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The charm of the game

Title: The charm of the game: Why are we so fascinated?

With the rapid development of science and technology, video games have penetrated into every corner of our lives and attracted the attention of countless people. From ancient board games to modern e-sports, games have always attracted people with their unique charm. So why are we so obsessed with games? This paper will discuss this problem from many angles.

First, the game is interactive. One of the greatest charms of games lies in their interactivity. Unlike one-way entertainment such as movies and books, games are a two-way interactive experience. Players can cooperate with others to solve problems in the game, and they can also compete with players all over the world. This interaction makes the game full of variables and challenges, and stimulates people’s curiosity and competitive desire.

Second, the game is immersive. The game has a high sense of immersion, which allows players to forget the troubles of the real world and devote themselves to the game. This kind of immersion can often bring players a strong sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. When we win a game or complete a challenge, we will feel extremely excited and satisfied, which is hard to get in real life.

Third, the creativity of the game. The design of the game needs high creativity and imagination. From beautiful pictures to rich plots, from unique gameplay to exciting battles, every link of the game is full of creativity. This creativity not only makes the game colorful, but also satisfies the players’ desire for exploration and knowledge.

Fourth, the sociality of the game. Games are also a social activity,

10 indie games with excellent plots! Each one is a masterpiece worthy of treasure.

Text/Cold Sword Shaoxia

Whether a game can be recognized by players, in addition to the gameplay, the more important thing is the plot. As we all know, without excessive commercial shackles, indie games will always be the strongest advantage in plot. Developers can build their own stories more freely from the perspective of human nature, which is exactly what the current 3A masterpieces lack. In this issue, we will take stock of ten stand-alone independent games with excellent plots. They have different types of gameplay, but the plot has its own uniqueness. Conscience recommends it, remember to like the collection!

This is The War of Mine.

I believe that among the themes of human nature, suffering, fortitude and bravery, no game can match the skill of the previous game. As a game work with the theme of survival, this game puts players in a war-torn world adapted from real events, a dilapidated house and three ordinary people with their own strengths. What you have to do is to make these three people live until the end of the war.

In the war-torn environment, the game renders the players into a series of difficult and unknown choices with an extremely real atmosphere. Under such conditions, making mistakes, getting injured and dying is almost a process that every player goes through, and there will be countless mistakes and regrets behind it, even though the players gradually become battle-hardened and comfortable. But I still can’t forget how much I paid at the beginning. At this time, the battle-hardened and skillful brings not only the cool feeling produced by the game mechanism, but also a kind of comfort, at least now I won’t let them die casually. And when you realize that there is no such trial-and-error settlement in reality, and the game has left great room for players in terms of mechanism and setting, I believe the anti-war thought of this game will be deeply implanted in your heart. Its connotation is all in a Zhou Mu, and its fun and playability is in a Zhou Mu, which is a veritable masterpiece of Zhou Mu.

Hollow Knight

The story of the empty knight can be said to be very excellent in integrating with the gameplay and showing the world in the story in an integrated way.

In the game, what players see is the scene of being ruined and deserted by the plague, the already withered bodies, the abandoned urban facilities, the insects’ nostalgia for the past and the feeling of bleak present life. We can not only get in touch with the appearance of the macro world, but also see the traces of insects living, whether they are alive, dead, normal or infected by the plague. In this world, they all do their jobs reasonably and wait for us to discover and challenge, so we almost get the same perspective as the bugs in the story, to explore, to appreciate, to fight and to make choices, and finally all these things we see, hear, think and think come together to form a complete understanding of the whole world of this work. This understanding is undoubtedly complicated and profound. It can be said that the Galaxy Demon City, a way to explore the terrain, makes players very comfortable and naturally immersed in it.

The Empty Knight not only has a huge and substantial story, but also can be said to be an excellent adventure. It is precisely because of the natural combination of the two that this game has become the enlightenment for many new generation players to play in into the pit Galaxy Demon City. So don’t miss it.

Life is Strange.

Although the movie trend of games has become well-known and popular under the exclusive implementation of Sony. But after all, this cinematography can only be regarded as a technique, which itself is still serving the main body of the game. This makes most cinematic games and movies get closer and closer, but there is still a clear and deep gap when we look closely. However, the strange life has really challenged the core of the film, which makes us think that when a game has a story that is really not lost to high-quality movies, high-quality and distinctive characters, and gives a very high proportion of narrative, plus a certain amount of gameplay bonus, whether the experience it creates can really replace movies. Especially when its game design is still around the story narrative, it perfectly answers to the player or the audience, "What if the protagonist makes another choice in a story?" This question.

Yes, it is true that there are many works that add branches to the plot, and there is even a plot that was popular in previous years to the game works. However, this is still the best independent game that has both cinematic performance and profound discussion and reflection on the theme of story cause and effect. I hope you can get your own thoughts in the final dilemma of the story.

Dead Cells

As an action pigeon game, this game emphasizes the concept of "rebirth" in the process and story of the game, which easily inspires our association: Who are we? What is that mass of things attached to our bodies? Why does NPC talk so meaningfully? The game mechanism, the picture performance and the fragmented plot all encourage us to strengthen our desire to explore, and at the end of this story, whether it is the development of the situation, the identity of the protagonist or the behavior of an NPC, there is a great reversal. In this story full of reincarnation and time backtracking settings, the game has brought an excellent game experience and told an excellent story with exquisite design.

