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Autonavi map launches self-operated online ride-hailing service "Rocket Travel"

Recently, as an important participant in the aggregation and ride-hailing model, Autonavi launched its self-operated online ride-hailing business "Rocket Travel" to attract a lot of attention. In response, Autonavi responded that Autonavi hailing adheres to the aggregation platform positioning, and Rocket Travel’s goal is to explore the next-generation online ride-hailing model. There are no other new city plans.

Autonavi pushes self-employment model online car-hailing "rocket travel", can it make money?

Recently, Autonavi’s self-operated online ride-hailing business has triggered discussions. On October 26, Autonavi’s self-operated capacity platform "Rocket Travel" appeared on the Autonavi map Beijing taxi platform.

The Beijing News shell financial reporter noticed that in the Autonavi map taxi section, "Rocket Travel" provides economical, premium, six-seat business, luxury and other car services.

According to Qichacha’s industrial and commercial information, the operating body of "Rocket Travel" is Beijing Litong Travel Technology Co., Ltd., which was registered in September 2021, and Autonavi Software Co., Ltd. is the sole shareholder.

Autonavi Map has personally gone off the market to do self-operated online car-hailing business or has also seen changes in the industry landscape. Since July 2021, the online car-hailing industry has undergone profound changes, and Meituan’s self-operated online car-hailing project "Meituan Taxi" has re-emerged.

At the same time, the online car industry capital competition once again up the ante, Cao Cao travel completed 3.80 billion yuan B round of financing, T3 travel completed 7.70 billion yuan A round of financing, easy to use the car plan "comeback".

However, it is not easy for the online car-hailing industry to make money. For a long time, the issue of the proportion of online car-hailing has attracted much attention. Since 2021, relevant ministries and commissions have repeatedly asked online car-hailing platforms to reduce the excessive proportion of the commission, set the upper limit of the commission, and announce it to the public.

In July this year, Wang Xiuchun, deputy director of the transportation service department of the Ministry of Transport, said that local transportation departments continue to promote the implementation of "Sunshine Action" by platform companies operating services in the local area. At present, the upper limit of the proportion announced by major platform companies is between 18% and 30%.

The net profit at this level is not high either. In May 2021, Didi Chuxing announced its revenue. In 2020, Didi’s online ride-hailing driver income accounted for 79.1% of the total amount payable by passengers. Of the remaining 20.9%, 10.9% were passenger subsidies, 6.9% were business operating costs (technology research and development, servers, security, customer service, manpower, offline operations, etc.) and taxes and payment fees, etc. 3.1% were net profits for the online ride-hailing business.

The net profit of most small and medium-sized ride-hailing platforms may not reach 3.1%. However, loss-making operations or low net profits are the product of a period of disorderly competition in ride-hailing.

Ding Daoshi, a veteran Internet observer, believes that the business model of online car-hailing is the same as that of shared bicycles. Autonavi’s self-operated online car-hailing will not aim to make profits in the early stage. It will strengthen investment and support, cultivate user habits, and gain market share. The right way is; there are trillions of market opportunities in the industry.

Giants enter the industry, and the aggregation model is highly competitive

In fact, before the launch of "Rocket Travel", Autonavi Maps was already a typical enterprise for aggregating taxi models. On October 28, a shell financial reporter from the Beijing News found that in addition to rocket travel, Autonavi Maps Beijing taxi service also links to platforms such as Feidi Taxi, Xinghui Travel, Beijing Taxi, Journey Easy, AA Travel, Sunshine Travel, Shenzhou Special Car, Cao Cao Travel, and Shouqi Car-hailing.

The aggregation model emerged and emerged around 2018. In September 2018, Hello announced its access to TikTok’s travel service and partnered with Shouqi’s ride-hailing business. In April 2019, Meituan Dache announced the launch of the "aggregation model". Subsequently, Didi Chuxing and navigation platforms such as Autonavi Maps also launched the aggregation model.

The aggregation platform has given new life to many traditional enterprises in the transportation industry with the advantages of traffic entry and complete ecological closed-loop. Since the beginning of this year, the "asset-light" aggregation model has also attracted more giants to join. In July this year, Huawei launched the aggregation taxi platform Petal Travel, and WeChat tested Tencent Travel.

The "aggregation model" has also attracted the attention of relevant ministries and commissions. In August this year, the Office of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference on the Coordinated Supervision of New Formats of Transportation conducted reminder interviews with 11 platform companies including Didi Chuxing and Autonavi, pointing out that some platforms have violated the legitimate rights and interests of employees and passengers, prominent illegal operations, and hidden safety and stability risks.

It mentioned that "the aggregation platform should ensure that the connected online car-hailing platform complies with relevant regulations, and urge the connected online car-hailing platform company to strengthen the management of vehicles and personnel. In the event of a safety incident, the aggregation platform company should fulfill its liability for advance compensation according to law, and work with the involved online car-hailing platform company to handle the accident."

How to balance aggregation business and self-operated business? Autonavi responded to the media by saying that Autonavi ride-hailing and Rocket Travel are two completely independent and different platforms, and Autonavi ride-hailing adheres to the aggregation platform positioning. Rocket Travel’s goal is to explore the next generation of online ride-hailing models and conduct technological innovation and trials in limited cities. At present, Rocket Travel has no other new city plans.

Chen Weicheng, Shell Financial Reporter, Beijing News

Editor, Song Yuting

School against spring

The soul of the army is immortal, and the glory will stay forever. In 2020, the "most beautiful retired soldiers" was released!

Once in the army, the soul of the army is deep into the bone. Generations of revolutionary soldiers have made important contributions to national independence, national liberation and socialist modernization with blood, life, wisdom and sweat.

  A word "to" means a lifetime. Whether dressed in military uniforms to defend the country or taking off military uniforms, retired soldiers have written wonderful chapters on all fronts: on the road to winning a well-off society in an all-round way and fighting poverty, in the battle against the COVID-19 epidemic, in the forefront of flood control and disaster relief … … At the emergency moment that every country needs, they all charge ahead and practice the clank oath of "retiring and not fading, and building a new era" with actions.

  What we see in the retired soldiers is the simple brand of hard work, the heroic blood that came forward in times of crisis, the upright posture that keeps its true colors forever, and the infinite power for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!




  They dare to charge, be brave in dedication, have a sense of responsibility and mission, overcome layers of difficulties and obstacles, and forge ahead in times of national crisis. They are the silhouette of a group, reflecting the spirit of the times when the vast number of veterans are based on all walks of life and devoted to social construction; They are a bright banner, showing the excellent qualities of Do not forget your initiative mind, a retired soldier, and keeping his mission in mind.

  Let’s walk into these shining names together and feel their sincere and unchanging Chinese military soul — —

Zhao Xiaoying

Head nurse of thoracic surgery department of army characteristic medical center

  She is a "desperate three mothers", Wenchuan earthquake relief has her firm figure, and helping Liberia fight Ebola has her solid footprint. After taking off her military uniform, she became a rehired employee. After the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, she took the initiative to apply for "aid to fight the epidemic in Hubei". As the first batch of medical team members, she went deep into the high-risk pollution wards of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital and Huoshenshan Hospital to participate in the rescue work. The ward where she served as the head nurse "has the highest cure rate, the lowest mortality rate, zero infection among medical staff and zero complaints from patients".

Wang Guohui

Secretary of the Party Branch of Tianying Village, Baiji Town, shenqiu county City, Henan Province

  After the outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan, on New Year’s Eve in 2020, veteran Wang Guohui chose to "go upstream" and drove 500 kilometers alone to deliver 5 tons of vegetables picked from his vegetable planting base to the construction site of Huoshenshan Hospital under construction. Having served in Wuhan for 17 years, he has long regarded it as his second hometown. His hometown is in trouble, and he is duty-bound to go through fire and water! After that, he sent "love vegetables" to Wuhan twice regardless of his personal safety. He built a "love bridge" between Shenqiu and Wuhan, showing the feelings of the retired soldiers about their home country.

