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More AI family SUV 2024 AION V Plus is on the market.

  On June 20th, AI ‘an released a set of Vlog for China families with more love. Xiao Yong, deputy general manager of Ai ‘an, turned into a Vlogger, bringing a "more AI family SUV" to young family users & mdash; — 2024 AION V Plus, the new car is priced at 159,900 yuan — 232900 yuan. Among them, only 170 thousand can buy 7 pure electricity.

More AI family SUV 2024 AION V Plus listed _fororder_image001

  Create the "BAT era" top three pattern "explosive manufacturing machine" Ai ‘an has a new explosion.

  As an "explosive manufacturing machine", Ai ‘an only makes explosive models: In May this year, Ai ‘an sold as many as 45,003 vehicles, ranking the top two in the industry for two consecutive months, opening the "BAT era" of the new energy automobile industry. The two explosive models have been widely favored by young hipsters. The AION S series is stable in pure electric A-class car NO.1, and there is one AION S for every three A-class pure electric cars. AION Y series, the monthly sales volume once exceeded all fuel vehicle SUVs, and led the pure electric SUV market into the "YY era" on its own.

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  There are often young cars, but there are few cost-effective home SUVs. At present, the market segment of family SUV is either more than 300 thousand with six seats and seven seats, and there is a "premium" range; Or barely meet the basic needs within 200,000, so that the "mutual will" between families becomes the normal state of car use. This time, Ai ‘an set his sights on the family group with a huge base, joined 750,000 users, thoroughly studied all the travel scenes of the family, summarized six high-frequency usage scenes of the family, and created 2024 AION V Plus, hoping to meet the needs of every family member.

  Focus on the six high-frequency usage scenarios of the family. 2024 AION V Plus is fully upgraded.

  The 2024 AION V Plus adds the exterior color of pulse blue and the interior theme of Milan Time, and optimizes the CNSL area, which enhances the simple and luxurious home enjoyment. For the six high-frequency use scenarios in the home, the performance has also been fully upgraded.

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More AI family SUV 2024 AION V Plus listed _fororder_image004

  (1) children’s seats on both sides of the mother easily sit in the middle.

  With the increasing number of families with two children, who says that parents can only "look at the seats and sigh" in the face of the two children’s seats installed in the back row? Thanks to the exclusive platform of AEP pure electricity, the 2024 AION V Plus has an exaggerated wheelbase of 2830mm and a car width of 1920mm, which forms a huge rear space. With the fully flat platform, the mother can easily get on and off, sitting comfortably in the middle of two children’s seats, and taking care of the baby conveniently.

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  ② Parents’ party outside the car at the beast farm inside the car.

  Who said that taking a baby out is suffering from each other? The 2024 AION V Plus fully upgraded the ADiGO SPACE smart cockpit. Family party camping, children can watch animation, play games, K songs in the car, upgrade the whole system of audio, and equip with brand Premium HIFI speakers to optimize the sound field layout, which is more immersive; Flat and spacious platform, so that children can sit comfortably on the platform, take Lego on the seat and have an extra playground; Adults outside the car can also use external discharge, cook tea around the stove and chat with friends. They don’t worry about the beasts clinging to each other, and they all have a small world of entertainment.

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  ③ Daddy’s car can be gentle and arrogant.

  The 2024 AION V Plus is upgraded to 180kW electric drive, which makes the power more surging, and five modes such as ECO/NORMAL/SPORT can be switched freely with one button. Usually take your family out, which can be quiet and stable, and take care of your family experience; Putting down the family, the dad can also be arrogant, and he can still experience the feeling of pushing his back on the family SUV.

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  In addition, the 2024 AION V Plus also has many practical functions to meet more household needs: one-button remote parking allows mothers to keep their baby elegant, so that parking can be done without hands, and the baby can be carried away; ADiGO PILOT intelligent driving assistance system, with multiple functions of full-speed adaptive cruise (ACC), can take the baby to travel alone, and can also take care of the children, cruise independently at high speed, so that the mother is super calm; When relatives visit temporarily, don’t worry about the lack of seats. Buy five seats and get three rows. A family of seven will not leave. It is equipped with a magazine battery that has spontaneously ignited so far and a five-star safety steel-aluminum hybrid body. The invisible safety guard makes the trip more secure. The new car will push the cinema mode, pet mode, upgrade the rest mode, continuously enrich the smart cockpit scene and provide a more convenient and comfortable car experience.

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More AI family SUV 2024 AION V Plus listed _fororder_image009

  159,900 cases have made every family member a VIP.

  In addition to the product experience that can meet the needs of the whole family, Ai ‘an has also equipped the 2024 AION V Plus with exciting prices and user rights: 159,900, so that every family member can become a VIP, and 170,000 can buy 7 pure electric seats; Buying a car can enjoy a variety of financial schemes such as 100,000 interest for 3 years, up to 6,000 yuan, up to subsidies and 0 down payment; At the same time, it also provides a variety of customized optional packages such as V2L external discharge set to meet more comprehensive family needs. Among them, the top 1,000 remote parking sets can enjoy half price concessions! (June 20, 2023-July 19, 2023 at 24:00)

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  Thanks to the remarkable improvement of scale effect, the 2024 AION V Plus once again embodies the ultimate "quality-price ratio" of Ai ‘an: higher quality and higher cost performance. For China families with cars worth less than 200,000, accounting for more than 81.8%, the 2024 AION V Plus provides a more comprehensive and balanced choice for young family users, and a gift with more AI. As an "explosive manufacturing machine", Ai ‘an is likely to usher in another explosion. (Photo courtesy of Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an)

The case of the second creation of characters in Jin Yong’s novels was delayed for 7 years: the final judgment was changed to infringement, and the works of the same person could be reprinted with com

  Recently, Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court made a second-instance judgment on the case of Jin Yong v. Juvenile here, and found that the defendant constituted copyright infringement and unfair competition. This intellectual property case, which lasted for seven years, was amended in the second instance because it did not constitute infringement, which caused widespread concern and controversy in the academic and industrial circles about the creative boundary of the works of the same person.

  The so-called fan works generally refer to new works created by using the same or similar characters in existing works. Teenagers here (hereinafter referred to as "Here") is an online literature created by dozens of people of the same name in Jin Yong’s works, such as Guo Jing, Huang Rong and Ling Huchong, and the plot is the story of youth on modern campus. When it was published in 2002, the book was promoted with the subtitle "The University Life of the Condor Heroes". In 2016, the Tianhe District Court of Guangzhou accepted Jin Yong’s lawsuit, which was considered as "the first case of a fan’s work".

  The judgment of the second instance is the first in China to confirm that Jin Yong’s novel "Portrait of People" is protected by copyright, which breaks through many people’s understanding of the boundary of copyright protection. Some people even think that this may "subvert the whole fan culture industry".

  Fan fiction’s Teenagers Here, 2002 edition.

  Cold case of works twenty years ago: Jin Yong sued fan fiction for plagiarism.

  Back in 2000, Richard, who graduated from Peking University, decided to create a novel featuring characters in many works, such as Legend of the Condor Heroes, Eight Dragons, the legendary swordsman and The Condor Heroes, when he was abroad. This novel, called Here, takes the virtual Bianjing University in the Jiayou period of the Song Dynasty as the time and space background, and tells the youth campus stories of Guo Jing, Ling Huchong, Qiao Feng, Yang Kang and Duan Yu. The characters in the book are similar to those in Jin Yong’s novels, with some similarities and some differences, and the story content is modern narrative. For example, Guo Jing, a freshman in chemistry department, ran into Huang Rong, a freshman in physics department, by bike, and then fetched water, cooked rice and took out the garbage for him every day, and finally got married. Duan Yu launched a series of pursuits for Wang Yuyan from a single-parent family without success.