Undertale ()

If a game, it can’t provide you with excellent pictures, and it can’t bring you large-scale shock, then thought will be its only winning weapon. Undertale is such a game. The theme of the game is simple, kindness and cruelty, courage and determination. In order to make players willing to sit down and think about these problems independently, developers use everything available, such as players’ inertial thinking about RPG games and the system mechanism of the game. It can be said that from the beginning, this is not a work that only provides players with substitution in the story dimension, but it is very formal, serious and sincere in talking to players through games, and at the same time guiding players. So when the player doesn’t hide behind the role he plays,

Facing all kinds of NPC with humanity in the underground world, the interaction with them and the choices made against them will be so tense and infectious. Finally, under the principle of no spoiler, I want to say that this is a game with great spiritual strength and the script itself is also very witty and humorous. I believe that when you suddenly realize the thinking made by the developer in the story, you can also gain incomparable comfort and happiness.

Go to the moon.

Old people, last wish, romance, love. These keywords constitute the biggest suspense and story theme of this book. This is a delicate and exquisite plot work. First, in the early stage of the story, the old man’s wish to go to the moon was taken as a suspense. However, in order to realize this wish, the company that can modify the memory must understand the cause and effect. Therefore, the hero and heroine sent by the company enter the memory of the elderly through instruments and instruments, and pieced together the truth of the event in different times. Because the memory is gradually explored from near to far, it is a flashback story from the player’s perspective. We know the results first and then see the process and reasons for many events. Under the careful arrangement, the curiosity of the players is fully mobilized. With beautiful music, it gradually goes deep into the core of the story. If you want to experience the purest love, you must try this book.

Fireworks (fireworks)

The horror game rooted in folk culture, the newcomer police who unexpectedly acquired psychic ability, cracked the story of the truth of the Tianjia massacre that happened many years ago with the dead female ghost. The positive side of folk custom is traditional culture, but its negative side contains feudal ignorance. All the causes of this work show us a series of tragedies caused by people’s wrong awe of the unknown and mysterious under the limited cognition and common cultural accomplishment in the past years. With a strong sense of fatalism and persuasiveness, combined with the excellent shaping of the terrorist atmosphere, we can fully realize the helplessness of the tragedies that belong to the past in a large range in modern society. Among them, many montage techniques and interactive design used in the game also add a lot of color to this story. Because of its deep restraint, it is even more arresting. Recommended!

The Binding of Isaac.

For children who are just sensible, the room and parents are probably the whole of his world and the beginning of everything. However, when this "all" and "beginning" are too narrow, too dark and too desperate. Then children who don’t have a higher and wider cognitive range can only do their best to think and judge with the little situation they have only been exposed to. This is often the beginning of a series of long or short tragedies, and Isaac’s combination is to tell such a story. Young Isaac can’t really understand his mother’s behavior, his father’s behavior, his desire for love and his simple and simple desire. He can only use his small and limited thoughts to understand the reasons for the violence his mother inflicted on him, and finally he will come to a tragic end.

As a meat pigeon game, the game puts many details that should have been elaborated in the plot into props, such as divorce agreement, knife, wallet and so on. The changes and reactions of Isaac’s body after obtaining these props touched the players and caused associations. These details confirmed each other and finally pieced together all Isaac’s experiences. I hope that in this dark and horrible story, its unique reality and sociality can give you some correct and positive thinking.

Bones: Skul: The Hero Slayer

As one of the "helpers" of the once "joint overlord". Bones: The heroic killer gains various abilities by changing his head, which is impressive. As a meat pigeon action game launched by a Korean company, this game tells a story full of anti-routines. At the beginning of the story, the positions of the brave man and the devil are exchanged. The human beings led by the brave man kidnapped the devil and transformed his subordinates to make them loyal to mankind. Players will control Bones to save the demon king, but the enemies they encounter are all in their own camp. Breaking the magic crystal that controls them can’t get rid of human control, but it will detonate the bomb on them. It has completely become a consumable that human beings fall into the hands of someone in the human camp. So what is the reason for human beings to do this kind of thing, and what is their purpose? Please set foot on the journey to find the answer yourself. I believe that all kinds of people you meet during this journey will bring you different feelings.

Rust lake: Rusty Lake: Roots.

It is not difficult to tell a horror story, but it is also good to tell a grand horror story. However, telling a grand and bizarre horror story full of calm and restraint is a test of the author’s basic skills, and rust lake: The Roots has been achieved very calmly through a series of ingenious decryption levels.

As a work called "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by many players, I prefer to understand the decryption process of the game as a separate link of observation, collection, association and interaction, because it is true that we are decrypting in the game, but every step of the so-called decryption points to an ultimate goal: narration. When all narratives are presented by the player’s decryption interaction, the player in God’s perspective is not just an irrelevant existence. Through action, the substitution of all role perspectives is seamlessly completed. So as to fully realize that there is no lack of disappointment in the strangeness of the family in the story. I believe this game can make you feel the game experience that begins with decryption and is higher than decryption. Do not miss it.

