the bistro with a sense of atmosphere provides more social space and is a "compound" venue that includes music, board games, performances and catering.
Night consumer demand is constantly released, and the pub economy is growing steadily.
In 2018, the scale of China’s tavern market exceeded 100 billion yuan; In 2021, the market scale reached 128.04 billion yuan, an increase of 26.2% compared with 2020. Zheshang Securities said that with the relaxation of epidemic prevention and control policies in various places and the peak of night consumption in summer, the demand for night consumption has been steadily restored, which is expected to promote the concentrated outbreak of pub format in summer.
The pub economy is hot, more people are eyeing this "cake", and many catering enterprises have entered the "bistro" across the border. According to Ai Media Consulting, from 2015 to 2020, the total registered volume of China tavern-related enterprises showed an overall upward trend, with a compound annual growth rate of 49.5%. By the end of 2021, the total registered volume of related enterprises reached 14,658. Among them, there are many new consumer brands like Naixue, as well as catering enterprises such as Puju and Laoxiang Chicken.
3. DuodiExtend the opening hours of cultural venues such as museums.
Cultural life enters night economy.
In addition to catering and shopping, the cultural consumption of night life is also increasingly prosperous. Many places propose to extend the opening hours of museums, art galleries and other cultural venues, and visiting museums and watching exhibitions has also become a favorite night cultural activity for consumers.
The rise of night cultural activities has promoted the gradual recovery of China’s performance market.
In 2021, the overall scale of China’s performance market reached 33.585 billion yuan, an increase of 27.76% compared with 2020. Among them, drama has become the most popular type of performance. In 2021, among the 114,400 theatrical performances, the box office revenue of drama performances ranked first, and the number of drama performances ranked third.
On June 29th, Ma Li, deputy director of the Industrial Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China, said that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism would plan and implement an action plan to promote cultural and tourism consumption in the second half of the year, seize the peak summer consumption season, focus on developing night culture and tourism economy, and guide relevant institutions to publish night culture and tourism consumption maps.
4.E-commerce night market "helps night economy"
Which cities like to place orders at night?
Liu Genghong, who escaped the aerobics this summer, did not escape Dong Yuhui, who brought goods in the live broadcast room of Oriental Zhenpin.
Since June this year, the bilingual live broadcast of New Oriental has been on fire, which not only allows people to see the new way of live broadcast with goods, but also allows people to see the potential of e-commerce night market economy.
With the maturity of new consumption patterns such as live e-commerce, the proportion of online sales channels shopping at night is expanding. Ningbo, Shanghai and other places issue e-commerce coupons to stimulate consumption. On June 27th, Anhui started the night economic consumption season, focusing on key sectors such as automobiles, home appliances, catering and e-commerce, to help the whole chain of consumption recover.
The data shows that people in first-tier cities prefer to place orders online on summer nights. From May to June 20, 2022, the number of online shopping orders in first-tier cities ranked in the top four, and Beijing ranked first. Chengdu, which is called "the city that never sleeps" by many tourists, is also enthusiastic about online shopping.
What do people who don’t sleep buy? Residents in different areas have regional characteristics in shopping. Consumers in Changsha and Hangzhou, online celebrity’s tourist cities, prefer travel products, while residents in Fuzhou and Guangzhou prefer entertainment products. People in Sichuan and Chongqing prefer food and drinks, while Beijing and Shanghai prefer fresh food.

Its film arrangement is only 0.7%, but it is the most worth seeing in the near future.

Special feature of 1905 film network Have you ever wondered what it would be like if your memory disappeared one day?

We have seen too many movies, and we often meet people whose memories are fading away, and some incredible things have happened. Some people rely on their only remaining memories to find clues to solve crimes; Some people hit their heads and all their memories were restored; Some people can’t get their memories back all their lives.

The film officially released in the mainland cinema on February 23 rd once again took the memory as a knife. However, this time it is a little different.

