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The sun will live a billion years less? It’s not just you and me.

  Can you imagine a world without the sun? Astronomers’ research shows that if there is no sun, the average surface temperature of the earth will drop to below-17.78 degrees Celsius in a week, and it will drop to-73.33 degrees Celsius in a year. Most plants will die in a few weeks, and then most life will disappear because of the disappearance of the sun, and everything will be dead.

  Now we know how important the sun is to us! However, something unfortunate happened. Recently, foreign scientists’ research on the metal abundance of the sun shows that we may overestimate the life of the sun by one billion years, and the sun may die one billion years earlier than we expected.

  Elemental abundance controls the sun’s life gate

  It is understood that scientists have previously deduced that the life of the sun is about 10 billion years based on the standard solar model that ignores the rotation effect, which is a theoretical value simulated by the stellar evolution program, not a real value. And this value only refers to the central hydrogen combustion life in the theory of star evolution.

  "This is not to say that the sun really can only exist for 10 billion years. The accurate statement should be called the main sequence life of the solar model. In theory, the sun will become a red giant in about 10 billion years, but it still exists and will emit more sunlight. " Associate Professor Yang Wuming from the Astronomy Department of Beijing Normal University told the Science and Technology Daily reporter.

  He said that there are many preconditions to get the theoretical value of 10 billion years, and it is necessary to assume the initial element abundance of the sun and the physical process inside the sun. The life of the solar model is different with different initial element abundances. Because it is impossible to really get the initial element abundance of the sun and determine its internal physical processes, the life of the sun and even other stars cannot be accurately estimated.

  Twenty years ago, astronomers’ direct and indirect measurements of the sun showed that the metal abundance of the sun was around 1.8%; However, the latest solar spectrum measurement shows that the metal abundance of the sun is only 1.3%, which is far lower than the previous measurement results, and correspondingly, the life of the sun will be reduced by 1 billion years.

  The so-called solar metal abundance is the general term for the abundance of solar elements except hydrogen and helium. This metal is different from what we usually call metals. Because the contents of hydrogen and helium in the sun account for the vast majority, astronomers call all the heavier elements in the sun "metals". Although the content of these metals is small, it affects the fate of the sun.

  Because the electrons of metal elements easily absorb photons, which hinders radiation, the higher the metal abundance of the sun or star, the higher the opacity. The opacity of the sun or star is closely related to its life, temperature, brightness and other properties. Sani Vaniotch, a physicist who studies solar metal abundance at Stockholm University in Sweden, said that a very small amount of metal is enough to completely change the behavior of a star, and metal abundance can basically tell you how the star will die.

  Influence of atmospheric model on solar lifetime estimation

  The solar spectral measurement used in the latest research usually means that astronomers get the spectral lines of all measurable elements such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and iron through solar spectral analysis, and then compare them with the spectral lines given by the solar atmospheric model. When the two are consistent, the abundance of elements such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and iron used in the atmospheric model is considered as the element abundance of the solar photosphere. "However, this method cannot obtain the relative abundance of inert gases such as helium, neon and argon. The abundance of helium on the surface of the sun can only be inferred by helioseismology. " Yang Wuming said.

  After the latest measurement results come out, many people are wondering: Why is there such a big difference between the solar metal abundance measured before and after?

  In this regard, Yang Wuming explained that the old solar metal abundance was derived from the one-dimensional atmospheric model of local thermal balance combined with the observed spectral lines; The new solar metal abundance is derived from the three-dimensional atmospheric model of non-local thermal balance combined with the observed spectral lines. The old one-dimensional atmospheric model is considered to ignore many physical factors. Some scientists think that the new atmospheric model is closer to the real situation, and it is the improvement of the atmospheric model and the update of the transition probability data of atoms and molecules that cause the difference in the abundance of old and new metal elements.

  In the evolution of stars, if other conditions remain unchanged, the decrease of metal abundance will lead to the energy generated by the central nuclear reaction radiating outward more easily. However, the energy tends to radiate outward, which will cause the star to contract more easily and increase the density and temperature of the center of the star. More importantly, the increase of density and temperature will accelerate the hydrogen combustion rate, which will lead to the shortening of the total time of central hydrogen combustion, that is, the main sequence life of the solar model will be shortened. However, if other conditions change, such as the increase of hydrogen abundance or the influence of the sun’s rotation on its evolution, then the aforementioned life reduction does not exist.