So that’s all the contents of this inventory. If you have any good games you want to share, you can leave a message in the comment area. We will inventory some classic good games with high scores for you every week. Conscience recommendation, see you next time ~


Pay attention to the "Twitter Workshop", share good games every day, and bid farewell to the game shortage!

Why is China not suitable for "free medical care"? Subject to these conditions

With the rapid growth of medical expenses and the high level of personal medical expenses, "free medical care" has always been one of the hot topics in the field of people’s livelihood.

Since its establishment more than five years ago, the National Medical Insurance Bureau has repeatedly replied to the proposals and suggestions on free medical care. The National Medical Insurance Bureau believes that under the current social and economic development conditions, the level of medical insurance financing is still not high, the fund support ability is still insufficient, medical insurance still needs to adhere to the basic principles of insurance, it is still necessary for individuals to bear certain medical and health expenditure responsibilities, and the implementation of "free medical care" is not conducive to the long-term stable and sustainable development of China’s medical security system.

The medical insurance experts interviewed by CBN believe that free medical care seems to be a beautiful ideal, but it is difficult to realize it, and it will be restricted by many realistic conditions. China’s financial resources, unbalanced medical resources and other factors determine that China is not suitable for free medical care at present. At present, there are still many pain points and difficulties in China’s basic medical security, which need to be solved by further deepening the universal medical insurance system.

"Free medical care" is not really free.

Free medical care is popularly understood as "seeing a doctor without spending money". Poverty caused by illness or returning to poverty due to illness is a concern of many families. Therefore, realizing free medical care for all is considered as a way to reduce the medical burden of the people.

But "seeing a doctor without spending money" is not the real connotation of free medical care. Free medical care is not free of charge, but "paid" by the government or medical insurance institutions.

Zhang Xiao, director of the Medical Insurance and Social Security Research Center of Southeast University, told CBN that what people generally think of as free medical care means that medical services are free, such as registration, diagnosis and treatment, surgery, hospitalization expenses, etc. In countries that are said to have achieved free medical care, some can be completely free, while others can’t. The representative of free medical care is the National Health Service (NHS) in Britain, but other Commonwealth countries except Britain are not completely free, and the most important reason is the cost.

A study by Jin Weigang, vice president of the Institute of National System of Zhejiang University, shows that according to the relevant information of 170 countries (or regions) collected by scientific research institutions of relevant state departments, the medical security situation of 115 comparable countries (or regions) is compared and analyzed, among which 74 countries (or regions) implement social medical insurance, accounting for 64.3%. At present, only a few countries (or regions) implement "free medical care for all". Therefore, the social medical insurance system has increasingly become the mainstream trend of international medical security development, while "free medical care for all" is not the mainstream model.

Liao Zangyi, an associate professor at the School of Politics and Public Administration of China University of Political Science and Law, said in an interview with CBN that free medical care is not really free for all, but through different financing models, money is paid in advance in the form of taxes and premiums, and then distributed and spent by the government or medical insurance institutions, and finally used by individuals.

From the perspective of foreign countries, there are currently two modes of free medical care. One is that the state runs hospitals, such as planned economy countries such as North Korea. The other is that individual medical treatment is free (free or almost free), and the state raises funds and pays medical expenses. This is common in market economy countries, such as Britain, Canada, Australia, Northern Europe and other countries, which raise medical insurance through high taxes and then provide it to the whole people as social welfare; Germany, Japan and other countries are social insurance models, which are paid by both work units and individuals, subsidized by the government and shared by the whole society; The United States is a pure commercial insurance model, and special people (the old, the disabled and the poor) enjoy free medical security policies.

Zhang Xiao believes that the advantage of "free medical care" for all people is that the concept of this system is to better achieve fairness, and everyone can get basic protection regardless of the economic situation. However, this system needs strong public financial support, and if we want to turn to free medical care, we must increase taxes.

In December, 2021, the National Health and Health Commission’s reply to Proposal No.4768 of the Fourth Session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference mentioned that public financial funds were taken from the people and used by the people, and the funds needed to implement universal free medical care ultimately came from the people in the form of taxes or social insurance premiums. For a period of time, China did not have all the foundations for implementing universal free medical care.

Some people think that since the new medical reform, China has invested a lot of money in medical and health care, and now the financial investment and other funds are enough to support free medical care, and the cost will not increase after the implementation of free medical care.

In this regard, Zhang Xiao believes that the problem is that a lot of financial investment funds are not really used for the provision of medical services for ordinary people. Public hospitals spend a lot of money on maintenance and construction and large-scale equipment procurement, and it is difficult to change this investment method with the current system in the short term.

"Free medical care" is subject to these conditions.

Liao Zangyi believes that free medical care in Britain and Northern Europe costs all taxpayers’ money. The key to realizing free medical care is to pay taxes, but free medical care only meets the minimum requirements of individuals. There is no free lunch in the world, and free medical care will not be the best.

Cai Haiqing, a master tutor at Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, wrote that in order to alleviate the unbearable problem of government finance caused by the rapid growth of medical expenses, some "free medical care" countries can only find ways to reduce the supply of medical services, and the number of drugs and medical consumables included in the free range and the number of beds in hospitals are strictly restricted or even reduced. In India, for example, public hospitals not only have poor facilities, but also have a serious shortage of beds. There are only 348 kinds of free medicines.

