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Is the story of Peng Yuyan and the black dog highly poetic or unintelligible?

1905 movie network feature A man and a dog, a story of a small town, a journey of honor. The film, which has been called the director’s "most special work" and an image-subversive work, won the top prize in the "One Focus" section of the 77th Cannes International Film Festival. Chinese films have once again exploded in Cannes after 18 years.

However, the release of "Dog Formation" in the country is concerned about the mediocre, some viewers said that "I fell asleep" "I don’t understand it at all" "like the leaders who talked a lot at work but didn’t talk about anything ”······

In this episode, we have invited Li Bin, a professor at Beijing Film Academy, to join us in focusing on the controversial film "Dog Formation".


Dispute 1:2-hour small town story, don’t understand?

Looking at the movie reviews of "Dog Array", the first point of controversy for the audience about the film is "don’t understand". Unlike traditional commercial films with strong plot, the story line of "Dog Array" is relatively fragmented, interspersed with many character relationships outside the main story, such as Jiro’s classmate, father, and his object of admiration, etc., making the narrative of the film slightly cluttered.

By grasping the main story of the film, it is easier to feel that what the movie "Dog Array" really wants to express is a profound discussion of the proposition of life. Jiro, played by Peng Yuyan, returns to his homeland after being released from prison. In the face of prejudice and prevention, he does not know how to start a new life. In the end, he is forced to choose to join the dog fighting team for a living, but he accidentally saves a stray black dog. In getting along with the black dog, Jiro gains the courage to go on the road again. One person and one dog redeem each other and hug each other’s new life.

Li Bin believes that in addition to the main story of Jiro and the Black Dog, Jiro’s confidant Grapes, enemy Hu Butcher, friend Nie Qianli, neighbor Lao Camel, boss Uncle Yao, and so on, these vivid and vivid beings constitute a very important catalyst for the entire change of Jiro. These characters allow different aspects of Jiro’s personality to be revealed and revealed, embodying an important emotional connection between him and the outside world.

For example, the girl played by Grapes is lively and decisive, and she will bravely ask Jiro if she dares to marry him after recognizing her own intentions. "This is a very vital character, and it also brings hope to Jiro." Li Bin said that Erlang killed Hu Butcher’s nephew by mistake, so Hu Butcher insisted on seeking Jiro’s explanation, and even wanted to burn the rope and harm him when he jumped bungee. But when Hu Butcher encountered danger, Erlang chose to lend a helping hand regardless of previous suspicions. In the end, Hu Butcher sincerely thanked Jiro for saving his life and let go of the grudge; although Uncle Yao, the boss of the rivers and lakes, did not like Jiro’s stubborn character, he still sold the dog to Jiro…

Li Bin said: "A good work communicates with the audience through emotion. This film may not have strong sensationalism, but its emotional expression seems to be slowly surging in the gray base color, moisturizing the audience’s heart and giving everyone a kind of strength to go back on the road."


Dispute 2: The male lead only has five lines, is it too deliberate?

After the film was broadcast, many viewers argued over the setting of the male lead, with some praising Peng Yuyan’s role as Erlang as a shining figure after Chen Guilin. Others thought that the 116-minute film’s male lead only said less than five sentences, with too few lines, which affected the perception.

In the face of controversy, Li Bin believes that the setting of the male protagonist speaking less is closely related to the experience of the characters themselves. She said: "Too much language will eliminate the sense of silent power that the protagonist has. After ten years in prison, Jiro has completely disconnected from his hometown and era. He has no concept of the topics discussed by the people around him, so it is difficult to find a suitable opportunity to talk."

In fact, most of the male protagonist’s language expressions in the film are replaced by fighting actions, which makes it easier to bring a sense of silent power and contrast to the audience and enhance the tension of the characters. Too much language will eliminate the silent power of the protagonist.


Dispute 3: Are the animal symbols that appear in turn too stacked?

The appearance of tigers, dogs, snakes and many other animals in the film, which some large-read audiences regarded as a kind of accumulation of symbols. To this kind of view, Li Bin explained: "I think animals are very important in this film. Animality is actually the part that the director wants to present in the human life base color that should be publicized."

The animals in the film were in harmony with the humans, and the animals in the zoo were a true portrayal of the trapped people. After Erlang returned to the town, he was a stray man on the edge, and Black Dog was a wanted stray dog. They were not just the companionship of pets, but the mutual redemption of emotions.

Secondly, Li Bin believes that the black dog evokes Jiro’s animality to a certain extent. For example, at the beginning of the film, Jiro beats the dog, and the black dog bites Jiro back, showing that people and animals are equally aggressive; Jiro rushes into Hu Butcher’s house with chains to avenge the old camel. The black dog is worried that Jiro will also break the window and rush in together.

"Animality is actually the most basic force for survival. It represents a return to the basics, and humans sometimes have to bravely break free from shackles in order to survive like animals," Li Bin said.

As a film with a lot of author expression, the innovation of "Dog Formation" is not only the breakthrough setting of the relationship between humans and animals, but also the profound discussion of the proposition of life. The film presents the possibility and emotional face of another story between humans and dogs, allowing the audience to see that under the interweaving of human feelings, everyone has unavoidable love, help, responsibility and cause and effect in their lives. Therefore, it is advisable to bravely break through the shackles of life, respect instincts, and return to the base color of life.

The "Wandering Earth" roadshow continues at the age of 65, Wu Mengda insists on hanging Weiya by himself

1905 movie network news A few days ago, the film’s national college roadshow set off in full swing. On the 25th, the film’s main creators appeared in Guangzhou and Xi’an in two ways to share the film’s shooting process and feelings with the students. The students at the roadshow were full of "burning" and the atmosphere was warm. They expressed their feelings for the film and the creator’s "stubborn to the end" belief and spirit, and were full of expectations for Chinese science fiction! Next, the creators will also go to Zhengzhou, Wuhan and other cities to meet and interact with local students.

The film will be officially released on the first day of the new year in 2019, and the door to an imaginative future world is about to open.


Guangzhou Station exposes highlights of the film, Liu Cixin signs autographs for super fans

The original and executive producer Liu Cixin and director Guo Fan, starring Mike Sui, appeared in Guangzhou, Yangcheng, and greeted the students in Cantonese. The roadshow began with an undisclosed highlight, and the students expressed their dissatisfaction while shouting. Hidden in the highlight is an informative easter egg – Wu Jing appeared and showed everyone the behind-the-scenes process of the film shooting, and also shared his feelings during the performance. In the video, he shouted "Too hard!", which caused the students to laugh at the scene.

When talking about the feelings of participating in the film, Mr. Liu Cixin said bluntly: "As a science fiction writer, in fact, the richer your imagination is, the more weak you feel in words, and it is difficult for you to describe your imagination in words. As art, science fiction is particularly suitable for use of pictures and images to show."

Director Guo Fan said that Teacher Da Liu’s words inspired the film: "When the earth is in crisis, the way the Chinese choose is not to give up the earth and leave, but to install an engine on the earth and take the earth to wander. This is the culture of the Chinese people and the soul of our film." Mike Sui, who is in charge of "funny" in the film, was dubbed by the director as "an old artist with both virtues and art". As a "living treasure" at the event, he broke the news: "In fact, when he worked with director Guo Fan five years ago, he said he wanted to shoot a science fiction movie, and now his dream has finally come true."

