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Chasing food documentaries is becoming a way of life.


  Recently, the second season of "Flavor World" and the broadcast of "Looking for Dongguan" have once again teased the taste buds of diners and aroused people’s imagination of food. The second season of "Flavor World" starts from a global perspective, and explores the inextricable connection of cuisines around the world and presents the fresh taste of cuisines around the world. "Looking for Dongguan" is based on the authentic food flavor of Dongguan, showing the local food style from three angles: adapting to the weather, relying on mountains and rivers, and migrating and blending. It outlines the local fresh people and things with food, and then reveals the original appearance of Guangdong food culture, showing the historical change and time-space collision behind the flavor circulation.

  Under the mode of creating and broadcasting "internet plus Documentary", food has become an important theme. Documentaries such as "Flavor World" and "Everything Nourishes" have become "traffic", "online celebrity" and "explosion" with the help of the power of the Internet, realizing brand marketing and genre creation. By means of defamiliarization, daily aesthetics and drama, these documentaries have re-endowed the life style and cultural heritage at the image level, transformed the daily life of ordinary people into an important cultural phenomenon in China society, and promoted cultural inheritance and innovative development by means of contemporary Internet platforms and audio-visual media.

  The production mode of "high concept" and the audio-visual presentation of "film texture" are surpassing the domestic food documentary.

  In recent years, several major Internet video platforms have successively launched documentaries on food themes. Popular topics, unique perspectives, and escalating audio-visual means ignite the public’s enthusiasm for watching, and almost every food documentary will become a hot topic. This successful documentary type provides inspiration and experience for us to think and explore how to develop the quality construction of audio-visual works.

  Judging from these successful experiences, high-quality products include the continuous innovation of audio-visual technology and concepts, the shaping and promotion of cultural product brands, and the mainstream and sharing of value systems. Take "Flavor Room" as an example, the total broadcast volume of "Flavor Room" in Tencent video in the first two seasons alone is close to 2 billion yuan. In addition, Tencent launched the urban food documentary "Looking for Dongguan" immediately after the end of the second season of "Flavor World", and used the lens to show the audience the migration of Dongguan people and the changes and changes on their dining tables. Other Internet video platforms, such as bilibili, have also started a series of work non-stop after the successful broadcast of A Life Series in the first season.

  In addition to the continuous development of food content, these documentaries draw lessons from the production mode of "high concept" and pursue the audio-visual level of "film texture". Close-ups with shallow depth of field and aerial photography with special perspectives reflect the pursuit of spectacle effect in Internet documentaries. These comparable film quality and carefully selected shooting themes together constitute spectacle viewing effect, which has become an important driving force for documentary films to improve quality and market performance in recent years.

  For example, the first paragraph of the first season of "Flavor Man" shows the life and diet of nomadic people in Kuerte, Xinjiang. The film shows in detail the process of freezing and growing ice crystals in horse intestines after the sudden drop of temperature at night in winter. In "Looking for Dongguan", the footage of fishermen fishing at night and people drying raked radishes changed from near to far with the shooting environment at that time, which instantly raised the details of daily life to a higher perspective and brought a powerful shocking effect to the ordinary food life.

  This special shooting technique, which is specially designed according to the ingredients and production process, widely exists in most story paragraphs of this series of documentaries, and has become a new visual technology benchmark for food documentaries and a typical element used to represent audio-visual quality and viewing experience during publicity and promotion. It can be said that the level of serialization and spectacle of China’s food documentaries is approaching or even surpassing that of overseas TV stations, and other mature documentaries have become the benchmark of film and television quality creation.

  It not only has cross-cultural penetration, but also is an important support for the inheritance and development of Chinese civilization in the contemporary era.

  Food is not only a big IP of current Internet documentaries, but also an important symbol of China traditional culture. Long before the popularity of food documentaries, Chinese restaurants have opened all over the world and become the first window for many foreigners to know about China. With the audio-visual media becoming the most popular form of mass communication in the world, it has become a global phenomenon to understand China culture through audio-visual and food practice. Flavor Origin is the first documentary of China team that landed in Netflix, and a series of short videos on food topics released by online celebrity Liziqi on overseas platforms have also promoted the cross-cultural communication of China culture.