Zhang Xiao believes that the implementation of free medical care requires five conditions, the first is to have very ample financial support, the second is a balanced medical service system, the third is a sound medical security system, the fourth is to have a reasonable allocation of medical resources, and the fifth is legal and policy incentives, such as the reform of doctors’ salary system and legal protection.

Judging from the situation in our country, at present, public hospitals are the mainstay in our country, and the construction of medical facilities, the training and salary of medical personnel, and the recruitment of medicines all need financial support. If free medical care is to be implemented, these should be classified as financial payment, which is a burden for finance.

According to the Statistical Bulletin on the Development of China’s Health Care in 2021, the total national health expenditure in 2021 is estimated to be 7,559.36 billion yuan, and the total health expenditure accounts for 6.5% of GDP. From the international comparison, the proportion of China’s total health expenditure to GDP is far lower than that of developed countries, accounting for only half of that of Britain.

"Financial pressure is the first obstacle to free medical care, especially for developing countries, the pressure of medical investment is very great. The insufficient and unbalanced development of medical resources in China also determines that it is difficult to implement free medical care for all. If free medical care is implemented, from a fair point of view, all good medical institutions should treat patients all over the country equally, and good hospitals will be overcrowded, so it is difficult to guarantee patients’ right to fair medical treatment. Therefore, to achieve free medical care, medical resources must be rationally allocated, and it is difficult to realize the reconfiguration of medical resources now. " Zhang Xiao said.

Liao Zangyi believes that China’s medical supply is still insufficient in general, especially high-quality medical resources. Free medical care will cause a run on resources to a certain extent, which will aggravate the problem of difficulty in seeing a doctor. Many people understand that there is no threshold for free medical care, and everyone can enjoy medical services equally and freely, but as we all know, no threshold is the highest threshold, and high-quality medical resources and top-level expert teams have always been scarce resources in society. Even to some extent, free medical care will aggravate the severity of "difficulty in seeing a doctor", and there may be patients all crowding into provincial medical institutions, and the result that everyone wants to be satisfied is that everyone is not satisfied.

Do what you can to improve the level of security

Liao Zangyi pointed out that an important reason why China is not suitable for free medical care at present is that the policy of raising medical insurance is basically divided into two ways: employee medical insurance and resident medical insurance. These two methods are part of the personal burden and part of the unit burden, and then the government makes unified financial subsidies, which determines that our medical insurance fund itself is tight. It is our long-term direction and policy for medical insurance departments to solve how to spend every cent of medical insurance money and do their best to do what they can.

CBN combed the responses of the National Medical Insurance Bureau to the proposal of free medical care since 2019, and found that there are two main voices for free medical care. One is to propose free medical care for all people, and the other is to suggest free medical care for specific groups, such as the elderly over 60 years old in rural areas, the elderly over 80 years old, children or people with specific diseases.

Zhang Xiao said that the implementation of "free medical care" for all people is not suitable for China’s national conditions, but it is possible to improve the level of medical security for specific groups within the framework of the medical security system. Every country has such a policy. For example, Japan, South Korea and other aging countries also have special medical insurance policies for the elderly over 85 years old. The key is to do what you can. The amount of funds in the medical insurance fund is limited every year and it is impossible to meet the needs of everyone.

On July 20th, the National Health Insurance Bureau issued the "Reply to Recommendation No.1437 of the First Session of the 14th National People’s Congress", saying that the medical insurance department should speed up the establishment of a multi-level medical insurance system with basic medical insurance as the main body and medical assistance as the backing, supplemented by medical insurance, commercial insurance, charitable donations and medical mutual assistance, continuously improve the service level of medical insurance, and make overall plans to reduce the medical expenses burden of the insured people, including seriously ill patients in rural areas.

The blood "basket" can’t stop the national movement.

Recently, in 2023, the second Summer Basketball Tournament in Anbu Town of "Sunshine Cup" kicked off, which built a platform for basketball lovers to exchange and learn from each other, further enriched the mass cultural and sports life, and promoted the all-round development of mass sports and competitive sports.
The opening match started between Guo Long and Mei Long. Guo Long took the initiative to attack and control the rebounds, taking the lead in the first quarter and playing a "small climax" of 9:0; Not to be outdone, the Meilong team actively retreated, suppressed mistakes and struggled to catch up with the score. The two sides fought fiercely, went all out, and the climax of the competition was repeated and colorful. The audience cheered and shouted and immersed themselves in the tension and excitement brought by competitive sports. In the end, Guo Long defeated Mei Long 83-63.

People: I came to watch the game with my friends tonight. The atmosphere was very good and the players were very passionate. I hope more such activities can be held in the future. Let’s participate together.

Masses: Because I often exercise and play basketball, I invited my classmates to experience the enthusiasm of the scene today. When I came to the scene, I found that both the audience and the players were very enthusiastic. I hope that in the future, everyone can actively participate in sports and enjoy the charm of sports and basketball.

The outstanding performance on the field can not be separated from the hard training day and night at the opening ceremony. It is reported that in the past half month, all teams have conducted intensive training in an orderly manner and actively prepared for war.