In the "Me and My Stubbornness" interactive session, a big fan of Teacher Liu made a surprise appearance. He brought the magazine "Science Fiction World" (2000), which had first published the novel "Wandering Earth", to the scene. He had treasured the magazine for 18 years. Teacher Liu Cixin signed it on the spot and expressed his gratitude to his classmates. The super fan said excitedly: "Thank you Teacher Liu Cixin for creating so many excellent science fiction works, which has had a great impact on my life." There was also a child at the scene who raised his hand enthusiastically and asked why the creator wanted to create science fiction content. Director Guo Fan’s answer was impressive: "We hope that more and more children will pay attention to science, expand their imagination, and let them have more imagination and courage. Science fiction movies are a very important carrier."


Wu Mengda, 65, stubbornly insisted on hanging Weiya, calling Director Guo Fan a "crazy director"

The film stars Wu Mengda and Zhao Jinmai parachuted into the ancient city of Xi’an, and the arrival of Wu Mengda’s teacher sparked cheers from fans. The two creators had a warm exchange with their classmates, introducing their characters and sharing behind-the-scenes stories. Wu Mengda’s self-proclaimed role is "National Grandpa": "I played the grandpa of Duoduo and Liu Qi in the film. He dotes on his grandchildren very much. Although these two children are particularly naughty and don’t give people peace of mind, he sacrificed his all in order to let the children feel the emotion of’home ‘in the harsh environment." Zhao Jinmai, who plays Han Duoduo, introduced his role as a little rebellious at first, but eventually became particularly brave.

At the scene, both grandparents participated in the interaction on the topic of "me and my stubbornness" and shared their own stories of stubbornness. Stubbornness is also an emotion that runs through the film. Teacher Wu Mengda exclaimed "I’m so tired": "I’m in my 60s this year, and I’ve been acting in comedies for more than 40 years. This time, I challenge new genres with young people, and I have to inhale oxygen every time I finish filming. But for the sake of Chinese science fiction, I have to be stubborn with everyone to the end!" Zhao Jinmai said that his stubbornness is to do a good job in the career he likes, and at the same time, he also takes care of his studies. Because she happened to catch up with her high school entrance examination during the filming of "Wandering Earth", she is also brushing papers every day while filming.

When it comes to director Guo Fan, Mr. Wu Mengda directly commented on him as a "crazy director": "I have been filming for more than 40 years and have cooperated with many directors, but director Guo Fan is the most persistent person I have ever met. I also admire him from the bottom of my heart. His persistence is something that everyone should learn." Zhao Jinmai joked that the film is a "crazy director" who stubbornly challenges a new genre with a group of "crazy actors". When asked by classmates what life experience they can share, Mr. Wu Mengda shared seriously: "Every stage has different ideas, but I hope that no matter what you do, you will always be righteous and sincere."


A notice of the major version update of the domestic game "Tribal Survivor": new forces, new buildings and Spring Festival activities will be launched.

The domestic construction and operation game "Tribal Survivor" recently announced a major version update notice, and new forces, new buildings and recipes and Spring Festival activities will be launched. Let’s take a look!

Wandering stars

Original official announcement:

Advance notice of major version update

As you can see, we didn’t release this week’s routine update because we were concentrating.Try to be in China before the New YearComplete the release of major version. This major version includes the following contents:

Brand-new power system

Redo the trade mechanism

New wonders architecture

Theme of Spring Festival activities

Power system

We have added five new forces, four of which are from unique cultural areas, and their prestige level will gradually increase with the completion of the event and the trade.

Wandering stars

In the end, these forces will provide you with as many as 25 new buildings, 4 new crops and 17 new formulas. As for the fifth one, he is the fat trader who squeezed the fruits of your hard work in the previous game.

In addition, the brand-new trade and spectacle adjustment will also be highly related to these forces, and the content of trade and spectacle will be introduced in detail in the next part.

We hope that the participation of these forces will bring you more interesting content. Before we formally meet with you, let me introduce some of them that may interest you.

New architecture and recipes

A new crop: cactus

Wandering stars

Well, we know that the cactus in everyone’s mind is a desert plant, and I guarantee that the desert map will appear in the game in the future (provided that our art students who work overtime continuously put down their knives first).

New building: Quetzalcoatl Temple

Wandering stars

The Quetzalcoatl Temple from Mayan civilization is supposed to be mainly used for prayer and sacrifice, but in the game, it will serve as the soul of citizens and bury the dead citizens.

I know that many friends who are familiar with South American culture will hold different opinions on the function of this sacred building. But! Infinite graveyard, dear, it’s better than burning it in the river as many "cruel" players demand, isn’t it?

New formula: bamboo basket

Wandering stars

Only the basic raw material "bamboo" is needed to make a backpack column consumable, which is a mass production benefit. How did bamboo come from? We’ll know when the time comes,

Yes, the panda is a lie, and the picture has nothing to do with it (I don’t care, Meng is justice). There are more interesting contents, and I can meet you in a few days, so stay tuned.

New wonders of architecture

There is good news and bad news about spectacle buildings: the good news is that we have added two new spectacle buildings;

The bad news is that in the future games, the spectacle architecture will become the highest level of power and prestige unlocking content. In other words, friends who have not experienced the spectacle architecture, seize the last chance.

A new wonder: the grand palace

The prototype of the Grand Palace is the Hanyuan Palace, the core building of the Daming Palace in the Tang Dynasty. As one of the largest forces of human civilization at that time, the Tang Dynasty managed the largest population on the earth with an efficient official system, and they maintained a very friendly relationship with other civilizations at that time.

The effect of the grand palace also comes from the characteristics of this great empire:

The grand palace is a special city hall building, which will have all the functions of the city hall; It also has an additional 5 mayor slots, allowing the player’s city to hire up to 10 mayors; Its completion will increase the reputation of players and any other forces by 100%.

Wandering stars

Trade redo

Wandering stars

Generally speaking, apart from the original merchant ship visits, we have redone the whole trade system, and at the same time, the whole branch of trade science and technology has also been redone.

The new trading system will bring you the following conveniences and opportunities:

A more relaxed starting point

The basic trade building is now open by default, which means that you can start earning the initial money without relying on the technology tree.

Automatic transaction

Compared with before, you may need to spend more time setting trade targets and implementing trade caravans, but after these settings are completed, the caravans can regularly sell and buy goods according to your settings. Now players can really concentrate on developing advantageous industries in exchange for the circulation of scarce materials. I hope this will enrich the development options of the game and avoid the embarrassment that players have to produce all the materials themselves or order materials at high prices.

Wandering stars

Market price mechanism

There is a difference between the buying and selling prices of goods, and forces will pay higher returns for their favorite goods according to their needs, which means that if you have enough time to pay attention to these prices, you can even make direct profits through trade.

Of course, the market is not immutable. Dumping will bring down the price, and purchasing will bring up the price. Powerful businessmen are not mentally retarded, but if you are good at stock investment and the like, it is not a problem to crush the IQ of NPC.

Wandering stars


If conditions permit, you can buy an insurance for your caravan, whether on land or at sea. The insurance will provide you with some compensation in case of caravan distress and avoid a one-time excessive loss.

As for why and when the caravan is in distress, we choose to pretend that this is not a big problem. By the way, the risk of shipping is far greater than that of land, which should be known to all.

activities for Spring Festival

The Spring Festival is the most important reunion festival in China every year.

