标签归档 苏州喝茶的地方你懂

Suing the Trademark Office for dispute, who is the legal representative of Wahaha?

  A few days ago, the Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court confirmed to the media that it has received a complaint from Hangzhou Wahaha Food Co., Ltd. against the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. The complaint contains the name of Fan Yimou, the vice chairperson of Hangzhou Wahaha Food Co., Ltd. It is understood that the Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court has accepted the case.

  The prosecution immediately attracted the attention of all parties and also attracted various controversies.

  "We did not file a lawsuit against the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce with the Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court, but asked the court who used our name to sue, and asked to withdraw the lawsuit, reserving the right to pursue the impostor’s legal responsibility," said Shan Qining, a Wahaha spokesperson, in a statement sent to this newspaper. The statement ended with the official seal of Hangzhou Wahaha Food Co., Ltd.

  Who has the authority to represent the joint venture company?

  Obviously, from the above situation, Fan Yimou represented the identity of the major shareholder of the Wahaha joint venture company and played the role of the legal representative of the joint venture company. The Chinese side of the Wahaha joint venture company was obviously unwilling to recognize Fan Yimou’s legal representative identity. For a time, the battle for control of the Wahaha joint venture started again.

  A few days ago, some media reports said that Danone believes that it has the right to sue the Trademark Office on behalf of the Wahaha joint venture. However, Wahaha is unwilling to admit the facts and asks to withdraw the lawsuit. So does Fan Yimou really have the right to sue the State Trademark Office on behalf of the joint venture?

  "We have no comment." Danone said the reports were false, as did Shan Qining, Wahaha spokesperson.

  "Whether the vice-chairperson can exercise legal rights on behalf of the company can be debated." Yan Yiming, a well-known rights lawyer in Shanghai, said that there are three situations in which legal rights are generally exercised on behalf of a company. The first situation is the chairperson, who is the legal representative; the second is the official seal; and the third is that if the vice-chairperson wants to exercise legal rights on behalf of the company, it must be approved by the board of directors. In addition, the general manager of the company represents the company and exercises management power internally.

  In response, Zhang Malin, a lawyer at Jiangsu Zhibang Law Firm, said that if Fan Yimou is an interested party, it should be possible to sue the State Trademark Office in the name of an individual, but if he is suing in the name of a company, it depends on whether he can have evidence to exercise his rights on behalf of the company. He said that the Beijing No. 1 Intermediate Court has now accepted the lawsuit, indicating that the court believes that the evidence is sufficient, so it is inferred that the complaint should have the official seal of Hangzhou Wahaha Food Co., Ltd.

  However, it is strange that the statement sent by Wahaha spokesperson Shan Qining to this newspaper ended with the official seal of Hangzhou Wahaha Food Co., Ltd., which shows that the official seal should be on Wahaha’s side. So how did Fan Yimou put the official seal on the complaint, but Wahaha’s side was "unaware"?

  Zong Qinghou’s resignation was not completed?

  On June 7 this year, Zong Qinghou, the chairperson of the Wahaha joint venture, wrote his resignation letter to the headquarters of Danone in France because he was "intolerable". Danone said it accepted Zong Qinghou’s resignation and appointed Fan Yimou as the interim chairperson of the joint venture.

  In late June, Fan Yimou convened the board of directors of Wahaha’s seven joint ventures, demanding that he be elected as the chairperson of the company and that Wahaha hand over its official seal and business license, but the meeting failed to reach any agreement and ended in a farce.

  According to the joint venture articles of association between Danone and Wahaha, the two sides agreed that the chairperson should be elected by the board of directors. Since Wahaha’s Chinese side strongly resisted Fan Yimou and claimed that according to the articles of association, the chairperson of the joint venture company should be appointed by the Chinese side. From this point of view, Fan Yimou should not have been successfully elected as the new chairperson of the company.

  "Zong Qinghou’s resignation application should be effective, but the final resignation process should not be completed." Yan Yiming said that resignation does not mean that the legal representative status is automatically lost. It must be approved by the board of directors and the registration of legal person change must be completed at the local industry and commerce bureau. The entire resignation procedure is considered to be completed.