Guo Yangtao, a member of the Guo Long team: For this competition, our Guo Long team has gathered players one and a half months ago to train in defense and physical fitness, and strive to achieve excellent results in this competition.

It is understood that there are 16 teams participating in this basketball match in Anbu Town, which is divided into four stages: group stage, knockout stage, semi-final stage and final stage, and lasts from July 30th to August 19th, bringing a passionate basketball feast to the majority of basketball fans in the hot summer.

Guo Yangtao, a member of Guo Long Team: I think this "Sunshine Cup" basketball game is very meaningful, which not only promotes the development of Anbu sports culture, enhances the basketball atmosphere, but also enhances the friendship between villages.

Original article, copyright belongs to Chaoan Rongmedia, please indicate the source.

186 million in 3 years! The Lakers signed another sky-high contract, with an average annual salary of 6200W, the first in history!

According to media reports, the Los Angeles Lakers signed a sky-high contract again, which attracted everyone’s attention. They have signed a big contract with Anthony Davis, the core of the team, to renew the contract in advance with the highest salary. This contract is $186 million for three years. Although it is not long, the average annual salary is as high as $6,200 W, which has set a new record set by Brown and become the highest annual salary in the new history!

After Davis signed this contract, the five contracts with the highest average annual salary in the history of the league are: Davis ranks first with an annual salary of 6,200 W, Brown ranks second with an average annual salary of 6,070 W, Lillard ranks third with an average annual salary of 5,990 W, Booker ranks fourth with an average annual salary of 5,870 W, and Downs is also tied with Lillard with an average annual salary of 5,870 W. However, with the rising salary cap, these records will soon be broken.

Many fans are discussing whether Davis deserves such a high-paying contract. Let’s look at his performance and data first. In last season’s regular season, Davis played 34 minutes per game, and scored 25.9 points, 12.5 rebounds, 2.6 assists, 1.1 steals and 2.0 blocks. He is one of the best inside players in the league, especially his contribution on the defensive end. In the second half of the season, he helped the team reach the play-offs and reached the playoffs through the play-offs. In the playoffs, Davis averaged 22.6 points, 14.1 rebounds, 2.6 assists, 1.4 steals and 3.1 blocks per game, helping the team to finish the Black Seven and eliminate the Grizzlies in the first round, and then eliminated the defending champion Warriors to reach the Western Conference finals, but in front of the champion team Nuggets, they were not as good as their opponents inside and outside and were eventually swept out.

But on the whole, everyone should be satisfied with the results of the Lakers last season, whether it is the team management or the fans. In the offseason, the Lakers continued to strengthen the lineup. If Davis can continue to be strong and improve in offense, then the Lakers will definitely become one of the favorite teams for the championship next season!

Therefore, before signing this early contract renewal, the authoritative media ESPN reminded that if the Lakers don’t renew Davis now, then he will seek a contract of more than 300 million next year. After all, Brown, the second leader of the Celtics, has signed a sky-high contract of more than five years and 300 million dollars. Obviously, by contrast, Davis’ cost performance will be higher, and the Lakers may not be able to keep Davis at that time.

Many people may be worried about Davis’ glass property, but in fact, he has done well in recent seasons. According to statistics, his total number of appearances in the last seven seasons has reached 400 games, exceeding that of Embiid, Curry, Owen and Durant in the same period, not to mention Leonard, who has only 308 games. So as long as he is not too unlucky and doesn’t often use him to top the other team’s big center, I believe that Davis at his peak can lead the Lakers further.