As a team from China, we made some contents related to this festival especially during the Spring Festival.

Maybe this is just a routine operation for China players, but we sincerely hope that players from other parts of the world can share the fun of this special festival.

paste up the "Fu" Character

Wandering stars

Sticking the word "blessing" is a traditional custom in China during the New Year. Every household will stick the word "blessing" on the door and wall during the Spring Festival. The word "paste blessing" has pinned people’s yearning for a happy life and wishes for a better future. But you may find that people often paste the word "fu" upside down. Why?

Of course, it’s not because there is no culture. This is because in order to fully reflect the yearning and wishes for happiness, the people simply paste the word "fu" upside down, indicating that "happiness has fallen (arrived)". An interesting homophonic stalk represents people’s beautiful vision of a happy life.

Players who have read this passage, you now know what to do when there is a blessing event in the game. You see, those players who haven’t read the update announcement may choose the wrong one.

The legend of nian

Wandering stars

Nian beast, also known as "Xi", is a kind of monster in ancient myths and legends in China. It is said that Nian beast would invade villages all over the country at midnight at the end of the year, bringing terrible disasters. In order to drive away Nian beast, people finally found the weakness of Nian beast and successfully drove it out. People all over the world always get together to celebrate at the most important festivals, but the reasons for gathering in stories are always different, which is really wonderful. Here, we also invite players from all over the world to share the stories behind your festivals with us. Maybe we can restore these interesting stories in the game to share the joy from various cultures and regions with you.

After the update, you will know how Nian beast was defeated. Before that, guess what it is most afraid of.

Lantern festival lantern

On the 15th day after the New Year in China, it is another special festival: Lantern Festival, which means the official end of the New Year Festival in China.

Wandering stars

People will hold Lantern Festival in the bustling streets of towns. In many cities where rivers pass, people will exile lanterns in the rivers. In addition, solve riddles on the lanterns is also an important activity of the Lantern Festival. People write riddles on paper and put lanterns and lanterns for people to guess. Riddles are enlightening and interesting, so they are loved by all walks of life in the process of spreading. Many times, solving puzzles will bring some extra rewards.

Tribal Survivor is a town building game, and you will lead survivors to open up new homes. Rely on a small amount of materials to deal with natural and man-made disasters, ensure the health and happiness of citizens, choose different development routes to bring unique advantages, and finally establish a prosperous town with a large population and unique characteristics.

For more information, please pay attention to:

Want to know how many Internet accounts are associated with your mobile phone number? Here comes the "one card can check version 2.0"!

CCTV News:Do you know how many Internet accounts are associated with your mobile phone number? Has your mobile phone number been registered as an Internet account by others? What should I do if I find someone else has registered an Internet account with their mobile phone number? Today (July 21st), the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially upgraded the "one-card universal access" system to version 2.0, which can provide users with the nationwide Internet account "one-card universal access" service.

"One-card universal inquiry 2.0" is a national Internet account convenient inquiry service launched by the anti-fraud center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on the basis of the national mobile phone card "one-card universal inquiry" system, in conjunction with head Internet enterprises and telecom enterprises.

Users can inquire by filling in the mobile phone number, the last six digits of the ID number and the verification code through the inquiry portals such as "Industrial News Micro Report", "Anti-fraud Special Class of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology" and "China Xintongyuan". The query results are replied through the unified short message port within 48 hours.

       It is understood that in order to help crack down on telecommunication network fraud and solve the problem of users being "impersonated to run cards", the Network Security Administration of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology launched the "one-card universal inquiry" service for national mobile phone cards in September last year. Users can check the number of mobile phone cards under their own names and cancel their accounts in time for abnormal number cards, which can effectively reduce the space for criminals to open and sell cards illegally. According to statistics, at present, more than 85% of fraud cases are carried out through the Internet, and many of them use Internet accounts registered by other people’s mobile phone numbers to carry out fraud activities. In order to prevent the risk of fraud related to Internet accounts associated with mobile phone numbers, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology upgraded the original mobile phone number "one certificate for universal access" to mobile phone+Internet account "one certificate for universal access".

At present, the "one-card universal inquiry" system has opened up the relevant systems of 93 provincial-level basic telecommunications enterprises and 39 mobile communication resale enterprises in China. As long as I have a domestic mobile phone card under my name, I can use the inquiry service.

Wei Liang, Vice President of China Information and Communication Research Institute:In order to protect users’ personal information security, we use desensitization display, transmission line, data encryption, digital certificate and other mechanisms to ensure security, and authenticate the information submitted by users, so as to ensure that only the telephone number under the user’s own name can be queried in association with the registered Internet account.

Wei Liang said that the Anti-Fraud Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has guided Internet companies to establish supporting service mechanisms such as account details inquiry and account unbinding disposal, and Internet companies will handle any objections or complaints raised by users as soon as possible. Follow-up will combine the anti-fraud work situation, connect more Internet companies according to factors such as user scale and fraud risk, and support a wider range of Internet application queries. And launched the "one-click unbinding of secondary number" service to realize one-click unbinding of the Internet account association bound by the number before I hold the mobile phone number.

Sui Jing, Director of Network Security Administration of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology:In the next step, we are now actively docking with some commonly used ones, such as Sina Weibo, 58 City and so on … … Gradually increase the number of Internet companies accessing the platform, and we also welcome the vast number of Internet companies to join our queue.

From Godzilla to Alien: A Serious Analysis of Monster Movies

  In 1817, mary shelley finished her horror novel Frankenstein (also translated as Frankenstein). This novel was officially published in 1818. In the novel, a scientist named Frankenstein created a monster from a patchwork of corpses. The monster was so miserable and out of control that he finally set himself on fire and died. Frankenstein is not only a Gothic horror novel, but also regarded as the first science fiction novel in the modern sense. One hundred years later, this novel has been adapted into movies again and again, especially the 1931 version of Frankenstein, which can be said to be the pioneer of American horror movies.

  There are four versions of Frankenstein, namely, Edison’s Frankenstein (1910), Frankenstein (1931), Frankenstein (1970) and Frankenstein in mary shelley (1994). There are many movies named Frankenstein, far more than these four.

  The story of Frankenstein spread later, and in many places "Frankenstein" was taken as the name of the monster. In fact, in the original novel, "Frankenstein" is the name of the scientist who created the monster. In addition, in many later films, the scientist revived the monster by electric shock, which was actually added to the film later. In the original novel, there is no mention of Frankenstein’s specific method to revive this monster. Even so, the spiritual core of Frankenstein has not changed from the novel to the film, which implies people’s fear of science and technology since the 19th century. The monster created by Frankenstein, a scientist, can be said to represent and condense the fear of human beings for the growing development of science and technology.

  In the movie Frankenstein, Frankenstein, a scientist, revived the monster made up of corpses by electric shock.

  Godzilla: Fear of technological power and the unknown world.