  Originally published on the Internet, "Here" won the favor of the publishing house, was first published in 2002, and was promoted with the subtitle "The College Life of the Condor Heroes". In 2009, under the guidance of the Chinese Writers Association, China Writers Publishing Group, Novel Selection Magazine and Chinese Online jointly held the "Ten Years Inventory of Network Literature", and Here won the top ten outstanding works. Yang Zhi, whose pen name is "Jiangnan", was famous all over the world for a time. By the time of prosecution, Here had been published in several editions and distributed in millions of copies.

  In 2016, Jin Yong sued the Tianhe District Court in Guangzhou, claiming that the names of the characters described in Here are all derived from the above four works, and the relationship between the characters, their personality characteristics and story lines are substantially similar to those of his works, which is plagiarism, infringing on his rights of adaptation, authorship, protection of the integrity of works, commercialization of characters, etc., and based on the high popularity of his works, Richard’s misappropriation of the original elements of the above works has made great profits and hindered.

  The case of Jin Yong (real name: Cha Liangyong) v. Jiangnan attracted attention in the intellectual property field in that year. Many scholars wrote articles to express their views on whether the elements in Jin Yong’s novels used in Here were copied from Jin Yong’s works.

  The recognized formula for identifying infringing works is "contact+substantial similarity". As a fan of Jin Yong, there is no doubt that Richard came into contact with his works. Then, the identification of "substantial similarity" of works becomes the key.

  As for what constitutes "substantial similarity", the courts of first and second instance all analyze the "overall character image composed of characters’ names, personality characteristics, relationships and other elements, and related storylines" prosecuted by Jin Yong.

  First of all, in terms of the plot, the courts of first and second instance all think that Here does not constitute substantial similarity.

  According to the court of second instance, plot is one of the three basic elements of a novel, which is usually composed of many elements, such as the setting of characters, the relationship between characters, scenes, clues to the development of stories and so on. The plot can be either a relatively abstract story summary or a more specific detail presentation. If the specific plot is original and fully described, it can become the object of copyright law protection. The abstract plot may be an unprotected "thought" or a protected "expression".

  The court of second instance held that, compared with Cha Liangyong’s four works involved in the case, the plot of Here is different in time and space, and the clues and events that promote the development of the story, the design and arrangement of specific story scenes, the internal logic and causality of the story are all different, so the expression of the two does not constitute substantial similarity. Therefore, the copyright of the corresponding storylines in Cha Liangyong’s four works involved in the case was not infringed.

  The differences in the first and second trials are as follows: Is the "overall character image composed of characters’ names, personality characteristics, relationships and other elements divorced from the story" an expression protected by copyright? That is, if the three are not protected, even if they are the same or similar in the works involved, will they constitute infringement?

  A follow-up version of "The Boys Here"

  First instance: abstract formal similarity will not lead readers to have similar appreciation experience.

  According to the dichotomy of thought and expression, copyright law has a basic theory: "not protecting thought, only protecting original expression of thought". "That is to say, for the names, personality characteristics and relationships of characters in literary works, it is either thought or expression. If it is brought into the plot, it is part of expression. If it is not brought into the plot at all, it is thought." Wang Qian, a famous intellectual property scholar and professor of East China University of Political Science and Law, introduced.

  In relevant judicial precedents, names and titles of works do not constitute original expressions, works and are not protected by copyright law. Wang Qian wrote in the Course of Intellectual Property Law that "the simple combination of words, words and vocabulary that exist alone should remain in the public domain and become the basic materials for creation". A typical case is that CCTV produced a documentary with the same name as the book China on the Tip of the Tongue and was sued for infringement. The court held that the title itself did not contain any ideological content, did not meet the requirements of the originality of the work, and was not a special expression of the author’s thoughts, so it was not protected by copyright law.

  An industry consensus is that people’s names are not copyrightable. The same is true of the relationship between characters. In the previous case of "Zhuang Yu v. Jing M.Guo", the judgment held that "simple character characteristics, such as the appearance, personality and quality of the characters, or simple character relationships, such as the relationship between lovers and mother and daughter, all belong to the public domain, and do not belong to the object of copyright law protection."

  The court of first instance of Here held that "in the field of literary creation, the articles and works take novels as an example, and their contents are mainly composed of three elements … … It is often difficult to form a specific expression without the simple elements of the name, relationship and personality characteristics of the specific story. "

  The judgment of the first instance quoted Professor Wang Qian’s opinion in the article "A Preliminary Study on Copyright Infringement of Fan Works" (published in China Copyright, No.3, 2017). "Only using the role names, simple gender characteristics and simple relationships between roles extracted from specific plots is more to identify symbols, and it is difficult to form a substantive similarity with the original works."

  In an interview with The Paper, Wang Qian further explained, "Just pick a passage from Here and rename it one by one. Huang Rong changed to Zhang San, Guo Jing changed to Li Si, Qiao Feng changed to Wang Wu, etc. After the role name was changed, I don’t believe that any reader will think of Jin Yong’s novels after reading it. This shows that the only connection between Here and Jin Yong’s works is the name of the characters, with some generalized characters and relationships, which should be regarded as unprotected thoughts. "

  In order to explain the typical performance of copyright infringement, Wang Qian also cited the previous "Qiong Yao v. Zheng Zheng case" as an example. "Yu Zheng’s script uses a completely different character name from Qiong Yao’s novel, but the main plot is the same. Anyone who has seen Plum Blossom Branding and then goes to Palace Lock Together knows that this plot comes from Plum Blossom Branding. This situation is infringement. "Here" is just the opposite. As long as the name of the character is changed, all its connections with Jin Yong’s novels are completely cut off, so it does not constitute infringement. "

  The court of first instance held that "Here" and Cha Liangyong’s works only have abstract formal similarities in the names, relationships, personality characteristics and story plots, which will not lead to the same or similar appreciation experience for readers, and they do not constitute substantial similarities.

  This is in line with the views of many experts: the characters, personalities, relationships and other elements belong to the category of public materials and cannot be monopolized. Only when these elements are fully, clearly, concretely and uniquely described in a series of stories, can they be protected by copyright law.

  The court of first instance, while finding that Here does not constitute copyright infringement, held that it violated the Anti-Unfair Competition Law, and sentenced Richard and the sued publishing house to pay Jin Yong 1.68 million yuan and 200,000 yuan in legal fees according to 30% of the publishing royalties of Here over the years.

  Brief introduction of Taobao about the book.

  Subversive judgment: the overall character image is recognized as a protected "expression"

  After the judgment of the first instance, both Jin Yong and Yang Zhi refused to accept the appeal. During the second trial, on October 30, 2018, Mr. Jin Yong died in Hong Kong, and his heir Lin Leyi participated in the lawsuit. Five years later, on April 23, 2023, Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court ruled in the second instance that Here constituted copyright infringement and unfair competition, and maintained the total amount of compensation of 1.88 million yuan.

  The court of second instance held that "in this case, most of the characters’ names in" Teenagers Here "came from Cha Liangyong’s four novels involved in the case, and there are many similarities in the characters, relationships and backgrounds of the main characters. Although it is difficult to say that a single character image has been fully and uniquely described, on the whole, the group image composed of more than 60 characters, such as Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Qiao Feng and Ling Huchong, reflects Cha Liangyong’s choice and arrangement in the name, personality characteristics, relationship and background of the characters, and can be considered as fully described and concrete enough to form a structure with strong logical connection among internal elements, which is protected by copyright law & Expression ’ 。” Furthermore, it is concluded that the plagiarism of the characters’ names, personality characteristics and relationships in Jin Yong’s four works in Here belongs to the plagiarism prohibited by the copyright law.