Kuang Yuanping

Chairman of Hubei Yanhuang Group

  At the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, Kuang Yuanping, who was visiting relatives in Australia, was held up in Sydney due to flight interruption. Affectionate for the motherland, he actively called for the establishment of an overseas Chinese anti-epidemic coordination group in Australia, and sent an initiative to overseas Chinese businessmen and overseas Chinese communities in 78 countries to raise a large number of urgently needed medical materials, and spent 10 million yuan to send the materials to Wuhan twice by charter flights. He also mobilized the affiliated enterprises and employees of the Group to donate money and materials to support nearly 500 hospitals, isolation points and communities in Hubei Province, showing the true feelings of a retired veteran and the responsibility of outstanding entrepreneurs.

Ding guonian

Chairman of Zhejiang Guohua Group Co., Ltd.

  After retiring, Ding Guonian developed a small enterprise into a group enterprise with total assets of 7.5 billion yuan. Since the establishment of the company, he has always adhered to the development concept of "retired soldiers are valuable human resources" and adhered to the principle of "giving priority to the recruitment of retired soldiers", creating a cultural atmosphere of respecting, worshiping and invalidating the army in the enterprise. Up to now, he has recruited more than 2,000 retired soldiers. He took the initiative to assume social responsibility, and when he became rich, he did not forget to give back to Mulberry, help the needy and donate money to study, with a total donation of more than 260 million yuan. During the epidemic spread in COVID-19, he also actively rushed to organize donations and materials, which contributed to the fight against the epidemic.

Yu Wenxian

Professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Dean of Shanghai Beidou Navigation Innovation Research Institute

  Yu Wenxian, known as the founder of "China Precision" and the "pilot" of Beidou navigation, has led a research team to achieve a series of achievements in radar target recognition, remote sensing information processing, integrated navigation and positioning technology, and made outstanding contributions to key technologies of defense, equipment development and industrialization in China. After retiring, he promoted the establishment of the Institute of Perception and Navigation in Shanghai Jiaotong University, undertook major projects such as the application demonstration project of Beidou satellite navigation in the Yangtze River Delta, led the establishment of the key laboratory of Beidou navigation and location service and intelligent detection and identification, and devoted himself to solving the core technical problems in Beidou navigation and location service, with remarkable scientific research results.

Joe Sun

Xinjiang entry-exit frontier inspection station Hong Qi La Fu entry-exit

Border checkpoint police

  Sun Chao, who joined the army at the age of 17 and became a frontier soldier in Hongqilafu, Xinjiang, gave up the high demobilization fee because of the army reform, and chose to be a grassroots policeman at the entry-exit frontier inspection station in Hongqilafu. He stayed on the Pamirs at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters for 24 consecutive years. Although "being a soldier is at the edge of the horizon", in order to let his comrades stationed in the "forbidden area of life" eat fresh vegetables, he taught himself agricultural knowledge, overcame the key technical problems of vegetable planting in the alpine region, successfully planted more than 36 kinds of vegetables, built 8 vegetable greenhouses, and created the "Wan Ren Ice Peak, Ten acres of Jiangnan" green mile!

Chen bingjin

Chief Engineer of Sichuan Chuanjiao Seed Industry Technology Co., Ltd.

  Chen Bingjin, an agricultural science popularization person who walks in the field, is a "farmer scientist who came out of the pepper field". After retiring from the army and returning to the countryside, determined to change poverty with science and technology, he studied hard, asked for advice with an open mind, worked hard in school and worked hard in middle school, overcame difficulties such as lack of funds and technical resources, and with his strong perseverance and firm belief brought by his five-year military career, he independently overcame scientific research problems in the pepper field, bred more than 70 new pepper varieties, obtained 11 invention patents in the pepper field, boosted the scientific and technological progress in China’s pepper field, and wrote his own legend from farmer to scientist!

Dong bojun

Secretary of the Party Branch of Qinghai Lizhan Law Firm

  After retiring, Dong Bojun’s fine style, which has always been tempered by the green military camp, affects his practice process. He loves his job and pays attention to social responsibility, puts forward the service concept of "working in the law firm and dedicating to the grassroots", and goes deep into military camps, communities, rural areas and schools to carry out legal preaching and legal consultation on a voluntary basis all the year round. He never forgets the kindness of military education and training, and provides free consultation and training for all legal affairs involving active servicemen and retired servicemen. He has made important contributions to the economic development and social stability of Qinghai Province, and is called "a full-fledged iron-mouthed lawyer" by judicial personnel.

Wang changqun

Retired cadres of Yunnan Grain and Oil Transportation Company

  Wang Changqun, who joined the army at the age of 15, has participated in tasks such as liberating the southwest, eliminating bandits and defending the frontier. Later, she obeyed the organization’s arrangement to participate in local economic construction, took root in the border area with her husband, and made contributions to the construction and development of the border area. In the 1970s and 1980s, the war on the southwest border ignited, and she volunteered to be the leader of the condolences before the support. A family of six people went to the battlefield, and two sons fought bravely and died heroically. After retirement, she inherited the red family style, was enthusiastic about social undertakings, offered love for public welfare, helped fight the epidemic, and always adhered to the original nature of Communist party member and performed boundless love.

Jin yuguo

Chairman of Longyuanhong Fruit Distribution Co., Ltd., Jingning County, Gansu Province

  In line with the idea of "let everyone change their living methods", Jin Yuguo, after retiring, was under great pressure. During his tenure as village party secretary, he raised funds to set up wood distribution stations, carpet factories and brick and tile factories, which enabled more than 300 people in the village to find jobs at home and made his village one of the "10 Red Flag Villages" in the city. He also based on the advantages of local apple planting, seized the opportunity, took the lead in establishing an organic apple demonstration base, set up a professional cooperative, extended the industrial chain, created the "Longyuanhong" apple brand, promoted Jingning apples to be exported to more than 30 cities and 16 countries and regions in China, and led more and more villagers to start businesses and become rich.

He Jianzhong

Director of Jiangping Road Post Sub-office, Taixing City, Jiangsu Province

  After retiring, He Jianzhong became a grass-roots postman. Faced with the "boring" work of repeating sorting and delivery every day, he set himself the "three noes" work goal of "no mistakes, no omissions and no complaints", and worked diligently for 15 years, which was recognized by the masses; After serving as the director of Jiangping Road Sub-bureau, he once again established the "three noes" rule of "no complaining, no shrinking, no admitting defeat" and led the overall situation from the countdown of the city’s performance to the first place for 12 consecutive years. After being elected as the representative of the 11th to 13th National People’s Congress, he dutifully made suggestions and served the people’s livelihood, and made steady progress on the road of performing his duties.

Guoqiang Zhang

China FAW Group Co., Ltd. Vehicle Road Tester

  He used to be an automobile soldier. After retiring, he went to China’s largest commercial vehicle enterprise to become a vehicle inspector. He has been attached to the automobile for 37 years, and has grown from a layman who can only operate the steering wheel to a technical "vanguard" in the quality assurance post, and has also become an out-and-out "automobile veteran". In his work, he created his own learning method of "one look, two notes, three exercises and four summaries", and formulated a set of testing standards. The National Professional Skills Standard for Automobile Assemblers and Adjusters, which participated in the editing and presiding, became an industry textbook, contributing to the revitalization of national automobile brands.

chen weihua

State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China Xicheng District Taxation Bureau

Deputy director of the first taxation office

  Chen Weihua, who was the 31st monitor of Zhang Side Class, brought the good idea, good style and good tradition of "green military camp" into "blue tax post" after retiring. He insisted on "serving the people", started as a grass-roots tax collector, actively studied and humbly asked for advice, and quickly grew into a business backbone; He performed his duties and was willing to contribute, strictly audited every deed tax business, established a standardized defense line, and saw through many illegal cases; He expanded "online and offline double assistance" to achieve zero complaints about tax service in ten years. During the COVID-19 epidemic, he actively explored the classified service mode and became a good "non-contact" tax practitioner. He is a lubricant between taxpayers and tax workers, a "service yardstick" in the eyes of colleagues, and a "Zhang Side wearing a tax badge".