  In 1954, Godzilla, the originator of Japanese monster movies, was born. This film is closely related to a nuclear accident that year. On March 1, 1954, the United States conducted a hydrogen bomb test under the bikini atoll in the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean. At that time, hundreds of Japanese fishing boats were contaminated by radioactive nuclear, which caused a panic in Japan at that time. Moreover, in 1945, not far away, Japan suffered a nuclear attack from the United States, and two atomic bombs exploded in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. It can be said that no country in the world has such a deep-rooted fear of nuclear power as Japan. Just as Frankenstein’s monster represents people’s fear of science and technology, Godzilla’s monster image clearly represents Japan’s fear of nuclear power and nuclear attack. The original Godzilla was designed as a monster who wantonly destroyed the city, and its way of destroying the city was exactly the same as that of the atomic bomb. The three destructive ways of the atomic bomb-light radiation, thermal radiation and shock wave-are all known to Godzilla, a monster. Of course, such a setting does not conform to the law of conservation of energy. Godzilla, as a biological form, can’t spit out so much energy at a time if you eat more things.

  The earliest film poster of Godzilla (1954), Godzilla destroyed the city in a way similar to the atomic bomb.

  In the history of Japanese movies, films about Godzilla have been shot again and again, and each Godzilla has its own specific parameters such as size and weight. Moreover, Godzilla has been growing and upgrading, and even various monsters such as Kidola, Mosla and Raton have been derived, making the whole Godzilla universe. In these films, the relationship between Godzilla and human beings gradually changed from confrontation to cooperation, and even became the guardian of human civilization.

  Poster of the Japanese film Godzilla: The Big Monster Attacks (2001), in which Godzilla fights to protect the monsters released by humans and aliens.

  There are currently two Hollywood versions of Godzilla, one is Godzilla directed by roland emmerich (1998), and the other is Godzilla co-produced by Legendary Pictures and Warner (2014). Although the latter Godzilla is ambitious, it has a mediocre reputation, and its sequel Godzilla 2, The King of Monsters (2019), will be released at the end of May. Godzilla in Japanese movies is mostly a real costume performance, and the cities destroyed by Godzilla are mostly built with miniature models. There are many Japanese movies in this series, but in terms of visual effects, it is completely incomparable with the movies made by Hollywood with heavy CG special effects. Of course, for fans of Godzilla movies, they may think that Japanese Godzilla movies are the most authentic. The Japanese Dongbao Film Company, which created Godzilla, was very angry with roland emmerich’s version of Godzilla, and even refused to accept that Godzilla in this film was a member of the Godzilla family.

  Roland emmerich’s version of Godzilla (1998)

  From a biological point of view, all giant monsters like Godzilla can’t stand scrutiny. However, all living things on earth, whether normal evolution or gene mutation, must adapt to the gravity of the earth in terms of body shape. Do an easy-to-understand mathematical calculation to double the length of a creature, then its stress area (the size of its sole) will be four times and its weight will be eight times. That is to say, the stress area of living things increases in a square number, while the weight of living things increases in a square number. So ants’ legs can be so slender, and elephants’ legs must be thick enough to support the whole body. The thickness here is not only the absolute thickness, but also the proportion relative to the body shape. According to this theory, it is impossible for a monster like Godzilla to survive on the earth. With such a huge figure, I’m afraid my legs must be as thick as my body to stand. In the same way, we can know that a monster like King Kong is impossible to appear on the earth. Interestingly, the original novel Equatorial bwana devil of King Kong was written in the 19th century, when people didn’t know much about gorillas in the jungle. The author himself did not imagine a monster like King Kong based on gorillas, but he thought that gorillas in the jungle would really grow as big as King Kong.

  In the Hollywood version of Godzilla in 2014, Muto, the monster who confronts Godzilla at the end of the film, has an unreasonable body design, and his slender limbs are unlikely to support the weight of a huge body.

  In addition, according to the current understanding of the evolution of life, all creatures on the earth are homologous in the evolutionary tree, so all large animals with legs are four limbs, or four legs, or two legs with two wings. According to this theory, it is impossible for a creature with two wings and four legs, such as the flying horse or unicorn in Little Marbury, to appear on the earth. Four legs plus two wings make six limbs. Like the monster that crawled out of the ground in Kong: Skull Island (2017), it only has two legs and a tail, which is also impossible to appear on the earth.

  The monster in Kong: Skull Island (2017), a creature with only two limbs and a tail, is unlikely to appear on the earth.

  Fear is human instinct. According to Darwin’s theory of evolution, it is impossible for a species without fear to survive and reproduce in the biological world. I don’t know what fear is, but it has long been wiped out by natural enemies. Creating a monster that doesn’t exist may be the simplest and most direct way for people to express their fear. Long before the film was born, people had the cultural origin of creating monsters or monsters. For example, people who lived in the Middle Ages were afraid of hell, so they described it as a terrible world ruled by monsters.

  The image of ghosts in medieval church murals

  Although science has made the world more and more prosperous, fear, which is rooted in human instinct, still exists. Monster movies have become a new medium to express fear and vent anxiety in our time. Frankenstein conveys the fear of the rapid development of science and technology, Godzilla conveys the fear of nuclear power in Japan, Jurassic Park and Resident Evil convey the fear of biotechnology, and The Monster of Hanjiang River conveys the fear of American forces intervening in its own country. These fears have a clear object of fear. In addition, there is another kind of fear that comes from our fear of the unknown world. King Kong represents the fear of unknown areas deep in the jungle, Jaws and Extreme Cold represent the fear of the ocean and the deep-sea world, and Alien, Starfleet and Alien Awakening represent the fear of outer space. Fear is not terrible. "The only thing worth fearing in this world is fear itself". There is no shame in expressing fear. The first step to overcome fear is to express this fear first.

  "Godzilla 2: The King of Monsters" poster, monsters can be regarded as the condensation and expression of human fear.

  Aliens: Biological Instinct, Sexual Anxiety and Creator

  "Big is strong", which is a kind of psychology that we can easily confuse. Monsters such as Godzilla, dinosaurs and King Kong correspond to the viewer’s psychology. In fact, in terms of combat effectiveness, Godzilla, dinosaurs and King Kong are probably far less than the micro-life form of bacteria or the quasi-life form of viruses. Monsters that don’t win by size and are equally fascinating are the first choice.

  I first saw a movie like Alien many years ago. At that time, I didn’t understand at all why Americans like to engage in these sticky and disgusting things. In fact, if you think about it carefully, this kind of nausea is not directly disgusting with real things, but a kind of film culture and film routine. This kind of films often provoke people’s biological instinct and psychological level by creating a certain picture or form, thus creating a certain pleasure of watching movies. From the first Alien in 1979 to Alien Prequel 2: Contract in 2017, the Alien Universe is first of all a film series that has done enough articles on the instinctive level. Bloody, violent, biological plasma and mucus, sparse and sticky like childbirth, all follow the path of stimulating people’s instinct. Such a unique viewing experience, whether you like it or not, need not be avoided, and it is not worth boosting.

  The earliest alien modeling in Alien (1979), the director specially found an actor with slender limbs to play the alien.

  The earliest "Alien" trilogy, each director is famous, and each one has its own advantages in stimulating instinct. The first film directed by Scott is about space thriller, the second film directed by James Cameron is about action fighting, the third film directed by david fincher is about claustrophobia, and the fourth film directed by Pierre Genet is about black. Many years later, two "Aliens vs. Iron Soldiers" were knockoffs. Many years later, in 2012, the 75-year-old father Scott took the prequel of Alien, Alien Prequel: Prometheus, at will. In 2017, the 80-year-old father Scott took the second prequel of Alien, Alien Prequel 2: Contract, at will. These two films are still rooted in stimulating the instinctive nerves of the audience. For example, in the first film, there is an extremely exciting scene in which the heroine digs an alien by caesarean section, which is even more delicious than the scene in which the alien directly emerges from the human stomach.