  So, how to verify which method is more correct in the future?

  In Yang Wuming’s view, the answer to this question lies in which metal abundance measurement is more accurate and whether the helioseismology inversion result is reliable. Only by giving the correct abundance of solar elements can we determine how long the life of the sun is. If we can give a new solar model of gold abundance consistent with the helioseismology inversion results, all related problems will be solved.

  Life geometry is related to the theory of stellar evolution.

  Chen Pengfei, a professor at the School of Astronomy and Space Science, Nanjing University, said that he was inclined to think that the initial life span of the sun was correct, and the life span of the sun would not be reduced by one billion years. "For several reasons, I prefer to think that the original model is correct: first, the measurement results of metal abundance in the solar wind by satellites support 1.8%; Secondly, the density of photosphere on the surface of the sun is high enough, so it is reasonable to adopt the approximation of local heat balance model in the past; Thirdly, the new model takes into account the inhomogeneity of the solar atmosphere, which is indeed an improvement, but it also ignores other factors, such as the influence of magnetic field; Fourth, to take a step back, even if the results of the new model are correct, because the distribution of metal abundance may be uneven, the metal abundance on the surface of the sun may be different from that inside. " Chen Pengfei said.

  At the same time, Yang Wuming also agrees that the initial solar life is correct. He said that the life of the sun has not been overestimated by 1 billion years, and that the life of the sun is overestimated because only the reduction of metal abundance is considered. When the influence of hydrogen abundance increase and rotation on the evolution of the sun is considered, the life of the sun will not be reduced.

  However, the astrophysicist Martin asp Lund of the Australian National University insists that the 1.3% solar metal abundance is correct. He said that all aspects of astronomy will be affected, and an accurate understanding of the evolution of stars has laid the foundation for almost everything.

  So, if astronomers do overestimate the life of the sun by one billion years, what theories need to be revised?

  In Yang Wuming’s view, if the life of the sun is really overestimated by 1 billion years, it shows that the theory of stellar evolution established by astronomers before is not complete, so they need to re-examine the theory and model of stellar evolution established before. For example, the standard theory of star evolution ignores the influence of star rotation, but in fact all stars are rotating. We have reached the time when we need to seriously consider the influence of rotation on the evolution of stars. Astronomical research on star clusters and galaxies depends on the theory of stellar evolution to a certain extent. If the theory of stellar evolution is wrong, the previous understanding of star clusters and galaxies needs to be adjusted.

Fans Travel-Embracing the World in the Language of Football

  When the opening whistle of Arsenal’s match against Manchester City sounded, Grandma Liu, 79, sat at Emirates Stadium and cheered for the team with tens of thousands of British fans. The "Granny Liu the Gunner", who has tens of thousands of fans on Weibo, is still full of enthusiasm for football, although she is white-haired. As a fan who has been fond of Arsenal for more than 10 years, it is not the first time for Grandma Liu to visit the British competition site. In 2014, accompanied by her son, she witnessed Arsenal winning the FA Cup and participated in the subsequent celebration parade.

  It is not uncommon for China fans to "cross the ocean" for their beloved team. The TV broadcast of European leagues was introduced to China earlier, including Premier League, Serie A, La Liga and other European leagues, which gathered huge fans. Nowadays, under the circumstance that "fans", a group with high user viscosity, gradually have certain consumption power and outbound travel is becoming more and more mature, the new model of "watching games+traveling" has mushroomed and spread rapidly in China.

  Subsectors have developed rapidly.

  Sports industry is an industry with great growth potential, while tourism industry is a booming sunrise industry. After the two industries are upgraded, it is "customized sports tourism". As a kind of leisure tourism, it has developed rapidly under the background of residents’ consumption upgrading in recent years. According to the data of the World Tourism Organization, this form of tourism is growing at an annual rate of 14%, which is the fastest growing sub-industry in the global tourism market, exceeding the overall growth rate of 4% to 5% of the tourism industry. There are also data predictions that in 2020, the global sports tourism market is expected to exceed 400 billion US dollars.

