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The Top 10 Best Games to Play on Steam The 30 Most Rated Games on Steam!

  People often ask Steam must-play games, what are the fun PC games on Steam? In order to save everyone’s time, we have removed the three King Kong of "Dota 2", "CS: GO" and "Legion Fortress 2" from the V Club’s perennial list, and then made this inventory with Steam data. Let’s take a look at the recent games with a large number of players.

Inventory of the recent 30 good games with many Steam players! Get out of the game shortage (middle)

Inventory of the recent 30 good games with many Steam players! Get out of the game shortage (Part 2)

  recent visitors: 197,803

  recent peak headcount: 404,780

   historical peak: 3,257,248

Ranger 1

  Game introductionPlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is a first-person shooter game jointly developed by Bluehole and Playerunknown. Players are born on a remote island and then enter a winner-take-all survival competition in which only one person survives. Of course, as in other survival games, players need to collect weapons, vehicles, and supplies in a vast and complex map, and there will also be mechanisms for shrinking safe areas.

  small series experiencePlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is easier to use than its predecessors Arm 3 and H1Z1. It has its own set of procedures: search for equipment – survive – destroy battle, and a simple loop creates endless possibilities. In this game, even if you fail, you will have fun. The optimization, server and plug-in problems in the game still exist, but the flaws are not hidden.

Other game screensWhat is it?

Ranger 2

Ranger 3

To make friends? Xiaomi SU7 suspected price exposure

  [car home Information] On January 30th, some netizens exposed a price of some models suspected (|) in the insurance policy on domestic social platforms, or it was 361,400 yuan. However, Wang Hua, general manager of Xiaomi Group’s public relations department, released Weibo that the price was only used as a test. Lei Jun, the founder chairman of Xiaomi Group, once said: "The overall configuration of Xiaomi SU7 is rich enough, so the cost is very high, like 99,000 yuan, 149,000 yuan or even 199,000 yuan shouted by netizens. I think it’s all a joke, and the pricing of Xiaomi SU7 may indeed be a bit expensive." At the same time, Xiaomi SU7 is expected to be listed in the first half of the year, and now it is undergoing small-scale mass production.

Home of the car

Home of the car

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km four-wheel drive Max version

  Looking back at the appearance, as the first model of a brand-new brand, the appearance design must be impressive. We can see that the front face of Xiaomi SU7 adopts a very sporty design, the headlights adopt a rounded polygon shape, and the interior adopts a light cavity structure similar to a rice shape to enhance the recognition. In addition, there is a real air duct under the headlights to help the brake system dissipate heat, and the lower enclosure and the hood highlight the sense of movement, which is quite sporty.

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km four-wheel drive Max version

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km four-wheel drive Max version

Home of the car

   Coming to the side of the car body, Xiaomi SU7 has a very smooth body line, showing a feeling similar to a coupe. The slip-back tail design and the extended wheel eyebrow design are easy to remind people of the elements of a German sports car brand. In terms of the rear of the vehicle, the new car adopts the popular through taillight design, and the xiaomi logo is above it to enhance the recognition. The upturned duckling tail is beautifully designed, and it will also be equipped with an electric spoiler function. It is worth mentioning that the official timely adjusted and completed the declaration in response to the problem that the font of XIAOMI brand LOGO at the tail of the official map vehicle was too large.

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km four-wheel drive Max version

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km four-wheel drive Max version

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km four-wheel drive Max version

   In terms of car system, Xiaomi 澎湃 OS will be installed in the car system of SU7. Xiaomi SU7 is equipped with Snapdragon 8295 chip, and the Xiaomi tablet can be seamlessly mounted on the car, which is used as the rear expansion screen. Xiaomi SU7 supports five-screen linkage, and its application ecology covers mainstream in-vehicle applications, tablet applications and mobile phone applications, supports CarPlay and airplay, and supports Apple iPad to get on the bus.

   In terms of body size, its length, width and height are 4997/1963 /1440mm and its wheelbase is 3000mm. In terms of power, the maximum power of Xiaomi SU7 dual-motor version is 673 horsepower, the acceleration time from 0 to 100 km/h is 2.78 seconds, and it is equipped with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited ternary lithium battery with a capacity of 101kWh, and the CLTC cruising range is 800km. The single-motor version has a maximum power of 299 HP, an acceleration time of 5.28 seconds from 0 to 100 km/h, and a capacity of 73.6kWh. The CLTC cruising range is 668km. (Some sources: CCTV Finance; Text/car home Zhouyi)

The folding screen mobile phone has been scolded again. Why can’t it be sold well?

