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Autonavi map launches self-operated online ride-hailing service "Rocket Travel"

Recently, as an important participant in the aggregation and ride-hailing model, Autonavi launched its self-operated online ride-hailing business "Rocket Travel" to attract a lot of attention. In response, Autonavi responded that Autonavi hailing adheres to the aggregation platform positioning, and Rocket Travel’s goal is to explore the next-generation online ride-hailing model. There are no other new city plans.

Autonavi pushes self-employment model online car-hailing "rocket travel", can it make money?

Recently, Autonavi’s self-operated online ride-hailing business has triggered discussions. On October 26, Autonavi’s self-operated capacity platform "Rocket Travel" appeared on the Autonavi map Beijing taxi platform.

The Beijing News shell financial reporter noticed that in the Autonavi map taxi section, "Rocket Travel" provides economical, premium, six-seat business, luxury and other car services.

According to Qichacha’s industrial and commercial information, the operating body of "Rocket Travel" is Beijing Litong Travel Technology Co., Ltd., which was registered in September 2021, and Autonavi Software Co., Ltd. is the sole shareholder.

Autonavi Map has personally gone off the market to do self-operated online car-hailing business or has also seen changes in the industry landscape. Since July 2021, the online car-hailing industry has undergone profound changes, and Meituan’s self-operated online car-hailing project "Meituan Taxi" has re-emerged.

At the same time, the online car industry capital competition once again up the ante, Cao Cao travel completed 3.80 billion yuan B round of financing, T3 travel completed 7.70 billion yuan A round of financing, easy to use the car plan "comeback".

However, it is not easy for the online car-hailing industry to make money. For a long time, the issue of the proportion of online car-hailing has attracted much attention. Since 2021, relevant ministries and commissions have repeatedly asked online car-hailing platforms to reduce the excessive proportion of the commission, set the upper limit of the commission, and announce it to the public.

In July this year, Wang Xiuchun, deputy director of the transportation service department of the Ministry of Transport, said that local transportation departments continue to promote the implementation of "Sunshine Action" by platform companies operating services in the local area. At present, the upper limit of the proportion announced by major platform companies is between 18% and 30%.

The net profit at this level is not high either. In May 2021, Didi Chuxing announced its revenue. In 2020, Didi’s online ride-hailing driver income accounted for 79.1% of the total amount payable by passengers. Of the remaining 20.9%, 10.9% were passenger subsidies, 6.9% were business operating costs (technology research and development, servers, security, customer service, manpower, offline operations, etc.) and taxes and payment fees, etc. 3.1% were net profits for the online ride-hailing business.

The net profit of most small and medium-sized ride-hailing platforms may not reach 3.1%. However, loss-making operations or low net profits are the product of a period of disorderly competition in ride-hailing.

Ding Daoshi, a veteran Internet observer, believes that the business model of online car-hailing is the same as that of shared bicycles. Autonavi’s self-operated online car-hailing will not aim to make profits in the early stage. It will strengthen investment and support, cultivate user habits, and gain market share. The right way is; there are trillions of market opportunities in the industry.

Giants enter the industry, and the aggregation model is highly competitive

In fact, before the launch of "Rocket Travel", Autonavi Maps was already a typical enterprise for aggregating taxi models. On October 28, a shell financial reporter from the Beijing News found that in addition to rocket travel, Autonavi Maps Beijing taxi service also links to platforms such as Feidi Taxi, Xinghui Travel, Beijing Taxi, Journey Easy, AA Travel, Sunshine Travel, Shenzhou Special Car, Cao Cao Travel, and Shouqi Car-hailing.

The aggregation model emerged and emerged around 2018. In September 2018, Hello announced its access to TikTok’s travel service and partnered with Shouqi’s ride-hailing business. In April 2019, Meituan Dache announced the launch of the "aggregation model". Subsequently, Didi Chuxing and navigation platforms such as Autonavi Maps also launched the aggregation model.

The aggregation platform has given new life to many traditional enterprises in the transportation industry with the advantages of traffic entry and complete ecological closed-loop. Since the beginning of this year, the "asset-light" aggregation model has also attracted more giants to join. In July this year, Huawei launched the aggregation taxi platform Petal Travel, and WeChat tested Tencent Travel.

The "aggregation model" has also attracted the attention of relevant ministries and commissions. In August this year, the Office of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference on the Coordinated Supervision of New Formats of Transportation conducted reminder interviews with 11 platform companies including Didi Chuxing and Autonavi, pointing out that some platforms have violated the legitimate rights and interests of employees and passengers, prominent illegal operations, and hidden safety and stability risks.