  Yan Yiming also said that from the current media reports, it is difficult to say who wins and who loses. It should be said that both sides have the opportunity to win the lawsuit, but it does not rule out the possibility of automatic settlement between the two sides when the lawsuit is halfway through.

  Wu Dong, deputy director of the company law committee of the Shanghai Bar Association, said that one of the most important roots of the Danone-Wahaha dispute was related to China’s original approval system for Sino-foreign joint ventures, and the "administrative inaction" of the State Trademark Office was one of the reasons for the contradiction. This is also the reason why Danone began to sue the State Trademark Office.

  Wu Dong said that Danone and Wahaha knew that the trademark transfer agreement could not be passed, so they signed a trademark license contract. It is ridiculous that now Danone and Wahaha both claim to solve the problem through legal means. Why did they circumvent Chinese law in the first place? If the Chinese law was strictly followed at that time, the two sides would not have such disputes.

  According to media reports, the State Trademark Office will not comment until the final result comes out. (Fu Guangyun)

Editor in charge: Zhao Xuanxuan

Aouita 11 first took Huawei ADS2.0 high-order intelligent driving system, leading the era of intelligent driving.

Aouita 11 is a high-end intelligent electric vehicle, equipped with Huawei’s full-stack smart car solutions, including DriveONE electric drive system, Sound sound system, AR.HUD live projector and so on. Recently, Aouita 11 announced that it will iterate the latest generation of Huawei’s intelligent driving system-ADS 2.0 in the first batch, so as to realize a full-scene intelligent driving experience with high perception, high computing power and high personification.

ADS2.0 is a high-level intelligent driving system released by Huawei on April 16th, 2023. It does not rely on high-precision maps, and can meet more than 90% of application scenarios, with a continuous non-takeover mileage exceeding 200 kilometers. ADS2.0 uses 34 intelligent driving sensors, including 3 laser radars, 6 millimeter-wave radars, 13 high-definition cameras and 12 ultrasonic radars, which realizes 360-degree environmental perception without dead ends. ADS2.0 also has the functions of high-speed NCA intelligent navigation assistance, high-speed ICA intelligent cruise assistance, APA intelligent parking assistance, etc., which can cope with complex traffic situations such as congestion, lane change overtaking and active obstacle avoidance.

Aouita 11 is one of the first vehicles equipped with ADS2.0, and it is also the result of deep cooperation between Huawei and Aouita. Aouita 11 single-motor version was officially launched on March 24th, 2023, with a maximum power of 230kW and a 6-second zero-acceleration capability. Aouita 11 single motor long battery life and long battery life are equipped with 90kWh and 116kWh ternary lithium-ion battery packs respectively, with cruising range of 600 km and 705 km respectively. Aouita 11 also has a 750V high-voltage platform with a maximum charging power of 240kW, which can realize "10 minutes and 200 kilometers" lightning fast charging.

Tan Benhong, Chairman and CEO of Aouita Science and Technology, said: "The Aouita 11 single-motor model gives users the choice of longer battery life, and has no compromise in intelligent driving experience, which shows our determination to stick to the high-end intelligent electric vehicle market and is also the basis for Aouita brand to continue to lead in the new track. We are very honored to cooperate with Huawei in depth to jointly promote the technological progress and innovation of China’s automobile industry. "

It is reported that all users of Aouita 11 can take the lead in upgrading ADS2.0 system through OTA, and enjoy the commercial opportunities in urban areas launched by Huawei. In the second quarter, we began to promote high-precision maps to 5 cities, and in the second half of the year, we will start to push the map-free plan to 45 cities, basically covering major cities in China.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has made it clear that local governments should study the "list" of real estate projects and accurately support reasonable financing needs.