1 What’s the difference between this film?

The main characters in the film "Love Before Memory Dies" are two old people. Ella Spencer played by helen mirren is a rebellious old girl, while John Spencer played by donald sutherland is a forgetful old warm man.

The old couple are both seriously ill. John has Alzheimer’s disease, which is what we often call Alzheimer’s disease. The disease makes his memory go wrong and slowly disappears. He needs to live in a nursing home, while Ella has cancer and needs to be admitted to the hospital. At this moment, the two will face eternal separation.

So, the two decided to take a trip in an RV. The English name of the film "The Leisure Seeker" is the name of this RV — — Leisure seekers. They walked all the way from Massachusetts to the south, recalling the experience of spending their holidays with their children. This time, their destination was Hemingway’s former residence in Sisuo Island.

I went to Hemingway’s former residence because John’s favorite writer was Hemingway. At the same time, John is also a teacher. His illness makes him forget the names of his wife and children, but he can easily say Hemingway’s works. Hemingway’s famous The Old Man and the Sea was finished here in Xisuo Island, and it is John’s favorite work.

Two old men "ran away from home" behind their children’s backs. John couldn’t drive because of illness, but during the journey, he drove the old car at a gallop. When Ella called the children, she told them, "Son, we won’t be long. There are some things that I must finish with your father.".

The film fills in the grief and sadness that Alzheimer’s disease would have brought to the family with a lot of jokes, making the whole film easy and interesting.

During the trip, John left his wife alone and drove away. When Ella got on a passerby’s motorcycle and caught up with John, John’s reaction was, "Why are you sitting on a motorcycle?" He has completely forgotten that his wife traveled by car with him.

Similarly, when he arrived in Pennsylvania, he asked Ella, "Where are we?" After Ella told him, he asked, "What are we doing in Pennsylvania?" He will forget his children, mistake his students, and forget the purpose of this trip.

However, he can’t forget English grammar. On the way, when they were forced to hand over the money by a sudden robber, he did not forget to correct the grammatical mistakes made by the robber. At this time, Ella scared away the robbers with a prepared shotgun.

"Love Before Memory Dies" is adapted from Michael Sadrian’s novel of the same name. As a road movie, it reveals the story of travel and uncovers an old story (not much to say, it will be spoiled if you talk too much! ), and behind this past, the focus is on marriage and old age.

In the last period of life, their attitude is not negative at all, and life is full of interest everywhere. Ella, played by helen mirren, painted her nails, wore a wig and put on lipstick. Even though she is not young, she is still a delicate woman. During the journey, the two will also look at old photos with slides.

From the preview, we can also see that the two spent a beautiful and romantic night in the hotel suite. John talked to ella to the fullest; "I can’t believe my wife is so beautiful", the gentleman invited her and they embraced and danced together. The couple who have been together for fifty years have a very funny and warm daily life, and their love is indestructible in the face of aging and death.

The two leading actors won numerous awards.

"Love Before Memory Disappears" was selected as the main competition unit of Venice Film Festival in 2017. After the premiere of the film festival, some media reporters praised helen mirren’s performance. Helen mirren won the Best Actress at the Venice Film Festival in 2006 for her film, and won the Oscar for Best Actress for The Queen the following year.

Helen mirren in The Queen is noble and solemn, but she is very conservative. When helen mirren portrays Elizabeth II after learning of Princess Diana’s death, she reminds herself by saying "I am the queen" every day. And her superb acting skills have been greatly affirmed.

In addition, helen mirren won the Best Actress Award at Cannes Film Festival with and twice.

Donald sutherland, the actor, should be the most familiar Canadian in China. He is also quite powerful. He is the winner of the 90th Oscar Lifetime Achievement Award. Previously, he won the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor twice for Citizen X and War Path.

Donald sutherland has appeared in many films, including series,,, and so on. It is worth noting that he once appeared in the works directed by Xiaogang Feng in 2001. His role is Taylor, the great Hollywood director who came to China to make a film.