It mentioned that "the aggregation platform should ensure that the connected online car-hailing platform complies with relevant regulations, and urge the connected online car-hailing platform company to strengthen the management of vehicles and personnel. In the event of a safety incident, the aggregation platform company should fulfill its liability for advance compensation according to law, and work with the involved online car-hailing platform company to handle the accident."

How to balance aggregation business and self-operated business? Autonavi responded to the media by saying that Autonavi ride-hailing and Rocket Travel are two completely independent and different platforms, and Autonavi ride-hailing adheres to the aggregation platform positioning. Rocket Travel’s goal is to explore the next generation of online ride-hailing models and conduct technological innovation and trials in limited cities. At present, Rocket Travel has no other new city plans.

Chen Weicheng, Shell Financial Reporter, Beijing News

Editor, Song Yuting

School against spring

How to Tell the "China Story" in China Musical?

  China musicals have been developed for 20 years since they created and performed "Yangko Romance" and "Legend of White Snake". In these 20 years, China musicals have experienced ups and downs, however, there is still a long way to go from the developed countries in Europe and America in the presentation of their works, and even there are many gaps with the development of Japanese and Korean musicals. Last weekend, on the occasion of the 2nd Beijing Tianqiao Musical Performance Season, the "2016 Asian Musical Development Trend Forum" was held at the same time. How to develop China musicals became the focus of the forum.

  There are many grand theaters that are idle.

  In recent years, the hardware facilities of cultural construction have developed rapidly, and the grand theater has been rising all over China, which is gratifying. However, after the completion of the new theater, how to develop musical as one of the software has become an urgent problem.

  Li Dun, a producer of musicals, believes that "musicals have developed rapidly in China. In 2014, there were 1,518 musical performances, an increase of 12.4% over the same period in 2013. Among them, 930 original musicals were performed, accounting for 60% of the total musical performances for the first time, and its development activity is close to the data of South Korea, a developed Asian musical country. On the other hand, the investment in national theater construction is too fast, but the supply of theater performance content is insufficient. Nearly one-third of the performance venues are idle or used for other purposes. Most local group performances are difficult to support local theaters, and more excellent performance groups and original plays are urgently needed. "

  Experts attending the meeting thought that the hardware of Tianqiao Art Center, Shanghai Cultural Square and theaters in many places is already very good. In contrast, the original software of China musicals is still difficult to match the hardware, and there is no representative classic of China original musicals. The basic talent pool of musicals is not enough, and the market of musicals is not strong enough to support the perennial performances of theaters everywhere. These are the problems that need to be solved in the development of China musicals.

  There is self-promotion but no good story.

  There is no classic musical in China. This judgment comes from the fact that the original musical did not get good feedback after it was put into the market, and it can only be performed in one place for two or three times. The judgment of its standard comes more from self-promotion. In addition to the market operation problem, poor storytelling is one reason.

  Lv Yisheng, former president of Beijing Dance Academy and founder of musical teaching major, said: "In the past two years, I have participated in large-scale competitions of mainstream groups, including musicals, operas and dance dramas, all of which are non-verbal arts, but there is also a drama problem. The foundation of drama cannot be laid, and it is useless to sing musicals and dance well. " Lv Yisheng compares the stage art that needs to tell stories with Hollywood and Broadway musicals. "We all choose real materials, but we make the real ones fake, and Hollywood makes the fake ones real."

  In Lu Yisheng’s view, the poor storytelling of the script is mainly due to the writer’s cultivation: "Not only the cultivation of the bank, but also the cultivation of cross-border. You must have all aspects of cultivation to tell the story of the musical well."

  There is a musical major, but no outstanding talents can be cultivated.

  In the developed countries of musicals, a city has more than ten musicals every day, but no city in China can do it. In addition to the problem of original musical writers, finding musical actors is also a big problem.

  Yin Haozhen, director of Korean musical, said: "One of the problems encountered in the development of musical in China is the cultivation of talents. In Seoul, South Korea, many musicals are staged every day. When recruiting actors for musicals, there will be about 1,500 actors for each role, and the professional education of musicals has become very popular. With this foundation, there will be great development of musicals. "

  In China, although many art colleges now have musical majors, the talents trained are flawed, the actors from drama colleges lack singing and dancing skills, the dance and acting skills from music colleges are insufficient, and the singing skills from dance colleges are flawed, so it is difficult to find comprehensive high-level musical actors.