Football —— A Young Soccer Player in Daliangshan

In 2021, in order to fully implement the spirit of the State Council and the State Sports General Administration’s sports poverty alleviation project and carry out the "integration of sports and education" in depth, Sichuan Sports Vocational College and Luzhou Education and Sports Bureau reached a cooperation to select athletes of 2011 and 2012 age groups from all over the province to concentrate on learning and training, with the goal of competing in the 16th National Games (2029), and select and reserve outstanding reserve talents. More than a dozen teenagers from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, such as Shebu Yaoba Guimo, Jin Guikun and Lap Molaza, came to Luzhou Tianli Chunyu School after selection and became the reserve force of U18 football team in the 16th National Games of Sichuan Province.
Their Luzhou Tianli Chunyu School provides all-round life, study and training guarantee for young players. The school has a separate class for the team, and the players enjoy the same teaching resources as other students in the school; And according to the configuration of professional football teams, men’s and women’s teams are each equipped with a head coach, two assistant coaches, a goalkeeper coach, a team doctor and two full-time life teachers.
Chen Hua, head coach of the women’s team, said that although the young players from Daliangshan had a weak foundation when they first arrived, they did not admit defeat and trained very hard. After two years of scientific training and accumulated competition experience, these children have greatly improved their psychological quality, tactical skills and teamwork, and have grown into the main force of the team.
In the U12 group match of "Hope Cup" football match held in China Football Association’s Women’s Youth Training Center in April, Sichuan team won two wins, one draw and one loss, and Shebu Yaoku Mo won the title of "excellent player" in the match with Guangdong team. After the game, she wrote in her composition: "I will continue to cheer, join the national team, play well and win glory for my country!" "
From 2021 to 2029, from teenagers to young people, from teenagers from mountains to football players, their future can be expected. Come on, big Liangshan football teenager!
19 young players from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture took photos at the football field of Luzhou Tianli Chunyu School (photo taken on May 12).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Nine young players from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Russian Di Mo You Zuo, Shebu Mo Gua Mo, Hou Jiexin, Ji Lian Mo Li Xue, Lu Xiaoying, Zhao Minglian, Yang Guiyang, Lap Mo Laza and Yang Jianxin (from right to left), took pictures at the football field of Luzhou Tianli Chunyu School (photo taken on May 12).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
At the football field of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou, Shebu Mo Gua Mo (front left) from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture trained with the men’s team (photo taken on March 29).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
In the football field of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou, Lap Molaza from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture is training as a goalkeeper (photo taken on March 29th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Jin Guikun (right) from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture trains with his teammates at the football field of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou (photo taken on March 28).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Yang Kun from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture is training at the football field of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou (photo taken on March 28th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Yang Kun from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture is training at the football field of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou (photo taken on March 29th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
In the classroom of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou, Jin Guikun (middle) from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture raised his hand in class to answer the teacher’s questions (photo taken on March 28).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
In the classroom of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou, Shebu Mo Gua Mo (middle) from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture is listening in class (photo taken on March 28).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
In the classroom of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou, Shebu Mo Gua Mo (second from left) from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture and his classmates took an elective course with mock trial characteristics (photo taken on May 11th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
During the halftime of the U12 group match between Sichuan team and Guangdong team in the "Hope Cup" of the Women’s Youth Training Center of China Football Association held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province, Sichuan team member Xie Bumo (third from right) and his teammates listened to the tactics arranged by head coach Chen Hua (photo taken on April 10).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
During the free time of the U12 group competition of the Women’s Football Youth Training Center of China Football Association held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province, the Sichuan team member Xie Bumo (second from left) and his teammates from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture studied culture under the leadership of the teacher (photo taken on April 10).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
During the free time of the U12 Group Competition of the Women’s Football Youth Training Center of China Football Association held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province, Sichuan team members ran on the road inside the hotel (photo of drone, taken on April 10th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Shebu Mo, a Sichuan player from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, served a sideline ball in the U12 group match between Sichuan and Guangdong in the Women’s Football Youth Training Center of China Football Association held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province (photo taken on April 10).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Shebu Mo (right), a player of Sichuan team from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, struggled for the match between Sichuan team and Guangdong team in the U12 Group of Hope Cup of China Football Association Women’s Youth Training Center held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province (photo taken on April 10).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Chen Hua (middle), the head coach of Sichuan team, gave tactical guidance to the players during the free time of the U12 group competition of the China Football Association Women’s Youth Training Center held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province (photo taken on April 9).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Members of the Sichuan team took a group photo at the stadium after the U12 match between the Sichuan team and the Guangdong team in the "Hope Cup" of the China Football Association Women’s Youth Training Center in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province (photo taken on April 10).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
After the "Hope Cup" U12 competition of China Football Association Women’s Youth Training Center held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province, the Sichuan team coach led the players to play at the seaside (photo taken on April 11th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo

The storm Leon overturned the sailors and wrecked the ship, and Gill Apennine wore a hat at the beginning of his career

AC Milan 5-1 Sampdoria (war communiqué)

Titan sports’s all-media correspondent in Italy Shen Tianhao.

Before the home game against Sampdoria, Leon received his Serie A player of April trophy on the sidelines. Is it? Why? What time? Intensive schedule and heavy mental pressure make the boundaries between months blurred, and the 4-goal away victory over Naples seems to have happened in the last era. Milan have won only three of the previous 11 league matches. In April, Leon scored twice against Napoli and Lecce, contributing two of them. The other game was against Lazio, in which Leon was injured, Milan was cornered in the bitter struggle for four, and the team longed for the personal light of the Portuguese.

Leon came back full of blood, and Milan won easily.

Leon raised the trophy, and his own song was played in the south stand. The lyrics were very simple: "Leon, Leon …". Because the Milan winger often plays the leading role on the court, this ballad appears very frequently. Perhaps the south stand needs to consider optimizing its melody and lyrics. Leon came back, Leon scored, Leon led Milan to victory-everything is a familiar script. In the 10th minute of the game, Milan easily broke the deadlock: Brahim Diaz won the confrontation in the midfield, lightly picked the ball and then sent a just-right overhead ball. Leon grabbed in front of Gunther and pushed the far corner directly to the goalkeeper.

Milan have always been helpless against the iron drum array this season, but Sampdoria’s situation is different from that of Empoli and cremona. The last time Stankovic played against Milan, it had to be traced back to the Europa League knockout in 2020-21. At that time, he led the league leader Belgrade Red Star, and the team did cause a lot of trouble to Milan in two rounds. This time, the former Inter Milan midfielder is a team that is plagued by unpaid wages and has been relegated. They have no intention of building a strong city in the San Siro.