  Popular food documentaries not only introduce China’s diet with spectacular images and dramatic stories, but also use diet as a means to explore the world outlook, values and choices of lifestyle and interpersonal relationships belonging to China culture in a way that can be understood by contemporary and even world audiences. From the perspective of dietary anthropology, many cultural groups attach their unique feelings and concepts to the daily behavior of diet; Things not only define the social identity of individuals, but also convey a lot of information such as cultural habits and lifestyles. After the broadcast of China on the Tip of the Tongue, the popularity of "Tongue Tip" in social short videos and a large number of social discussions around food documentaries have proved that such documentaries have profoundly influenced the public’s imagination about their own culture, and even shaped and strengthened their shared life experiences and shared cultural patterns.

  In these audio-visual narratives about food culture, two kinds of cultural concepts have been loved by audiences at home and abroad. First of all, the traditional culture of China attaches importance to family affection, and the family has become an individual’s safe haven and gas station. This is not only the success of food documentaries that can constantly stir the heartstrings of China audiences, but also makes foreign audiences, especially those in Southeast Asia, feel familiar and close. Secondly, the familiarity and respect for everything in the world embodied in the food culture conveys the harmonious relationship between individuals and the world, and renders the connection between people and plants and mountains and rivers. These cultural elements and value systems not only have cross-cultural penetration, but also can be accepted by modern life, which is an important support for the inheritance and development of ancient China civilization in the contemporary era.

Documentary scenes and scenes full of life texture bring ordinary people’s daily life to the foreground.

  Another noteworthy feature of food documentary is that it is one of the few audio-visual works that insists on telling the daily stories of ordinary people. Although there are many international chefs and elites in the film, ordinary people are undoubtedly the main body in this kind of documentary, and their lives are often the most concerned and appreciated part of the audience. It has realized the people-centered creative requirements in the current field of literature and art in a quiet way, so that the daily struggle of ordinary people has gained its due position in the presentation of mass media.

  In the cultural category of "elegance and vulgarity" or "high and low", food is a typical popular culture that comes from the daily life of ordinary people and is based on oral instruction. In the documentary scene, Internet documentaries restore food to the daily meals of every ordinary family, paying attention to seasonal ingredients, regional natural ecology, and family concepts and kinship behind food processing and enjoyment, and activating the inherent beliefs of ordinary people about daily life such as "eating at home", "the taste of mom" and "the most common and delicious". In particular, films such as A String of Life, Breakfast in China and Wondering about Dongguan have opened up another "technical route" that highlights the "fireworks" in addition to the image style of wonders, accommodating more documentary scenes, daily dialogues and even seemingly unrelated chats, which are full of life texture.

  Ordinary people coming to the front of the film not only vividly show how China people extend their historical traditions to their present lives, but also help other cultural groups to overcome obstacles and barriers and get to know the real China people and China culture in the context of contemporary life. Compared with movie stars and development achievements, the ordinary life of ordinary members of society also has the value of cross-cultural sharing; A meal, rice, oil and salt can often stimulate the understanding of life under different appearances, bringing true mutual understanding and beauty.

  (Author: Jun-jian Liang, Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University)

Only exercise can reverse the clock of life.

The media reported a news in Xi ‘an that a 29-year-old man, Xiao Wang, went to the hospital with pain and discomfort in his left calf after playing games for five hours, and was diagnosed with acute deep vein thrombosis.

The doctor mentioned that some patients with thrombosis have swelling and pain in the whole lower limbs, which can not be alleviated, seriously affecting their normal life and work, and thrombosis is a "no-fault" disease.Sitting for a long time will lead to blood stasis in deep veins of lower limbs, and then form thrombosis.

If the thrombus falls off after being squeezed by external force, it will block the pulmonary artery. Pulmonary embolism will bring many dangers, even sudden death.

Biology believes that ancient humans living on the prairie were constantly running, jumping and chasing prey, and our bodies were born for sports.

Muscles, ligaments and tendons support bones, allowing us to run, jump and live actively.

Conversely, moderate exercise and an active lifestyle will also make muscles stronger.

With the process of industrial revolution and Internet revolution, the most important activity of human beings has become to operate the machine in a fixed position, or to stand, or to sit for a long time, and to be unable to walk for hours.

However, the evolution of human structure does not adapt to the long-standing or sedentary working style, and it also suffers more physical loss.

We will see that more and more diseases that originally appeared in the elderly are becoming more and more common among young people. At the same time, more and more people are suffering from chronic diseases in their later years, and people’s average life expectancy has become longer, but the "time to live healthily" has become shorter.

Of course, there are counterexamples,We find that more and more people are getting older, but their bodies have changed little, as if they were frozen. They keep long-term exercise and good sleep.