  In musical teaching, some teachers have misunderstandings about students’ material selection and teaching, thinking that they can sing musicals if they can sing pop songs. Therefore, it is really hard to find an actor with a real dramatic voice. The weakness of talents is also a reason for the slow development of China’s original musicals.

  Many musicals have no box office.

  In addition, the operation mode did not form an effective scale of development, which also limited the development of China musicals. In original musical dramas, some are created as brands of regional cultural construction, and many of them have not really entered the market operation mode; Some musicals are produced and run by musicians themselves, and there is not much financial support. However, in developed countries in Europe and America, as well as South Korea and Japan, the main reason why musicals can form a climate is to enter the real market operation.

  In the past two years, there have been seven-act musical production companies in the market, which have produced One Step to Heaven, Avenue Q, I, Don Quixote and The Sound of Music. Sha Qing, director of the application of Seven Acts Life, said: "Seven Acts thinks that musicals are more important in terms of operation, and we use a stupid method to make them — — The more money you spend, the better the product. We still take this very seriously. There is no shortcut to this. "

  In terms of operation, the "Seven Acts" also adopted a "stupid" approach. Sha Qing said: "We expect to support ourselves at the box office. Perhaps it is smarter to burn investors’ money or rely on subsidies. However, we believe that if we want to develop healthily for a long time, we must rely on the box office. "

  In this regard, some predecessors in the musical industry think that the idea of "Seven Acts" is a bit "idealistic". Because in the current market environment, although the annual box office income is constantly improving, on the whole, the pressure to rely solely on the box office to support themselves is still great.

  However, in Sha Qing’s view, a company with no college background like "Seven Acts" has to earn enough money at the box office if it wants to survive for a long time, and every drama has to make money. Only in this way can we survive.

  Fan Chong, a screenwriter and producer of musicals, said: "The biggest problem in China musicals is learning. Why study? Learn what? How to learn? First of all, producers and producers need to learn how to control the volume and scale of a play, how to evaluate the cost of a play, how to radiate values, and whether there is any soil for this play to perform in China. Drama needs rationality and data, cost control, and attracting the most audience with the least money. Creators should be rigorous and responsible to the audience, investors and theaters. Only by focusing on one thing can we witness the arrival of a musical era in China. "

  Text/reporter Lun Bing

Actively explore the Hunan path of high-quality development of general aviation in the new era

  Xu Dazhe, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress

  Mao Weiming, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor of the Provincial People’s Government.

  As a national strategic industry, general aviation plays a great role in serving economic and social development and national security. The effective development and utilization of low-altitude airspace and the construction of low-altitude flight service guarantee system are the fundamental guarantee for the high-quality development of general aviation. Since Hunan was approved as the first pilot province of global low-altitude airspace management reform in September, 2020, the provincial party committee and the provincial government attached great importance to it, quickly set up a pilot reform organization, set up a provincial-level development platform for navigation, and strengthened coordination between the central and local governments, military and civilian cooperation, provincial and municipal cooperation, government-enterprise cooperation, and vigorously promoted the mode of "one window for acceptance, one network for operation, and global service". The province has built 12 general airports and opened five low-altitude tourist routes. More than 30 central enterprises and superior enterprises from other provinces have planned industrial layout in Hunan, and the development of general aviation, low-altitude tourism, flight training, aviation sports and other industries is gratifying, laying a solid foundation for promoting the high-quality development of general aviation.





  Cultivate new kinetic energy for the high-quality development of Hunan. Focus on giving full play to the advantages of general aviation’s derivative formats, large development space, wide service range and sufficient supporting kinetic energy, implement major development strategies of general aviation in depth, accelerate the upgrading of aerospace, advanced materials, machinery manufacturing, automatic control, electronic information and other industries, strive to seize the commanding heights of navigation industry development, break new paths for high-quality development of general aviation, and inject new impetus and provide strong support for high-quality economic and social development of the province.

  Broaden new space for the people’s high-quality life. Promoting the popularization of civil aviation is an important measure to conform to the people’s yearning for a better life in the new era. Based on Hunan’s comparative advantages, we should identify the entry point for general aviation to create a high-quality life, speed up the improvement of general aviation supply chain and consumption chain, and constantly improve people’s participation and gain a sense of happiness and security. Accelerate the development of social public aviation services such as emergency rescue, medical treatment, urban security, traffic command and rescue, and build new security for people’s lives and property. Vigorously develop general aviation consumption services such as short-distance transportation, air travel, air sports, aviation science popularization and tourism research, and create new supplies to meet the needs of people’s better life.