  Alien Prequel 2: Contract (2017) A movie poster with dark and ferocious style.

  In terms of modeling, aliens can be said to be a collection of human dark imagination. Why do we have an instinctive fear of creatures like snakes? A guess is that this probably stems from the fact that mammals have suffered various injuries from reptiles during their evolution. Aliens are similar to the mixture of humanoid and snake in overall shape, especially the attack state on people is very similar to that of snakes. The reason why the mucus secreted by aliens makes us feel disgusting is probably the result of evolution, probably because many creatures that secrete mucus in nature are poisonous. As for the alien head, this strange shape actually contains the dual characteristics of male genitalia and female genitalia, full of sexual hints. This is not my own wishful over-reading, but the alien father, the great director ridley scott, said it himself in the documentary James Cameron’s Science Fiction Story. This view can explain more directly why aliens can not only attract our attention, but also make us have psychological and physiological reactions of disgust. It actually evokes our subconscious sexual consciousness and anxiety. As for the incubation process of aliens — — First, a face-prone monster jumps out of an egg to cover a person’s mouth, and then a small alien comes out of a person’s stomach. This process itself is similar to human reproduction, mating, excretion, childbirth and other behaviors, so it’s strange not to stimulate you.

  Ridley scott was interviewed by Cameron in James Cameron’s Science Fiction Story and talked about the creation of the first Alien (1979) that year.

  Although aliens are imaginative in modeling, they also have biological injuries. For example, in Alien 2, when the Alien Queen fights with the heroine, something like a tongue suddenly sticks out of her mouth, and a small mouth grows on the tip of the tongue, and the teeth of the small mouth click. From a biological point of view, such teeth are unlikely to last. Compare our human situation. Teeth are connected with bones, and muscles are attached to bones. The tooth shape of the alien is the other way around, not the muscle is attached to the tooth, but the tooth is attached to the muscle. First, such teeth are unlikely to grow out of thin air, and second, even if they grow out, they are helpless and easy to fall off. In addition, the rapid growth rate of aliens after drilling out of human stomach obviously violates the law of conservation of energy. Even if a person’s body is drained completely, it is impossible to provide so much energy to the alien to make it grow into such a big piece at once.

  Aliens in Alien Prequel 2: Contract (2017)

  In the latest "Alien Prequel: Prometheus" and "Alien Prequel 2: Contract", the director, Mr. Scott, said through the mouth of the dramatis personae that he didn’t believe that human beings evolved randomly, and there must be some kind of designer behind them, maybe God or aliens, anyway. With this, the prequels of these two Aliens can jump directly from the instinctive level to the philosophical level. Who Are We? Where do we come from? Where are we going? Are we the product of random evolution or the design creation of some advanced wisdom? This is the ultimate question about us human beings and one of the oldest philosophical questions.

  Today, people with certain scientific literacy have some understanding of evolution. For example, our eyes, at first, may only be a protein molecule that can sense light, and then step by step, step by step, evolved into our eyes and the eyes of various animals. However, there are still two different possibilities to get here:

  Maybe one, the eyes evolved randomly in a fog. According to the current statement, the evolution time of life is about 3.8 billion years, which is not short. All kinds of small probability events may occur and accumulate, and a monkey may knock out a Shakespeare in such a long time. The seemingly complicated life forms actually evolved in all kinds of chaos and disorder.

  Possibly, before the protein molecule began to evolve into the eye by sensing sunlight, there was already a wise designer, and TA had already designed this thing that would eventually be shaped into the eye in advance. Similarly, this designer had designed the form of life in advance before life began to evolve.

  These two possibilities are not actually contradictory. The second possibility is something that science cannot prove or falsify. Assuming that there is such a designer, he may get a score of 60 or 70 at most. Look at this terrible human body you designed: all the nerve circuits are squeezed in front of the retina, the neck is tired every day because of the big head, and the spine is obviously designed according to the result of lying down and walking upright, which makes it easy to strain the lumbar muscles and protrude the lumbar intervertebral disc … … In short, either we evolved in a muddle, or we were designed by idiots.

  The Man Seeking the Creator in Alien Prequel: Prometheus and David, the Biochemical Man Created by Man (right)

  The two prequels to Alien not only stimulate the instinct downward, but also touch the ultimate question of who we are, where we come from and where we are going, so they have a philosophical height. We may be the product of random and aimless evolution of nature, or we may be created. We may have been created by a loving and omnipotent God, or by a group of evil aliens, as described in Alien Prequel: Prometheus.

  If we are the product of random evolution, then our existence is meaningless; If we were randomly created by a group of evil aliens, then our existence is even more meaningless, or only has a black meaning. However, if we think from a positive energy perspective, even if our existence is meaningless, even if the whole universe is really dark, our goal can still be the sea of stars!

The map from vernal equinox to national spring day is coming! Let’s see where spring is →

  Today (March 21st), China entered the fourth solar term of spring-vernal equinox. After the vernal equinox, the days get longer and the nights get shorter. In a day, the sunshine not only prolongs the "on-the-job" time, but also gradually increases the heat, and most of our country enters the fastest period of time in a year. Warming up urges the process of going north in spring, and more and more people feel the breath of spring by enjoying flowers, stepping in spring, flying kites and tasting wild vegetables. China Weather Network has specially launched a national spring map to see which places will be embraced by spring during the spring equinox.

  Spring is strong in the south and accelerated in the north.

  It’s the vernal equinox, and it’s already mid-spring, with flowers in full bloom and strong spring scenery. All the year round, before entering the vernal equinox solar terms, most of the spring in the south is already very strong, and many places in the north are still a winter scene. After entering the vernal equinox, the sun slowly moves northward, the days are long and the nights are short, the heat of the sun is gradually enhanced, and the average temperature in the area north of the Yellow River can reach above 10℃.

The map from vernal equinox to national spring day is coming! Let's see where spring is →

  At the vernal equinox, the pace of spring accelerates northward, and more places in the north will enter the embrace of spring. Central and northern Jiangsu, northern Anhui, northern and western Henan, southwestern Shaanxi, southwestern Shanxi, most of Hebei, most of Tianjin, most of Beijing, and northern Xinjiang Southern Xinjiang Basin will enter spring at this time.

  The recovery is rapid and the spring breeze is booming.

  On the vernal equinox, the sun shines directly on the equator, and the northern and southern hemispheres are equally divided day and night. Since then, the position of the direct point of the sun has moved northward, and the days in the northern hemisphere are long and the nights are short. Most of China’s temperatures have shown a rising state and entered the fastest period of time in a year.

The map from vernal equinox to national spring day is coming! Let's see where spring is →

  The rapid warming urges the process of spring. At the vernal equinox, the pace of spring crosses from the Yangtze River to the Great Wall, and many places north of the Yellow River finally welcome the spring letter. In ancient times, the vernal equinox was also called the mid-spring moon. Under the warm sunshine in spring, everything grew, and the leaves of willow trees were no longer sparse in early spring. The mid-spring flowers such as apricot flowers and cherry blossoms also began to enter the best viewing period.

