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The Top 10 Best Games to Play on Steam The 30 Most Rated Games on Steam!

  People often ask Steam must-play games, what are the fun PC games on Steam? In order to save everyone’s time, we have removed the three King Kong of "Dota 2", "CS: GO" and "Legion Fortress 2" from the V Club’s perennial list, and then made this inventory with Steam data. Let’s take a look at the recent games with a large number of players.

Inventory of the recent 30 good games with many Steam players! Get out of the game shortage (middle)

Inventory of the recent 30 good games with many Steam players! Get out of the game shortage (Part 2)

  recent visitors: 197,803

  recent peak headcount: 404,780

   historical peak: 3,257,248

Ranger 1

  Game introductionPlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is a first-person shooter game jointly developed by Bluehole and Playerunknown. Players are born on a remote island and then enter a winner-take-all survival competition in which only one person survives. Of course, as in other survival games, players need to collect weapons, vehicles, and supplies in a vast and complex map, and there will also be mechanisms for shrinking safe areas.

  small series experiencePlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is easier to use than its predecessors Arm 3 and H1Z1. It has its own set of procedures: search for equipment – survive – destroy battle, and a simple loop creates endless possibilities. In this game, even if you fail, you will have fun. The optimization, server and plug-in problems in the game still exist, but the flaws are not hidden.

Other game screensWhat is it?

Ranger 2

Ranger 3

Ministry of Public Security: Pilot implementation of voluntary renewal of new energy vehicle license plate owners

  CCTV News:According to the website of the Ministry of Public Security, on December 1, the Ministry of Public Security will take the lead in piloting new energy vehicle number plates in five cities: Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuxi, Jinan and Shenzhen. On November 21, the relevant person in charge of the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security made an interpretation on the pilot implementation of the new energy vehicle number plate.

  oneWhy should the new energy vehicle number plate be activated? What is the background and significance?

  In July 2014, the General Office of the State Council issued "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles", demanding that the promotion and application of new energy vehicles be accelerated, effectively alleviating the pressure on energy and environment, and promoting the transformation and upgrading of the automobile industry. In recent years, the number of new energy vehicles in China has increased rapidly. By the end of October 2016, the number of pure electric vehicles in China had reached 555,500.

  In order to implement the State Council’s policy of differentiated traffic management for new energy vehicles, and better promote the development of new energy vehicles, the Ministry of Public Security decided to pilot the use of special license plates for new energy vehicles. On the one hand, it can distinguish and identify new energy vehicles more effectively and conveniently, implement differentiated traffic management policies, and provide a better carrier for new energy vehicles, travel services, tax concessions, etc. On the other hand, it can reflect the characteristics of new energy vehicles more clearly and directly, and promote the accelerated development of new energy vehicles.

  In order to actively and steadily do a good job in the activation of new energy vehicle license plates, the Ministry of Public Security has adopted a pilot first and gradually pushed it forward, and fully implemented it after exploring and accumulating experience. Starting from December 1, 2016, five cities, namely Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuxi, Jinan and Shenzhen, will take the lead in piloting new energy vehicle number plates.

  2What is the style of the new energy vehicle number plate? What are the characteristics?

  In order to protect the public’s right to know and participate, and to gather the wisdom consensus from all walks of life, the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security organized a multi-channel, multi-form and multi-level consultation activity on the number plate style from April to May, 2016. Public comments were solicited online, and online voting activities were organized. A total of 145,400 people participated in the voting activities and 110,000 online messages were left. Simultaneously solicited the opinions of relevant departments and industry enterprises, and organized relevant professionals to conduct in-depth discussions and systematic argumentation. According to the online voting and soliciting opinions, the style with the highest vote rate is finally selected as the new energy vehicle number plate style.

Figure 1 Small new energy vehicle number plate style

Fig. 2 Number plate style of large-scale new energy vehicles
(D stands for pure electric new energy vehicle, and F stands for non-pure electric new energy vehicle)

  The outer dimension of the new energy vehicle number plate is 480mm×140mm, and the length of the number plate is 40mm longer than that of the ordinary number plate, in which the width of the rear number plate of the large new energy vehicle is reduced by 80 mm.. Compared with ordinary car number plates, there are four main changes in appearance and style: First, it highlights green elements and embodies distinctive features. The background color of the new energy vehicle number plate is mainly green, which highlights the meaning of green environmental protection. The brand-new number plate font is adopted, and the overall style is beautiful, novel and distinctive, which is convenient for accurate identification and obvious identification in service management. The second is to add a special logo to show the electric characteristics. Add a special logo for the number plate of new energy vehicles to the number plate style. The overall logo is green, which means electric and new energy. In the green circle, the right side is an electric plug pattern, and the left color part is similar to the English letter "E" (electric). Third, the number plate number is upgraded to increase the number plate capacity. Compared with ordinary car number plates, the number plate of new energy vehicles has been upgraded from 5 to 6, for example, the original "Guangdong BD1234" can be upgraded to "Guangdong BD12345". After upgrading, the number plate number capacity is increased, the resources are richer, and the coding rules are more scientific and reasonable, which can meet the arrangement needs of "less letters and more numbers". The fourth is to implement number plate segmentation to facilitate difference management. In order to better implement the national new energy automobile industry development and differentiated management policy,New energy vehicle number plates are managed by sections according to different vehicle types. The letter "D" stands for pure electric vehicles and the letter "F" stands for non-pure electric vehicles (including plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles). The "D" or "F" in a small car number plate is located at the first place in the number plate, and the "D" or "F" in a large car number plate is located at the last place in the number plate. The fifth is to improve the manufacturing process and improve the anti-counterfeiting performance. Using pollution-free hot stamping production method, the process is green and environmentally friendly. At the same time, anti-counterfeiting technologies such as two-dimensional bar code, anti-counterfeiting shading and laser pattern are added to realize the uniqueness of the number plate and the traceability of the production source, and improve the anti-counterfeiting performance.

  threeWhich cars belong to new energy vehicles, and how to apply for new energy vehicle number plates?