Zhang Tianshui

Gulou District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province

Deputy stationmaster of sanfang qixiang fire rescue station

  In 2012, Zhang Tianshui, a sophomore, abandoned his pen and became a fire fighter. With the reform of the fire brigade, he took off his "olive green" and replaced it with "flame blue". He described his youth in the arduous task of defending the fire safety of the ancient buildings in Sanfang and Qixiang, and devoted himself to the glorious mission that the only fire rescue team in the country was responsible for raising and lowering the national flag in the provincial capital city. He set an example in training and practiced his skills hard; Fight bravely in fire fighting and rescue, and charge ahead. Zhang Tianshui, the hero of the post-90 s fire, vowed to be a firefighter with zero mistakes under the national flag!

Retired soldiers in Lujiang County, Anhui Province

Flood fighting and emergency assault team 1

  In the summer of 2020, Lujiang County, Anhui Province suffered a once-in-a-century flood. On July 22nd, the Shidaweilian section of Datong Town in this county suddenly burst its dike. At a critical moment, a retired military cadre (Wang Song) and four firefighters (Chen Lu, Chang Qing, Li Junjie and Li Shun) transferred from the former Armed Police Fire Brigade formed a flood fighting and emergency assault team to rescue the trapped people. In the emergency rescue, regardless of personal safety, they fight where the most dangerous is and where the most difficult is, and truly regard the front line of flood fighting and emergency rescue as a "whetstone" to show their mission responsibility. Chen Lu and Wang Song have been chased as martyrs.


Deputy Mayor of Chuanfangyu Town, Jizhou District, Tianjin

Concurrently secretary of the Party branch and village director of Maojiayu village.

  Twenty years ago, Maojiayu Village was a "bachelor village". After Li Suo retired, he voluntarily gave up the "iron rice bowl", led the villagers to start businesses, improve the living environment of the village, engage in tourism, run farmhouses to open homestays, build healthy leisure, cultural tourism and health care bases, and build an unknown backward village into a well-known "national agricultural tourism demonstration village", which not only made the "myth" from poor villages to tourism professional villages.

Potting Song

Party Secretary of Houbaligou Village, Zoucheng City, Shandong Province

  After leaving the army, Song Wei worked hard and became a local entrepreneur with small achievements. In 2005, facing the expectations of the villagers, he resolutely returned to the village as the branch secretary and took over the poor and backward mess in Houbaligou Village. After fifteen years of hard work, Song Wei, in accordance with the development idea of "leading by Party building, educating people by filial piety and benefiting the people by industry", United and led the villagers to vigorously develop the collective economy, forming the industrial pattern of commerce, science and technology, education, old-age care and eco-tourism in internet plus, resettling more than 20,000 people for employment and entrepreneurship, and making the village develop from initial debt to assets of more than 4 billion yuan, becoming a well-known civilized village.

Guizhou Anshun "Bing Zhi Shu" Poverty Alleviation Team

  Guizhou Anshun "Bing Zhi Shu" poverty alleviation team consists of seven retired military cadres, including Xiao Zhengqiang, Yang Shouliang, Lin Xiancai, Chu Daiyang, Lei Xingfa, Hu Kegui and Yang Bing. They kept their true colors as soldiers, continued to write about their feelings, played the vanguard and exemplary role of party member, a retired soldier, took off their uniforms and went to the "new battlefield" to fight poverty and overcome difficulties, leading the people in party member to become the "vanguard" in the decisive battle to fight poverty and build a well-off society in an all-round way. They promoted the rural industrial revolution, promoted grassroots social governance, and gradually grew into leaders of grassroots party building, maintainers of harmony and stability, and caring people of the people, which played an important role in demonstrating and leading Anshun’s economic and social development.


Bing Lianchang, a villager from Houtou, Qiaoshang Township, Huguan County, Shanxi Province

  After 22 years of training and education by the party and the army, although he took off his military uniform, he always maintained his true colors of sharing worries for the party, contributing to the country and serving the people. In 2018, he resigned as a journalist and volunteered to return to his hometown to serve as the company commander of Houtou Village. He devoted himself to the cause of poverty alleviation in his hometown and led Houtou Village to build roads to get rid of poverty. More than 3,500 meters long, with thousands of stone steps and more than 100,000 stones, Niu Hesong took three years to lead the villagers to "move the mountain from the foolish old man" and cut two tourist trails in the depths of Taihang Mountain, which opened the door to the development of tourism in Houtou Village and made the poor and backward mountain village uproot its roots and embark on the road to prosperity!

Shi bingqi

Dazhuang Village, Xingcun Town, hejian city City, Hebei Province

Party branch secretary and village director

  In February 2018, Shi Bingqi, who had retired from the post of deputy teacher, gave up the comfortable retirement life in Beijing and resolutely returned to his hometown to lead the villagers to a well-off society. He laid a solid foundation for party building and formed a unique "educational model of farmers’ ideological and political work"; In view of the stubborn diseases such as garbage, road water and illegal buildings in the village, he established 20 village rules and regulations to rectify the appearance of the village; In order to stop the unhealthy marriage customs, such as comparing people’s feelings and doing big things, he explored a new way of villagers’ self-management and constantly promoted the change of customs … … In just over two years, he led a "post-village" with a scattered team and frequent contradictions into an advanced, stable and civilized "benchmark village" and was affectionately called "senior university village official" by the people.

  They always keep their true colors and overcome difficulties, showing the style of veterans struggling for the first place; They dare to charge and dedicate themselves in times of crisis, demonstrating the mission of "if there is a war, they will return when they are called"; Their deeds are touching and inspiring, which will inspire the veterans to build a new era and gather strong positive energy to learn advanced and strive to be advanced.

  The release ceremony is divided into four chapters: Retrograde Expedition, Vow Silent, Ordinary Persistence, and Strength of Attacking. Through video display, interactive interviews and other links, we strive to present the advanced deeds and feelings of work and life of the "most beautiful retired soldiers" from all angles, and show the veteran spirit they always remember in their hearts.

Host Crowd East, Wang Ning

Host Crowd East, Wang Ning

Wang Lida sang "Hold on"

Wang Lida sang "Hold on"

Tashi Dhondup sang "There is a Love Constant".

Tashi Dhondup sang "There is a Love Constant".

A bugle performance

A bugle performance

A bugle performance

Children's voice recites "Who is the cutest person" (excerpt)

Children’s voice recites "Who is the cutest person" (excerpt)

Ju Hongchuan sang "The Storm of Youth"

Ju Hongchuan sang "The Storm of Youth"

  This year coincides with the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of Chinese people’s Volunteer Army’s war to resist US aggression and aid Korea. The release ceremony also specially set up a tribute link, inviting three old heroes to the release ceremony, namely Huang Zhifu, Lin Bingyuan and Chang Zhiguo, to tell the heroic story of the volunteers who are not afraid of strong enemies and sacrifices, to accept the high respect of the "most beautiful retired soldiers" and the audience, and to encourage the majority of retired soldiers to follow the example of the old heroes, remember this magnificent history, inherit this spirit of promoting dedication, and pay tribute to the heroes and the audience.

In 2020, "The Most Beautiful Retired Soldiers" paid tribute to three old heroes.

In 2020, "The Most Beautiful Retired Soldiers" paid tribute to three old heroes.

  Jiang Jianguo, Vice Minister of Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China, Zhu Tianshu, Vice Minister of Veterans Affairs, and Bi Bin, Deputy Director of the Propaganda Bureau of the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission, attended the ceremony and presented awards for the "Most Beautiful Veterans" in 2020.