  In fact, after the first-instance non-infringement judgment was issued, there were different voices. For example, three lawyers of Beijing King & Wood Law Firm, Sun Mingfei, Gui Hongxia and Tao Tao, wrote in the media "Intellectual Property" that the characters in literary works are original expressions protected by copyright law. "As far as characters are concerned, a single character name or a character with simple personality and interpersonal relationship obviously cannot constitute the protection object of copyright law. However, when people mention a character’s name, what they really want to convey is the plump character … … Copyright law protects not monotonous characters’ names, but three-dimensional and plump characters. As mentioned above, these characters are an important part of the original expression of the plaintiff’s novels. The later citation, no matter whether the words used are Guo Jing, jing elder brother or Guo Daxia, as long as the details including the relationship between characters and the plot are enough to make the audience’s mind emerge with rich original expressions of specific characters in the original work, they will enter the prohibited scope of the copyright of the original work. "

  However, in the opinion of some experts, copyright protection of "group portraits" and "character images" is a kind of "subversion" and "breakthrough".

  Tao Gan, director of the Intellectual Property Innovation and Competition Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, thought that if the roles in literary works were protected separately, it would violate the basic jurisprudence of the Copyright Law. Characters in literary works are different from cartoon characters and movie characters, and their shaping needs to be mapped in readers’ minds through the author’s literal description, which is difficult to separate from thoughts. Therefore, the role divorced from words, plots and scenes cannot exist independently of the work.

  Zhang Hongbo, Director-General of the Literary and Art Association, believes that if the characters and relationships in the works of the same person are identified as the objects of separate protection by copyright law, many works of the same person and new works created by rational use of existing works will easily be accused of infringement, which will have a very terrible social effect.

  "This is the first China court to recognize literary works ‘ Group portraits ’ In response to the judgment of the second instance, Jin Shui, an intellectual property legal worker, published an article in the Economic Observer, saying that the judgment of this case may subvert the entire cultural industry of the same people. "After the names of characters in literary works are protected by copyright law, how much space is left for the public to use freely?

  In the above seminar, Zheng Xiqing, an assistant researcher at the Institute of Literature of China Academy of Social Sciences, said, "It is common in the history of world literature to use pre-existing characters and storylines like fan fiction and re-imagine stories on the basis of them. If fan writing is characterized as plagiarism, then the history of literature is full of plagiarism. "

  Zheng Xiqing introduced that there are spontaneously established "re-creation organizations" abroad. They use the term "transformational writing" to refer to fan literature, emphasizing that fan’s re-creation of plots and characters in existing literary works belongs to adding new content or adaptation on the basis of the original work, rather than copying and repeating without innovation, that is, rational use, which does not belong to infringement of intellectual property rights.

  He Hong, director of the Network Literature Center of the Chinese Writers Association, said that fan writing is an important phenomenon in the whole literary creation. Jin Ping Mei can be regarded as the fan fiction of Water Margin, and online works such as Tales of Charm, The Story of Wukong and The Diary of Friar Sand can all be classified into the category of fan writing. The interactive characteristics of online literature promote the development of fan writing. Even in an extreme sense, the future literature may no longer be a single text, but an infinitely extended text network.

  Balance of interests: prosperity of cultural undertakings and "non-stop infringement"

  It is worth mentioning that the controversial judgment of the second instance has also given full consideration to the development of fan literature industry.

  While finding that Richard and others constituted copyright infringement and unfair competition, the court of second instance did not decide to stop the infringement and apologize in accordance with the statutory tort liability, nor did it decide to stop publishing Here and destroy the inventory as in the first instance. It also supported that Here could be reprinted by paying financial compensation to Jin Yong’s heirs. According to the proportion of the elements used in Here in Jin Yong’s complete works, the specific compensation standard is determined as 30% of the reprint royalty income as appropriate.

  In this regard, the court of second instance explained that "protecting the interests of creators and disseminators of works is the direct purpose of copyright law, but promoting the development and prosperity of scientific and cultural undertakings is the ultimate purpose of copyright law. When the direct purpose conflicts with the ultimate goal, the emphasis on the direct purpose should give way to the realization of the ultimate goal. Knowledge has historical inheritance, and any knowledge is both the final product and the intermediate input. For literary creation, imitation and reference have always been common means, no matter ancient or modern, Chinese or foreign. Therefore, the way of civil liability for literary works cannot be generalized to stop infringement, and it is necessary to carefully consider the case and fully balance the interests of all parties. "

  The Paper noted that in the appeal of the second instance, Jin Yong mentioned that Here violated his right to commercialize the characters of famous works. "Cha Liangyong created Guo Jing, Huang Rong and other classic characters with original character setting, story and language. With the wide spread of the works, these characters are deeply rooted in people’s hearts and have formed a solidified image in readers’ minds, which can exist to some extent without the specific story of the original. Because of this, they are reproducible and deductive, and also have high commercial use value. "Here" uses these famous characters for publishing without permission, which is a typical commercial use. " However, the court of first instance held that the copyright law does not have the protection of "the commercialization right of characters" and did not support this request.

  The courts at both levels recognized that when The Here was first published in 2002, it was subtitled "The University Life of the Condor Heroes", and its own works were directed at Cha Liangyong’s works, with the obvious intention of attracting readers to gain benefits through the influence of Cha Liangyong’s works. Therefore, Richard’s behavior is unfair, which deviates from the business ethics recognized by the cultural industry and should be prohibited by the anti-unfair competition law.

  Wang Qian still reserves his opinion on the judgment of the court of second instance that the infringement does not stop, which balances the interests of all parties.

  "Here does make use of the popularity of the characters in Jin Yong’s novels, but using popularity and using works are two different things, not a concept. Due to the use of popularity ‘ Hitchhiking ’ The problem can be solved through the anti-unfair competition law, not the issue to be discussed in the copyright law. "

  At the seminar of the China Literature and Art Association mentioned above, the Chairman of the Copyright Committee of the China Branch of the International Intellectual Property Protection Association (AIPPI) introduced that in the United States and Canada, the principle of judicial treatment of the role of a fan’s work in local laws and regulations is usually regarded as "Fair Use" or "Fair Dealing", that is, "fair use" or "fair use". However, there are corresponding restrictions under certain circumstances. For example, the name of a persona has been registered as a trademark, which can be protected by the Trademark Law, but it is still outside the scope of copyright regulation.

  Li Yang, a professor at the School of Civil and Commercial Economics of China University of Political Science and Law, also believes that the really controversial issue in this case is — — If the content of Jin Yong’s lawsuit is not protected by the Copyright Law, can it be protected by the Anti-Unfair Competition Law as a commercialized right? In this regard, he advocated the "policy theory of intellectual property law" and advocated that many factors should be considered comprehensively, such as whether the commercialization elements that the plaintiff advocated to protect paid corresponding labor and investment; Whether allowing the defendant to "hitchhike" will seriously harm the interests of the plaintiff; Prohibiting the defendant’s "hitchhiking" behavior will seriously damage the defendant’s freedom of expression and economic activities. In short, "we should not oversimplify it, but take into account the relationship between monopoly and competition, and reasonably balance the interests of the obligee and the public." Li Yang said.

  The Paper noted that the court of second instance also rejected the appellant’s request for apology. "There is no evidence that his behavior has had a bad influence on the reputation of the copyright owner of the above works. As far as unfair competition is concerned, Richard’s unfair competition will indeed lead to public confusion, but the infringement is not serious enough to make an apology, and publishing a statement is enough to eliminate the adverse effects. " The judgment is written.