  With the development of the Internet, "customized fan travel" has become a more accurate and more suitable vocabulary for the needs of the times. As soon as a tourist or a sports fan lands in the local area, the consumption generated is almost all tourism consumption. Tourism is the biggest converter, sports competitions gather people, and tourism transforms people into commercial value.

  Most traditional travel agencies’ "game-watching tour" is nothing more than adding a ticket to the traditional travel route. This design obviously cannot meet the in-depth experience needs of die-hard fans. Die-hard fans pay attention to the service of the club and the event itself, such as the team’s cultural experience and the experience of watching the game. They are more willing to focus their consumption on improving the travel experience, rather than the situation where traditional outbound shopping consumption dominates.

  Nowadays, many fans will buy tickets, customize travel routes and services through a wide range of professional travel service providers such as Ali Travel, Ctrip and Caesars Travel. At present, service providers that are perpendicular to the market and specialize in the business of "sports+tourism" are also favored by more and more people.

  Lu Yiming, the founder of hardcore sports, called this kind of behavior of fans going to the stadium to watch the game and realize their dreams "pilgrimage". As the only company in China that is perpendicular to the pilgrimage of European football and has only this business, hardcore sports has cooperated with offline fan associations of many European clubs. Online, they also cooperate with some professional sports content production platforms and media community platforms to attract online users who pay attention to the events and surrounding information to watch the games. Both online and offline resources have a good consumption conversion rate.

  Tourism itself is a service, and in the subdivision of football travel, travel service providers perpendicular to the market will take the service user experience as the top priority. The service packages launched by some travel agencies include themed products such as the father-son tour of football feelings and the honeymoon pilgrimage of couples.

  Enthusiastic fans have a blue ocean.

  The concept of tourism has great inclusiveness, and the boundaries of tourism become more vague and inclusive with the development of society and the upgrading of consumption. In this context, the integration of football, even sports and tourism is deeper, its scope is wider, and the boundaries between time and space are more blurred. However, due to the different core attraction, fan tourism shows several characteristics different from other tourism activities.

  First of all, the boundaries of fan group differences are more obvious. The particularity of fan travel is that before watching the game and visiting the stadium, you have already had a love and professional understanding of this club. Compared with other tourism activities, sports tourism can be said to have certain "threshold" restrictions. There is no such detailed group division in traditional outbound sightseeing tourism, and such group differences will lead to a situation that fan tourism does not match the traditional tourism industry structure.

  Secondly, the fans are more sticky. For most fans, watching football is an endless activity, so fans’ stickiness to the club will increase and they will pour deeper feelings into the club as a tourist destination. The increase of user stickiness means lower price sensitivity, which is similar to "fan economy". More and more fans hope to realize their dream of "small but beautiful" with the help of professional travel service providers.

  For consumers, tourism content and consumption content have not only stayed in the previous sightseeing and leisure, but also integrated more experience, participation, interaction or deeper feelings, especially for those fans who have devoted their feelings to the club.

  "At present, the development of domestic mainstream tourism products is still in its infancy, and the products mainly take ticketing as their core competitiveness. For some fans who yearn for a high-end tour, they may prefer to go to a certain venue for a live experience. How to embrace the blue ocean of’ fans+tourism’, which has not yet been developed, tourism service providers need to continue to explore. " Wu Geng ‘an, deputy director of the Sports and Leisure Research Institute of Huaqiao University, said.

  Win-win cooperation in tourism and sports

  From the perspective of supply side, existing travel agencies have explored and upgraded the tourism products on the supply side. The traditional game-watching tour only has sports events and tourist routes, which will involve some sightseeing and sports industries. However, in terms of integration experience, it is still necessary to improve the service and experience of tourism products in combination with new consumer demand.

  Rich product design is a direction to promote the development of the whole sports tourism industry, so that specific sports tourism projects can be driven through the core event IP. At present, many China sports travel service providers, including Yaner Sports, try to reach cooperation with foreign clubs to provide fans with the opportunity to enter the training ground and witness the star training at close range. In the future, meeting with the stars, having dinner together, or holding a wedding at the stadium and letting the children be caddies holding hands when the stars appear are all goals that fans can achieve, and they are also the added value that most sports event tourism companies have yet to explore.