The awarding guests presented awards to the first group of "the most beautiful veterans" in 2020.

The awarding guests presented awards to the first group of "the most beautiful veterans" in 2020.

The awarding guests presented awards to the second group of "the most beautiful veterans" in 2020.

The awarding guests presented awards to the second group of "the most beautiful veterans" in 2020.

  They come from all walks of life, but they have the same name — — The most beautiful retired soldier. What they took off was the military uniform, and what they could not get rid of was the muscle memory of "charging forward" and the true colors of brave and determined soldiers. They showed their talents in times of crisis, without fear of fighting the tide of the times, and their advanced deeds spread all over the country, sketching out the most beautiful scenery of "serving the people".

  Join the army and defend the country; Retire and build a beautiful home. The transfer of the battlefield and the change of identity have not changed the true colors of the "most beautiful retired soldiers" revolutionary soldiers, the true colors of serving the people and the true colors of unremitting struggle. They have taken off their military uniforms and bid farewell to the army, and they are still shining in various fields, writing a new chapter in their lives and careers with their own words and deeds!

  Retirement does not fade, loyalty and courage, tonight, let us pay tribute to the "most beautiful retired soldiers" and witness the glory of "veterans"!

The awarding guests took a group photo with the 2020 "Most Beautiful Veterans".

The awarding guests took a group photo with the 2020 "Most Beautiful Veterans".

Central radio and television main station

Society and Law Channel (CCTV-12)

It premiered at 20:15 on December 18th.

Science and education channel (CCTV-10)

Replay at 15:38 on December 19th.

National defense military channel (CCTV-7)

Replay at 22:30 on December 19th.

"Shiny name — — The release ceremony of the most beautiful veterans in 2020 "

Pay tribute to every retired soldier!

The map from vernal equinox to national spring day is coming! Let’s see where spring is →

  Today (March 21st), China entered the fourth solar term of spring-vernal equinox. After the vernal equinox, the days get longer and the nights get shorter. In a day, the sunshine not only prolongs the "on-the-job" time, but also gradually increases the heat, and most of our country enters the fastest period of time in a year. Warming up urges the process of going north in spring, and more and more people feel the breath of spring by enjoying flowers, stepping in spring, flying kites and tasting wild vegetables. China Weather Network has specially launched a national spring map to see which places will be embraced by spring during the spring equinox.

  Spring is strong in the south and accelerated in the north.

  It’s the vernal equinox, and it’s already mid-spring, with flowers in full bloom and strong spring scenery. All the year round, before entering the vernal equinox solar terms, most of the spring in the south is already very strong, and many places in the north are still a winter scene. After entering the vernal equinox, the sun slowly moves northward, the days are long and the nights are short, the heat of the sun is gradually enhanced, and the average temperature in the area north of the Yellow River can reach above 10℃.

The map from vernal equinox to national spring day is coming! Let's see where spring is →

  At the vernal equinox, the pace of spring accelerates northward, and more places in the north will enter the embrace of spring. Central and northern Jiangsu, northern Anhui, northern and western Henan, southwestern Shaanxi, southwestern Shanxi, most of Hebei, most of Tianjin, most of Beijing, and northern Xinjiang Southern Xinjiang Basin will enter spring at this time.

  The recovery is rapid and the spring breeze is booming.

  On the vernal equinox, the sun shines directly on the equator, and the northern and southern hemispheres are equally divided day and night. Since then, the position of the direct point of the sun has moved northward, and the days in the northern hemisphere are long and the nights are short. Most of China’s temperatures have shown a rising state and entered the fastest period of time in a year.

The map from vernal equinox to national spring day is coming! Let's see where spring is →

  The rapid warming urges the process of spring. At the vernal equinox, the pace of spring crosses from the Yangtze River to the Great Wall, and many places north of the Yellow River finally welcome the spring letter. In ancient times, the vernal equinox was also called the mid-spring moon. Under the warm sunshine in spring, everything grew, and the leaves of willow trees were no longer sparse in early spring. The mid-spring flowers such as apricot flowers and cherry blossoms also began to enter the best viewing period.

The map from vernal equinox to national spring day is coming! Let's see where spring is →

  In addition to rapid recovery, the spring breeze is also the messenger who brings spring news to the north. The spring breeze in the spring equinox season often shows two faces, sometimes "blowing the face without chilling the willow wind" and sometimes "the wind suddenly sweeps away ten thousand flowers". When it is gentle, it is like a pair of hands to soothe people’s hearts, and when it is violent, it is cruel and ruthless.

The map from vernal equinox to national spring day is coming! Let's see where spring is →

  During the spring equinox, the momentum of spring thunder gradually increased, and the first thunder in most parts of the south has already sounded, and it began to enter the period of frequent lightning; Many places in the north have ushered in the first thunder. The ancients also speculated about the weather through thunder. The dull thunder and rain lasted for a long time, and the thunder was a shower.

The map from vernal equinox to national spring day is coming! Let's see where spring is →

  Swallows return to the north with flowers.

  There are three stages in the vernal equinox: "When the mysterious birds arrive; Two Hou Lei Nai voiced; Three Hou Shi Dian. " Dark birds refer to swallows, which generally fly south in the autumn equinox and return north in the spring equinox. At the vernal equinox, the warmth in the north is getting stronger and stronger, and the return of swallows represents that spring has also reached further north. At this time, the Yellow River basin began to hear the first sound of spring thunder one after another. However, lightning, a weather phenomenon caused by the fierce collision between cold and warm air, will not be seen until the third day of the vernal equinox.

The map from vernal equinox to national spring day is coming! Let's see where spring is →

  "On the fourth day of mid-spring, the spring scenery is in the middle." The spring equinox season is just the right time, and the choice of flower viewing is very rich. As soon as the begonia blooms, the white flowers fall sporadically with the spring breeze, which seems to be the trace of her coming in the earth in spring. The pear blossoms are like snow, and her strong fragrance and elegant figure complement each other, adding a touch of color to spring. Mulan, also known as magnolia, is often used by the ancients as a metaphor for the noble character of being pure and clean.

The map from vernal equinox to national spring day is coming! Let's see where spring is →

  Vertical eggs, spring vegetables, flying kites in spring

  In the folk, the custom of the spring equinox season is related to the spring character of Otawa. People’s activities to enjoy spring are not limited to spring flowers, but also flying kites and tasting spring vegetables. Toona sinensis and spring bamboo shoots are served on the table one after another, becoming a limited food in spring. In addition, in order to celebrate the arrival of spring, there is also the custom of separating eggs in spring in our country. As early as 4000 years ago, people believed that laying eggs on the vernal equinox was easier to succeed.

The map from vernal equinox to national spring day is coming! Let's see where spring is →

  Busy farming is at the right time

  At that time, the spring equinox is busy with agriculture, and spring tube, spring ploughing and spring planting are about to enter the busy stage, winter crops enter the growth stage, and wheat begins to jointing. Because the temperature rises rapidly and the water demand of crops is relatively large, it is necessary to strengthen water storage and moisture conservation in the northern spring rainy area.

The map from vernal equinox to national spring day is coming! Let's see where spring is →

  It’s another year of deep spring! During the spring equinox, as the weather warms up, people’s activities of enjoying spring begin to be colorful. Whether it is enjoying the scenery in spring, flying kites, tasting spring vegetables and experiencing the spring on the tip of the tongue, it has added some fun to daily life. After the vernal equinox, the days are getting longer and the sun is shining on the earth. Hope is ahead. Let’s start from spring and go to the future with such a mood.

[Editor in charge:


A reliable interpretation of zhenai’s marriage matchmaker: co-production of love The Secret Behind, soul fit is the key.

With the progress of society and the change of ideas, more and more people begin to choose blind date to find their other half. In this fast-paced era, zhenai blind date platform has become the first choice for many single young people. For blind date, many people have a common expectation, that is, to find a partner who fits their soul. In this process, the professional interpretation of zhenai matchmaker played a vital role.