In spring, China feels the vigor and vitality of China.

       CCTV News:The breeze blows the green fields and the earth blooms. At the moment, it’s early spring, and plants are sprouting all over the country, making a thriving scene. Next, we will walk into China in Spring and feel the vigor and vitality of China.

       In early spring, the south is full of breezes and flowers. This is Yong ‘an Town, Zigong, Sichuan. At present, thousands of acres of colorful rape flowers here bloom for the second time, putting makeup on the earth. In recent years, Zigong Academy of Agricultural Sciences has cultivated colorful rape suitable for local cultivation through breeding technology. This kind of rape flower has long flowering period, strong fragrance and strong ornamental value, which has promoted the development of local suburban agricultural tourism industry.

       Migratory birds crow and spring flowers bloom. Following the camera, we came to Gaoluo Township, Yuanqu, Shanxi Province. After the temperature rose, thousands of acres of wild peaches here competed to bloom, clusters and strings, which set each other off with the green terraces and strange paths in the mountains, forming a beautiful picture of spring. Tourists come in groups of three and five, follow the flowers, see all the flowers and share the beauty of spring.

       As the weather warms up and the snow melts, more than 400 swans are welcomed by the Daling River in beipiao city, Liaoning Province. They sometimes bend their necks and bow their heads, paddling leisurely; Sometimes it spreads its wings and glides gracefully, just like a dancing fairy. It is understood that the Daling River Basin is an important stopping and foraging place for migratory birds, and about 80,000 migratory birds stop here every year.


    In the Thai hexagrams in the Book of Changes, there is such a message: "Bao Yi, use Feng He, not a distant legacy." "Bao" means gourd, and "Feng River" means crossing the river. It means that the shaved gourd is tied to the body to cross the river so as not to sink to the bottom. This method of crossing the river by hitting water with certain tools reflects that human beings in primitive times have gradually mastered swimming skills. China’s earliest collection of poems and songs, The Book of Songs, also contains a poem describing swimming: "As long as it is deep, the boat will sail. It’s shallow, and it’s a swim. " Take a raft or ferry to the place with deep water, and dive or float to the place with shallow water. It can be seen that people’s swimming skills reached a certain level more than 2500 years ago. As time goes by. People’s skills in water are getting stronger and stronger, and the relationship between swimming and human society is getting closer and closer, and it has been playing an important role in war, production and entertainment.

    Navy Boat Wars and Folk Popularization in the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period

    During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the southern vassal states established naval divisions one after another, and carried out boat warfare, so swimming became an essential part of sailor training. The art of war "Six Rice Raiders" says, "Those who are skilled, therefore, cross the river in deep water; A strong crossbow leads a long army, so it is also a battle over water. The skill of crossing rivers over deep water is called "strange skill". The book Guanzi also records such a historical material: In order to deal with wuyue’s powerful water army, Qi Huangong built a dam on the river to build a large-scale swimming pool, with a depth of 10 meters, and ordered that "those who can swim will be given a thousand dollars". Trained 50,000 foot soldiers who are good at swimming, and defeated the navy of Yue State. Now hidden in the Palace Museum during the Warring States Period, there is a picture of people and fish swimming together at that time, and their swimming posture is harmonious and natural, similar to the current freestyle posture.

    While being carried out as a military training project, swimming activities have also gained a certain degree of popularity among the people. In Zhuangzi Dasheng, there is a story that reflects the folk swimmers: the water of Luliang falls from the cliff of Baizhang, and the waves in the river are rolling and foaming, and the fish and turtles can’t swim. Confucius once stood on the waterfront of Luliang and saw a man writhing in the water, thinking that he was going to drown, so he made his disciples go with the waves to save him. Unexpectedly, the man suddenly surfaced a hundred paces away, singing loudly and enjoying himself, and inviting him to swim down the shore was better than taking a stroll. Such superb swimming skills show that swimmers have mastered the tricks of swimming and the characteristics of water.

    Swimming Technology in Qin and Han Dynasties

    The swimming technique in swimming also appeared very early in ancient China. After Qin Shihuang wiped out the princes, he began a four-way cruise to show off his literary and political skills and consolidate the unified feudal dynasty. According to Historical Records, when he arrived in southern Shandong today, he was told that a bronze tripod of the Zhou Dynasty was sunk in the Swish River here, so he "prayed for fasting and wanted to leave Surabaya, Zhou Ding". He can’t wait to "make thousands of people have no water to ask for, Fu De". This swimming technique was further developed in the future. Hepu County, a coastal county in the Han Dynasty, was rich in pearls. At that time, swimming technology was adopted to collect pearls in the sea. This kind of water production activity has created conditions for the popularization of water sports.

    After the Qin and Han Dynasties, water sports became increasingly prosperous, and there were many experts in swimming. "Biography of Zhou Chu in the Book of Jin" describes that the warrior was good at swimming around and dared to fight. Once, he "fought the dumpling in the water, and the dumpling sank or floated, and the number of lines was ten miles, and the place (Zhou Chu) was with it. After three days and three nights, he killed the dumpling and returned." Being able to fight with the dragon in the water for three days and three nights shows that its swimming skills have reached a very high level. Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, located in the northwest of China, have vivid images reflecting social life in various periods. On the top of the flat base at the back of Cave 257, there is a swimming image of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Four athletes swimming in the water, some of them raised their arms high, as if they were paddling at the same time, like the butterfly stroke now; Some hands are pulled back and forth, which is a bit like freestyle today.

    Tide-makers in Song Dynasty

    Tide, water sports. It is a large-scale water activity including swimming. In the Song Dynasty, frolicking activities reached a climax. Wu Zimu recorded the spectacular scene of Wu’s frolic in the waves in Old Wulin: "The tide in Zhejiang is a magnificent view in the world." In this tide of "coming from the next day" and "swallowing the day and the day", "Wu Er is good at swimming, all wearing tattoos and holding ten big colorful flags, rushing forward and catching up, haunting the whale wave Wan Ren, changing himself, but the tail of the flag is slightly wet. "The skill and courage of these frolicters are really admirable. Some literati in the Song Dynasty were shocked to see these performances. When recalling this spectacular scene, Xin Qiji, a poet in the Southern Song Dynasty, left such words: "Wu Er is not afraid of the dragon’s anger, and the storm is flat, watching the red flag fly, jumping straight on the fish, jumping on the waves and dancing." The superb skills of swimmers are on the page.

    Swimming competition started in Han and Wei Dynasties.

    The swimming competition in China began in the Han and Wei Dynasties, when there was already a folk custom of holding a swimming competition on the Dragon Boat Festival. Every time this kind of competition is held, it is very grand and has a large number of participants. During the Tang and Song Dynasties, a large-scale swimming competition was held on the Qiantang River during the Dragon Boat Festival every year, and in line with the folk swimming activities, the royal family also held swimming competitions every year. "History of Song Dynasty. Rites" contains: In March of the third year of Chunhua (992), it was the early spring, and the river was very cold. Song Taizong Zhao Ling inspected the water army in Jinmingchi. He ordered people to throw the silver ou between the blue waves and let the soldiers swim for it. Of course, it won’t be a person to get the silver ou. This kind of swimming with the nature of competition is obviously to encourage the soldiers to practice their water skills.