  Strive to promote the high-quality development of general aviation

  Adhere to the unity of goal orientation, problem orientation and result orientation, and promote the reform pilot work with high standards and high efficiency. By 2022, we will ensure that the pilot of low-altitude airspace management reform reaches the national expected goal, initially build a "1+13+N" general airport skeleton network, realize the comprehensive application of Beidou third-generation satellite navigation technology in low-altitude surveillance, and the province’s general aviation industry will develop its comprehensive competitiveness and industry output value into the upper-middle ranks of the country. By 2025, the full coverage of general airports will be achieved, a fully functional general aviation system in the province will basically take shape, and the comprehensive development competitiveness and industry output value will enter the top three in the country, forming a new pattern of navigation development with perfect system and mechanism, good industrial ecology, large-scale agglomeration development, perfect service functions and active participation of the people.

  Focus on "one center". Around the center of the global low-altitude airspace management reform pilot, the six goals and eight tasks put forward in the reform pilot implementation plan were fully completed. According to the pilot requirements and time nodes, we will optimize the classified planning, management and use of low-altitude airspace, and steadily achieve the effective use goal of "default opening, announcement closing, dynamic use and flexible conversion".

  Strengthen the "two supports". Focusing on the two supports of general airports and navigable pilots, we will do a good job in the layout planning of general airports in the province, strengthen the approval of projects and land use, and guarantee funds and policies, and accelerate the construction of navigation bases in accordance with the construction layout of "1+13+N" general airport skeleton network. We will carry out the training of general aviation business license, private license and sports driver license, and train a group of high-quality and skilled navigation pilots as soon as possible.

  Grasp the "three keys". Focusing on the three key areas of R&D, production and consumption of the navigation industry, we will take the lead in making efforts on shortcomings and gaps in breakpoints, intensify the research on key core technologies and key components in advanced materials, automatic control and electronic information, and implement the "breaking zero and multiplying" plan to build Hunan into an innovative highland of aviation science and technology with core competitiveness. Give full play to the leading role of a new generation of technology in industrial optimization and upgrading, and fully integrate new generation technologies such as Beidou satellite navigation, cloud computing, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and 5G/6G communication. Promote the autonomous control of the power system and airborne system of the whole navigation machine in the province, focus on building a number of national key navigation manufacturing enterprises, and attract upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain to gather in Hunan. Incorporate general aviation public services and equipment products into the scope of government procurement, develop short-distance transportation, logistics and express delivery industries, carry out aviation culture science popularization, emergency experience and aviation driving experience, fully cultivate leading enterprises of general aviation in Hunan, support leading enterprises to merge and extend the chain, strengthen the position of supply chain and the right to speak in market competition, promote the industrial chain to extend to both ends and climb to the high end, and form a number of leading enterprises of navigation industry chain with national core competitiveness. Give full play to the policy superposition and attraction capacity of the free trade zone and the airport area, increase the intensity of attracting investment and attracting talents, accelerate the construction of a national general aviation development demonstration park, and promote the professional and large-scale development of the whole industry chain.

  Leading the "four major trends". "Green, wisdom, inclusiveness and innovation" is the new trend of general aviation development. With the application of new Beidou satellite navigation technology and the implementation of collaborative and efficient management system, Hunan will take the lead in realizing centimeter-level fine division and precise management of airspace. Hunan will further follow the trend, deeply study the three-dimensional release, intelligent management and efficient use of urban low-altitude airspace, take the lead in developing "urban navigation", and first try the wide application of unmanned aerial vehicles in urban logistics express delivery, public transportation, social public management, medical assistance, urban fire protection, traffic command, emergency relief and other areas of people’s livelihood security, mass and universal, so as to enhance people’s sense of happiness in navigation flight.

  Collaborative promotion of reform pilots has achieved results.

  The pilot reform of low-altitude airspace management has a tight time, heavy tasks and high requirements. It requires the "military, land, people and enterprises" to think in one place and make efforts in one place to promote the detailed implementation of all work.