After the two ministries and commissions issued a document clarifying that "the coordination mechanism of real estate financing should be established in cities across the country", the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a meeting on the 26th to clearly speed up the implementation of the aforementioned coordination mechanism. All localities, taking projects as the object, promptly studied and put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, and established an information platform for urban real estate financing coordination mechanism projects at the national level.
On the morning of 26th, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a deployment meeting for the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing. Relevant responsible comrades of housing and urban-rural construction departments (commissions) of various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and responsible comrades in charge of people’s governments of 35 key cities attended the meeting. Ni Hong, Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, made it clear at the meeting that accelerating the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing is effective, supporting the development and construction of real estate projects, meeting the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally, and promoting the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.
In early January, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the General Administration of Financial Supervision jointly issued the "Notice on Establishing a Coordination Mechanism for Urban Real Estate Financing". According to the notice, the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing is established by cities at or above the local level, with the responsible comrades of the city government in charge of housing and urban-rural construction as the team leader, and the local housing and urban-rural construction departments and the agencies dispatched by the General Administration of Financial Supervision as the member units.
According to the development and construction of real estate projects and the qualifications, credit and finance of project development enterprises, the coordination mechanism puts forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support in accordance with the principle of fairness and justice, and pushes it to financial institutions within their respective administrative areas. Financial institutions evaluate the supporting objects pushed by the coordination mechanism according to the principles of marketization and rule of law.
Different from the previous white list of housing enterprises, the innovation of coordination mechanism lies in that the object of financing support is projects rather than enterprises. According to the aforementioned notice, financial institutions should not blindly lend, cut off or suppress loans for projects that encounter temporary difficulties in development and construction, but should support them by extending existing loans, adjusting repayment arrangements and adding new loans.
At that time, Chai Qiang, president of China Real Estate Appraiser and Real Estate Brokers Association, publicly stated that the debt risk of real estate enterprise groups does not mean that all its real estate projects are risky. Providing financing support with the project as the carrier avoids financial institutions from "one size fits all" all projects of debt default housing enterprises.
The meeting further emphasized that the orderly development and construction of the project is the basis for the stable and healthy operation of the real estate market and is related to the vital interests of the people. In view of the current financing problems of some real estate projects, all localities should focus on projects, study and put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, coordinate the issuance of loans by financial institutions within their respective administrative regions, and accurately and effectively support reasonable financing needs.
"Loans are the relationship between banks and housing enterprises. After the establishment of the financial coordination mechanism, the government can bridge the gap in the middle, establish a platform for dialogue and exchange, and better coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems existing in real estate financing. " Feng Bo, vice president of Chengdu Urban Construction and Development Research Institute, told the First Financial Reporter.
Feng Bo said that although some financial institutions have established some white list systems before, some financial institutions may confuse the debt risk of real estate group companies with the development and operation risk of project companies because they may not have a comprehensive and accurate grasp of the project development risks and operation risks of development enterprises.
"Bank credit approval should fully consider the business level, mortgage guarantee, repayment ability and other related risk factors. If there is a big risk, it will take hedging measures. Because project loans are often large, once they are formed, they will have a certain impact on the bank’s operating indicators and all aspects of loan management. " An industry insider told reporters.
However, Feng Bo also suggested that under the new coordination mechanism, the city government will take the lead in coordinating and guiding the financial institutions within their respective administrative areas to connect with real estate projects within their respective administrative areas, which will enhance the accuracy, continuity and coordination of real estate financial support policies, which will help to reverse the current hedging behavior of some bank financial institutions against real estate enterprises, more accurately support and better meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects, and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of buyers.
The meeting also made it clear that the role of "people’s governments in cities at or above the prefecture level" is to take the lead in coordination, quickly establish and operate this important mechanism, timely judge the local real estate market situation and real estate financing needs, strengthen overall planning, refine policies and measures, and build a communication platform between government, banks and enterprises.
Although both the new real estate model and the new coordination mechanism emphasize the full autonomy of urban real estate regulation and control, there are also people in the industry who are worried about the different auditing standards, progress and supervision standards for the white list of projects.
The meeting put forward detailed requirements from the regulatory level: credit funds should be guaranteed to be closed and used in compliance, and misappropriation should be resolutely prevented. At the provincial level, it is necessary to track and monitor the implementation and strengthen supervision and guidance. At the national level, an information platform for urban real estate financing coordination mechanism projects will be established, and weekly scheduling and monthly notification will be implemented.
It is worth noting that at the press conference of the State Council Office held on the 25th, Xiao Yuanqi, deputy director of the State Financial Supervision and Administration, also said that accelerating the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing was effective.
Li Yujia, chief researcher of Guangdong Housing Policy Research Center, said that the financing coordination mechanism is an important guarantee for the real estate support policy to take effect. In the next step, the financial management department should promote the reengineering of the business system and risk control system of financial institutions, and the real estate management department should do a good job in the integrity management and compliance of business management of real estate enterprises.