  According to the State Council’s Industrial Development Plan for Energy Saving and New Energy Vehicles (2012-2020), new energy vehicles mainly include pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles and fuel cell vehicles. For domestic new energy vehicles, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will mark them on the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products and the Factory Certificate of Motor Vehicles. For imported new energy vehicles, AQSIQ will mark them on the On-board Inspection Sheet for Imported Motor Vehicles. When the public security traffic control department handles the registration of new energy vehicles, it will strictly check and confirm the vehicles, check the information marked by the competent authorities, review the relevant certificates, and register in accordance with the law.

  For newly purchased new energy vehicles, if they are registered in five pilot cities, they can directly apply to the local public security traffic control department for a special number plate for new energy vehicles; Those who apply for registration outside the pilot area will still apply for ordinary car number plates in accordance with the original provisions. The conditions, procedures and requirements for APPlying for a new energy vehicle number plate are the same as those for an ordinary vehicle number plate. The owner can directly register with the public security traffic control department of the pilot city, or pre-select the number plate through the Internet traffic safety integrated service management platform or the 12123 mobile app, and then register with the public security traffic control department. When selecting the number, the number plate can be automatically selected by the computer (1 out of 50) or arranged by itself according to the coding rules.

  fourCan new energy vehicles that have already received ordinary car number plates be redeemed for new number plates? How to apply for renewal?

  For new energy vehicles that have received ordinary car number plates, the owners can voluntarily renew the new energy car number plates or continue to use the original ordinary car number plates. However, if the original ordinary car number plate is lost or damaged, the public security traffic control department will issue a new energy car number plate. For those who choose to continue to use ordinary car number plates, the public security traffic control department will conduct differentiated management through the information system, which will not affect the owners’ enjoyment of preferential policies for traffic management of new energy vehicles.

  At the beginning of the New Deal, there was a great demand for the masses to renew the new number plates in a centralized way. In order to avoid the crowded queue caused by centralized license plate replacement, the pilot cities provided an appointment service through the Internet traffic safety integrated service management platform, and car owners could make an appointment for the place and time of license plate replacement according to their own conditions. The first step is to register or log on to the traffic safety integrated service management platform (www.122.gov.cn). Step 2, select the license plate number on the Internet service platform by computer automatic selection (1 out of 50), and make an appointment for the time and place to renew the license plate. The third step is to handle the card changing business according to the time and place of online reservation.

  For the new energy vehicle transfer registration, the public security traffic control department of the pilot city will renew the new energy vehicle number plate. For new energy vehicles transferred from other places to pilot cities, which belong to the four pilot provinces of Shanghai, Shandong, Jiangsu and Guangdong, the public security traffic control department of the pilot city will issue new energy vehicle number plates; For non-pilot provinces, new energy vehicle number plates will not be issued for the time being.

  fiveWhat service measures will be provided by the public security traffic control department of the pilot city in the issuance of new energy vehicle license plates?

  The public security traffic control departments in the pilot cities will provide various service measures for applicants who apply for new energy vehicle license plates: First, open a green channel or special window for new energy vehicle license plate business, increase police force, add inspection sites, and provide delayed or Saturday and Sunday license change services. The second is to provide two service modes, namely, making number plates on the spot and mailing number plates, for the masses to choose, and to announce the registration service sites that can make number plates on the spot through various media, so as to facilitate the masses to receive number plates quickly. The third is to open a service consultation telephone to provide consultation and guidance services for the masses. By sending SMS, WeChat and other means, the registered owners of new energy vehicles will be informed one-on-one, prompting the way and requirements for renewing the license plate. The fourth is to provide on-site free license plate installation service, optimize the layout of on-site production points and installation points of license plates, and facilitate the people to collect the installation license plates nearby. Fifth, enterprises with a large number of new energy vehicles, such as buses and taxi companies, can contact the public security traffic control departments of pilot cities in advance to negotiate and determine the centralized license change.

  It should be noted that the new energy vehicle license plate fee remains unchanged, and the current national charging standard for ordinary vehicle license plates is still implemented, and each license plate is 100 yuan. It is consistent with the charging standard of ordinary car number plates.

  sixWhat supporting measures are there to ensure the smooth development of the pilot work?

  In order to do a good job in the pilot work of new energy vehicle license plates, first, the Ministry of Public Security specially issued a pilot work plan, organized the upgrading of the information management system, equipped with special production equipment for new license plates, and organized special business training. Second, the public security traffic control departments of pilot cities will simultaneously launch a unified motor vehicle number plate selection system to ensure the open, fair and just issuance of number plates. Third, closely cooperate with relevant departments and units to upgrade and transform related information systems such as insurance purchase, highway toll collection, vehicle inspection and parking toll collection, so as to ensure the smooth implementation of the pilot work.