Smart phone innovation is weak, and we once regarded folding screen mobile phone as a new breakthrough.

From Samsung’s Galaxy Fold to Huawei’s Mate X, as well as Motorola’s Razr, the folding screen mobile phone has gradually become a topic raised by major mobile phone manufacturers last year, and even revived the clamshell design that has been silent for many years.

▲ Image from: SlashGear

They are as radical as the outside world thinks, using a touch screen that can be folded or unfolded, so that the mobile phone can be turned into a flat plate while taking into account the original size, or the volume can be further reduced by using a folding structure.

However, looking back a year later, these mobile phones, which were claimed to be the future, failed to leave any deep impression on the mass users.

Not only because of the high pricing and low output, the folding screen mobile phone is destined to become a plaything for niche users, but more importantly, people have found many hidden dangers after using the real machine, which also makes the current folding screen mobile phone like a product of trial and error.

Razr released by Motorola at the end of last year also failed to escape the fate of being spit out. This folding screen phone basically retains the design language of Razr V3, such as the classic small chin and flip shape, but it uses a foldable screen inside, which shows a unique retro feeling.

The unique shape has also won a lot of praise from Motorola Razr. Many digital enthusiasts think that it is the best folding screen at present, and the flip shape can further reduce the size of the mobile phone, which is more acceptable to the public than Samsung Huawei’s idea of "turning the mobile phone into a tablet".

▲ Image from: CNET

Nevertheless, after the aircraft was put on the market, some foreign scientific and technological media gave mixed comments on it.

Among them, the author of Android Central said that although Razr has an amazing design, there is a certain compromise in durability and configuration. For example, after several days of use, the hinge of the machine will make a harsh "squeaking" sound every time it is opened and closed, which sounds very uncomfortable.

In addition, due to its small size, Razr’s experience in battery life and taking photos has not reached the flagship level. Considering its price of $1,500, people should ask for more, but it is obviously untenable to rely on a foldable screen.

▲ Under CNET’s turnover machine, Razr only persisted for more than 20,000 times before it broke down.

In addition, CNET used a self-made machine to flip Razr. As a result, after 27,000 consecutive flips, Razr had a hinge failure and could not close the screen normally. If it is calculated according to the average frequency of users unlocking their mobile phones every day, then a Razr mobile phone will be "broken" in just one year.

In fact, CNET used the same tool to test the Samsung Galaxy Fold before, and the machine insisted on 120,000 consecutive folds.

▲ Motorola’s official testing methods are obviously more moderate.

However, Motorola officials do not agree with this result. They said that CNET’s testing method can’t restore the situation of daily use well, but will further accelerate the wear and tear of parts.

Later, Motorola also released a video showing the correct testing methods, hoping to prove that the machine did not "lie" in its service life.

▲ There are many Motorola Razr that have been "played badly" in offline stores abroad.

The worst is yet to come. With the official listing of Razr, many damaged Razr display machines have appeared in major offline stores abroad. For example, Max Weinbach, the author of XDA website, saw a prototype whose screen was stripped off, which was obviously caused by human factors, but it also proved the fragility of the folding screen mobile phone from the side.

Some people also found green stripes on the store trial machine, or encountered the situation that the half screen continued to flicker, which was very similar to the problems encountered by the first batch of Samsung Galaxy Fold. The high probability was the failure of the display screen caused by frequent folding.

In any case, in this new product of Motorola, we still don’t see the possibility of mass production of folding screen mobile phones, but it will further dispel users’ desire to buy.

From the design point of view, there have been several forms of folding screen mobile phones, but at present there is no solution that can completely solve all the hidden dangers.

One is the durability problem, which is also the biggest obstacle for folding screen mobile phones to enter the mainstream market. Although several manufacturers claim that their products can withstand 100,000-200,000 times of opening and closing, screen folding is only one of the scenes in actual use, and people have to consider many factors such as falling resistance, scratch resistance, dustproof and waterproof.

▲ The difference between eversion and eversion structures also leads to different design choices.

The structural differences between eversion and eversion will also lead to different design choices. For example, Samsung Galaxy Fold uses two screens inside and outside, which can really protect the inner screen better. Although Huawei Mate X’s eversion design can balance the thickness and size, the screen is exposed all the year round, and it is difficult to avoid scratches.

On the other hand, because the folding screen mobile phone often adopts the structure of left and right or up and down, it also means that it is difficult to reuse the existing component layout of traditional mobile phones.

▲ Dual battery layout in Samsung Galaxy Fold fuselage

For example, at present, Samsung, Huawei and Motorola basically choose the "double battery power supply" scheme for folding screens. In fact, one battery is placed in the left and right or upper and lower parts of the folding screen mobile phone.