    Tide-making skills in Ming and Qing Dynasties

    The folk swimming activities in Ming and Qing Dynasties are still represented by "frolicking in the waves" in Qiantang River every August. Whenever the tide is high, local people will carry out various swimming activities, and there are more and more patterns. Huang Zunsu’s "Ode to Watching Tides in Zhejiang" in the Ming Dynasty describes the thrilling scene of hundreds of frolic athletes performing various strange skills in the wild waves in red light clothes. Records of the west lake said that during the frolic activities, more than 100 swimmers held colorful flags, swam to Haimen to meet the huge tide, and then churned in the rolling tide. There are also people who perform "rolling on the wood", "water puppet" and "water acrobatics" on the water, which is a comprehensive skill of swimming and acrobatics. In addition to the watery areas in the south of the Yangtze River, it is the north, and swimming activities are also carried out to a certain extent at this time. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Guan Kanglin, a native of Nanhai, wrote a poem about Beijingers’ spring swimming in Du Men Zhuzhi Ci, which read: "Swimming has become a new stone pool, and Cao Cao competes to build a red flag. After undressing, the spring waves are cold, and people are still playing with water. " This is about a folk swimming competition, but for this wanderer from the south, he felt itchy when he saw a northerner swimming, and he wanted to have a try. Finally, he gave up because he was afraid of the cold, so he had to watch others swim in the water. In Tashilhunpo Monastery in Shigatse, Tibet, a swimming mural dating back more than 500 years ago is preserved, and its swimmer’s posture of paddling and backstroke is vivid. It seems that even on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is known as the "roof of the world", people have mastered quite superb swimming skills.

    Swimming as a military training program

    With the development of folk swimming activities, swimming as a military training project has also been paid attention to. For example, Qi Jiguang, a famous anti-Japanese fighter in Ming Dynasty, attached great importance to water warfare, and trained the navy in water sports such as swimming to meet the invading Japanese pirates. Mao Yuanyi’s "Wu Bei Zhi" recorded that the water army of Ming Dynasty was selected from the "Shamin" who was good at swimming, because this "Shamin" grew up on the seashore, was familiar with water, and walked on the ground in the waves. In the battle of coastal soldiers and civilians against pirates in the late Qing Dynasty, the importance of swimming was even more obvious. Gu Han’s poem "Song of Yujiazhuang" tells that the fishermen in Yujiazhuang, Shengxian County, Zhejiang Province, with superb water skills, carried grass and other things to the bottom of the enemy’s ship and wound the equipment, thus defeating the enemy.

    The ancient swimming activities in China were like this. In the combination of folk and military training, they promoted each other and developed together. With its long history and rich contents, it has become a traditional sport with national characteristics.

Editor: Chen Chang ‘e

I just want you to calm down and look at the beauty | Blade Runner 2049

   Special feature of 1905 film network It’s definitely a movie that blows up the circle of friends. Its popularity is like durian. Those who like to watch it hold it to the altar, but those who don’t like it think it’s extremely boring. It’s better to brush the iron fist brother next door.

    The polarization of evaluation also caused the word-of-mouth explosion of Blade Runner 2049, and the ending of the box office was applauded by professionals and even given."Best Science Fiction Film of 2017"However, the box office has not exceeded 100 million since its release, which is a great shame for an imported film!

Commander Gao’s face can’t save the box office on the street.

     The film was criticized only because of the slow pace, but is it strange that the pace is slow? Isn’t the rhythm of the old version 30 years ago slower than the speed of losing meat when you lose weight? Blade Runner 2049 30 years later can only be regarded as a continuation of the style of the previous generation.

Harrison Ford, who was young in those years

      Although the two works are 30 years apart, they both create an extreme atmosphere of Cyberpunk — — Cold and depressing & a cold sense of science fiction. In particular, this cold and dark tone has made many people say that it is simply too good to sleep. However, Ayi, who made up for blade runner for Blade Runner 2049, watched two movies in succession, and really wondered how those people fell asleep. With such attractive and foreign actresses sitting in the town, sleeping would not exist, OK?


Cyberpunk is a branch of science fiction, mostly for discussion.

The contradiction between the progress of science and technology and human nature.

At present, the recognized keywords of Cyberpunk are:

High-tech, social order collapse, dystopia, cyberspace

Blade runner’s Cyberpunk Wind Scene

      The costumes of the female characters in the film are very sci-fi, and they are so fashionable that you can still see these elements on the shows of major brands, so you don’t understand the director’s profound meaning at all. The director obviously wants you to calm down and have a good look at those beautiful women in Cyberpunk!

     Rachel is the main character running through the two films "Blade Runner". Besides the temperament of melancholy and elegance, the most impressive thing is the silhouette suit she wears in the film. Wide shoulders can shrink the waist visually, and the design of the waist and hip skirt highlights the figure more perfectly.

     At the same time, the exaggerated shoulder silhouette design adds a neutral temperament to it, and indirectly highlights the character Rachel.Stubborn personality. The whole shape is angular, like a moving inverted triangle … but this square design also makes this suit very futuristic — —


The elements of the silhouette look retro, but now it is still regarded as a treasure by Balmain, and the silhouette design can be seen in the big show every year. Although compared with the shape in the movie, it has converged a lot, but it can still be seen that it is intentionally treated at the shoulder, which visually creates the impression of an inverted triangle and makes your waist look thinner by two or three circles — —

Balmain Paris Fashion Week in Spring and Summer of 2018

     This style has also been exported in the new version of Blade Runner 2049. Luv, the replica of "Strive to Be the best" in the film, has a feeling of learning from Rachel in style. Although it is not as exaggerated as Rachel, it can still be seen in the shape of the suit.

     Rachel’s other eye-catching look is this warm-looking Mao Mao coat. Although it is exaggerated, it makes Rachel stand out from the crowd.Highlight her noble and special status.. Although this style is very comfortable to wear, it requires a strict figure and appearance. If you are not foreign-style and not tall, then you may be no different from the garlic girl. …

      Mariette, the new sister in Blade Runner 2049, is also very keen on this Mao Mao element, but she is younger in styling. The coat uses brighter colors and more layers. If Rachel’s Mao Mao coat is an elegant celebrity, Mariette is a rebellious girl with a hot personality & mdash; —

Although "blade runner" was a film in 1982, the Mao Mao element was a hot element in autumn and winter of 2017, and many street shots showed online celebrity bloggers hiding in furry coats. For example, chiara, a space blogger, dressed herself up as pink furry when she participated in Paris Fashion Week in spring and summer of 2018 — —

      I believe that many fat friends are obsessed with Gao Commander’s AI girlfriend Joi after watching the movie. The appearance is considerate and can be changed at any time, and the clothes are still super high! For example, this modern yellow raincoat is definitely the next explosion of a treasure!

     In fact, this is not the first time in the blade runner series that there is a raincoat shape. In the old version, Zhora, the clone, has worn a similar model, but it is just an ordinary transparent basic model, which is not as good as the new version in color and design ~

As a fashion item, raincoat has become more decorative than practical, and it is often used as an ornament of modeling — —

New York Fashion Week Street Shooting in Spring and Summer of 2018

     Sometimes it will appear as an element in the show, and it will cooperate with other fabrics to make the whole set look more futuristic — —

2015 new york Spring and Summer Fashion Week Lisa Perry Brand Show

     It is said that Blade Runner 2049 is completely capable of competing with the old version, and it can definitely be called a landmark science fiction film. However, I have to admit that in terms of clothing modeling, the old version can still be dumped by the new version. After all, Michael Caplan was the designer of the old fashion, and this Michael is also a series of fashion designs.

Michael Caplan

     For example, in the old version, the stunning snake lady Zhora’s perspective dress style is not even a set of clothes, but a lot of sequins are stuck on her body, but it successfully shows.The charm and danger of snake lady— —

     At the Spring/Summer Fashion Week in London in 2014, Julian Macdonald also played with perspective elements. He also clung embroidery and sequins to his body, but he was a lot conservative, at least like a serious dress. ..