  According to the State Council’s Industrial Development Plan for Energy Saving and New Energy Vehicles (2012-2020), new energy vehicles mainly include pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles and fuel cell vehicles. By 2020, the cumulative production and sales of pure electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles will exceed 5 million. In the next step, on the basis of pilot projects, we will constantly sum up experience and practices, gradually expand the scope of application, and strive to promote its use throughout the country in the second half of 2017.

Comments | The decision-making level made five statements within one month. How to get the house price in 2017?

  CCTV News:Looking back on 2016, this year’s property market can be described as "first rising and then restraining". If the hot words in the first half of the year are skyrocketing housing prices, then the hot words in the second half of the year are undoubtedly the introduction of regulatory policies, and this trend is continuing.

  Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development: Pay close attention to hot cities, control housing prices, and destock third-and fourth-tier cities

  On the 29th, the website of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development published the Circular of the Party Group of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the Communist Party of China on Inspection and Rectification, pointing out that it will continuously strengthen the regulation of the real estate market and actively carry out research.Pay close attention to hot cities to control housing prices, and third-and fourth-tier cities and counties and cities to go to stock.And standardize and rectify the market order.

  In fact, this has been the decision-making level since December.the fifth timeClear real estate regulation and control objectives.

  The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held a meeting on December 9, pointing out that it is necessary to dissolve the real estate inventory, accelerate the urbanization of migrant workers, promote the reform of the housing system to meet new citizens, expand effective demand, and stabilize the real estate market.

  On December 14th, the Central Economic Work Conference held a meeting and pointed out that it is necessary to adhere to the position that "houses are used for living, not for speculation" and put forward solutions.

  On December 21st, the 14th meeting of the Central Leading Group for Finance and Economics emphasized standardizing the housing rental market and curbing the real estate bubble.

  On December 26th, Chen Zhenggao, Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction, pointed out that we should do a good job in preventing bubbles and risks in hot cities.

  Since the introduction of the new policy of property market regulation in many cities across the country on September 30, the price increase in many hot cities across the country declined in November.

△ On December 11th, China Index Academy released the national residential price index of 100 cities in November 2016.

  However, the transaction volume price of some cities is still at a high level, which also triggered the second upgrade of the regulatory policies of a series of cities. It is worth mentioning that since December, the efforts to control housing prices in various places are still increasing:

  Upgrade purchase restriction in several provincial capital cities:

  December 26, Jinan City

  Purchase restriction for registered households in this city2 sets; Foreign purchase restriction1 set, and must provide proof of paying personal income tax or social insurance in urban areas for more than 24 consecutive months. In addition, in the new property market policy issued by Jinan, clear management measures are put forward for the transaction behavior of the land market.

  In December, Zhengzhou City restricted purchase and loan double upgrade.

  On December 21st, Zhengzhou announced the regulation policy and upgraded the existing purchase restriction policy. That is, on the basis of the original purchase restriction,More than 180 square meters (inclusive)Housing (including new commercial housing and stock housing) is also included in the scope of purchase restriction.

  Non-Zhengzhou household registration families need to provide continuous payment in Zhengzhou when purchasing houses in Zhengzhou.More than 2 years(including 2 years) personal income tax or social insurance certificate. In addition, the New Deal has further increased the use of other means of regulation, such as reaffirming the strict control of housing provident fund credit policy.

  On December 23, Henan Province issued the Notice on Further Improving the Personal Housing Loan Business in Zhengzhou Restricted Area, and the down payment ratio of the second suite was adjusted to60%The Zhengzhou real estate market’s loan restriction regulation policy has been upgraded again.

  On December 21, Wuhan issued a notice to expand the scope of housing purchase restriction.

  It is stipulated that from December 22nd, Wuhan will increase the housing purchase restriction in some areas of Dongxihu District, Jiangxia District and huangpi district.

  Beijing, a typical representative of first-tier cities, also clearly pointed out a few days ago that investment speculation should be resolutely curbed.Ensure that house prices will not increase in 2017.. This means that controlling housing prices has become the top priority of real estate regulation.

  The central level has repeatedly reiterated the requirements of real estate regulation and control, and the upgrading of local regulation and control policies have further explained the urgency of real estate regulation and control. Looking forward to 2017, how will the real estate market go?

  In the hot real estate market, everyone hopes to have a magical crystal ball and see the future development direction of the market. Any judgment on whether the future house price changes will rise or fall is like a gambling game.Fortunately, however, the market trend is a linear continuation. Summarizing the changes in the property market in the past year, we can see some clues about the market in the next 12 months.

  Multi-pronged approach, the property market continues to cool down

  First of all, the soaring housing prices in the first ten months of 2016 are related to loose money and credit and lax supervision.Some funds originally expected to enter the real economy have instead entered the real estate investment field to promote housing prices.After October, a series of policies to strictly control the risks of real estate financial business, including prohibiting illegal issuance or misappropriation of credit funds into the real estate sector, have an immediate impact on real estate.According to the price dynamics of newly-built houses in 70 large and medium-sized cities in November released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China on December 19th, the number of cities whose house prices fell month-on-month increased to 11, an increase of 4 cities compared with October.