The map from vernal equinox to national spring day is coming! Let's see where spring is →

  In addition to rapid recovery, the spring breeze is also the messenger who brings spring news to the north. The spring breeze in the spring equinox season often shows two faces, sometimes "blowing the face without chilling the willow wind" and sometimes "the wind suddenly sweeps away ten thousand flowers". When it is gentle, it is like a pair of hands to soothe people’s hearts, and when it is violent, it is cruel and ruthless.

The map from vernal equinox to national spring day is coming! Let's see where spring is →

  During the spring equinox, the momentum of spring thunder gradually increased, and the first thunder in most parts of the south has already sounded, and it began to enter the period of frequent lightning; Many places in the north have ushered in the first thunder. The ancients also speculated about the weather through thunder. The dull thunder and rain lasted for a long time, and the thunder was a shower.

The map from vernal equinox to national spring day is coming! Let's see where spring is →

  Swallows return to the north with flowers.

  There are three stages in the vernal equinox: "When the mysterious birds arrive; Two Hou Lei Nai voiced; Three Hou Shi Dian. " Dark birds refer to swallows, which generally fly south in the autumn equinox and return north in the spring equinox. At the vernal equinox, the warmth in the north is getting stronger and stronger, and the return of swallows represents that spring has also reached further north. At this time, the Yellow River basin began to hear the first sound of spring thunder one after another. However, lightning, a weather phenomenon caused by the fierce collision between cold and warm air, will not be seen until the third day of the vernal equinox.

The map from vernal equinox to national spring day is coming! Let's see where spring is →

  "On the fourth day of mid-spring, the spring scenery is in the middle." The spring equinox season is just the right time, and the choice of flower viewing is very rich. As soon as the begonia blooms, the white flowers fall sporadically with the spring breeze, which seems to be the trace of her coming in the earth in spring. The pear blossoms are like snow, and her strong fragrance and elegant figure complement each other, adding a touch of color to spring. Mulan, also known as magnolia, is often used by the ancients as a metaphor for the noble character of being pure and clean.

The map from vernal equinox to national spring day is coming! Let's see where spring is →

  Vertical eggs, spring vegetables, flying kites in spring

  In the folk, the custom of the spring equinox season is related to the spring character of Otawa. People’s activities to enjoy spring are not limited to spring flowers, but also flying kites and tasting spring vegetables. Toona sinensis and spring bamboo shoots are served on the table one after another, becoming a limited food in spring. In addition, in order to celebrate the arrival of spring, there is also the custom of separating eggs in spring in our country. As early as 4000 years ago, people believed that laying eggs on the vernal equinox was easier to succeed.

The map from vernal equinox to national spring day is coming! Let's see where spring is →

  Busy farming is at the right time

  At that time, the spring equinox is busy with agriculture, and spring tube, spring ploughing and spring planting are about to enter the busy stage, winter crops enter the growth stage, and wheat begins to jointing. Because the temperature rises rapidly and the water demand of crops is relatively large, it is necessary to strengthen water storage and moisture conservation in the northern spring rainy area.

The map from vernal equinox to national spring day is coming! Let's see where spring is →

  It’s another year of deep spring! During the spring equinox, as the weather warms up, people’s activities of enjoying spring begin to be colorful. Whether it is enjoying the scenery in spring, flying kites, tasting spring vegetables and experiencing the spring on the tip of the tongue, it has added some fun to daily life. After the vernal equinox, the days are getting longer and the sun is shining on the earth. Hope is ahead. Let’s start from spring and go to the future with such a mood.

[Editor in charge:


Heavy rain! The temperature difference is 21℃! The weather in Jiangxi is too exciting next.

News recommendation reading

Just now! Jacky Cheung confirmed! These last two days

The temperature rises and the sun goes online.

Are there many friends?

Ready to go out and enjoy the flowers?

Pay attention to the friends who plan to travel tomorrow!

The weather in Jiangxi is going to reverse again

It’s raining hard!

A new round of rainy weather is online again.

According to the China Weather Network,

The latest precipitation forecast shows that

Extensive rainfall

Will once again affect Jiangxi

Tomorrow (this Sunday)

It will rain all over Jiangxi.

Among them, there is moderate rain in central Jiangxi and southern Jiangxi

There are also heavy rains in some areas.

So here comes the question

How long will this rain last?

The temperature difference is 21℃! It rained for six consecutive days.

The weather in Jiangxi is too exciting next.

According to the meteorological department of Jiangxi province

The latest forecast released shows that

The following week

Many places in the province will be maintained.

Rainy, rainy, rainy weather

Take Yichun weather as an example.

start from tomorrow

The following week

It rained for six days.


Pingxiang and Xinyu.

It will also enter the empty window period of "sunshine"

Rain, rain, rain.

Even more exciting is that

By the end of this month,

The weather in Jiangxi once again

Enter crazy mode

According to the latest data from the Central Meteorological Observatory

March 23

The highest temperature in Jiujiang is 27℃

The lowest temperature is only 6℃

The temperature difference is as high as 21℃!


Go out during this time

Everyone still wants it.

Take "onion dressing"

Do a good job of daily warmth.

Go out and prepare an umbrella.

Specific weather conditions

Two days after tomorrow

There is a precipitation weather process in the whole province

Among them, there will be light rain to moderate rain on cloudy days in central Jiangxi and southern Jiangxi tomorrow.

There is heavy rain in some areas.

Cloudy days turn to light rain in northern Jiangxi

the day after tomorrow

Cloudy to sunny in northwest Jiangxi

The rain stopped and turned cloudy in other parts of the province.

During the day from 12th to 13th.

The whole province is sunny to cloudy

It is partly foggy in the morning.

13th night-14th

The whole province turns cloudy to cloudy with light rain.

Among them, there are moderate to heavy rains in parts of central Jiangxi and southern Jiangxi.


There was a precipitation process in the whole province

There is moderate to heavy rain in some areas.


It stopped raining and turned cloudy.


Cloudy to sunny days in the whole province

It is partly foggy in the morning.

The main cities and scenic spots in the west of Jiangxi Province

Seven-day weather forecast

Original title: "Heavy rain! The temperature difference is 21℃! The weather in Jiangxi is too exciting next.

Read the original text

On the national feelings in Jin Yong’s novels

> >
13:13 on August 29th.

Editor: Quge Source:China Journal website
The mainland version of "Eight Dragons" started shooting yesterday. Jin Yong fans are controversial about the actors. (13:00 on August 28th) Jin Yong, the "Hero", returned to the Jianghu to revise 15 martial arts novels. (10:54 on July 21)

What are the customs and habits of New Year’s Eve? Briefly introduce the attention and taboos of New Year’s Eve.

  New Year’s Eve is a traditional festival in China. Throughout the ages, people have celebrated it in various ways. So what do you know about the customs of New Year’s Eve? New Year’s Eve, as a traditional festival in our country, is there any stress? Xiaobian has sorted out the precautions for New Year’s Eve. Let’s take a look at those who are interested.

Spring Festival is approaching.

Customs and habits of New Year’s Eve

What are the brief introductions of New Year’s Eve customs?

  "Set off fireworks". Setting off firecrackers is a must on New Year’s Eve. Legend has it that the monster "Xi" is most afraid of the sound of firecrackers. Our ancestors used firecrackers to drive away the monster. Nowadays, the firecracker has been given a new meaning. It also has the function of dispelling poverty and bad luck. The noise also represents a colorful and prosperous life in the new year. Therefore, firecrackers must be lit on New Year’s Eve. Firecrackers are a specialty of China, also known as "firecrackers", "firecrackers" and "firecrackers".