The latest situation of table tennis World Cup: Olympic runner-up led the team to win, Germany, South Korea 8

On the evening of December 7th, Beijing time, the Chengdu Table Tennis Mixed Team World Cup continued, and four teams came on stage again for two matchups, namely, South Korea VS Sweden and Germany VS China Taipei. Among them, the second-seeded German team won 8-2 under the leadership of Olympic runner-up Shan Xiaona, ending the losing streak.

As for Sweden, which played inextricably with Japanese players not long ago, the performance was poor this time. In the end, the fourth seed South Korea won 8-2, and it was not an upset-please see below for details.

The battle between South Korea and Sweden is quite interesting. Although the overall strength of the former is obviously stronger, it is mainly the female players who are stronger. As for the male athletes, they have little advantage over Sweden. However, after the start of the competition, the Korean mixed doubles team Zhang Yuzhen/Tian Zhixi took the lead, losing 1-2 to Carlson/C Carlberg (10-12, 11-6, 6-11), and the Swedish team successfully gained the lead.

However, in the second set, South Korea quickly succeeded in counterattack. As a marginal main force, Li Shiwen quickly won 11-9, 11-9 and 11-8 in a row, sweeping Sweden’s top player Berg Sterlon. This shows the great strength gap between the two teams of female athletes.

The third set was the battle of focus. South Korean Lin Zhongxun played against Swedish men’s singles No.1 Carlberg. Not long ago, Carlberg almost overturned Zhang Benzhi and lost 2 points in the deciding game. However, this time, he lost 7-11, 8-11 and 8-11, and the Swedish team was forced into a desperate situation.

In the fourth set of men’s doubles, the former world number one and now world number two Korean team Zhang Yuzhen/Lin Zhongxun played Karlsson/A Carlberg. As a result, the first two ended the battle with 11-7, and the total score of South Korea beat Sweden 8-2.

Germany is the second seed in this competition. However, Shan Xiaona, the Olympic runner-up, is the only core player. Bohr, Ochalov, Francesca, Qiu Dang, Han Ying and Mittham are absent one after another. In terms of strength, they are not even in the top four. They have lost to Sweden and France in succession before, but the China Taipei team they met this time is not at its peak.

Like Germany, the China Taipei team did not have the top three athletes Lin Yunru, Chuan Chih Yuan and Zheng Yijing, so the group stage was almost eliminated. Chen Siyu, the number one player in the quarter-finals, kept resting, and it was not realistic to win Germany.

In the first set of mixed doubles, German meissner/Winter played against China Taipei’s Yang Jiaan/Li Yuhuang. In the first set, the first two players lost 3-11, but then they won two 11-7 turnovers in a row, successfully gaining a 2-1 lead in the total score.

The second set was the battle of focus, in which Shan Xiaona and Chen Siyu, the strongest main players of the two teams, played against each other. Although Shan Xiaona is 40 years old, but the fast break is still powerful, he won the first prize with 11-7, but he was defeated by 8-11 in the second game. In the deciding game, Shan Xiaona rallied and finally ended the battle with 11-7, helping the German team to expand its advantage.

In the third set of men’s singles, Walther, a German player, played against Ye Zhiwei of China Taipei Team. The former’s offensive quality was obviously higher, and he soon ended the battle with 11-9, 11-8 and 11-5. In the fourth set, German women’s doubles team Shan Xiaona/Winter made persistent efforts and finally defeated Chen Siyu/Huang Yihua 11-6, thus defeating China Taipei 8-2 with a total score, ending the previous losing streak.