  One of the priorities of the central bank’s monetary policy in 2017 will be to curb the real estate bubble.In 2017, the monetary policy will remain stable and neutral, and at the same time, efforts will be made to prevent and control asset bubbles and strictly limit the flow of credit to invest in speculative housing purchases.The monetary authorities can induce short-term interest rate increase and guide banks to slow down the growth rate of real estate-related financing through regulation, and these measures will cool down the real estate.

  Secondly, the high housing prices in 2016 are related to residents’ lack of investment channels.At the beginning of the year, the successive "fuse" and "stock market crash" made a large number of investors lose confidence in the stock market. After a knife and knife, a lot of funds were transferred from the stock market and flowed to the property market that seemed to have a good rate of return at that time. After the addition of this fund, the heat of the market has been greatly improved and the property price has been raised.

  In the new year, although it is hard to say that the stock market will definitely pick up, it is unlikely to be worse than in the past.Moreover, the chances of a bond market pullback after the year-end crash are also rising.Therefore, in the new year, investors will have more choices and may not necessarily stick to the real estate with poor liquidity.This kind of asset diversion will make the property market "de-bubble" to a certain extent.

  Third, in the new year, the government’s control over the property market will be further increased on the basis of 2016, and the use value of the house will accelerate its return.The parties will further clarify that the house is for living, not for speculation. We should make precise efforts in regulation, curb investment speculation, increase the supply of ordinary commodity housing, and meet the rigid demand for housing. In order to achieve this goal, the government will provide more housing choices for residents by increasing the supply of residential land and standardizing the rental market.

  The regulation of the property market is not a comprehensive suppression, but a combination of strict control and guidance.

  It is a distinctive feature of the real estate policy in the new year that the policy will be implemented because of the city.What is certain is that the government will not comprehensively suppress and control the real estate policy across the board, but will combine strict control with guidance.The real estate market in first-tier cities should be strictly controlled; The focus of second-tier cities is to stabilize housing prices; The third-and fourth-tier cities still aim at "destocking".It is precisely because of the different control objectives that in the new year, there may be a greater division in the direction of housing prices in first, second and third tier cities.

  Of course, whether this series of regulatory policies can effectively affect the property market depends on the extent to which the government can resist the temptation of real estate to stimulate economic growth. In mid-2016, due to the steady economic growth in the first three quarters, the fourth quarter became a window period for regulation. And in the new year,Facing the new beginning, the balance between the government’s goal of achieving economic growth of not less than 6.5% and paying attention to the risk of real estate bubble will greatly affect the trend of the property market.

  At the same time, it should be clear that,Even under the combined effect of various conditions, it is difficult for the property market to rise as sharply as in 2016 in the new year, but it does not mean that the property market will definitely plummet.After all, no matter from the current proportion of mortgage in bank loans or the proportion of real estate in personal assets, the sharp drop in house prices will bring systemic financial risks and social risks, and the sharp drop in house prices does not meet the regulatory objectives.Therefore, in the new year, it is expected that house prices will bid farewell to the previous unilateral rising mode, and in the two-way mode, no matter the rise or fall, they will be controlled within a moderate range as much as possible.

I just want you to calm down and look at the beauty | Blade Runner 2049

   Special feature of 1905 film network It’s definitely a movie that blows up the circle of friends. Its popularity is like durian. Those who like to watch it hold it to the altar, but those who don’t like it think it’s extremely boring. It’s better to brush the iron fist brother next door.

    The polarization of evaluation also caused the word-of-mouth explosion of Blade Runner 2049, and the ending of the box office was applauded by professionals and even given."Best Science Fiction Film of 2017"However, the box office has not exceeded 100 million since its release, which is a great shame for an imported film!

Commander Gao’s face can’t save the box office on the street.

     The film was criticized only because of the slow pace, but is it strange that the pace is slow? Isn’t the rhythm of the old version 30 years ago slower than the speed of losing meat when you lose weight? Blade Runner 2049 30 years later can only be regarded as a continuation of the style of the previous generation.

Harrison Ford, who was young in those years

      Although the two works are 30 years apart, they both create an extreme atmosphere of Cyberpunk — — Cold and depressing & a cold sense of science fiction. In particular, this cold and dark tone has made many people say that it is simply too good to sleep. However, Ayi, who made up for blade runner for Blade Runner 2049, watched two movies in succession, and really wondered how those people fell asleep. With such attractive and foreign actresses sitting in the town, sleeping would not exist, OK?


Cyberpunk is a branch of science fiction, mostly for discussion.

The contradiction between the progress of science and technology and human nature.

At present, the recognized keywords of Cyberpunk are:

High-tech, social order collapse, dystopia, cyberspace

Blade runner’s Cyberpunk Wind Scene

      The costumes of the female characters in the film are very sci-fi, and they are so fashionable that you can still see these elements on the shows of major brands, so you don’t understand the director’s profound meaning at all. The director obviously wants you to calm down and have a good look at those beautiful women in Cyberpunk!

     Rachel is the main character running through the two films "Blade Runner". Besides the temperament of melancholy and elegance, the most impressive thing is the silhouette suit she wears in the film. Wide shoulders can shrink the waist visually, and the design of the waist and hip skirt highlights the figure more perfectly.