  "Shounian". Keeping old age on New Year’s Eve is one of the most important activities, and the custom of keeping old age has a long history. People often stay up all night on New Year’s Eve, which is called Shounian. The earliest record of observing the old age can be found in the local records of the Western Jin Dynasty: on New Year’s Eve, all parties give gifts, which is called "giving back the old age"; Wine and food are invited, which is called "don’t be old"; It is called "dividing the age" when the young and the old gather to drink and wish a complete song; Everyone stays up all night, waiting for the morning, which is called "keeping the old age". On New Year’s Eve, the whole family get together, eat New Year’s Eve, light candles or oil lamps, sit around the stove and chat, waiting for the time to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new year, and keep vigil all night, symbolizing driving away all evil diseases and looking forward to good luck in the new year. Because of its great significance, until today, people are still used to keeping the old year and welcoming the new year on New Year’s Eve.

  Eat rice cakes and jiaozi. The traditional Spring Festival begins on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month (that is, Laba Festival), and housewives begin to arrange all kinds of food needed for the New Year. Steamed rice cakes, because of their homophonic "high age" and varied tastes, have almost become a must-have food for every family.

Good luck in the year of the rat

Pay attention to New Year’s Eve

  "Bao jiaozi". Eating jiaozi is a traditional way to celebrate the New Year in the north. The Spring Festival is a family reunion festival. On this festival, wanderers who are away from home have to come home from Wan Li for thousands of miles. The whole family has to sit around and wrap jiaozi for the New Year. jiaozi’s practice is to make dumpling skins with flour first, and then use leather bags to stuff them. The contents of the stuffing are varied, and all kinds of meat, seafood, eggs and seasonal vegetables can be stuffed. The orthodox jiaozi method is to cook them in clear water and mix them with vinegar and minced garlic after picking them up. There are also ways to fry jiaozi and bake jiaozi (fried dumpling). Because the word "He" in dough mixing means "He"; Jiaozi’s "Jiao" and "Jiao" are homophonic, and "He" and "Jiao" have the meaning of reunion, so jiaozi is used to symbolize reunion of acacia; It is very auspicious to take the meaning of making friends at an older age; In addition, jiaozi, shaped like an ingot, eats jiaozi during the Chinese New Year, which also has the auspicious meaning of "making a fortune".

Pay attention to New Year’s Eve and taboo matters.

  1. New Year’s Eve dinner

  The New Year’s Eve dinner is also called the reunion dinner. According to Zonggu’s Record of Jingchu’s Age, it was customary to eat New Year’s Eve dinner at least in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Because it is winter, northerners often set up hot pot in the middle of the dining table, so it is also called a stove.

  The dishes of northerners’ New Year’s Eve often include dumplings, fish, rice cakes and long-term vegetables. Because dumplings look like gold ingots, which means wealth; Fish can’t be finished, because in Chinese, "fish" and "Yu" are homonyms, which means "more than one year". The rice cake has the meaning of "rising year by year"; Eating long-term vegetables has the meaning of longevity. In South China, there are many kinds of chicken, roasted meat, Nostoc flagelliforme and oyster sauce, because Nostoc flagelliforme and oyster sauce are homophonic. A typical New Year’s Eve dinner in the south of the Yangtze River must have fish and a rich soup pot.

  According to the old ceremony, the traditional seats on New Year’s Eve are "respecting the east from the left" and "facing the gate for respect". The head of the annual banquet is the elder with the highest seniority, and the last seat is the lowest. If it is a treat, the chief is the most respected guest, and the host is at the bottom. No one else can sit down until the chief is seated, and no one can start work until the chief starts work.


Annual flavor is heavy.

What are the taboos on New Year’s Eve?

  2. Don’t draw water

  There is a taboo of "not pumping water" during the Chinese New Year. People who have wells at home should "seal the wells" before dusk except the day, put wooden covers on the wells, burn incense and worship sacrifices after offering cakes, and then open the covers for reuse three days later.

  3. ancestor worship

  Sacrificing ancestors is the first important event on New Year’s Eve. In many parts of our country, on this day, people will put rich meals and light incense sticks at home, and parents will lead their children to worship. In some rural areas in the north, paper money will be burned at home. In the evening of New Year’s Eve, candles are lit in front of the ancestor statues, wine is poured, and dishes are placed. The whole family holds a grand sacrifice ceremony to express their feelings of "pursuing the future with caution". People didn’t begin to enjoy the New Year’s Eve dinner until our ancestors had eaten it.

  4, lucky money

  The ancients were very particular about lucky money. The copper coins used need a lot of money and new money, and then they are made into various shapes with red ropes. Some wear hundreds of copper coins, which means "long life"; Others are dressed in auspicious shapes such as carp, ruyi and dragon, meaning "money dragon" and "money surplus" in order to bring good luck. In addition to giving children "lucky money" by elders, in some areas there is also the custom of giving "fruit on the eve of the year". On New Year’s Eve, the elders will put oranges, lychees and other fruits on the child’s pillow and take the meaning of "Geely" to wish the child good luck in the coming year. With the development of the times, the current "lucky money" is more direct and pure. Generally, red tickets are wrapped in exquisite red packages and then distributed to children for a good lottery.

  5. Step on the Year’s Activities

  On New Year’s Eve, people in our country will also hold a year-old stepping activity, that is, stick sesame stalks in the courtyard in the shape of gold ingots made of yellow paper rolls and save them into a bundle, which is called "cornucopia". Then, the whole family crushed it with their feet to harmonize "old age" with "broken", and borrowed the auspicious meaning of sesame blossoms, wishing the family prosperity and expressing their wishes and prayers for the new year.

  6, shou sui

  Keeping the old age on New Year’s Eve is also a long-standing custom. As early as the Western Jin Dynasty, it was clearly recorded in the local customs: "I don’t sleep all night, waiting for the dawn to keep the old age." Legend has it that observing the age is to prevent the infringement of a unicorn, which is most afraid of fire, red and sound, so people wear red clothes, light red lights, put up red paper, set off fireworks and firecrackers, burn incense and pray all night, and have the custom of "observing the age" on New Year’s Eve. "Ji Sheng at the age of Emperor Jing" records: "High fever, silver candle, drinking pine mash, sitting on the altar, called keeping the age, and prolonging the year by omen."

  Many places also call New Year’s Eve "Ji Xiangye". On this night, both adults and children should say auspicious words, not unlucky words, dirty words and disrespectful words, or they will have bad luck all year. Therefore, joy, kindness and reunion are the biggest themes of New Year’s Eve.

  7. Turn on the light and sleep

  You can’t turn off the lights when you sleep on New Year’s Eve. You can’t turn off the lights until dawn on the first day of the new year. On the whole night of New Year’s Eve, the lights are generally not turned off at home, especially in the house where ancestors are supported.

  8, avoid breaking utensils

  There is also the custom of avoiding breaking utensils on New Year’s Eve. People believe that if the dishes and cups are broken on this day, it will mean "broken luck" in the new year. Sometimes accidentally breaking cups and plates on this day, the elders will hurry to wrap them in red paper and recite auspicious words such as "Peace through the years" to remedy it. Folks believe that putting the pieces wrapped in red paper on the sacred case for a few days can resolve possible disasters. Therefore, in order to win a good lottery on New Year’s Eve, people will be cautious in their words and deeds in order to achieve a lucky year.