What is soul fit? Soul fit not only refers to the attraction of two people in appearance or the coincidence of interests and hobbies, but more importantly, the two sides have a high degree of fit in emotion, values and ways of thinking. This fit makes it easier for both sides to understand and trust each other, thus establishing a deep emotional connection.

Zhenai matchmaker plays an important role in blind date in zhenai. Through professional interpretation and analysis, they help single young people find a partner who fits their soul more accurately. They will give the most appropriate suggestions and recommendations by analyzing the personality characteristics, living habits and hobbies of both parties.

At the same time, zhenai blind date platform also improves the success rate through systematic matching algorithm. This algorithm will recommend the most suitable potential partner for members according to their personal information, mate selection requirements and other reference factors. In this way, zhenai provides more opportunities for single young people to find suitable partners.

So, is zhenai reliable? According to statistics, zhenai has helped thousands of single young people find suitable partners successfully. This also proves the reliability and credibility of the blind date platform in zhenai. Through professional service and strict audit, zhenai ensures the authenticity and safety of every member.

In the process of zhenai’s marriage, the change of ideas is also an important factor. In the past, many people paid more attention to appearance and external conditions in blind date, but ignored the fit of soul. Now, more and more people begin to attach importance to the harmony of souls. They hope to find a partner who can understand and support each other and walk through every stage of life together.

The existence and development of blind date platform in zhenai provides more choices and opportunities for single young people to find suitable partners. Through blind date, they can get to know each other more comprehensively and communicate in an open environment. Such communication and getting along with each other will lay a good foundation for them and lead them to a happy married life.

In a word, the love in tune is inseparable from the deep fit of the soul. In the process of blind date in zhenai, soul fit has become the most important consideration. Through the professional interpretation of zhenai matchmaker and the matching algorithm of blind date platform, single young people can find their soul-compatible partners more accurately. The reliability and credibility of the blind date platform in zhenai have been recognized by the majority of single young people. Let’s embrace the changes of this era, believe in the power of zhenai, find a suitable partner and move towards a happy life.


What are the customs and habits of New Year’s Eve? Briefly introduce the attention and taboos of New Year’s Eve.

  New Year’s Eve is a traditional festival in China. Throughout the ages, people have celebrated it in various ways. So what do you know about the customs of New Year’s Eve? New Year’s Eve, as a traditional festival in our country, is there any stress? Xiaobian has sorted out the precautions for New Year’s Eve. Let’s take a look at those who are interested.

Spring Festival is approaching.

Customs and habits of New Year’s Eve

What are the brief introductions of New Year’s Eve customs?

  "Set off fireworks". Setting off firecrackers is a must on New Year’s Eve. Legend has it that the monster "Xi" is most afraid of the sound of firecrackers. Our ancestors used firecrackers to drive away the monster. Nowadays, the firecracker has been given a new meaning. It also has the function of dispelling poverty and bad luck. The noise also represents a colorful and prosperous life in the new year. Therefore, firecrackers must be lit on New Year’s Eve. Firecrackers are a specialty of China, also known as "firecrackers", "firecrackers" and "firecrackers".

  "Shounian". Keeping old age on New Year’s Eve is one of the most important activities, and the custom of keeping old age has a long history. People often stay up all night on New Year’s Eve, which is called Shounian. The earliest record of observing the old age can be found in the local records of the Western Jin Dynasty: on New Year’s Eve, all parties give gifts, which is called "giving back the old age"; Wine and food are invited, which is called "don’t be old"; It is called "dividing the age" when the young and the old gather to drink and wish a complete song; Everyone stays up all night, waiting for the morning, which is called "keeping the old age". On New Year’s Eve, the whole family get together, eat New Year’s Eve, light candles or oil lamps, sit around the stove and chat, waiting for the time to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new year, and keep vigil all night, symbolizing driving away all evil diseases and looking forward to good luck in the new year. Because of its great significance, until today, people are still used to keeping the old year and welcoming the new year on New Year’s Eve.

  Eat rice cakes and jiaozi. The traditional Spring Festival begins on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month (that is, Laba Festival), and housewives begin to arrange all kinds of food needed for the New Year. Steamed rice cakes, because of their homophonic "high age" and varied tastes, have almost become a must-have food for every family.

Good luck in the year of the rat

Pay attention to New Year’s Eve

  "Bao jiaozi". Eating jiaozi is a traditional way to celebrate the New Year in the north. The Spring Festival is a family reunion festival. On this festival, wanderers who are away from home have to come home from Wan Li for thousands of miles. The whole family has to sit around and wrap jiaozi for the New Year. jiaozi’s practice is to make dumpling skins with flour first, and then use leather bags to stuff them. The contents of the stuffing are varied, and all kinds of meat, seafood, eggs and seasonal vegetables can be stuffed. The orthodox jiaozi method is to cook them in clear water and mix them with vinegar and minced garlic after picking them up. There are also ways to fry jiaozi and bake jiaozi (fried dumpling). Because the word "He" in dough mixing means "He"; Jiaozi’s "Jiao" and "Jiao" are homophonic, and "He" and "Jiao" have the meaning of reunion, so jiaozi is used to symbolize reunion of acacia; It is very auspicious to take the meaning of making friends at an older age; In addition, jiaozi, shaped like an ingot, eats jiaozi during the Chinese New Year, which also has the auspicious meaning of "making a fortune".

Pay attention to New Year’s Eve and taboo matters.

  1. New Year’s Eve dinner

  The New Year’s Eve dinner is also called the reunion dinner. According to Zonggu’s Record of Jingchu’s Age, it was customary to eat New Year’s Eve dinner at least in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Because it is winter, northerners often set up hot pot in the middle of the dining table, so it is also called a stove.

  The dishes of northerners’ New Year’s Eve often include dumplings, fish, rice cakes and long-term vegetables. Because dumplings look like gold ingots, which means wealth; Fish can’t be finished, because in Chinese, "fish" and "Yu" are homonyms, which means "more than one year". The rice cake has the meaning of "rising year by year"; Eating long-term vegetables has the meaning of longevity. In South China, there are many kinds of chicken, roasted meat, Nostoc flagelliforme and oyster sauce, because Nostoc flagelliforme and oyster sauce are homophonic. A typical New Year’s Eve dinner in the south of the Yangtze River must have fish and a rich soup pot.

  According to the old ceremony, the traditional seats on New Year’s Eve are "respecting the east from the left" and "facing the gate for respect". The head of the annual banquet is the elder with the highest seniority, and the last seat is the lowest. If it is a treat, the chief is the most respected guest, and the host is at the bottom. No one else can sit down until the chief is seated, and no one can start work until the chief starts work.


Annual flavor is heavy.

What are the taboos on New Year’s Eve?

  2. Don’t draw water

  There is a taboo of "not pumping water" during the Chinese New Year. People who have wells at home should "seal the wells" before dusk except the day, put wooden covers on the wells, burn incense and worship sacrifices after offering cakes, and then open the covers for reuse three days later.

  3. ancestor worship

  Sacrificing ancestors is the first important event on New Year’s Eve. In many parts of our country, on this day, people will put rich meals and light incense sticks at home, and parents will lead their children to worship. In some rural areas in the north, paper money will be burned at home. In the evening of New Year’s Eve, candles are lit in front of the ancestor statues, wine is poured, and dishes are placed. The whole family holds a grand sacrifice ceremony to express their feelings of "pursuing the future with caution". People didn’t begin to enjoy the New Year’s Eve dinner until our ancestors had eaten it.