     At the same time, the exaggerated shoulder silhouette design adds a neutral temperament to it, and indirectly highlights the character Rachel.Stubborn personality. The whole shape is angular, like a moving inverted triangle … but this square design also makes this suit very futuristic — —


The elements of the silhouette look retro, but now it is still regarded as a treasure by Balmain, and the silhouette design can be seen in the big show every year. Although compared with the shape in the movie, it has converged a lot, but it can still be seen that it is intentionally treated at the shoulder, which visually creates the impression of an inverted triangle and makes your waist look thinner by two or three circles — —

Balmain Paris Fashion Week in Spring and Summer of 2018

     This style has also been exported in the new version of Blade Runner 2049. Luv, the replica of "Strive to Be the best" in the film, has a feeling of learning from Rachel in style. Although it is not as exaggerated as Rachel, it can still be seen in the shape of the suit.

     Rachel’s other eye-catching look is this warm-looking Mao Mao coat. Although it is exaggerated, it makes Rachel stand out from the crowd.Highlight her noble and special status.. Although this style is very comfortable to wear, it requires a strict figure and appearance. If you are not foreign-style and not tall, then you may be no different from the garlic girl. …

      Mariette, the new sister in Blade Runner 2049, is also very keen on this Mao Mao element, but she is younger in styling. The coat uses brighter colors and more layers. If Rachel’s Mao Mao coat is an elegant celebrity, Mariette is a rebellious girl with a hot personality & mdash; —

Although "blade runner" was a film in 1982, the Mao Mao element was a hot element in autumn and winter of 2017, and many street shots showed online celebrity bloggers hiding in furry coats. For example, chiara, a space blogger, dressed herself up as pink furry when she participated in Paris Fashion Week in spring and summer of 2018 — —

      I believe that many fat friends are obsessed with Gao Commander’s AI girlfriend Joi after watching the movie. The appearance is considerate and can be changed at any time, and the clothes are still super high! For example, this modern yellow raincoat is definitely the next explosion of a treasure!

     In fact, this is not the first time in the blade runner series that there is a raincoat shape. In the old version, Zhora, the clone, has worn a similar model, but it is just an ordinary transparent basic model, which is not as good as the new version in color and design ~

As a fashion item, raincoat has become more decorative than practical, and it is often used as an ornament of modeling — —

New York Fashion Week Street Shooting in Spring and Summer of 2018

     Sometimes it will appear as an element in the show, and it will cooperate with other fabrics to make the whole set look more futuristic — —

2015 new york Spring and Summer Fashion Week Lisa Perry Brand Show

     It is said that Blade Runner 2049 is completely capable of competing with the old version, and it can definitely be called a landmark science fiction film. However, I have to admit that in terms of clothing modeling, the old version can still be dumped by the new version. After all, Michael Caplan was the designer of the old fashion, and this Michael is also a series of fashion designs.

Michael Caplan

     For example, in the old version, the stunning snake lady Zhora’s perspective dress style is not even a set of clothes, but a lot of sequins are stuck on her body, but it successfully shows.The charm and danger of snake lady— —

     At the Spring/Summer Fashion Week in London in 2014, Julian Macdonald also played with perspective elements. He also clung embroidery and sequins to his body, but he was a lot conservative, at least like a serious dress. ..

     In addition to this, there is a replica of Pris’s tulle punk style. Although wearing soft tulle, black and personalized tailoring make this style full of punk feeling, which also shows the character of Pris.Unrestrained and longing for freedom— —

     The Valentino brand show in the 2016 Paris Spring/Summer Fashion Week also appeared in a black tulle shape, but it was a little more fairy than in the movie. After all, Valentino …


    "Blade Runner 2049" is really not a popcorn chip that entertains the public. There are plenty of things under the appearance of Cyberpunk.Whether humans and technology coexist?The profound discussion is also right.A Philosophical Exploration of Self-cognition. You can’t tie up this film with fast pace and visual stimulation.

     But you can appreciate the girl inside with your beautiful eyes (rubbing hands excitedly).

Bai Yansong: Are soccer and soccer the same sport in China?

On July 19th, Bai Yansong paid attention to the "football road, how should China go?" in CCTV’s "News 1+1" program. Among them, the golden sentence is constant. Some words may sound a little harsh, but we can understand the helplessness of many experienced fans who can only have fun in the midst of years of pursuing love and constant loss. The so-called "love is deep and responsibility is urgent".

Let’s listen to what Yansong said ~

"I don’t want to talk about China football and everyone laughs."

When it comes to football in China, everyone will be happy and tell many jokes. In fact, I don’t want everyone to laugh when talking about China football, but China football has tortured fans for so many years, and I think we have some capital to laugh now. What can we do if we don’t smile?

But we really don’t want to laugh. We really want China football to develop better. But how to develop?

"How can China football develop without a stadium and a good coach?"

There is a survey: What do you think is the most important thing for China football to be strong? I think two figures are too low: 3% people choose.Build more stadiums, and 3% of people choose.Training of grass-roots coachesThis ratio is too low.

Let’s take a look at the goal of China Football Association: to expand the training scale of coaches year by year. By 2020, the total number of certified coaches in China will reach 70,000. Note that it is to strive to achieve it by 2020, which is quite different from the fact that 100 children in Iceland may have a good coach to take care of them.