It can be said that the performances of donald sutherland and helen mirren were impeccable. Many foreign media commented on "Love Before Memory Dies", although they were quite critical of the film’s plays, they still affirmed the performance of these two drama bones, saying that this is the most attractive part of the film, which is quite convincing. "Every wrinkle is a play, and every expression contains the most complicated emotions in the character’s heart."

3 Italian local teams shoot American films.

Paolo Virzì, the director of Love Before Memory Dies, has shot many Italian local comedies, and can be said to be one of the representative figures. His "My name is Tanino" has all been shortlisted for the Venice Film Festival. "Love Before Memory Dies" is the fourth time that he has been selected for the Venice Film Festival.

But his international fame is not very great. In the 74th Venice Film Festival, many famous directors gathered, and his works also received a lot of attention. Especially with the blessing of the two leading actors, the judges can feel the more delicate emotional expression.

Paolo Virzì never thought that he would make a film that had nothing to do with Italy. When he was invited by an American film producer, he decided that helen mirren and donald sutherland must play the roles.

He said: "When I was filming this film as an American director, I always reminded myself of my Italian identity. On the set, I felt the common feelings of human beings. I tried to look at this story from an Italian perspective, and I kept my own style: shooting this film with a story that is true, human, ironic and mixed with comedy and tragedy. "

Yes, this is the concept that Paolo Virzì has always adhered to: there is always tragedy in comedy, and only dramatic plots can make people laugh.

The foreign media "SSG Syndicate" described the film as a bittersweet and warm journey, and the excellent performance made this film. Film Journal International commented that although this film is a bit ordinary, it is very enjoyable in most cases.

When talking about this film, "CineVue" said: "Sorrow and sadness are often dangerous, but" Love Before Memory Dies "is not like this. Even if love comes to an end, they are still celebrating." The critics of RogerEbert.com even shed tears when watching it.

In addition, although the film was shot in the United States, most of the film’s creative team are Italian. Photographer Luca Bigazzi has worked with Italian director paolo sorrentino in many film and television dramas.

Musician Carlo Wizz and director Paolo Virzì are old partners, and he has participated in Osodo and My Name is Tanino.

Editor Jacob Quadri worked with the director on My Name is Tanino, but he is famous for working with Italian director bernardo bertolucci.

The charm of the game

Title: The charm of the game: Why are we so fascinated?

With the rapid development of science and technology, video games have penetrated into every corner of our lives and attracted the attention of countless people. From ancient board games to modern e-sports, games have always attracted people with their unique charm. So why are we so obsessed with games? This paper will discuss this problem from many angles.

First, the game is interactive. One of the greatest charms of games lies in their interactivity. Unlike one-way entertainment such as movies and books, games are a two-way interactive experience. Players can cooperate with others to solve problems in the game, and they can also compete with players all over the world. This interaction makes the game full of variables and challenges, and stimulates people’s curiosity and competitive desire.

Second, the game is immersive. The game has a high sense of immersion, which allows players to forget the troubles of the real world and devote themselves to the game. This kind of immersion can often bring players a strong sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. When we win a game or complete a challenge, we will feel extremely excited and satisfied, which is hard to get in real life.

Third, the creativity of the game. The design of the game needs high creativity and imagination. From beautiful pictures to rich plots, from unique gameplay to exciting battles, every link of the game is full of creativity. This creativity not only makes the game colorful, but also satisfies the players’ desire for exploration and knowledge.

Fourth, the sociality of the game. Games are also a social activity,

AC Milan’s midfield configuration has fatal shortcomings, and it is necessary to reinforce the confrontation-capable experts this summer.

Competing for the Champions League next season will be the number one goal of AC Milan in the rest of this season. No matter for the future development of the team or the club’s financial income, the Champions League seat is an indispensable part. Moreover, this will greatly affect the investment and signings of management Maldini and Ma Sala in the transfer market this summer.

Compared with the front line and the backcourt, the position of the midfield is the most criticized by the Rossoneri this season. With the club’s current investment strategy and development vision, it is difficult to ask for both winning and beautiful scenes. Although the team can have some representative performances in the strong dialogue this season, it can’t control the situation frequently because of insufficient lineup reserves in the face of weak teams.