  4, lucky money

  The ancients were very particular about lucky money. The copper coins used need a lot of money and new money, and then they are made into various shapes with red ropes. Some wear hundreds of copper coins, which means "long life"; Others are dressed in auspicious shapes such as carp, ruyi and dragon, meaning "money dragon" and "money surplus" in order to bring good luck. In addition to giving children "lucky money" by elders, in some areas there is also the custom of giving "fruit on the eve of the year". On New Year’s Eve, the elders will put oranges, lychees and other fruits on the child’s pillow and take the meaning of "Geely" to wish the child good luck in the coming year. With the development of the times, the current "lucky money" is more direct and pure. Generally, red tickets are wrapped in exquisite red packages and then distributed to children for a good lottery.

  5. Step on the Year’s Activities

  On New Year’s Eve, people in our country will also hold a year-old stepping activity, that is, stick sesame stalks in the courtyard in the shape of gold ingots made of yellow paper rolls and save them into a bundle, which is called "cornucopia". Then, the whole family crushed it with their feet to harmonize "old age" with "broken", and borrowed the auspicious meaning of sesame blossoms, wishing the family prosperity and expressing their wishes and prayers for the new year.

  6, shou sui

  Keeping the old age on New Year’s Eve is also a long-standing custom. As early as the Western Jin Dynasty, it was clearly recorded in the local customs: "I don’t sleep all night, waiting for the dawn to keep the old age." Legend has it that observing the age is to prevent the infringement of a unicorn, which is most afraid of fire, red and sound, so people wear red clothes, light red lights, put up red paper, set off fireworks and firecrackers, burn incense and pray all night, and have the custom of "observing the age" on New Year’s Eve. "Ji Sheng at the age of Emperor Jing" records: "High fever, silver candle, drinking pine mash, sitting on the altar, called keeping the age, and prolonging the year by omen."

  Many places also call New Year’s Eve "Ji Xiangye". On this night, both adults and children should say auspicious words, not unlucky words, dirty words and disrespectful words, or they will have bad luck all year. Therefore, joy, kindness and reunion are the biggest themes of New Year’s Eve.

  7. Turn on the light and sleep

  You can’t turn off the lights when you sleep on New Year’s Eve. You can’t turn off the lights until dawn on the first day of the new year. On the whole night of New Year’s Eve, the lights are generally not turned off at home, especially in the house where ancestors are supported.

  8, avoid breaking utensils

  There is also the custom of avoiding breaking utensils on New Year’s Eve. People believe that if the dishes and cups are broken on this day, it will mean "broken luck" in the new year. Sometimes accidentally breaking cups and plates on this day, the elders will hurry to wrap them in red paper and recite auspicious words such as "Peace through the years" to remedy it. Folks believe that putting the pieces wrapped in red paper on the sacred case for a few days can resolve possible disasters. Therefore, in order to win a good lottery on New Year’s Eve, people will be cautious in their words and deeds in order to achieve a lucky year.

  9. Post Spring Festival couplets

  Spring Festival couplets, also called "door pairs", "spring stickers", "couplets" and "couplets", belong to a kind of couplets and are a unique literary form. This pair of the earliest Spring Festival couplets in the world, "Three Yang began to spread, and four orders began to open", was recorded on the Dunhuang suicide note unearthed in the Tibetan Sutra Cave of Mogao Grottoes, written by Liu Qiuzi, a Tang Dynasty, in the eleventh year of Kaiyuan (723). The folk custom of sticking couplets on the Spring Festival began to prevail in the Ming Dynasty, and the birthplace of the trend was Nanjing. Now people in Jiangnan pay attention to posting Spring Festival couplets on the morning of New Year’s Eve.

  10. paste new year pictures

  New Year pictures, like Spring Festival couplets, originated from "door gods". With the rise of engraving printing, the content of New Year pictures is not limited to the door gods and so on, but gradually the god of wealth is invited to the home, and then colorful New Year pictures such as Three Stars of Fu Lushou, heavenly god blesses the people, Harvest of Five Grains, Prosperity of Six Livestock, Greeting the Spring and Blessing the New Year are produced in some New Year pictures workshops to meet people’s good wishes of celebrating and praying for the New Year.

  11. stick grilles

  In the folk, people also like to stick all kinds of paper-cuts on the windows-window grilles. Window grilles not only set off the festive atmosphere, but also integrate decoration, appreciation and practicality. Paper-cutting is a very popular folk art in China, which has been loved by people for thousands of years. Because it is mostly stuck on the window, it is also called "window flower". With its unique generalization and exaggeration, window grilles show auspicious things and good wishes incisively and vividly, and decorate the festival with splendor.

  12, paste the word blessing

  It is a long-standing folk custom in China to stick blessings on the Spring Festival. Sticking the word "Fu" in the Spring Festival places people’s longing for a happy life and wishes for a bright future. There is no uniform standard for how to paste the word "Fu".

  13, zero must go home.

  After the reunion dinner is finished with laughter, the family will sit around the TV to watch the Spring Festival Gala, or visit relatives’ homes to chat, but they must get home before zero. At 1: 00, the whole family should "keep watch" at home. When the hands of clocks and watches pass 12 o’clock, people will set off firecrackers already prepared to celebrate the arrival of the New Year.

  14. Burning firecrackers

  There is a folk saying in China that "opening the door to firecrackers". That is, at the arrival of the new year, the first thing for every household to open the door is to set off firecrackers to eliminate the old and welcome the new with the sound of firecrackers. Its origin is very early, and it has a history of more than two thousand years. Setting off firecrackers can create a festive and lively atmosphere, which is a kind of entertainment in festivals and can bring happiness and good luck to people.

Editor in charge: Ke Jinding

2023 World Robotics Congress opens in Beijing, attended by Yin Li Wan Gang.

  Original title: The 2023 World Robotics Congress opened in Beijing, attended by Wan Gang, Yin Li

  On the afternoon of August 16th, 2023 World Robotics Congress opened in Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone. Yin Li, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and secretary of Beijing Municipal Party Committee, and Wan Gang, chairman of China Association for Science and Technology attended.

  At the opening ceremony, Yin Li and Wan Gang, Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Shu Wei, Deputy Party Secretary, Full-time Vice Chairman and Secretary of the Secretariat of China Association for Science and Technology, Xia Linmao, Standing Committee Member of Beijing Municipal Committee and Executive Vice Mayor, Alexander Weir, Chairman of the International Federation of Robotics Academic Committee, and Wang Tianran, Academician of China Academy of Engineering jointly pressed the start button, and the 2023 World Robotics Congress was officially launched. Xin Guobin, Shu Wei, Xia Linmao and Yue Se Vieira, President of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations, delivered speeches respectively. The launching ceremony of the World Robotics Cooperation Organization, jointly sponsored by the Chinese Institute of Electronics and the Israel Robotics Association, was held.

  After the opening ceremony, the leaders came to the exhibition hall of World Robotics Expo 2023 and visited the booths of key core components, Eston Automation Co., Ltd. and Beijing soft robot Technology Co., Ltd. The theme of the 2023 World Robotics Congress is "Open and Innovative, Enjoy the Future". During this period, there will be "Cooperation Night", 6 main forums, 30 special forums, expositions and related events. 320 guests from all walks of life, such as Industry-University-Research Jinyong, will gather at the conference, and nearly 600 robot products from 159 enterprises will be exhibited and nearly 10,000 players will compete on the spot. The holding of the conference will further promote international cooperation, stimulate the vitality of business entities, release the kinetic energy of scientific and technological innovation, deepen exchanges and cooperation in the global robot industry, help the construction of Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center and International Exchange Center, promote the high-quality development of the robot industry, and continue to create a new business card of "Beijing Zhizhi".

  Gou Ping, deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, Jin Wei and Zhao Lei, leaders of Beijing Municipality, heads of some national robotics associations and international organizations, Chinese and foreign experts and scholars, and business representatives attended. (Liu Feifei Yangqi)

Pay attention to eight major issues and avoid four major defects in tourist attractions!

According to statistics, there are nearly 20,000 scenic spots in China at present, and the management of most scenic spots is still under the management mode of government monopoly. In today’s management, four defects are gradually exposed.