There are also people who study football in China now, but after graduating in four years, they can’t get a certificate, and then they may be assigned to a school and stop teaching football and become ordinary physical education teachers.

Without a stadium and a good coach, it is almost impossible to make football in China the same sport as football.

"Playing football well has nothing to do with the population."

I often hear people in China say that 1.4 billion people can’t find 11 players. The four most populous countries in the world rank first in China, second in India, third in the United States and fourth in Indonesia. Except for the United States, which often enters the World Cup, the remaining three countries are not good at playing football, so it has nothing to do with the population.

What does that have to do with anything? CCTV 5, the sports channel, made a 20-episode feature film called Football Road before the World Cup. Frankly speaking, after the World Cup, I watched it again, and I saw that my blood was boiling and I often became very quiet. How about football in China? Is China football and football a sport after all, and how can they become the same sport?

"The goal of the national team competition in 2018 has almost not been completed."

Next, let’s look at the goals of the national team. The Chinese Football Association’s Action Plan for 2020 has drawn up three goals for the national team in 2018:

The goal of FIFA U20 World Cup was to strive to participate, but I didn’t go.;

FIFA U17′ s goal was to compete, but it didn’t go.;

The goal of U23 Asian Championship was to enter the top eight, but failed.!

In other words, the goal of the 2018 competition was almost not completed. The goal of the 2019 competition is to enter the top four of the Asian Cup. Can it be completed? Frankly, I’m not optimistic.

"We don’t want to be people who tell jokes about China football."

I really hope that all football players in China can take a good look at the 20 episodes of Football Road on Sports Channel. After reading it, we will all be the beneficiaries. We don’t want to be people who tell jokes about football in China. Frankly speaking, how lively the World Cup is, we are just passers-by, just a group of spectators. Only when China football is really well done and China football and football become the same sport, will we be really happy.

Want to see more suggestions from Bai Yansong about the development of football in China, click to watch the full video ↓↓↓

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Football —— A Young Soccer Player in Daliangshan

In 2021, in order to fully implement the spirit of the State Council and the State Sports General Administration’s sports poverty alleviation project and carry out the "integration of sports and education" in depth, Sichuan Sports Vocational College and Luzhou Education and Sports Bureau reached a cooperation to select athletes of 2011 and 2012 age groups from all over the province to concentrate on learning and training, with the goal of competing in the 16th National Games (2029), and select and reserve outstanding reserve talents. More than a dozen teenagers from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, such as Shebu Yaoba Guimo, Jin Guikun and Lap Molaza, came to Luzhou Tianli Chunyu School after selection and became the reserve force of U18 football team in the 16th National Games of Sichuan Province.
Their Luzhou Tianli Chunyu School provides all-round life, study and training guarantee for young players. The school has a separate class for the team, and the players enjoy the same teaching resources as other students in the school; And according to the configuration of professional football teams, men’s and women’s teams are each equipped with a head coach, two assistant coaches, a goalkeeper coach, a team doctor and two full-time life teachers.
Chen Hua, head coach of the women’s team, said that although the young players from Daliangshan had a weak foundation when they first arrived, they did not admit defeat and trained very hard. After two years of scientific training and accumulated competition experience, these children have greatly improved their psychological quality, tactical skills and teamwork, and have grown into the main force of the team.
In the U12 group match of "Hope Cup" football match held in China Football Association’s Women’s Youth Training Center in April, Sichuan team won two wins, one draw and one loss, and Shebu Yaoku Mo won the title of "excellent player" in the match with Guangdong team. After the game, she wrote in her composition: "I will continue to cheer, join the national team, play well and win glory for my country!" "
From 2021 to 2029, from teenagers to young people, from teenagers from mountains to football players, their future can be expected. Come on, big Liangshan football teenager!
19 young players from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture took photos at the football field of Luzhou Tianli Chunyu School (photo taken on May 12).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Nine young players from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Russian Di Mo You Zuo, Shebu Mo Gua Mo, Hou Jiexin, Ji Lian Mo Li Xue, Lu Xiaoying, Zhao Minglian, Yang Guiyang, Lap Mo Laza and Yang Jianxin (from right to left), took pictures at the football field of Luzhou Tianli Chunyu School (photo taken on May 12).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
At the football field of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou, Shebu Mo Gua Mo (front left) from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture trained with the men’s team (photo taken on March 29).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
In the football field of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou, Lap Molaza from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture is training as a goalkeeper (photo taken on March 29th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Jin Guikun (right) from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture trains with his teammates at the football field of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou (photo taken on March 28).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Yang Kun from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture is training at the football field of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou (photo taken on March 28th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Yang Kun from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture is training at the football field of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou (photo taken on March 29th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
In the classroom of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou, Jin Guikun (middle) from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture raised his hand in class to answer the teacher’s questions (photo taken on March 28).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
In the classroom of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou, Shebu Mo Gua Mo (middle) from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture is listening in class (photo taken on March 28).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
In the classroom of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou, Shebu Mo Gua Mo (second from left) from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture and his classmates took an elective course with mock trial characteristics (photo taken on May 11th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
During the halftime of the U12 group match between Sichuan team and Guangdong team in the "Hope Cup" of the Women’s Youth Training Center of China Football Association held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province, Sichuan team member Xie Bumo (third from right) and his teammates listened to the tactics arranged by head coach Chen Hua (photo taken on April 10).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
During the free time of the U12 group competition of the Women’s Football Youth Training Center of China Football Association held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province, the Sichuan team member Xie Bumo (second from left) and his teammates from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture studied culture under the leadership of the teacher (photo taken on April 10).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
During the free time of the U12 Group Competition of the Women’s Football Youth Training Center of China Football Association held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province, Sichuan team members ran on the road inside the hotel (photo of drone, taken on April 10th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Shebu Mo, a Sichuan player from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, served a sideline ball in the U12 group match between Sichuan and Guangdong in the Women’s Football Youth Training Center of China Football Association held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province (photo taken on April 10).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Shebu Mo (right), a player of Sichuan team from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, struggled for the match between Sichuan team and Guangdong team in the U12 Group of Hope Cup of China Football Association Women’s Youth Training Center held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province (photo taken on April 10).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Chen Hua (middle), the head coach of Sichuan team, gave tactical guidance to the players during the free time of the U12 group competition of the China Football Association Women’s Youth Training Center held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province (photo taken on April 9).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Members of the Sichuan team took a group photo at the stadium after the U12 match between the Sichuan team and the Guangdong team in the "Hope Cup" of the China Football Association Women’s Youth Training Center in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province (photo taken on April 10).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
After the "Hope Cup" U12 competition of China Football Association Women’s Youth Training Center held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province, the Sichuan team coach led the players to play at the seaside (photo taken on April 11th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo

2-3! Cao Meng continued to compete for the championship, and Zhang Linyan was fascinated: one-stop internal cutting+world wave, making 19 goals in the first season

On May 21st, Beijing time, the first leg of the semi-final of the Swiss Women’s Super Playoff started, and Zhang Linyan, a talented woman studying abroad in China, broke out again. With the help of God, this campaign was directly cut in one stop, and she scored a key goal for the Cao Meng women’s football team. However, the Cao Meng women’s football team lost 2-3 to Zurich women’s football team, and it was at a disadvantage to compete for the championship. She needed to win in the second round to have a chance to enter the final.

Cao Meng women’s football team won four consecutive victories before the current round of competition, which strongly impacted the championship trophy, while Zhang Linyan took out the state of winning the championship and losing the hand. She made achievements in four consecutive games, scored three goals and one assist, scored two through-train goals, won the best goal award in a single round and made a wonderful assist. However, the Zurich women’s football team also has an excellent state, and it is also a favorite for the championship, entering the semi-finals with seven consecutive victories.

In this match, the competition between Cao Meng women’s football team and Zurich women’s football team was fierce, and the game was in a stalemate. Zurich women’s football team is slightly superior to Cao Meng women’s football team in both offensive and defensive ends. In the first 68 minutes, Zurich women’s football team leads 2-1; In the 68th minute of the game, Zhang Linyan, who started the game, once again showed her super personal ability. She got a straight ball from her teammates on the right side of the frontcourt, cut the ball directly to get rid of many defenders, and finally shot the world wave with her left foot directly from the arc top of the restricted area, and the ball hung directly in the corner of the top left corner of the goal. Cao Meng women’s football team lost 2-2 Zurich women’s football team, but at the last moment Cao Meng women’s football team lost another goal, and Cao Meng women’s football team finally ended the game 2-3.

The first leg of another semi-final game has also ended. Selvelt defeated St Gallen’s women’s football team 2-1 away and remained unbeaten in the season. This game is 19 wins, 2 draws and 0 losses, which is the biggest favorite to win the championship. Cao Meng women’s football team has 14 wins, 2 draws and 5 losses this season, while Zurich women’s football team has 17 wins, 2 draws and 2 losses. As can be seen from the total score, the stability of Cao Meng women’s football team is not as good as that of Servit and Zurich, so it is difficult to be optimistic about the championship. However, they have Zhang Linyan, the winner of the Swiss women’s super season Golden Globe Award, which greatly enhances their confidence in the championship, and they have the opportunity to complete the counterattack with the star effect in the second round.

Although 22-year-old Zhang Linyan studied abroad in European football for the first time, she made 19 goals in the first season of studying abroad, and her offensive ability was fully recognized. After the regular season, she won the Swiss Women’s Super Official Player of the Season Award, which is a new history for China women’s football players studying abroad. At the same time, she also won the Best 11 Player Award. With such high-light performance, Zhang Linyan needs a championship trophy to end the season. All the last five games have made achievements, and all of them have shown the performance of top stars, which is enough to prove her desire for the championship. There is reason to believe that Zhang Linyan will continue to make achievements in the second round of the semi-final to help the team reverse the promotion.

It is understood that Zhang Linyan’s promotion after studying abroad is very obvious. Her confrontational ability, game rhythm and ball handling ability are all better than in the past, especially her breakthrough ability, which has fulfilled the talent of talented players. Recently, she has made achievements in three consecutive games (including two goalkeepers). According to this growth rate, Zhang Linyan may go further in the new season and challenge the five major leagues.

3,000 runners gather in Zhongxian County, Chongqing! 2023 Three Gorges Juxiang Pastoral Marathon starts.