     In addition to this, there is a replica of Pris’s tulle punk style. Although wearing soft tulle, black and personalized tailoring make this style full of punk feeling, which also shows the character of Pris.Unrestrained and longing for freedom— —

     The Valentino brand show in the 2016 Paris Spring/Summer Fashion Week also appeared in a black tulle shape, but it was a little more fairy than in the movie. After all, Valentino …


    "Blade Runner 2049" is really not a popcorn chip that entertains the public. There are plenty of things under the appearance of Cyberpunk.Whether humans and technology coexist?The profound discussion is also right.A Philosophical Exploration of Self-cognition. You can’t tie up this film with fast pace and visual stimulation.

     But you can appreciate the girl inside with your beautiful eyes (rubbing hands excitedly).

American newspaper: Korean war survivors reveal the truth about the American massacre

  Xinhua News: The International Herald Tribune of the United States published an article entitled "Survivors of the Korean War Talk about the US Army’s Killing Innocent People" on the 21st. The main points are as follows:

Douglas macarthur (former) Incheon gloated after landing.

  Many people were burned alive.

  In September, 1950, under the personal command of General douglas macarthur, American troops landed in Incheon Port, South Korea, which changed the direction of the Korean War and made MacArthur a hero.

  But more than half a century later, in a shabby tent at the entrance of Yuewei Park, a group of elderly Koreans wanted to tell the world about the unknown side behind the victory of the US military and a story about civilians being burned alive that was not mentioned in Korean official history and textbooks.

  Li Beiji, 76, said: "When napalm hit our village, many people were still asleep at home. Those who escaped from the fire came to the seaside, and we tried to show American pilots that we were ordinary people. However, they still shot at us, both women and children. "

  According to the military documents declassified by the United States reviewed by South Korean government investigators, on September 10, 1950, five days before landing in Incheon, in order to "burn" the eastern part of Yuewei Island, 43 American warplanes flew to the island and dropped 93 cases of napalm bombs.

U.S. military burned facilities on Moon Island.

  There were 210 massacres of civilians.

  Moon Island is not the only target of bombing. Since November last year, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission under the South Korean government has published a series of reports on the situation of Yuewei Island and two other cities that were attacked by air. Local residents said that a large number of unarmed civilians were killed in indiscriminate air strikes by the US military. The Committee believes that such air strikes violate the international conventions on war, and therefore suggests that the government come forward to negotiate with the United States to pay compensation to the victims.

  According to other findings of the Committee, on January 19, 1951, American warplanes threw napalm bombs at Shancheng village, about 160 kilometers southeast of the capital, killing at least 51 people, including 16 children.

  The Committee also said that a day later, American warplanes threw napalm bombs at the entrance of a cave full of refugees in Danyang, 35 kilometers north of Shancheng Village, and about 167 villagers were burned alive, more than half of them women.

  Jin Dongchong, a senior official of the Committee, said: "We should not ignore or conceal the deaths of innocent civilians, because their deaths were not caused by the mistakes of a few soldiers, but by orderly air strikes and strafe. History tells us that we need an alliance, but this alliance must be based on humanitarian principles. "

  During the early totalitarian and extremely anti-communist government in South Korea, it was taboo to criticize the actions of the US military in the war. However, after the South Korean government later set up a fact-finding commission, the public provided 210 cases about the indiscriminate killing of innocent people by the US military, most of which were caused by air strikes.

The US military forced the moon to tail island.

  The United States has argued that "air strikes are justified."

  Major Stuart Upton, a spokeswoman for the US Department of Defense, said that the Pentagon would not comment on these reports until the South Korean government took formal action.

  After the Korean War broke out in June 1950, the US military planned to land in Incheon Port in September to rescue the United Nations troops trapped in the southeast corner of the Korean Peninsula. The US military decided that it must first turn Yuewei Island, located at the throat of a waterway leading to Incheon Port, into a no-man’s land.

  In their report on the mission of bombing the island at the end of the moon, the pilots of the US Marine Corps said: "This mission is to completely bomb this area with napalm and burn all objects on the ground."

  They also said: "I didn’t see any signs of the army. But the smoke rising from the ground shows that the fire is enough to burn everything on the ground. "

  These reports also described the shooting on the beach, but made no mention of civilian casualties.

  American investigators did not object to South Korea’s investigation report, but thought that the US air strikes were "justified". They said that the mountain city was a stronghold of the enemy at that time, and the villagers had been warned to evacuate in advance.

  However, regarding the bombing of Moon Island, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission pointed out that although it believed that it was necessary for US troops to land in Incheon Port, it found no "evidence of any efforts to reduce civilian casualties". (Editor: Apeng)

Related reading:

  In June 1950, when the Korean War broke out, the Korean People’s Army laid a large number of mines in the nearby waters to prevent the US troops from landing in Wonsan. In order to ensure the successful landing, the US military used more than 10 mine-clearing ships to clear mines. However, due to the limitation of troops and mine-clearing technology, only more than 200 mines were cleared in 15 days, accounting for 1/10 of the total number of mines laid by the People’s Army. A large area of mines undoubtedly poses a serious threat to the next landing operation of the US military. Unable to do anything about it, the US Far East Naval Command remembered that after Japan’s defeat, an old Japanese naval mine-clearing unit with more than 100 mine-clearing ships and combat capability remained.

Countless North Korean children were killed by American troops.

In the Korean War, the old woman was killed by the American army on the roadside.

Editor: Wang Jiaolong

2023 World Robotics Congress opens in Beijing, attended by Yin Li Wan Gang.

  Original title: The 2023 World Robotics Congress opened in Beijing, attended by Wan Gang, Yin Li

  On the afternoon of August 16th, 2023 World Robotics Congress opened in Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone. Yin Li, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and secretary of Beijing Municipal Party Committee, and Wan Gang, chairman of China Association for Science and Technology attended.

  At the opening ceremony, Yin Li and Wan Gang, Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Shu Wei, Deputy Party Secretary, Full-time Vice Chairman and Secretary of the Secretariat of China Association for Science and Technology, Xia Linmao, Standing Committee Member of Beijing Municipal Committee and Executive Vice Mayor, Alexander Weir, Chairman of the International Federation of Robotics Academic Committee, and Wang Tianran, Academician of China Academy of Engineering jointly pressed the start button, and the 2023 World Robotics Congress was officially launched. Xin Guobin, Shu Wei, Xia Linmao and Yue Se Vieira, President of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations, delivered speeches respectively. The launching ceremony of the World Robotics Cooperation Organization, jointly sponsored by the Chinese Institute of Electronics and the Israel Robotics Association, was held.

  After the opening ceremony, the leaders came to the exhibition hall of World Robotics Expo 2023 and visited the booths of key core components, Eston Automation Co., Ltd. and Beijing soft robot Technology Co., Ltd. The theme of the 2023 World Robotics Congress is "Open and Innovative, Enjoy the Future". During this period, there will be "Cooperation Night", 6 main forums, 30 special forums, expositions and related events. 320 guests from all walks of life, such as Industry-University-Research Jinyong, will gather at the conference, and nearly 600 robot products from 159 enterprises will be exhibited and nearly 10,000 players will compete on the spot. The holding of the conference will further promote international cooperation, stimulate the vitality of business entities, release the kinetic energy of scientific and technological innovation, deepen exchanges and cooperation in the global robot industry, help the construction of Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center and International Exchange Center, promote the high-quality development of the robot industry, and continue to create a new business card of "Beijing Zhizhi".