  Wu Geng ‘an said: "On the whole, with the change of tourism market demand and the maturity of tourism industry, fan tourism has also ushered in new opportunities. The improvement of fans’ demand for travel experience and the corresponding development of more abundant fan travel experience projects by suppliers all play an important role in promoting the development of sports tourism. "

  In addition, China’s huge fan market has attracted the attention of the world’s popular fan destinations. In December 2016, the British Tourism Board cooperated with the Premier League, and launched an activity of "Looking for Premier League Ace Fans" on China’s official broadcast platform Xinying Sports. The winner finally got the opportunity to go to the UK to experience the football theme tour. As far as cultural attributes are concerned, football is a "regulated language", which can be used and communicated internationally. The reason why the Premier League is accepted by the whole world is precisely because of this feature. Therefore, compared with other cultural industries, football and even sports industry has an advantage-natural internationalization characteristics and a natural international market. Premier League and other football leagues have strong international influence and international market.

  Tourism industry and football match complement each other. Tourism needs to develop the international market and rely on event attractions as a selling point. Uefa europa league has different characteristics, gathered fans’ resources, and has a wide range of international communication effects. Its influence and attention are enough to make the host city an international tourism destination. Therefore, whether football builds the business model of sports through tourism format, extends and realizes the value of sports industry, or tourism attracts tourists through the great influence of football matches, enhances the value of tourism industry, and realizes the industrial integration of football, sports and tourism.

China men’s basketball team data report: Cui Yongxi was elected MVP, and the team’s three-point shooting rate broke 50%

On August 5th, Beijing time, China beat Cape Verde 86-66 in a warm-up match that ended early this morning.

After the game, the China men’s basketball team released the data report of this game. According to this report, the China men’s basketball team performed very well on the offensive end, and the team’s offensive efficiency reached 126.8 points per 100 rounds.

In terms of shooting, 42% of China men’s basketball team’s shots came from outside the three-point line, and the shooting percentage reached 52%. In addition, China men’s basketball team’s shooting percentage in the field was 67% and 88% respectively.

In addition, in defense, the China men’s basketball team also performed well, and they limited the offensive efficiency of the Cape Verdean men’s basketball team to 97.3 points per 100 rounds.

The MVP of the China men’s basketball team in this game was young Cui Yongxi, who hit eight sports shots in 17 minutes and scored 18 points, 4 rebounds and 2 assists. The other two players who scored in double figures were Zhang Zhenlin (10 points) and Fang Shuo (11 points).

Former American international talks about Balogun choosing the United States: England is too arrogant and southgate underestimates the players.

Live on May 20th, former American international Eric wynalda was interviewed by The Action Network a few days ago. When talking about Balogun’s choice to represent the American national team, he said that England was too arrogant.

Balogun, who has been loaned to Lance by Arsenal, has done well this season. He has dual citizenship of England and the United States, but he has decided to choose the United States as his national team because he can’t be called up by the Three Lions.

Wynalda said: "southgate did make some mistakes in Balogun’s comments. southgate said before that the English team could not give players a chance to play for other national teams just to prevent them from playing for other national teams."

"Uh-oh, if southgate can take back this sentence now, I think he will. Southgate completely underestimated Balogun’s ability and tried to pretend it didn’t matter. I’m sorry, but sometimes the arrogance of the English needs to be known, and this time it’s like this. "

(goblin killer)

Parisians left to contemplate familiar failure

Paris Saint-Germain were convinced that persuading Kylian Mbappe to stay would finally deliver them Champions League glory, but the failure to build a strong enough team around the France superstar has contributed to another early European exit.

A 2-0 loss to Bayern Munich in Germany saw the Qatar-owned club lose their last-16 tie 3-0 on aggregate, falling in the first knockout round for the fifth time in seven years.

There were celebrations last May when Mbappe agreed a new three-year contract to stay with Lionel Messi and Neymar in the French capital rather than join Real Madrid.

The appointments of super scout Luis Campos as head of recruitment and Christophe Galtier as coach to replace Mauricio Pochettino were supposed to be followed by the building of an exciting new team.