Younger next year: sports empowermentIt is pointed out that getting old does not mean recession, and the decision of recession is in our own hands. Stick to exercise, and you can refuse to decline and live a healthy and energetic life.

Chris Crowley | Houlang Publishing House

Chris Crawley, one of the authors of this book, is a retired lawyer. In his 70s, he was still riding and skiing, and in his 80s, he could still participate in all kinds of outdoor sports without obstacles.

He once thought that when he reached the age of 60, his feet were like stepping on a smooth slope-a long slope leading to old age and death.

Year after year, I become more and more bloated, slower and weaker, and suffer more and more pain. Eyes can’t see, ears can’t hear, and hip joints and knees are becoming more and more useless.

When I was young, my "friends" who played with me curled up and became grumpy, making it easier to say stupid things.

He imagined that his muscles looked like pleated cloth, trapped in a wheelchair, waiting for death …

This is the true state of many people who are over the age of ancient times. Obviously, there are still so many sights to see and so many new things to experience, but the aging body binds itself, and you deeply understand what "the body can’t keep up with the soul".

Until Chris met his training coach, he found that,Disease and aging are not the inevitable result of aging, sedentary is the catalyst of aging.

No matter how much food you eat, as long as you don’t exercise, you are telling your body that you are suffering from famine.

You tell your body that it’s time to get old, it’s time to start a low-calorie and indifferent mode, it’s time to store every bit of food as fat, it’s time to abandon the immune system, it’s time to let muscles disappear, let joints age, it’s time to find a cave, curl up and start shaking.

Modern people are sedentary, don’t like socializing, and eat everything you can, just like the signal from famine or winter, which makes the body respond to "aging".

So, when the sun goes down, you turn on the TV and sit for hours; When you watch TV, eat snacks and drink beer; When you give up life and participation, you begin to get old.

How to avoid aging? The answer given by Younger Next Year is:Only exercise can continuously make the brain send growth signals to the body and reverse the biological clock.

Exercise can bring at least five changes to the body:

1. Remodeling and improving aerobic foundation.

When a person is lazy, his body will slowly become sluggish, while aerobic exercise can prevent remodeling and repair the aerobic system, and help the body get back on its feet.

2. Reduce the occurrence of diseases.

Aerobic exercise can greatly reduce the occurrence of inflammation and reduce inflammation, which can help us eliminate half of serious diseases.

3. Improve mood and reduce depression.

Aerobic exercise is a good medicine to improve mood, which makes us more energetic and optimistic, reduces indecision and indecision, and improves work efficiency.

Step 4 relieve stress

In the face of pressure, human instinct is to fight or run, and exercise is the best way to release pressure.

During exercise, the brain will secrete more endorphins. Endorphins are natural painkillers, which can bring euphoria and help you relieve stress.

At the same time, exercise gives your brain something to focus on, giving you a chance to talk to yourself and stop worrying. The feeling of controlling your body will also give you a sense of control over your life.

5. Make yourself smarter.

There is a brain-derived neurotrophic factor, also called BDNF, which provides nutrients for the brain.

It can promote the connection and activity between neurons in the brain. When neurons in our brain become more active and connected, our brain will become smarter and more responsive.

The magic of exercise is that it is the best way to make the body produce more BDNF.

In the experiment of mice, it was found that the longer the mice ran on the wheel, the higher the BDNF level in their brains.

German researchers also found in experiments that the speed at which people learn vocabulary after exercise is 20% higher than that before exercise.

How much exercise is appropriate?

What kind of exercise is most beneficial to the body?

In "Younger Next Year: Sports Empowerment",From now on, exercise six days a week and keep exercising, that is, keep sending "growth" information to your body.

At the first level, the goal we set for ourselves is to do 45 minutes of "long and slow" aerobic exercise without any discomfort, such as cycling, jogging, brisk walking and so on;

The second level, 45 minutes of "long and slow" aerobic exercise four days a week, and 45 minutes of weight training two days a week;

At the third level, do 45 minutes of long and slow exercise once or twice a week. On other days of aerobic exercise, let the heart rate reach 70% ~ 85% of the highest heart rate.

Cameron Diaz, a famous actress who appeared in The Grinch in Disguise and Charlie’s Angels, wrote a book called Your Body is the Start of Everything. She wrote:

Health is not just the absence of illness, but when you wake up, get up, make breakfast and move in the morning, you feel great; It is that you have a keen, clear and meticulous mind and a happy heart.

The charm of sports is that the more you do, the better you believe you will do.