Video loading … Hualong. com-New Chongqing Client News (Qiu Xiaoya) At 8:00 on April 22, 2023, the Three Gorges Orange Township Pastoral Marathon started in the pastoral complex of the Three Gorges Orange Township in Zhongxian County, Chongqing. 3,000 marathon enthusiasts from all over the country gathered together and set up two projects: half marathon (21.0975 km) and happy run (6 km).

2023 Three Gorges Orange Country Pastoral Marathon started. According to the organizer, the Three Gorges Orange Country Garden Complex is one of the first batch of 18 national-level garden complex pilot projects in China. The Three Gorges Orange Country Garden Marathon Corridor built in the garden complex according to the international marathon track standards provides runners with a high-standard track for running. The contestants set off from the tourist distribution center, crossed the fruitful 10,000-mu orange sea, and passed through the scenic spots such as Daomeng Space, Qinglong Lake and Hehai in Orange Township, accompanied by orange fragrance all the way.

Player Wang Tao won the championship in 1 hour, 10 minutes and 7 seconds. Photo courtesy of the organizer After fierce competition, in the men’s half race, Wang Tao won the championship in 1 hour, 10 minutes and 7 seconds, Wang Mingcheng won the runner-up in 1 hour, 10 minutes and 30 seconds, and Sheng Wang won the third place in 1 hour, 10 minutes and 32 seconds. In the women’s half, Dong Tian won the championship in 1 hour, 23 minutes and 23 seconds, Ye Rui won the second place in 1 hour, 25 minutes and 5 seconds, and Wu Ruixue won the third place in 1 hour, 27 minutes and 2 seconds. It is worth mentioning that the name of the 2023 Yangtze Three Gorges Marathon has been announced, and interested runners can register through Yundong Chongqing’s official micro-signal. The competition will be held in Zhongxian County in December, and runners will once again run in the heart of the Three Gorges Reservoir and enjoy the Yangtze River bonsai. (This article is from the new Chongqing client APP, please download it in major application markets.)

Development trend and future prospect of artificial intelligence technology

With the rapid development of science and technology, artificial intelligence has become one of the hottest topics. Artificial intelligence refers to the technology that simulates human intelligence by computer to realize the ability of independent thinking, learning, judgment and action. In the past few years, artificial intelligence has developed rapidly, made many significant achievements and been widely used in various fields.

The development of artificial intelligence technology has brought many advantages. First of all, it can greatly improve production efficiency and labor utilization rate, and bring more economic and social value to enterprises and society. Secondly, artificial intelligence can provide more accurate data and analysis results to help people better predict and solve problems. In addition, artificial intelligence can also reduce the repetition, complexity and danger in work and improve work efficiency and safety.

However, artificial intelligence also faces some challenges and problems. First of all, the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology may lead to the disappearance of some occupations or the replacement of human skills. Secondly, the development of artificial intelligence may bring some ethical and moral problems, such as privacy protection, data abuse and so on. At the same time, there may be deviations and misjudgments in the algorithms and decisions of artificial intelligence, and it is necessary to strengthen supervision and regulation.

In order to give full play to the advantages of artificial intelligence, we need to take some countermeasures. First of all, we need to strengthen the research and innovation of artificial intelligence technology and accelerate the application and promotion of artificial intelligence technology in various fields. Secondly, we need to strengthen the supervision and regulation of artificial intelligence technology, establish relevant laws and moral standards, and protect human rights and interests. Finally, we need to improve people’s skill level and adaptability through education and training, so as to prepare for future career development.

In a word, artificial intelligence is a promising technology, which brings many conveniences and advantages to human beings. However, we also need to recognize the challenges and problems faced by artificial intelligence technology and take some countermeasures to ensure that the development of artificial intelligence can better serve human needs and interests.

What is the difference between a steam room and a sauna?

I always can’t tell the difference between sweat steaming and sauna, I don’t think there is any difference between the two, so what is the difference between sweat steaming and sauna? Which is better, steam or sauna?
First, the principle is different
Sweat steaming mainly uses the energy field formed by the negative ions, far-infrared rays, and micro-currents released by tourmaline to act on the human body and stimulate the body to generate heat energy; while sauna uses high-temperature water vapor to act on the skin from the outside and conduct heat into the body. .

Second, the temperature is different
The steaming temperature is around 42-45 degrees Celsius, and the scientific steaming time is 40-60 minutes. People will not feel suffocated during the sweating process, and the breathing will be very smooth; the sauna temperature can reach 60-70 degrees Celsius, when the human body can only stay 5-10 minutes, if the time is too long, you will feel chest tightness and shortness of breath.

  1. Perspiration effect
    The sweat discharged by the steaming has no sweat smell, which will make the human skin smooth, which can have the benefits of beauty, body beauty, and disease conditioning. However, it should be noted that it is not suitable to shower within 6 hours after the steaming, as the shower will detract from the health care of the steaming. The sweat is sticky and has a smell of sweat, and it is necessary to take a bath after the sauna to remove the smell of sweat.
  2. Operation method
    Sweat steaming is through physical conditions such as far infrared rays, negative ions, expanding substances and trace elements to expand the pores of the human body in a high temperature manner, discharge toxic substances in the body, and achieve the effect of health care; while the sauna uses steam to make the deep skin heat effect under high temperature conditions. , and then achieve the effect of expelling toxins in the body through the pores that are enlarged under high temperature.