  Gou Ping, deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, Jin Wei and Zhao Lei, leaders of Beijing Municipality, heads of some national robotics associations and international organizations, Chinese and foreign experts and scholars, and business representatives attended. (Liu Feifei Yangqi)


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    CCTV.com News (broadcast by Chinese World on August 8th): > > Click to view the video.   


Lu Jufang collects table tennis apprentices in New Zealand.

Wang Chen has a table tennis club in the United States.

Table tennis that won China the reputation of "national ball"   

It can be said that with the completion of novel and unique venues, the smooth recruitment of volunteers, and the appearance of mascots, medals and torches, the pace of the Olympic Games is getting closer and closer to us. at the same time,For every athlete, participating in the Olympic Games is probably the most important and meaningful thing in his life.For Wang Chen, who retired from the Chinese national table tennis team seven years ago and immigrated to the United States,2008The significance of the Beijing Olympics is even more different.Although he is over 30 years old, Wang Chen’s impact on the Olympic Games is not weak. Because of her nervous preparations for the Olympic Games, Wang Chen had no time to face the media. However, American Chinese TV reporters managed to find her.

Like every immigrant, in the early days of coming to the United States, Wang Chen will inevitably face the differences in language and culture and the hardships of starting a business. However, the self-confidence and indomitable spirit given to her by her sports career made her bravely rush all the way. After coming to the United States for seven years, Wang Chen not only continued her sports career, but also completed the transformation of various roles. What’s more, she also gained a sweet love.

   The Beijing Olympic Games not only makes the athletes look forward to it, but also the coaches are full of expectations, especially the Chinese coaches employed by various countries are even more excited. In Auckland Table Tennis Club, New Zealand, there is a Chinese coach, Lu Jufang, who once trained nine world champions in China and now has an apprentice in New Zealand. He decided to carry forward China’s national table tennis.

   For overseas Chinese, it is not only Chinese athletes who want to participate in the Beijing Olympic Games, but also many Chinese friends may have the idea that they will be witnesses of this historic moment in person. Besides buying tickets to watch the game on the spot, there are actually many ways to become part of this sports event. In today’s program, we will tell you about the ways to get in touch with the Beijing Olympic Games:

Besides the athletes and spectators, the closest people to the stadium are the Olympic staff and volunteers. Being a volunteer for the Beijing Olympic Games is actually the dream of many friends. At present,2008The recruitment of all kinds of volunteers for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has been fully carried out. According to the regulations of BOCOG, the deadline for registration of Games-time volunteers is2008yearthreeMonth, and the recruitment work will be on2008yearfiveCompleted in June. Overseas Chinese friends can visit the following websites.www.bjqb.gov.cnSign up, or call the volunteer hotline of BOCOG for details.

Before the official start of the Olympic Games, there is another job that is both sacred and meaningful. That is the torch relay of the Olympic Games. At present, the selection of torchbearers and runners for the Beijing Olympic Games is also under way. Delivered outside China2480Among the torchbearers, the Olympic committees of the relay cities and countries or regions have mastered nearly.80% quota. Therefore, if overseas Chinese friends want to be torchbearers, they should pay more attention to the selection information of the local Olympic Committee.

2008The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has brought together the hearts of overseas Chinese all over the world, and they are making their own contributions to the Olympic Games in various ways. This includes the efforts of a Chinese designer. Perhaps many viewers don’t know, in fact, the Bird’s Nest and the Water Cube are both concentrated in a big Olympic Park, and the designer of this park is a Chinese. Let’s get to know him now.

Editor: Cui Ying

Collect it quickly, you will need it.

The meaning of travel lies in ordinary life.

A few more colorful pages.

Tibet, as a distant place where countless people can sleep at night.

There are too many surprises and legends!

In this life, I will come to Tibet anyway!

Today, Xiaobian studied for two weeks! !

Sort it out2023 the most comprehensive introduction to TibetShare it with everyone

Remember to collect! You must need it!

1. What should I pay attention to when entering Tibet?

2. What must-see attractions are there in Tibet in summer?

3. When is the best time to go to Tibet in a year?

4. What is the best route to travel to Tibet?

Xiaobian answers for you one by one!

Photographer/Zhang Jing

How to solve the problem of high rebellion?

1, chest tightness, chest like a blocked general, is a typical reaction to hypoxia.

Effective treatment methods:Take oxygen and rest, and avoid strenuous exercise.

2, shortness of breath, accelerated and thickened respiratory rate,

Effective treatment methods:Keep quiet or stop other actions and wait for the breathing rhythm to be smooth.

3,There is a phenomenon of hyperreflexia, which is nosebleed, mostly in men. First of all, it is caused by the dry climate in the plateau, which ruptures the blood vessels in the nasal mucosa.

Effective treatment methods:1. Apply a little erythromycin ointment and drink as much water as possible to prevent dryness. 2. Eat more fruits and drink more water to promote metabolism.

4, headache, nausea, this altitude sickness is relatively persistent, in general, it can be recovered after a few days of adaptation,

Effective treatment methods:Self-adjustment If it aggravates or causes extreme physical discomfort, as long as conditions permit, stop the trip immediately and choose to see a doctor nearby.

What do you usually take with you when you enter Tibet?

No matter what season (people seldom go in winter), thermal underwear, jackets (rain and wind) or thick coats and trousers (jackets) must be brought. Generally speaking, it is ok to change two sets (including shoes) and use a raincoat without a jacket.

PS: At the hottest time in Tibet, there will be rain and snow when crossing some passes.

It is best to equip special quick-drying clothes in summer to facilitate washing (dry after washing), and sunscreen is also very important.

What is the reservation time of return air ticket and train ticket?

It’s recommended to advance about 4 to 5 days. If the journey is too long, the situation on the road may change due to external reasons, so don’t advance too early. If you want to book tickets in advance, please arrange enough time.

Summer is the most suitable season to go to Tibet. There is no biting cold wind or hay everywhere, and the temperature is just right. All the mountains and lakes gradually show their green colors. At the hottest time, the temperature is only 20 degrees, which is the most suitable for summer roaming.

Hope after Rain: Nangarbawa Peak

Source: Linzhi Tourism Bureau

Many people will choose to go to Nangarbawa Peak in winter or in the non-rainy season.

But I prefer to choose the rainy season and go to Nangarbawa Peak.

Standing at the entrance of Sejila Mountain, I hope I can see the true content of Nangarbawa Peak after the fog clears.

If you really see the true face of Nanga Bawa Peak, which is not seen for ten people.

I will have tears in my eyes, which is the expected response.

It also means that the canoe will sail through Chung Shan Man next.

Play suggestion:

1. The pass is very high above sea level, so don’t run and shout loudly to avoid causing high reaction.

2. It is windy and the temperature is very low. It is recommended to wear more clothes to avoid catching cold.

3. There are small shops on the pass where you can buy food and water.

The best camera position in Nangarbawa:

1. Gongzundem Beach: You can photograph the reflection in the water of Nangarbawa Peak.

2. Suosong Village: navigate to the entrance of Dakongli B&B.

3. Dalin Village: navigate Dalin Village or Songzan.

4. Sedila Mountain Observation Deck

5. Baifengtai

6. Tunbai Village

7. Yarlung Zangbo River Valley: It takes half an hour to reach the river on foot, and the photos are beautiful.

The realistic version of the Wizard of Oz: Lulang Linhai

Zhang Jing/photo

Lulang Linhai has unique beauty in every season, but I don’t think anyone can refuse Lulang Linhai’s summer. Riding a white horse in Lulang Linhai’s pasture, drizzling, lifting your face and blowing the gentlest wind on the plateau, what is the summer heat wave here?