Due to the large size of Samsung and Huawei, the actual battery capacity of both exceeds 4000 mAh, while the small size design like Motorola can only guarantee 2500 mAh battery, and the battery life will naturally decline.

▲ Motorola Razr uses two dynamic brackets at the rotating shaft.

Hinge is also a technology that folding screen mobile phones have to ignore. When the screen is frequently folded and squeezed, it is not only the screen that is lost, but also the life of the mechanical hinge.

At present, Samsung and Huawei have adopted different hinge schemes for folding screen mobile phones, and the gap after folding can be controlled in a small range, but the disadvantage is that users have to use both hands to unfold the mobile phone into a flat state.

At this point, the design of Motorola Razr’s upper and lower flip covers is more humanized. With the help of the hollowed-out part left by the dynamic bracket, Razr solves the crease problem caused by the folding screen under large curvature, and the compact size also allows the user to open/close the flip cover with only one hand.

However, the new design also brings new problems. Because of the hollowing out, Razr’s screen is not closely attached to the mobile phone. The BBC showed a detail in the hands-on video, saying that users can easily lift the screen layer of Razr with only one nail hook. At this time, the internal components are completely open to the outside world, which will undoubtedly become the "hardest hit" for all kinds of dust and debris.

One of the reasons why mass consumers are not interested in folding screen mobile phones is the price. Judging from several folding screen mobile phones currently on sale, their official pricing has exceeded 10,000 yuan, which is much more expensive than many mobile phones with the same flagship positioning.

Considering the low yield of folding screen mobile phones and the need to redesign related components, it is understandable to set the price higher. However, if this is just a screen, it is obviously more harmful than good to sacrifice the original experience such as durability and thickness.

This is also why only a few manufacturers have decided to mass-produce folding screen mobile phones, while some other brands have also shown prototypes, but they have no plans to mass-produce them.

For example, Xiaomi’s MIX Alpha, although this product does not have a "folding" part, but it uses a large bending screen structure, it also needs to use similar technologies as folding screens.

In the original plan, Xiaomi MIX Alpha should have had a small-scale mass production at the end of December last year, but now there is no following. Until today, this mobile phone can only be packaged in the glass cabinet of Xiaomi House, and perhaps even Xiaomi himself is not at ease to hand over such a concept device to consumers.

Walking into 2020, the folding screen mobile phone is about to usher in its first iteration.

The fastest progress should still be Samsung. At today’s Oscar film awards ceremony, Samsung has announced a new generation of folding screen mobile phone Galaxy Z Filp in advance through TV advertisements.

Different from last year’s Fold, this time Samsung chose a clamshell design similar to Motorola Razr, which should get a better experience in a thinner volume.

At the same time, there are some rumors about the upgraded version of Huawei Mate X. It is reported that the aircraft will be equipped with a new Kirin 990 chip, but it will continue the everted structure.

Earlier, Gao Dongzhen, president of Samsung Mobile, also revealed in an interview with the media that the sales volume of Samsung Galaxy Fold should be around 400,000-500,000 units, while Huawei Mate X, which is only sold in China, shipped around 100,000 units in the first month after its launch.

There is no doubt that in the face of current pricing and product maturity, Samsung and Huawei will obviously not hold the sales target of millions of orders to produce folding screen mobile phones. At least until the hidden problems mentioned above are solved, the traditional flat mobile phone will still occupy the main position.

This is the same as the curved screen mobile phone of that year. If the folding screen mobile phone wants to become a new star product, it still needs to wait for the gradual iteration of screen and hinge technology and the cost reduction of the upstream supply chain when it develops to a more mature stage.

A similar development path can refer to Samsung’s curved screen technology. Although as early as 2013, Samsung has released the first mobile phone Galaxy Round with curved screen design, at this time, Samsung’s flagship is still a flat screen mobile phone.

It was not until the Galaxy S8 series in 2017 that Samsung really let the flat screen completely withdraw from the flagship camp and fully applied the dual curved surface screen to its flagship machine. In the past two years, with the decline of cost, Samsung is not the only mobile phone with curved screen design.

However, what is certain is that the folding screen will definitely not become a short-lived design like the lifting camera. After all, technology suppliers such as Samsung obviously value not only the category of smart phones, but the folding screen technology itself.

As the carrier of information, people are still obsessed with making the screen as thin as paper, and it can be rolled up and taken away like files and newspapers, which makes "folding" an inevitable stage in the development of screen technology.

Therefore, even if the folding screen mobile phone cannot become a decent business, the research and development related to folding screen will continue to progress.