  Strengthen coordination and cooperation. Give full play to the role of general dispatch, general lead and general coordination of the Collaborative Management Committee Office, strengthen overall dispatch and comprehensive coordination, and regularly supervise the implementation of provincial units. Adhere to a game of chess, deepen the coordination between the central and local governments, the military and civilians, the provinces and cities, and the government and enterprises, jointly study and promote the implementation of major decisions, reform measures and major projects in the reform pilot, and jointly solve the difficulties, blocking points and pain points encountered in the reform pilot.

  Strengthen institutional guarantee. Learn from the experience of brother provinces extensively and speed up the local legislation of general aviation. Strengthen the top-level design guidance, pay attention to the full connection with the provincial "14 th Five-Year Plan", and compile and implement the general aviation industry development plan, navigation equipment manufacturing development plan and general airport development plan with high starting point and high quality.

  Strengthen policy guidance. Detailed implementation of various policies and measures to support the development of the general aviation industry, and fully release the policy dividend. Intensify publicity to attract domestic and foreign general aviation enterprises or groups with abundant funds and excellent qualifications to settle in Hunan. Stimulate market vitality, actively guide and encourage people to participate in navigation consumption such as navigation pilot training and low-altitude tourism, so that the general aviation industry can play a greater role in expanding domestic demand and promoting consumption upgrading.

Bai Yansong: Are soccer and soccer the same sport in China?

On July 19th, Bai Yansong paid attention to the "football road, how should China go?" in CCTV’s "News 1+1" program. Among them, the golden sentence is constant. Some words may sound a little harsh, but we can understand the helplessness of many experienced fans who can only have fun in the midst of years of pursuing love and constant loss. The so-called "love is deep and responsibility is urgent".

Let’s listen to what Yansong said ~

"I don’t want to talk about China football and everyone laughs."

When it comes to football in China, everyone will be happy and tell many jokes. In fact, I don’t want everyone to laugh when talking about China football, but China football has tortured fans for so many years, and I think we have some capital to laugh now. What can we do if we don’t smile?

But we really don’t want to laugh. We really want China football to develop better. But how to develop?

"How can China football develop without a stadium and a good coach?"

There is a survey: What do you think is the most important thing for China football to be strong? I think two figures are too low: 3% people choose.Build more stadiums, and 3% of people choose.Training of grass-roots coachesThis ratio is too low.

Let’s take a look at the goal of China Football Association: to expand the training scale of coaches year by year. By 2020, the total number of certified coaches in China will reach 70,000. Note that it is to strive to achieve it by 2020, which is quite different from the fact that 100 children in Iceland may have a good coach to take care of them.

There are also people who study football in China now, but after graduating in four years, they can’t get a certificate, and then they may be assigned to a school and stop teaching football and become ordinary physical education teachers.

Without a stadium and a good coach, it is almost impossible to make football in China the same sport as football.

"Playing football well has nothing to do with the population."

I often hear people in China say that 1.4 billion people can’t find 11 players. The four most populous countries in the world rank first in China, second in India, third in the United States and fourth in Indonesia. Except for the United States, which often enters the World Cup, the remaining three countries are not good at playing football, so it has nothing to do with the population.

What does that have to do with anything? CCTV 5, the sports channel, made a 20-episode feature film called Football Road before the World Cup. Frankly speaking, after the World Cup, I watched it again, and I saw that my blood was boiling and I often became very quiet. How about football in China? Is China football and football a sport after all, and how can they become the same sport?

"The goal of the national team competition in 2018 has almost not been completed."

Next, let’s look at the goals of the national team. The Chinese Football Association’s Action Plan for 2020 has drawn up three goals for the national team in 2018:

The goal of FIFA U20 World Cup was to strive to participate, but I didn’t go.;

FIFA U17′ s goal was to compete, but it didn’t go.;

The goal of U23 Asian Championship was to enter the top eight, but failed.!

In other words, the goal of the 2018 competition was almost not completed. The goal of the 2019 competition is to enter the top four of the Asian Cup. Can it be completed? Frankly, I’m not optimistic.

"We don’t want to be people who tell jokes about China football."

I really hope that all football players in China can take a good look at the 20 episodes of Football Road on Sports Channel. After reading it, we will all be the beneficiaries. We don’t want to be people who tell jokes about football in China. Frankly speaking, how lively the World Cup is, we are just passers-by, just a group of spectators. Only when China football is really well done and China football and football become the same sport, will we be really happy.

Want to see more suggestions from Bai Yansong about the development of football in China, click to watch the full video ↓↓↓

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Premier League standings: Arsenal beat Manchester City for 6 years and 5 titles, Manchester United 1-0 and Liverpool 1-1 are set in the top four.