First, the four aspects of scenic spot management defects

1. Separation of government from enterprise

The management expenses of scenic spots are included in the two lines of government revenue and expenditure, which causes managers to lack market risk awareness and determination to open up the market, and can not effectively develop and utilize scenic spots resources reasonably.

2. Set administrative personnel and business managers in one.

The lack of effective management mechanism for the performance of managers makes the management of scenic spots break away from the rules of market competition, and the outcome is often an afterthought, which delays the good opportunity for tourism development.

3. Diversification of management and operation system standards

There are both government officials and externally recruited personnel in the middle and senior management of scenic spots, and two sets of standards of government and enterprise are implemented in the personnel and salary system, which leads to unreasonable distribution and unclear responsibilities, resulting in low management efficiency of scenic spots.

4. Lack of understanding of scenic spot management

The management of scenic spots is limited to simple personnel, finance, safety, reception and daily work, and the coordination management of other industrial chains in scenic spots is ignored, such as the effective management mode of interaction and mutual benefit among travel agencies, hotels, motorcades, media and scenic spots.

Second, eight matters needing attention in scenic spot management

1. Formulate the organizational management structure and management process suitable for the development of scenic spots.

According to the types of scenic resources and the characteristics of products, the company’s organizational structure is formulated, and the management team headed by the general manager is established, supplemented by three deputy general managers of scenic marketing, scenic management and commodity management, and the core management team-the team of department heads is established.

In management, the general manager responsibility system is implemented, and the general manager takes full responsibility for the benefit target of the scenic spot throughout the year. The three deputy general managers of marketing, scenic spot management and commodity management are responsible for the business indicators of each section decomposed by the general manager according to their responsibilities.

The work of each department closely revolves around the four-step process of "planning, organizing, coordinating and implementing", so that each manager can clearly understand the company framework and his position and responsibilities in it. To achieve political integrity and harmony, the work arrangement is simple and clear, and the responsible person is clear, which effectively improves the effectiveness of management.

2. Establish the rules and regulations of the scenic spot and improve the overall management level of the scenic spot.

System is the foundation of the normal operation of enterprises and the premise of management norms. First, we optimize the original rules and regulations and make a good management process record.

Make the original management of employees by leaders change into the management of employees by the company system, effectively put an end to human management, record the management process on a standardized form, and ensure that management does not go through the motions and the implementation is recorded.

At the same time, the company pays attention to humanized management, establishes a smooth dialogue channel between employees and leaders, and requires managers to have a reply letter to employees’ opinions within three days, hold regular meetings on rationalization system opinions every month, and revise and compile existing regulations next month, which will serve as the standard for future work.

3. Strengthen financial and ticketing management.

In financial management, expenses should be planned, expenses should be approved in a process, contract payments should be authorized, financial revenues and expenditures should be regulated, and monthly financial analysis reports should be made.

4. Implement the elimination system of post performance reward and evaluation.

In order to arouse employees’ work enthusiasm and make their starting points at the same starting line, this paper analyzes the job content and tourist volume data of departments in scenic spots in recent years, and after comprehensive consideration, formulates the performance indicators and evaluation contents according to each position of each department. In the evaluation, it implements the evaluation method of parallel channels of department heads and competent leaders, so as to achieve fair competition and pay more for more work, and eliminate employees who cannot complete their jobs according to the company’s rules and regulations.

5. Improve the service quality of staff and the professional level of tour guides.

Starting with the on-the-job training of employees, we should improve their service awareness and standardize the service courtesy terms in scenic spots;

Supervise the standardization of employee service quality with quality inspection as a supplement;

Work out the post workflow, so as to unify the work steps;

Strengthen the education of tourism professional knowledge, improve the comprehensive quality of managers, and implement the system of holding certificates in important or professional positions.

6. Pay attention to marketing and channel construction of tourism industry.

Establish a marketing department with the marketing manager, regional manager, marketing staff and tourist team as the core, expand the staffing of the original scenic spot marketing department, set up offices in each target regional market for market segmentation, and conduct hierarchical management at the same time.

In the channel of tourism industry, we establish a mutually beneficial cooperation platform with the tourism service agencies (hotels, travel agencies and transportation, etc.) where the scenic spots are located and the surrounding tourist attractions, and share information resources through the network to improve efficiency, ensure the service quality standards of tourism teams and prevent mistakes and accidents.

7. "Manage" the channel advantages of the government.

Closely combine the flexibility of enterprise operation with the advantages of government information, channels and resources, combine the brand of scenic spots with the brand of cities, promote the brand of scenic spots with the help of various government investment promotion activities, exhibition activities and conference activities, publicize cities and scenic spots with the help of government visits and cultural exchanges, and timely and reasonably adjust the direction of product management and marketing in scenic spots with the help of government information advantages.

8. Pay attention to the development of tourist experience products.

According to the culture, people and folk activities recorded in history, combined with the resource conditions, comprehensive ability and market situation of the existing scenic spots, the products of the scenic spots are clearly positioned, and the activities that tourists can experience and participate in are excavated in stages, so that tourists can experience personalized services and feel the truth in the process.

Note: The pictures and texts in this article come from the Internet. If your rights and interests are infringed, please contact us in time and we will deal with them as soon as possible.

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Beauty products are becoming more and more difficult to get out of the circle. What should brands do?

Reporter | Viann

Editor | Lou Qinqin

Beauty brands want to make explosive items. Relying on explosive products to gain popularity is also one of the methodologies for the rise of domestic beauty brands in recent years. However, it is becoming more and more difficult to make explosives.

According to the "White Paper on Beauty Industry of Huge Engine in 2021" (hereinafter referred to as "White Paper") jointly released by Huge Engine and Kado Consumer Index recently, it is becoming more and more difficult for best-selling products to get out of the circle.

According to the statistics on the purchase data of facial skin care products and cosmetics in the first-and fifth-tier cities in China in 2019 and 2020, in 2020, the number of best-selling cosmetics declined slightly from 850 in the previous year to 775, with a decrease of 9%, and the categories of skin care and cosmetics all declined.

Specifically, the number of best-selling skin care products fell from 687 to 632, a decrease of 8%; The number of best-selling cosmetics dropped from 163 to 143, a decrease of 12%.

The absolute number of best-selling products of skin care products and cosmetics has declined, which is partly due to the rising marketing cost.

In the past few years, most beauty brands have made explosive products through relatively accurate product and crowd positioning and intensive social media marketing. As the traffic dividends of Weibo, Tik Tok, Xiaohongshu, bilibili and other major platforms gradually disappear, the brand marketing costs continue to increase, and the difficulty of manufacturing explosive products also increases.

However, the "White Paper" also pointed out that although the absolute number of best-selling products of skin care and make-up has declined, their sales share in the market has remained stable at 25%, which indicates that the average market contribution of each best-selling product is rising, and powerful single products have increasingly become an important support for the brand to stabilize its market share.

In other words, although it is not easy to make explosive products, it is quite critical for beauty brands to make explosive products.

For beauty brands, if they want to make explosive products, the reasonable layout of categories is very important.

According to the "White Paper", the categories that are daily necessities and have a large base of consumer goods are the most prone to explosive products. From the category point of view, cleansing and toner, as basic categories, each contribute more than 10% of the best-selling products year after year, and the number of best-selling products will remain stable in 2020.

It is worth noting that although the number of explosions in the elite category has decreased significantly, the sales contribution has increased. This means that under the support of sufficient resources, the brand will invest heavily in the essence of explosive products, and it is possible to achieve greater benefits.

In addition, beauty brands also need to identify unique selling points for single products.

Focusing on the "student party" is one of the effective beauty selling points at present. According to the White Paper, judging from the amount of content broadcast in Tik Tok, many explosive products focus on students, and drive consumers to try with cost-effective communication. For example, the velvet lip glaze of the perfect diary and the high-profile "little yellow hat" whitening sunscreen spray are all selling points with a price of less than 100 yuan and a sense of use close to big brands, which have become explosive products.