“It is not about the construction of the squad. It is just the story of the season,” said Galtier. “We were missing important players. The squad, over the two legs, was seriously weakened.”

He had a point, with Mbappe only able to make a cameo appearance off the bench after a thigh injury as PSG lost 1-0 in the first leg.

Neymar is missing with an ankle injury, while Presnel Kimpembe is out and fellow defenders Marquinhos and Nordi Mukiele both came off during yesterday’s game.

“It has been a very busy season. Players’ bodies have been asked to do a lot,” Galtier said.

“There was the World Cup, and obviously when you get to the last 16 it is good to have everyone available.”

PSG placed their hope in Mbappe and Messi turning the tie around in Munich, but the Argentine World Cup winner had little impact while the 24-year-old Mbappe saw just 32 touches of the ball.

“As I said in my first Champions League press conference this season, we were going to do our maximum. The truth is this is our maximum,” admitted Mbappe, whose own future will now again become the subject of increasing speculation

Tiger’s ex-girlfriend wants gag removed

Tiger Woods’ ex-girlfriend has filed a lawsuit seeking to be released from a nondisclosure agreement that she says the golf star made her sign in 2017, court filings showed.

Erica Herman, who lived with Woods at his Florida mansion until late 2022, filed the request in Florida court.

According to records, Herman’s attorneys are arguing that the NDA she signed is “invalid” under the Speak Out Act. It makes NDA unenforceable in cases involving sexual assault and harassment.

On the filing which reads “Does this case involve allegations of sexual abuse?” Herman’s attorneys have chosen “Yes.”

Fifa World Cup 2022: Lionel Messi beats an egg to become most liked post on Instagram

Lionel Messi set yet another record after his Instagram post celebrating Argentina’s World Cup win became the most-liked on the platform, breaking a nearly four-year-old record held by a photo of an egg.

Having led Argentina to their first World Cup in 36 years with victory over France, Messi proceeded to make more history off the pitch with his photo gallery on Instagram, which racked up more than 65 million likes at the time of writing.

The previous record was famously held by a stock image of an egg on a white background with 55.7 million likes, posted by the account @world_record_egg in January 2019 in an intentional bid to become the most-liked Instagram post of all time.

Messi, 35, scored twice before converting in the penalty shoot-out in a pulsating final described as one of the greatest ever, with the team greeted by scenes of wild jubilation on their return home.

“Champions of the world! So many times I dreamed it, so much I wanted it that I still don’t fall, I can’t believe it,” Messi wrote alongside the post that included 10 photos of him hoisting the trophy aloft and celebrating with his teammates.

“Thank you so much to my family, to all who support me and also to all who believed in us. We prove once again that Argentinians when we fight together and united we are able to achieve what we aim.

“The merit is of this group, which is above individuals, is the strength of all fighting for the same dream that was also the one of all Argentinians … We did it!”

Guinness World Records shared a series of records broken by Messi after the final, noting that he had surpassed Germany’s Lothar Matthaus for the record of most World Cup matches played, with 26.

The World Cup trophy had been the one piece of silverware missing from Messi’s extraordinary career, during which he has been voted the world’s best player a record seven times and won the Copa America, 11 league titles and four Champions League titles among other major honours.

How to take a shower in the bathroom in general, what is the process?

The general process of going to the bathroom to take a proper shower is as follows:

  1. Wash your face

Wash your face first, because when you enter the shower, the hot water will fill the bathroom with steam, which will force the pores of your body to expand, so if you don’t wash your face first, The dirt that accumulates on your face during the day will sneak in and sneak into your pores.

  1. Body wash

After washing your face, you can clean your body. But pay attention to control the water temperature, it is best to be close to the body temperature, that is, about 40 ℃. If the water temperature is too low, the pores of the skin will be tightly closed, and the dirt will not be removed in place. At this time, the body heat cannot be distributed, and after bathing, the limbs will feel weak.

In addition, the bathing time is preferably within 20 minutes, and good ventilation should be ensured, because if the bathing time is too long, it will cause hypoxia and ischemia of the heart and brain.

  1. Shampoo

After washing the body, the hair is fully nourished in the steam, and it is the best time to wash the hair at this time. Finally, rinse your body completely with water.