  9. Post Spring Festival couplets

  Spring Festival couplets, also called "door pairs", "spring stickers", "couplets" and "couplets", belong to a kind of couplets and are a unique literary form. This pair of the earliest Spring Festival couplets in the world, "Three Yang began to spread, and four orders began to open", was recorded on the Dunhuang suicide note unearthed in the Tibetan Sutra Cave of Mogao Grottoes, written by Liu Qiuzi, a Tang Dynasty, in the eleventh year of Kaiyuan (723). The folk custom of sticking couplets on the Spring Festival began to prevail in the Ming Dynasty, and the birthplace of the trend was Nanjing. Now people in Jiangnan pay attention to posting Spring Festival couplets on the morning of New Year’s Eve.

  10. paste new year pictures

  New Year pictures, like Spring Festival couplets, originated from "door gods". With the rise of engraving printing, the content of New Year pictures is not limited to the door gods and so on, but gradually the god of wealth is invited to the home, and then colorful New Year pictures such as Three Stars of Fu Lushou, heavenly god blesses the people, Harvest of Five Grains, Prosperity of Six Livestock, Greeting the Spring and Blessing the New Year are produced in some New Year pictures workshops to meet people’s good wishes of celebrating and praying for the New Year.

  11. stick grilles

  In the folk, people also like to stick all kinds of paper-cuts on the windows-window grilles. Window grilles not only set off the festive atmosphere, but also integrate decoration, appreciation and practicality. Paper-cutting is a very popular folk art in China, which has been loved by people for thousands of years. Because it is mostly stuck on the window, it is also called "window flower". With its unique generalization and exaggeration, window grilles show auspicious things and good wishes incisively and vividly, and decorate the festival with splendor.

  12, paste the word blessing

  It is a long-standing folk custom in China to stick blessings on the Spring Festival. Sticking the word "Fu" in the Spring Festival places people’s longing for a happy life and wishes for a bright future. There is no uniform standard for how to paste the word "Fu".

  13, zero must go home.

  After the reunion dinner is finished with laughter, the family will sit around the TV to watch the Spring Festival Gala, or visit relatives’ homes to chat, but they must get home before zero. At 1: 00, the whole family should "keep watch" at home. When the hands of clocks and watches pass 12 o’clock, people will set off firecrackers already prepared to celebrate the arrival of the New Year.

  14. Burning firecrackers

  There is a folk saying in China that "opening the door to firecrackers". That is, at the arrival of the new year, the first thing for every household to open the door is to set off firecrackers to eliminate the old and welcome the new with the sound of firecrackers. Its origin is very early, and it has a history of more than two thousand years. Setting off firecrackers can create a festive and lively atmosphere, which is a kind of entertainment in festivals and can bring happiness and good luck to people.

Editor in charge: Ke Jinding

Sichuan men are drunk to death after eating the New Year’s party, and when they drink to death, they fall asleep.

  "As long as you are in love, you should fall asleep when you drink to death", and the rhetoric on the wine table turned into a real tragedy: last week, Gao Hua (pseudonym), director of the legal service office of Linshi Town, Fuling, hosted a banquet for local cadres, then went home drunk, went to bed and never woke up.

  Go home drunk and die in bed.

  Yesterday (January 19) morning, the person in charge of the legal service office of Linshi Town, surnamed Jiang, said that at 1 pm on January 14, Director Gao, who lives in Fuling City, called him and two other comrades in the office to have a group dinner.

  Jiang recalled that two months ago, he became the director of the institute. On the day of the dinner, Jiang had other business and didn’t go to the group annual banquet. The next day, he received a phone call from Gao’s family, saying that something was wrong.

  After 1 pm that day, Jiang rushed to Gaojia and learned what had happened: On the evening of 14th, Gaojia went home to sleep with drunkenness after entertaining guests. At 12 noon the next day, I was still in bed. His family called him to get up for lunch, but no one answered.

  "When the family checked, they found that his body was cold." Jiang said. Afterwards, everyone thought that he was in good health and died of drunkenness.

  I drank 6 liang of white wine before the accident.

  According to an insider, there were 13 people who attended Gao Hua’s banquet that day, including two deputy mayors of Linshi Town, two staff members of the grassroots department of the Judicial Bureau, staff members of the Judicial Office of Linshi City and court staff of Linshi Town.

  The guests recalled that on the same day, Gao frequently toasted the guests during the dinner, and asked everyone to give their support in the work in the coming year. Many guests estimated that Gao had drunk more than six taels of liquor at that time.

  "He has a good capacity for drinking, and he can drink more than a catty at ordinary times." A guest said. They didn’t expect that something happened when they drank more than six taels that day. Another guest said that on that day, after drinking more than six taels of wine, he was dizzy and faltered.

  After the dinner, the guests left one after another. The next day, they received news that Gao was unfortunately drunk to death.

  The family claimed 380,000 yuan from the Justice Bureau.

  Yesterday afternoon, Xiong Yiping, director of the Fuling District Judicial Bureau, told reporters that after the incident, Gao’s family found the Judicial Bureau and thought that Gao died on business: Gao invited guests to dinner, not for himself, but for the legal service office, so Gao’s family claimed 380,000 yuan.

  Director Xiong said that the Bureau of Justice only provides business guidance to the legal service office, and the service office has nothing to do with the Bureau of Justice, whether it is personnel or business, so it is impossible to talk about death in the line of duty. However, considering that Gao’s child is only 14 years old and is in the second grade, the bureau decided to give relief to Gao’s family.

  On the evening of January 16th, with the active handling of the Judicial Bureau, Fuling Grassroots Legal Service Workers Association signed an agreement with its family to compensate for financial difficulties. It was revealed that the compensation was more than 200,000 yuan. The day before yesterday, Gao’s body was cremated.

  Director Xiong did not disclose the amount of compensation to reporters, but he did not deny the compensation. He said that compensation is being raised and will be paid to Gao’s family on January 23.

  (3) compensation by government departments

  According to reports, the government of Linshi Town, the district judicial bureau and the district court, where the guests who accepted the banquet on that day, will give certain compensation for difficulties.

  The person in charge of the legal service office of Linshi Town, surnamed Jiang, said that the Fuling Grassroots Legal Service Workers Association initiated more than 10 legal service offices in the district to donate money to Gao’s family: each office donated at most 5,000 yuan and at least 2,000 yuan. This sum will also be part of the difficult compensation.

  There is also a sum of compensation from 13 guests who attended the banquet that day. Director Xiong of the Justice Bureau said: Thirteen guests each donated 1,000 yuan as compensation for Gao’s family. According to the reporter’s understanding, last year, a unit in the district had a treat and a guest was drunk. The court decided to compensate the family members of the deceased according to the proportion of whether the guests participated in persuading or gambling on alcohol.

  Yesterday, a guest who had donated 1000 yuan said that Gao’s unfortunate death made him feel very uncomfortable, and he would drink less in the future. He believes that this is a tragedy caused by the "wine custom". The wine custom of "as long as the feelings are close, you should fall asleep when you drink to death" and "deep feelings and one mouthful stew" should be abandoned. (Nie Chao Teng Zhouhui)

Editor: wangxin