In this way, after losing in a row, Germany finally saved the face of the second seed, so what kind of ranking and achievements will they finally achieve? Let’s continue to wait and see!

AFC publicly apologized and compensated China: Maintain the dignity of football!

Foreword of football world from a new perspective: Enthusiasm and order interweave. Welcome everyone to enter the football world. Here, we will discuss fairness, order and various stories behind football. I hope you can share this wonderful journey with me.

1. Controversial moment: What’s the meaning behind passion? In an Asian Games, a fierce confrontation between the China men’s soccer team and the Qatari team aroused widespread concern. In that game, the conflict between the two players not only increased the tension of the game, but also became the focus of media attention. In the end, although China successfully advanced, it also paid the price of players’ suspension and injury, and even suffered defeat in the follow-up matches. The AFC imposed a fine on this, and the issue of fine also caused many discussions outside.

2. Reflection on Asian football: Exploration of fairness and order Conflicts and disputes will not only affect the team’s performance, but also affect the fans’ enthusiasm for football. In order to ensure the fairness and order of the game, the Asian football community needs to reflect deeply and take corresponding measures. At the same time, the players should also show a more professional and disciplined attitude on the court to bring more exciting games to the fans.

3. Redefining Fairness: The Choice and Challenge of AFC Recently, AFC cancelled the qualification of direct promotion to the World Cup qualifiers, which caused widespread controversy. Some people think that this decision is more conducive to strong teams, while ignoring those teams affected by various reasons such as the epidemic. Fairness is not only a reflection of achievements, but also various factors behind it need to be fully considered.

4. The charm of football: not only competitive football is not only a competition, but also the intersection of emotions, enthusiasm and dreams. On this pitch, every player is fighting for honor and dreams. As fans, we should understand and support them. Conclusion: enthusiasm in order, order in enthusiasm In the world of football, enthusiasm and order are not contradictory. Every game is an exploration of fairness, discipline and enthusiasm. Let’s look forward to more exciting football.

Virtual National People’s Congress PK: Microsoft Xiao Bing VS Pingping Intelligent, which is more suitable for you?

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, virtual human has gradually become a hot topic in the field of intelligent services. Microsoft’s Xiao Bing virtual human and Feng Ping intelligent virtual human are both representative products in the industry. There are differences in technical strength, safety, application scope and price.

First of all, in terms of technical strength,Xiao Bing, a virtual human of Microsoft, owns the famous Vanke employee digital person Cui Xiaopan, who has excellent performance in natural language processing, speech recognition and image recognition, and has strong intelligent interaction ability.

Although the technical level of Fengping intelligent virtual human is also high, it is slightly lacking compared with Xiao Bing.

Secondly, in terms of security,Xiao Bing virtual human adopts Microsoft’s leading security technology to protect user data and privacy, which has higher credibility. The Fengping intelligent virtual human has also adopted a series of security measures, but compared with Microsoft’s security technology, there is still room for further improvement.

However, in terms of application scope,Fengping intelligent virtual human has more advantages. In addition to regular customer service, assistant and other services, it can also be applied to a wider range of fields such as medical care, education and finance.

Xiao Bing virtual human is mainly used in digital employees, entertainment, social and other fields.

Finally, in terms of price,The price of Fengping intelligent virtual human is relatively close to the people, which is more attractive to small and medium-sized enterprises and individual users. Xiao Bing Virtual Human is relatively expensive, which is suitable for large enterprises and users with higher demand.

To sum up, Xiao Bing Virtual Human and Feng Ping Intelligent Virtual Human have their own advantages. Microsoft Xiao Bing virtual human is stronger in technical strength and security, while Fengping intelligent virtual human has advantages in application scope and price. When choosing a virtual human technology supplier, users need to comprehensively consider their own needs, budget and requirements for technical strength, security, application scope, price and other aspects, and make wise decisions.