Tickets:80 yuan

Punching in scenic spots:Sedila Mountain, Zhaxigang Village and Lulang Town

Tips:If you plan to travel in depth, you need to prepare waterproof clothes, medicines, sleeping bags, etc. in advance.

Primitive forest: spruce forest

Source: Bomi Tourism Bureau

Every tree in Gangspruce Forest has a primitive flavor, and it has been rated as one of the top ten most beautiful forests in China by chinese national geography. Walking in Gangspruce Forest in summer, there are soft sawdust and pine needles at the foot, as well as streams hidden in Palong.

Tickets:90 yuan/person in peak season and 45 yuan/person in low season.

Play time:Walk for 2-3 hours.


1. The road to the scenic spot is muddy, so it is recommended to drive an off-road vehicle.

2. Bomigang Township Nature Reserve covers a total area of 4,600 hectares, with an altitude of about 3,000 meters. They are all virgin forests, so don’t worry about rebellion.

3. Others: At present, there are almost no (or few) tour groups, so you need to drive or charter.

Wild and delicate: Naqu alpine grassland

Mi Zangda Wa/photo

Naqu, which means "Heihe" in Tibetan, is one of the colder places in Tibet in four seasons. The Naqu alpine grassland was rated as one of the six most beautiful grasslands in China and one of the five largest pastures in China by chinese national geography. The Qiangtang grassland in full of green is more like a gift from heaven, with a cool breeze blowing at 20 degrees and low adobe houses, which aggravated the ancient nomadic habitat here.


Opening hours:whole day

Traffic guide:be self-drive

Play punch recommended:

1. Riding a horse on the grassland is completely different from the usual experience of riding a horse in a scenic spot. Friends who can’t ride a horse can let the herdsmen lead them.

2. Occasionally, herders come to sell dried yak meat, and you can taste authentic plateau air-dried yak meat on the spot.

Natural Oxygen Bar: Lebugou

When it comes to Shannan, people think of "Yangzhuo Yongcuo", but the coolness of Shannan is more than Yangzhuo Yongcuo. Lebugou is located in Cuona County, Shannan City, and is called "China Natural Oxygen Bar". Lebugou, which means "a good place" in Tibetan, is 2920 meters above sea level, which is similar to Medog in Linzhi, so it is also called Little Medog.

Lebugou is more like an accident in Shannan city with a temperate arid climate. It is the summer in Lebugou when you fall asleep with the sound of waves and wake up with the sound of birds. Walking on the road, you may encounter Himalayan impala and white-cheeked macaque. There are many natural forms such as snow-capped mountains, canyons, lakes, waterfalls and virgin forests, and it is one of the main inhabited areas of ethnic minorities in China.

Tickets:80 yuan


1. The most important point is that Lebugou is located at the southern border of Shannan, and it is necessary to apply for a border defense certificate in advance.

2. The air humidity in the ditch is high, and it may rain at any time. Take rain gear.

3. The weather in the ditch changes rapidly, so it is necessary to prepare warm clothes.

4. Sometimes you will meet monkeys in scenic spots or on the road. You can prepare some food in advance and protect your personal belongings to avoid being robbed by monkeys.

Garden behind Mount Everest: Jilonggou

Qian Xiaoyu QIAN/ photo

Jilonggou is located in Jilong County, Shigatse, Tibet, in the deep Himalayan mountains bordering Nepal. It is a little-known place with a different style from the plateau and is called "the back garden of Mount Everest". The canyon is covered with trees and flowers, and the leaves are slim and graceful. Spruce with long leaves has straight stems and slender branches like weeping willows. The quiet village is surrounded by green trees, and the looming snow-capped mountains can be clearly seen not far away. Standing on the top of the mountain is like standing on a cloud, overlooking the whole town.

Tips:Jilonggou is located on the border between China and Nepal, and it is necessary to apply for a border defense certificate in advance.

Must-see attractions:

1. Kongtangram Pass, Geelong County, Geelong Town, Paba Temple, Naixia Village, Jeep Village,

2. The ID card shall be mortgaged at Tiesuoqiao and returned when it is returned.

Everyone goes to Tibet for different reasons and feels different, so the author is only responsible for making suggestions. Please choose your favorite season according to the facts. In fact, March to October is suitable, and the rest of the time is snowy and icy, and the climate is complex, so it is easy to encounter dangers and accidents.

If you want to see Linzhi peach blossoms, late March and early April are more suitable (note the arrival time).

I want to see the frozen Namco, preferably before May. Watching yangzhuo yongcuo can be done most of the time.

If you want to experience the ice and snow on the way to Tibet, all the year round, and it is not very dangerous, it is best to go from March to May.

June-August is the rainy season, with more rain (wet at night and dry during the day). Everything has grown to a certain season and the scenery is extremely beautiful.

September-October is the best season, with fallen leaves flying and golden mountains.

Tips: Tibet’s high-altitude scenic spots are still very cold in summer, so you need to bring winter clothes to keep warm.

South Sichuan-Tibet line:

The first paragraph: Litang-Batang-Ba Long-Mangkang.

The second paragraph: Mangkang-Zuogong-Bangda-Basu

The third paragraph: Basu-Ranwu-Bomi

The fourth paragraph: Bomi-Tongmai-Linzhi

The fifth paragraph: Linzhi-Gongbujiangda-Mozhugongka-Dazi-Lhasa

Northern Sichuan-Tibet Line:

The first paragraph: Dege-Jiangda-Changdu

The second paragraph: Changdu-Leiwuqi-Ding Qing

The third paragraph: Ding Qing-Ba Qing

The fourth paragraph: Baqing-Suoxian-Naqu

Ancient Tang-Zhu Road:

The first paragraph: Yushu-Nangqian-Leiwuqi

The second paragraph: Leiwuqi-Dingqing-Baqing-Suoxian County

The third paragraph: Suoxian-Naqu-Dangxiong

The fourth paragraph: Dangxiong-Lhasa-

The fifth paragraph: Lhasa-Gyangze-Xigaze

Paragraph 6: Shigatse-Sakya-Fixed date

Paragraph 7: Dingri-Jilong

When I shed my shackles, I know that I am who I am today.

Come to Tibet to find yourself.

In this restless summer!

Editor: Zidan Zhuo Ma

[Editor: Tan Qilu, Editor: Tsedan Zhuo Ma]

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Pay attention to our account and take you into the most beautiful Tibet!

The charm of the game

Title: The charm of the game: Why are we so fascinated?

With the rapid development of science and technology, video games have penetrated into every corner of our lives and attracted the attention of countless people. From ancient board games to modern e-sports, games have always attracted people with their unique charm. So why are we so obsessed with games? This paper will discuss this problem from many angles.

First, the game is interactive. One of the greatest charms of games lies in their interactivity. Unlike one-way entertainment such as movies and books, games are a two-way interactive experience. Players can cooperate with others to solve problems in the game, and they can also compete with players all over the world. This interaction makes the game full of variables and challenges, and stimulates people’s curiosity and competitive desire.

Second, the game is immersive. The game has a high sense of immersion, which allows players to forget the troubles of the real world and devote themselves to the game. This kind of immersion can often bring players a strong sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. When we win a game or complete a challenge, we will feel extremely excited and satisfied, which is hard to get in real life.

Third, the creativity of the game. The design of the game needs high creativity and imagination. From beautiful pictures to rich plots, from unique gameplay to exciting battles, every link of the game is full of creativity. This creativity not only makes the game colorful, but also satisfies the players’ desire for exploration and knowledge.

Fourth, the sociality of the game. Games are also a social activity,