Endorsement of product efficacy through star ingredients is another effective beauty selling point, especially in skin care products. Yin Yuli, a beauty and personal care analyst at Mintel, said in an interview with Interface Fashion that after years of market education, consumers in China have a deeper understanding of skin care products. When choosing skin care products, they are mainly efficacy-oriented, and they will buy products according to the problems they want to solve. Skin care brands should not only tell consumers what ingredients are contained in products, but also point out what specific effects these ingredients have.

Take Guerlain’s Emperor Bee Posture Repair and Restoration Honey as an example. This product emphasizes the natural extract of French black bee honey, which can repair the skin. L ‘Oré al Paris’ purple iron eye cream claims to contain anti-aging ingredient Bosin, which can stimulate collagen formation.

Innovating product form is another effective way to upgrade consumer experience and make explosive products. For example, New Zealand Mystery unpacks the jelly-like sleep mask, which is convenient for consumers to control their daily dosage, and is also convenient to carry in outdoor scenes.

In addition, in the case of high market competition, last year’s best-selling products may not sell well this year, which requires beauty brands to be "prepared for danger in times of peace". According to the White Paper, the sales of best-selling products in 2019 accounted for 25% in that year. By 2020, the proportion of the same batch of products will be reduced to 22%, especially in essence, mask and cosmetics.

Therefore, after manufacturing explosive products, brands still need to continuously carry out research and development and upgrade to maintain brand popularity.

What should I do if medical resources are tight? The National Health and Health Commission has taken four measures.

Source: CCTV news client

Recently, public opinion has reported that some places are short of medical resources and people have difficulty in seeking medical treatment. On December 14th, the State Council Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism held a press conference, and Jiao Yahui, Director of the Department of Medical Administration of the National Health and Wellness Commission, responded to the relevant situation.

Jiao Yahui introduced that in recent years, the demand for diagnosis and treatment of fever clinics has increased rapidly, and the contradiction between supply and demand is more prominent. However, the growth rate of medical service demand for general outpatient and inpatient services is relatively slow, and the utilization rate of corresponding medical resources is now in a safe and controllable range. The National Health and Health Commission has also taken a series of measures in view of the prominent demand for diagnosis and treatment of fever clinics and the rapid growth.

First, further expand the supply of medical resources and medical services. We require all hospitals above the second level and primary medical and health institutions to open fever clinics or fever clinics, and we have been vigorously promoting this matter recently. According to statistics, as of 12: 00 on December 14th, there were more than 14,000 fever clinics in hospitals above the second level in China, and more than 33,000 fever clinics or consultation rooms were set up in primary medical and health institutions. While increasing the number of fever clinics or fever clinics, we also further simplify the flow of fever clinics. The vast majority of patients go to the fever clinic mainly to prescribe drugs to treat COVID-19’s related symptoms, and many places have also set up simple clinics for fever clinics to further improve service efficiency. According to statistics in some places, the average time to see a fever clinic has been shortened from more than 4 hours at the beginning to less than 40 minutes. In addition, medical institutions in various places are also increasing the expansion and transformation of critical care resources in designated hospitals, sub-designated hospitals, and hospitals above the second level, as well as the increase of critical care beds in tertiary hospitals, the provision of equipment, the training of medical personnel, and the expansion and transformation of convertible ICU, all of which are in full swing. All 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in China have formulated corresponding plans and arranged funds. These tasks are also in the process of promotion and implementation.

The second measure is to promote graded diagnosis and treatment. On the one hand, in cities, medical associations are used as carriers, and in rural areas, county medical associations are used as carriers to promote the graded diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 and other medical services. Let the urban and rural tertiary networks and medical institutions implement their respective functional positioning. Health monitoring is mainly implemented at the grassroots level, especially the health monitoring and health management of key populations; Secondary hospitals provide technical support in all aspects of technology and manpower to meet the needs of general diagnosis and treatment; Tertiary hospitals focus on meeting the needs of diagnosis and treatment of critically ill patients. Through graded diagnosis and treatment, we build a reasonable and orderly medical order.

The third measure is to vigorously promote Internet medical services. Through Internet medical treatment, according to the diagnosis and treatment plan and the guide of home treatment, we will prescribe corresponding prescriptions for patients with COVID-19’s symptoms, and provide corresponding drugs through offline third-party distribution. At the same time, we also require medical institutions to provide 24-hour online consultation and medication guidance, as well as time-sharing appointment services. In this way, the instantaneous peak of medical institutions can be reduced, the gathering of people can be reduced, and the risk of cross-infection when people go to the hospital offline can be reduced.

Fourth, continuously optimize the process of fever clinic, general clinic and hospitalization. By optimizing the medical treatment process, it will provide greater convenience for the broad masses of people to go to medical institutions for medical treatment.

Jiao Yahui said that in the next step, we will further guide medical institutions at all levels in various places to continuously implement relevant measures, and use various methods and measures to expand the supply of medical resources and medical services to better meet the needs of the people for medical treatment.

(CCTV reporter Shi Yingchun and Huang Zhenglong)

World Cup Joyful Guide

2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 has already begun. In 2010, Qatar won the right to host the 2022 World Cup and became the first Middle Eastern country to host this football feast.

This is the first time that the World Cup has been held in the Gulf region, and it is also the first time that it has been played in the northern hemisphere in winter.

So what is football? What are the basic rules of football? Let’s learn about football today.

Football is a sport in which the feet are the mainstay, the ball is controlled and dominated, and two teams attack and defend each other on the same rectangular court according to certain rules.

Football is called because of its strong antagonism, changeable tactics and large number of participants.The first movement in the world ".

The predecessor of modern football originated fromChinaThe ancient ball game "Cuju" in Zizhou, Shandong Province (now Zibo City) was spread to Europe by Arabs and gradually evolved into modern football.

Modern football originated in England. In 1848, the Cambridge Rules, the first written rule in the history of football, was born. On October 26th, 1863, England established the first football association in the world, and unified the competition rules of football.

In 1872, the first official match between football associations was held between England and Scotland. In 1900, in the Second Summer Olympic Games, football was included as an official event.

The highest organization of football is the International Football Federation, which was founded in 1904 and headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland. The highest organization in China is the Chinese Football Association, which was established in Beijing on January 3rd, 1955.

The competition is divided into two teams, each team11 people(Generally speaking, each team is allowed to replace three substitute players during the game), and one of them must be a goalkeeper. The whole game is 90 minutes, which is divided into upper and lower halves, with each half lasting 45 minutes.

The rest time between the first half and the second halfNo more than 15 minutes.. There is a referee and two sideline referees in the game. In each half, the referee can make up time according to the injuries and time-consuming substitution on the field.

If the game must be decided, if the two teams draw within 90 minutes, overtime will be played for 15 minutes in the first half and 15 minutes in the second half. If the game is still tied, it will be passed.have a penalty kickThe winner is decided.

If the football completely crosses the sideline, it willPenalty for throwing a foul ball. After the player touches the ball out of the bottom line of his own goal, he will be awarded a corner kick.

When passing the ball forward, there must be two opposing players between the attacking player who receives the ball and the goal, otherwise it will be judged offside.

A player who fouls in his own restricted area will be awarded a penalty. If the penalty is saved by the goalkeeper or kicked on the post, the game will continue. However, in penalty shoot-out, if the football hits the doorpost and bounces back, it can’t be shot again.

A foul outside the penalty area will give the opponent a free kick. If the free kick is near the penalty area, the opposing defender can build a human wall.

Direct free kicks can be shot directly, while indirect free kicks must have a pass before shooting. When serious fouls and violations occur, the referee will show a yellow card to warn him. If the fouler gets a second yellow card warning or a malicious foul, the referee will show a red card and send him off.

The game time should be divided into two equal halves, 45 minutes for each half and 90 minutes for each game.

See here, do you know anything about football? You don’t have to worry about others getting in the way when watching the ball.