Last night and this morning, the 37th round of the Premier League was in full swing. Avonii won the goal, Nottingham Forest beat Arsenal 1-0, Nottingham Forest won the relegation task ahead of schedule, and Arsenal lost and sent Manchester City to win three consecutive championships ahead of schedule. Casemiro barbed the door, and Manchester United’s 1-0 Bournemouth Champions League seat next season is close at hand; Watkins missed the goal, firmino scored a goal, and Liverpool scored 1-1 at Aston Villa. Although the Red Army has a glimmer of hope to enter the top four, it is already slim.

Nottingham Forest 1-0 Arsenal’s game, after being overtaken by Manchester City for more than half a season, young Arsenal obviously couldn’t bear it psychologically and lost points in successive games. In the 19th minute, Odegard made a mistake in passing the ball, Nottingham Forest made a quick counterattack, and White assisted Avonii to score the only goal in the game. Since then, although Arsenal tried to launch a counterattack, they did not get a good chance to break the door.

After the game, Arteta admitted that losing was his responsibility. He also said that the team had been leading for a long time but did not win the championship. On the one hand, it was a little regrettable, on the other hand, it also showed that it was still not in place. In 248 days, Arsenal became the longest leading team in the five major leagues but failed to win the championship. Manchester City won the league title for the fifth time in six years, and it is also the second team in the Premier League to win three consecutive championships.

Manchester United’s 1-0 match in Bournemouth, before the game, Manchester United goalkeeper Degea won this season’s Der goldene Handschuh Prize with 160 games. In the 8th minute of the game, Eriksson passed the ball to the restricted area, which was first tackled by the defender, and casemiro followed up with a barb to help Manchester United get a dream start of 1-0. Since then, the two teams have been attacking and defending each other, and Degea has once again devoted himself to the game. After winning this game, Manchester United basically locked in the qualification for next season’s Champions League.

Liverpool’s 1-1 Aston Villa game was the home curtain call performance of firmino, a meritorious player of the Red Army. In the 22nd minute, konate sent a spot in the penalty area, but unfortunately Watkins missed the penalty kick and Aston Villa missed the lead. In the 27th minute, Liverpool was the first to concede the goal. Ramsey scored a header after receiving a pass from his teammates in the restricted area, and Villa led 1-0. In the 89th minute, Salah assisted firmino to score a goal in front of the goal, helping the Liverpool draw 1-1. This goal is also the last swan song of the Red Army Erxia at home. How can the Red Army fans not burst into tears?

Other match results: Wolves 1-1 Everton, Fulham 2-2 Crystal Palace, Tottenham 1-3 brentford. The relegation teams will be in Everton, Leeds United and Leicester City, and two of the three teams will be relegated, which is a bit cruel.

Busquets: I really want to fight with Messi again, but my future has nothing to do with him.

Live on May 21st, despite losing to Real Society at home, Barcelona, which has locked in the league title, can still celebrate the championship in Camp Nou, and busquets won the championship as the captain. Before leaving Barcelona, he was able to celebrate the hard-won league title with the fans. In an interview with the media, busquets talked about winning the championship, Messi and other topics.

About the feeling of winning the championship

We haven’t won the championship for a long time. Being able to share the championship with the fans will make you happier when you leave, and it will also make you feel more wonderful. After years of hard times, you will be proud to be able to experience all this and win the championship again. This is a mixed feeling, but also a very happy farewell. I am honored to win many championships in a big family like Barcelona. It is very important to experience all this and feel recognized when I leave and win the championship again.

Regarding whether it is possible to withdraw the decision to leave the team

I’m not like Alemanni … This is the law of football, everything is the beginning and the end. No matter where I am, I will support Barcelona from now on, and the team has another fan. I think we can start a successful era, because we have formed a United team that can compete with any opponent.

About your decision about your future.

I haven’t made a decision yet. Although there are many choices, nothing has been decided yet. I won’t make a decision until the end of the season, because from now on I will enjoy my farewell.

Is your future related to Messi?

Everyone must make his own decision, and everyone has his own life, family and wishes. Of course, I really want to fight with Messi again, but my future has nothing to do with Messi.

About your career.

Perhaps in terms of individual awards, my career has not been recognized enough, but I am not pursuing such things. I feel that I am valued by my teammates and opponents, which is very important. I never want to be the center of attention, even though I have to be for so many years.