If you want to improve your body, your health, your IQ and mind, exercise now!

author | Gan Lanlan, write other people’s stories and live your own life.

picture | vision china, Internet (if there is any infringement, please contact to delete)

Entertainment Talk Show | Constant Romance

Not surprisingly, the footage of "New Longmen Inn" starring Chen Lijun and Li Yunxiao didn’t appear on social media for long, and the two stars began to explode. From then on, because these actors will go to Hangzhou again in the future, there is probably one more reason, such as watching the new national style environmental Shaoxing opera "Xinlongmen Inn", and also watching Chen Lijun’s "Jade-faced Husband" Jia Ting and Li Yunxiao’s gold inlaid jade.

The play "Xinlongmen Inn" was produced by Zhejiang Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe led by Mao Weitao, a famous Yue Opera performer. It became popular not long after it was staged, and it has been sold out so far. Unexpectedly, it is also reasonable. Surprisingly, the whole drama is full of young actors, acting the plots of the famous movies Longmen Inn and Xinlongmen Inn, and these two movies, one from the famous director Hu Jinquan, the other from Li Huimin and Tsui Hark, starring Brigitte Lin and Maggie Cheung, that is to say, it has lacked freshness in all aspects, and the previous one is an insurmountable peak, no.

Many people think that both the version of the Yue Opera "Xinlongmen Inn" and the images of Chen Lijun and Li Yunxiao are imitating the Baozang Song and Dance Troupe, but in fact, as long as you know a little about Yue Opera, it is not difficult to know that such a stage expression is derived from the old tradition of Yue Opera.

Poetry and Politics: Women’s Yue Opera in Shanghai’s Public Culture in the 20th Century, written by Jiang Jin, is a book I like very much. This book combs the history of Yue Opera, introduces important actors and plays, and examines the history of Yue Opera from the perspectives of gender, politics, the game between popular culture and elite culture.

Yue Opera was born in Shengzhou. From the beginning of "Xiaoge Class", it constantly improved its performance form and gained a firm foothold in Shanghai. At the same time, a fundamental change has taken place. It gradually changed from an all-male class to an all-female class. The reasons for becoming an all-female class are complicated. From the performance ability of men and women, the actresses at that time were more devoted and more capable, because it was very difficult for them to get out of the mountains and get a job opportunity, so most of them worked very hard. Moreover, the joys and sorrows in the story often linked with their own experiences and touched their hearts. They were particularly devoted to their performances, and they really laughed if they wanted to, and they really shed tears if they wanted to. This will more resonate with the audience.

From a cultural point of view, people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces have a very rich secular life and developed secular culture, forming a kind of "emotional culture", which pays attention to personal life and true feelings. Yue opera is the concentrated expression of "love culture", and it is highly consistent on stage and off stage. While expressing feelings on the stage and telling love stories between the opposite sex, it is difficult to grasp the scale of male and female actors and actresses, and the actors are embarrassed, and the audience under the stage is also embarrassed. Only female CP will not make people uncomfortable at all. From the audience’s point of view, the audience of Yue Opera has gradually become dominated by women, further affecting its form.

In fact, the expression of this kind of "popular drama" and the core of "emotional culture" have been continued in Chinese film and television. From today’s perspective and referring to the drama tradition in Jiangnan area, it is not difficult to see that it is a cinematic "drama", which is full of "drama" from the core to the expression. It even gradually extended to a huge genre, shaping the creation and acceptance of later generations. Many ancient dolls, many Xian Xia, or stories like Dream of China may all fall under a big category: drama. The drama in the south of the Yangtze River is their not-so-distant source.

In the history of Yue Opera, the most important turning points and practices are all related to these factors. For example, the reform of Yue Opera in Yao Shuijuan and Yuan Xuefen, as well as their own theaters and schools for Yue Opera, all have a strong gender color, especially the enthusiasm for building theaters and schools, which can be understood from the perspective of women’s psychology-women like to build their own nests. There is also the interaction between Shaoxing opera actresses and female audiences, and even female audiences set up various fan organizations for idols, in this way to expand social interaction and exercise their social participation ability. This is actually very similar to today’s fan organizations.

A history of ups and downs of Yue Opera is actually a history of women, a romantic history belonging to women. Judging from this history, from "Xiaogeban" to the popularity of Chen Lijun and Li Yunxiao, some things in the deepest part of human nature have never changed, or even changed, they have become very slow. They always appear in the same or similar appearance in different times. This is a little reassuring.