Even so, Sampdoria still had his own chance: Zanoli easily broke through Milan’s left side, then knocked back at the bottom, and Quagliarella in front of the door succeeded in pushing and shooting, and scored for 18 consecutive Serie A seasons. Special Olympics made a fool of himself in the process of defense. The two-round derby in the Champions League was a heavy blow to the Milan team, especially for Special Olympics, who seemed to have exhausted all his energy. The nightmare of losing points against the weak team reappeared. Fortunately, Milan woke up in only 3 minutes: the corner kick cooperated, Diaz sent a cross, and Gill’s header was very easy.

Before returning to the goal-scoring track, Gill failed to score a goal in the last six league games-it was his longest goal shortage since he came to Apennine. Gill was annoyed by the defeat. He left heroic tears after the German game. Not scoring goals makes Gill hungry, and he has no mercy on a fragile sailor. Four minutes later, Milan won the penalty: Augello’s long pass was intercepted by Tomori, Tonali’s assist found Leon in the seaman’s defence, and the Portuguese entered the penalty area and was knocked down by Gunter in the process of switching to his right foot. There is no doubt about the penalty. Gill stood in front of the ball, and the opponent was not Napoli, 3-1!

Gill wears a hat and blows the horn of decisive battle.

At the end of the season, it was the first time Milan scored 3 goals in the first half. This Sampdoria team has an uncertain future at the management level, but it has been completely disarmed at the competitive level. For the defending champion of Serie A, this is obviously a weak opponent; For the red and black No.10, his opponent’s loose defense made him feel comfortable in the front waist position for a long time. Diaz sent a long pass for his teammates, decided the direction of the flank attack with the ball, broke the opponent’s midfield defense with the breakthrough, and sent the ball into the net in the 63 rd minute of the game. Calabria-Gill-Salmax-Leon-Tonali-Diaz, with a continuous kick and a clear running route, how long has it been since you saw Milan kick such an offensive?

The goal continues. In the 68th minute, Leon sent a cross from the left, and Gill leaned against Netinke, breaking the door with Ibrahimovic’s unconventional action and gaining the first hat of his Milan career. Pioli praised Ai Jiang after the game: "Olivier never lets people down. Even when he doesn’t score, he can make a lot of contributions to the team. Of course, scoring goals will make him happier! " In the past one and a half seasons, Gill was the only center that Milan could use, used well and dared to use. When he chose to join the team two summers ago, he never thought that he would shoulder such a heavy responsibility. He finally gritted his teeth and persisted. A hat trick against Sampdoria was a fitting reward.

With this hat, Gill tied the report card of 11 goals in the league last season; After opening the record for the team, Leon tied the number of league goals he directly participated in (11 goals and 10 assists last season and 13 goals and 8 assists this season). Milan’s league journey this season can’t be compared with that of a year ago, but Gill and Leon at least tried their best. What’s the problem? Others stand up too few times. Decatur came on as a substitute, which continued to disappoint. His debut season in Milan was doomed to end in nil.

From the technical and tactical level, Milan played against an already absent-minded Sampdoria, and the scenes and results did not have very strong reference value. The question of whether Diaz could play No.10 well could not be answered through this game. From the psychological level, this great victory is tantamount to a tonic for Milan. The blue-black carnival in the derby left a piece of land, and the Rossoneri struggled to rebuild their fortress. Next comes the visit to Juventus, and Gill said after the game that the team should regard this as a final.

The situation in Guangdong is not good Zhu Junlong and Cummings returned to Guangsha, Zhejiang, and gathered 8 donkey kong!

Zhao Yanhao, 25 years old, is 1.95 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 10.8 points, 2.7 rebounds, 2.2 assists and 1.8 breaks, averaging 1.6 three points per game. Take 4.5 points, 2.0 rebounds, 0.8 assists and 0.3 breaks in the playoffs, averaging 0.8 three points per game. A marksman who averaged 17 points in the past two years is also quite fast! )

7. Cummings, 30 years old, is 1.88 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 10.8 points, 2.8 rebounds, 2.7 assists and 1.1 breaks, averaging 1.4 three points per game. 7.7 points, 3.3 rebounds, 2.7 assists and 0.7 breaks in the playoffs. (Good at projection and strong ability to make fouls, not to be underestimated! )

6. Wells, 31 years old, is 1.96 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 11.8 points, 3.1 rebounds, 2.6 assists and 1.0 breaks, averaging 1.0 three points per game. He scored 8.3 points, 3.0 rebounds, 3.8 assists and 1.3 breaks in the playoffs, averaging 0.3 points per game. (2 years ago, he was a super defender averaging 30+ per game, and his scoring ability exploded! )

5. Zhao Jiaren, 24 years old, is 2.03 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 8.4 points, 2.8 rebounds, 1.4 assists and 0.6 breaks, averaging 1.3 points per game. In the playoffs, he scored 9.0 points, 3.0 rebounds and 1.8 assists, averaging 1.5 points per game. (first-class physical quality, fast speed, can suddenly buckle! )

4. Zhu Junlong, 23 years old, is 2.01 meters tall. 9.3 points, 6.8 rebounds, 2.3 assists and 1.2 breaks in the regular season, averaging 1.2 three points per game. 12.0 points, 10.0 rebounds, 1.0 assists and 1.5 breaks in the playoffs, averaging 2.0 three points per game. (Top domestic 3D, strong defense and rebounding, no possession of the ball, three points are accurate! )