The combination of Ben Nasser, Tonali, krunic and Diaz in the middle is always in a state of ups and downs, and the confrontation ability often suffers losses on the court, which can’t cause enough trouble for opponents. If we can have a player who can fight and take on the dirty work, it will be a great boost to the Rossoneri’s midfield strength to liberate the strengths of Ben Nasser or Tonali.

Tonali is the most indispensable midfielder in Pioli’s team at present, who can attack and retreat, while others have certain shortcomings. Ben Nasser needs to be absent for a long time after being seriously injured, and his state is unknown. When he played with Diaz, because neither of them had an advantage, he was often regarded as the key target of attack by his opponent.

Although krunic, a tiger balm, can provide tactical functions in some cases, he can constantly make up for the position and coordinate defense in the backcourt, but once he needs to press forward or take on more offensive responsibilities, he can’t do anything about it. Combing and passing is not his strong point, and he can only contact his teammates through short-distance cross passes and return safe balls. The strength of players is obviously only suitable for the role positioning of rotation.

It may be the most appropriate solution to form an all-round balanced trio, so as to increase the personnel reserve and thickness of the lineup, and let head coach Pioli have more candidates with different tactical styles on the bench, and adopt different tactical arrangements according to different opponents to pursue further achievements.

Hu Baosen personally supervised the Henan team and won the first victory at home.

Last night’s sailing stadium was happy. When the scoreboard was finally fixed at 1:0, Sarkozy and his coaching team were surrounded, and the fans at the scene left excited tears. At this moment, the Henan team waited for too long. Since the start of the tournament, the seven rounds of unbeatable haze have been swept away. Although the current Henan team is still mired in relegation, it has finally ushered in a glimmer of light.

In the 31st minute of the competition, the stands of the aviation body were dotted with stars, and the fans turned on the lights of their mobile phones to celebrate the 31st birthday of Henan Football. Among them was Hu Baosen, the boss of Jianye Group, who had been committed to Henan Football for 30 years.

In 1994, when Henan professional football was faced with a "life-and-death choice", Hu Baosen took over the Henan team with "rushing to the top and getting angry". Who knew that it was 30 years, and although he experienced too much bitterness and injustice in the middle, even though the "Jianye" used for 30 years was cut off by the "neutral name" of the Football Association, he still carried it down without hesitation, and invisibly Hu Baosen became a banner of Henan professional football.

2023 is the third year of Henan team’s share reform. Although the shares held by Jianye are decreasing, Lao Hu’s love for football has not diminished. Just as the team was in a precarious situation, Hu Baosen once again came to the stadium to watch the battle. The players on the field seemed to be injected with a needle of "stimulant". Even Ke Zhao and Li Songyi, who were rough in previous games, were like a different person, fighting actively and bloody, and performed well at both ends of the attack and defense. Wang Shangyuan, the captain of the team, was injured in the 27th minute, which cast a shadow over the game. However, at this time, Ke Zhao and Covic stood out, and it was their tacit understanding of "connection" that scored the winning goal for the team and helped the Henan team win the first game in 2023.

Although it won the first victory in the league, this victory is not enough to get the team out of the quagmire. At present, the team has 7 points, only 1 point higher than the relegation circle. The future situation is still grim. The next round of the team will go to Shanghai to challenge the current "leading" Shanghai Shanghai team, but the alarm in Henan has not been lifted, and the front line is weak, the lineup is not complete and the camp is full of injuries. This is a cruel reality faced by the team and an urgent problem to be solved.

No matter how bumpy the road ahead is, we must go on without hesitation. Hu Baosen’s performance in the air also gave the fans a "reassurance" and quelled the "rumor" that the Henan team might quit at the end of the year. As long as Lao Hu is there, Henan professional football is there. This is a spirit, a belief and a trust.

I wish Henan football better and better!