Schira: Obamaian, Kovacic and other 10 players are not in Chelsea’s plan.

According to Italian journalist schira, many Chelsea players, including Obamaian, are not in Pochettino’s plan and may be sold this summer.

Schira lists Chelsea players who are not in Pochettino’s plan:



Abdul Baba





Puglisi qi



(Mu Zi)

Football —— A Young Soccer Player in Daliangshan

In 2021, in order to fully implement the spirit of the State Council and the State Sports General Administration’s sports poverty alleviation project and carry out the "integration of sports and education" in depth, Sichuan Sports Vocational College and Luzhou Education and Sports Bureau reached a cooperation to select athletes of 2011 and 2012 age groups from all over the province to concentrate on learning and training, with the goal of competing in the 16th National Games (2029), and select and reserve outstanding reserve talents. More than a dozen teenagers from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, such as Shebu Yaoba Guimo, Jin Guikun and Lap Molaza, came to Luzhou Tianli Chunyu School after selection and became the reserve force of U18 football team in the 16th National Games of Sichuan Province.
Their Luzhou Tianli Chunyu School provides all-round life, study and training guarantee for young players. The school has a separate class for the team, and the players enjoy the same teaching resources as other students in the school; And according to the configuration of professional football teams, men’s and women’s teams are each equipped with a head coach, two assistant coaches, a goalkeeper coach, a team doctor and two full-time life teachers.
Chen Hua, head coach of the women’s team, said that although the young players from Daliangshan had a weak foundation when they first arrived, they did not admit defeat and trained very hard. After two years of scientific training and accumulated competition experience, these children have greatly improved their psychological quality, tactical skills and teamwork, and have grown into the main force of the team.
In the U12 group match of "Hope Cup" football match held in China Football Association’s Women’s Youth Training Center in April, Sichuan team won two wins, one draw and one loss, and Shebu Yaoku Mo won the title of "excellent player" in the match with Guangdong team. After the game, she wrote in her composition: "I will continue to cheer, join the national team, play well and win glory for my country!" "
From 2021 to 2029, from teenagers to young people, from teenagers from mountains to football players, their future can be expected. Come on, big Liangshan football teenager!
19 young players from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture took photos at the football field of Luzhou Tianli Chunyu School (photo taken on May 12).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Nine young players from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Russian Di Mo You Zuo, Shebu Mo Gua Mo, Hou Jiexin, Ji Lian Mo Li Xue, Lu Xiaoying, Zhao Minglian, Yang Guiyang, Lap Mo Laza and Yang Jianxin (from right to left), took pictures at the football field of Luzhou Tianli Chunyu School (photo taken on May 12).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
At the football field of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou, Shebu Mo Gua Mo (front left) from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture trained with the men’s team (photo taken on March 29).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
In the football field of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou, Lap Molaza from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture is training as a goalkeeper (photo taken on March 29th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Jin Guikun (right) from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture trains with his teammates at the football field of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou (photo taken on March 28).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Yang Kun from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture is training at the football field of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou (photo taken on March 28th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Yang Kun from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture is training at the football field of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou (photo taken on March 29th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
In the classroom of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou, Jin Guikun (middle) from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture raised his hand in class to answer the teacher’s questions (photo taken on March 28).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
In the classroom of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou, Shebu Mo Gua Mo (middle) from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture is listening in class (photo taken on March 28).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
In the classroom of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou, Shebu Mo Gua Mo (second from left) from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture and his classmates took an elective course with mock trial characteristics (photo taken on May 11th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
During the halftime of the U12 group match between Sichuan team and Guangdong team in the "Hope Cup" of the Women’s Youth Training Center of China Football Association held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province, Sichuan team member Xie Bumo (third from right) and his teammates listened to the tactics arranged by head coach Chen Hua (photo taken on April 10).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
During the free time of the U12 group competition of the Women’s Football Youth Training Center of China Football Association held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province, the Sichuan team member Xie Bumo (second from left) and his teammates from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture studied culture under the leadership of the teacher (photo taken on April 10).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
During the free time of the U12 Group Competition of the Women’s Football Youth Training Center of China Football Association held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province, Sichuan team members ran on the road inside the hotel (photo of drone, taken on April 10th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Shebu Mo, a Sichuan player from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, served a sideline ball in the U12 group match between Sichuan and Guangdong in the Women’s Football Youth Training Center of China Football Association held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province (photo taken on April 10).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Shebu Mo (right), a player of Sichuan team from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, struggled for the match between Sichuan team and Guangdong team in the U12 Group of Hope Cup of China Football Association Women’s Youth Training Center held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province (photo taken on April 10).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Chen Hua (middle), the head coach of Sichuan team, gave tactical guidance to the players during the free time of the U12 group competition of the China Football Association Women’s Youth Training Center held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province (photo taken on April 9).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Members of the Sichuan team took a group photo at the stadium after the U12 match between the Sichuan team and the Guangdong team in the "Hope Cup" of the China Football Association Women’s Youth Training Center in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province (photo taken on April 10).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
After the "Hope Cup" U12 competition of China Football Association Women’s Youth Training Center held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province, the Sichuan team coach led the players to play at the seaside (photo taken on April 11th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo

Weiguan Ningxia: The silver horse is here. Will you join us?

The Yinchuan Marathon, which has been silent for several years, has set sail again this year. This should also be the second good news after this sandstorm (the first one is rain). Speaking of marathon, this should also become a traditional event in Yinchuan, right? Anyway, every time it is held, it is quite lively.

Several of Weiji’s friends are fans, and they attend almost every time, but they are all "half horses".

I remember that at the beginning, the track was in the urban area, and every time it was held, the whole city was boiling, the competition was fierce, the watch was enthusiastic, and the road was blocked by the track. The memory of returning to normal after the game is very deep.

With the maturity of the competition organization, Yinchuan has begun to optimize the route for the marathon, and try not to disturb people’s normal life on the basis of ensuring the wonderful competition.

Wei Ji, for example, originally wanted to attend, but there was no way to move bricks, so I had to stop taking part in the fun.

But although the silver horse is very famous, it is estimated that many people don’t know the reason for the marathon, right? Why should it be set at 42.195km? It’s not important. What’s important is that people can feel the happy mood and change the scenery in a beautiful moment through the competition. It is said that this year’s race will pass through many landmark buildings, so that everyone can meet the picturesque scenery while running freely and appreciate this ancient city with a long history. Will you wait and see?

Wei Ji thinks it’s good not to block the road.

This is Yinchuan! Discover the beauty of Yinchuan and feel the beauty of Yinchuan!

Gao Zhidan: In view of the serious problems in the field of football, we are studying solutions and ways.

On the morning of March 12th, the first session of the 14th National People’s Congress held its fifth plenary meeting in the Great Hall of the People. After the meeting, the third "Ministerial Channel" interview was held, and some responsible persons of relevant ministries and commissions in the State Council were invited to attend the meeting.

A reporter asked Gao Zhidan, director of the State General Administration of Sports: Football, basketball and volleyball are deeply loved by the masses, and the development of the three big balls has attracted much attention from all walks of life. However, the current situation of promoting the development of the three big balls in an all-round way in China is not ideal. What do you think of this problem? What is the next work plan of the General Administration of Sports for revitalizing the three big balls?

In this regard, Gao Zhidan said that football, basketball and volleyball, the three major collective ball events, have a large population and great social influence, and are deeply loved by the broad masses of the people, especially young people. The results of the three big balls are not only the outcome of a game, but also the spirit of collectivism and patriotism.

Historically, China’s three major events, especially women’s events, have achieved good results in the world. China women’s football team once won the runner-up in the Olympic World Cup and was known as the "sonorous rose". China women’s basketball team won medals in the Olympic World Championships in 1980s and 1990s, and won the second place in the World Cup last year, showing a good momentum of continuous progress and development. China Women’s Volleyball Team, which has been tempered through hard training, has struggled from generation to generation, winning the world championship for ten times in three world competitions and winning honor for the motherland. Their women’s volleyball spirit of the motherland first, unity and cooperation, tenacious struggle and never give up, which is condensed by struggle and hard work, has inspired generations of Chinese people to make unremitting efforts to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Gao Zhidan said, but realistically speaking, for a long time, the development of China’s three major sports, especially men’s events, was not satisfactory, and the level of men’s football was declining all the way. There were many chaos in the football industry, which was in sharp contrast with the requirements and expectations of the CPC Central Committee and the people all over the country. It is a sign of a sports power that the three major goals should be achieved, and it is also a short board that we must make up to speed up the construction of a sports power. Recently, in view of the serious problems in the field of football, we have been deeply rethinking and studying solutions and ways, and are prepared to systematically treat them from the aspects of ideological education, style construction, deepening reform, and doing a good job in the current work, so as to do a good job in all the work of the three goals in the spirit of re-taking the Long March.