3. Sun Minghui, 26 years old, is 1.86 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 16.9 points, 4.2 rebounds, 8.9 assists and 2.3 breaks, averaging 1.7 three points per game. In the playoffs, he averaged 18.5 points, 6.3 rebounds, 9.3 assists and 1.5 breaks, averaging 2.8 three points per game. (Very fast, strong confrontation, very fast, and both ends of the attack and defense are very aggressive, so we must guard against it! )

2. Will Zhe, 30 years old, is 2.09 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 16.4 points, 6.3 rebounds, 3.2 assists and 1.1 breaks, averaging 2.9 three points per game. In the playoffs, he scored 19.0 points, 4.0 rebounds, 2.0 assists and 1.3 breaks, averaging 4.5 three points per game. As a former NBA player, he is too strong on the offensive end, and the three-pointer is too accurate. If he does not carry out high-intensity defense, I am afraid he will explode! )

1. Hu Jinqiu, 25 years old, is 2.11 meters tall. In the regular season, he slashed 20.9 points, 10.4 boards, 1.1 assists, 1.0 breaks and 1.2 caps, averaging 4.5 frontcourt boards per game. In the playoffs, it was 23.8 points, 13.0 rebounds, 1.5 assists, 1.3 breaks and 0.8 caps, averaging 5.0 frontcourt boards per game. (Hu Jinqiu’s playing style is tough without losing skill, and the style of the ball is stable without losing maneuverability, which is almost unstoppable. No one in Guangdong can stop it!

Lost again! Tuchel took office for a month and the third line was defeated. Bayern Sao swallowed the bitter fruit and the season was completely ruined.

For Bayern fans, it was a nightmare in the past month. It was originally thought that tuchel would lead the team to attack the Champions League as he did in Chelsea before, but unexpectedly, tuchel coached Bayern for seven games and lost three games and drew two games. As a result, the German Cup was out and the Champions League was out. After the 1-3 reversal of Mainz in this round, Dortmund defeated Frankfurt 4-0 in the later game, which meant that Bayern lost the top position in the Bundesliga again.

Although tuchel led Bayern to beat his arch-rival Dortmund 4-2 in the first game, tuchel’s team was not competitive in the next German Cup and Champions League because he took over the team for too short a time. We should know that Bayern, headed by nagel Mann, had maintained a total victory in the Champions League before, including the double win over Paris Saint-Germain, the double win over Inter Milan and the double win over Barcelona, but tuchel’s team was completely defeated by Manchester City 3-0.

The impact of the Champions League exit on Bayern is huge, which means that they only have the Bundesliga title to compete for this season, but the players seem to have not yet got out of the shadow of the Champions League exit. In this round against Mainz, Manet scored a goal in the opening 29 minutes to help Bayern take the lead in the away game. Unexpectedly, Mainz even scored three goals at home to complete a big reversal. Bayern’s last four games were unbeaten, with a record of 2 draws and 2 losses, which was disappointing.

Looking back now, it may be a very bad decision for Bayern to fire nagel Mann in the sprint stage of the season. Tuchel is not a god either. Although he once created miracles at Chelsea, it doesn’t mean that he can replicate it when he goes to Bayern. The change of coaches at Bayern’s top level ruined this season.

After the 29th round of the Bundesliga, Dortmund accumulated 60 points and 59 points of Bayern, taking control of the championship. There are five rounds left in the Bundesliga. Bayern’s opponents are Hertha Berlin, Bremen, Schalke, Leipzig and Cologne, while Dortmund’s opponents are Bochum, Wolfsburg, M? ncheng, augsburg and Mainz. If Bayern wants to win the championship, it needs to win the remaining games and expect Dortmund to make mistakes and lose points. If Bumblebee wins five consecutive victories, it will definitely win the championship.

Martin Sr: I was moved by Messi’s America’s Cup speech. The save against Muani was the best in my career.

Live on March 11th, emiliano Martinez recently accepted an exclusive interview with Goal Net. He said that Messi’s speech before the Copa America final almost made him cry, and that the last-minute save in the World Cup final might be the best save of his career.

Martinez said: "Messi’s speech before the America’s Cup final really touched me. I really felt like crying because Messi mentioned my daughter. My wife gave birth to our daughter 10 days before the America’s Cup final, so Messi mentioned’ Martinez hasn’t even met his newborn daughter, just to be with us, so we have to make sure to win this championship for him’. Macy said these words … which really gave you goose bumps. For me, it was a wonderful beginning of that day. "

When talking about saving Muani in the final stage of the World Cup finals, Martinez said: "When I lie in bed and close my eyes, I will think,’ What if that goal is scored? I couldn’t dwell on it during the game because everything happened so fast. After Lori kicked out, we headed back, konate kicked out again, and then suddenly Muani got the chance to face me alone. Under normal circumstances, I would attack, but I was calm at that time, and I chose to wait for Muani. "

"I put a little pressure on it, and you can see my left arm and left foot reaching near the post, because I’m praying that the ball will go there. I didn’t move my face. I closed my eyes and said to myself,’ Please hit me’, and it did. "

"I haven’t moved my face. If the ball hits my nose, it will be better, you know, so as to ensure that it doesn’t fly into the goal. This may be the best save in my football career."