As long as the material and structure constraints can be solved, the future display screen will not only appear on electronic products, but also be further extended to the surfaces of various objects, which is suitable for more equipment and scenes.

Title map source: Bloomberg

Give full play to the supporting role of new generation digital technologies such as 5G, data center and artificial intelligence, and inject strong power into new infrastructure (innovative password o

The picture shows workers of China Telecom Lu ‘an Branch installing and debugging 5G base station equipment. Xinhua news agency

  Recently, new infrastructure has attracted much attention from all walks of life. What is the specific connotation of new infrastructure and where is new? How to build and make good use of new infrastructure? This edition has published two reports on "Innovative Passwords of New Infrastructure", so please pay attention.

  — — Editor

  At present, the central government has made important arrangements to speed up the construction of new infrastructure, and many investment and construction plans have been launched, and the technology industry, especially digital technology companies, have participated in new infrastructure.

  Why is the new infrastructure receiving so much attention? Why did you choose to press the "fast forward key" at this time? The reporter interviewed a number of relevant experts.

  Where is the new infrastructure?

  The new infrastructure mainly refers to the new infrastructure represented by 5G, data center, artificial intelligence, industrial Internet and Internet of Things, which is essentially the infrastructure of information digitization.

  Not long ago, the The Politburo Standing Committee (PSC) Conference emphasized "speeding up the construction of new infrastructure such as 5G networks and data centers". Previously, the National Development and Reform Commission made clear the scope of new infrastructure for the first time, and will jointly study and issue relevant guiding opinions to promote the development of new infrastructure, and press the "fast forward button" for the construction of new infrastructure.

  What is new infrastructure? What are the differences between it and traditional infrastructure?

  Infrastructure is the foundation of economic and social activities, which has the basic characteristics of foundation, forerunner and publicity, and is very important to the development of national economy.

  "Traditional infrastructure construction mainly refers to ‘ Tiegongji ’ , including railways, highways, airports, ports, water conservancy facilities and other construction projects, plays an important fundamental role in the process of China’s economic development. The new infrastructure mainly refers to the new infrastructure represented by 5G, data center, artificial intelligence, industrial Internet and Internet of Things, which is essentially the infrastructure of information digitization. " Pan Jiaofeng, dean of the Science and Technology Strategy Consulting Institute of China Academy of Sciences, said.

  Traditional infrastructure has solved the connection between things and people, and the construction of roads and airports has brought prosperous business to the region. The new digital infrastructure solves the connection, interaction and processing of data. New technologies such as 5G, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and quantum computing, as the infrastructure of digital industrialization and industrial digitalization, will bring more space for industrial upgrading and promote the formation of new products and services, new production systems and new business models.

  Railways and expressways are the infrastructure in the industrial age, and in the information age, more infrastructure capabilities such as computing power and algorithms with data as the key element are reflected. Su Meng, Chairman and CEO of Beijing Percentage Information Technology Co., Ltd. described that, in terms of factors, if the data element is "oil" and the new infrastructure is "oil wells and oil pipelines", then data intelligence is "refining technology and equipment"; Data intelligence processes resources into usable and high-value products and services.

  Gao Hongwei, chairman of China Aerospace Science and Industry Group Co., Ltd., said that China’s infrastructure construction has gone through three stages: the first stage aims at establishing the production system and production capacity of energy and industrial products, and the second stage aims at improving "circulation capacity building" and "urbanization construction". At present, in the third stage, the main goal is to provide the infrastructure system of industrial governance, information governance, ecological governance and security governance services, including the information governance infrastructure.

  Liu Song, vice president of Alibaba, believes that the new infrastructure is an innovation in infrastructure, which can promote the creation of new services and new formats. It can change the basic mode of scientific research, R&D design and supply chain collaboration. For example, establishing a new value network based on data creation in the production process can transmit consumer demand to the production side in real time. This digital infrastructure can greatly improve the economic efficiency of all factors.

  Liu Song said that the next 10 years will be the "installation period" of new infrastructure. At present, based on the new generation of digital technologies such as 5G, data center, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and Internet of Things, various digital platforms including shopping, travel, entertainment, government affairs, and intelligent manufacturing have been formed. These platforms are also the infrastructure for digital industrialization and industrial digitalization. In addition, the traditional infrastructure, such as "TieGong Ji", has been digitally transformed to form a converged infrastructure. With the addition of technologies such as 3D printing, intelligent robots, AR glasses and autonomous driving, the new infrastructure will be a brand-new technical prospect.

  What’s the use of new infrastructure

  Advanced intelligent technology is deeply integrated with industry, and new infrastructure will accelerate the intelligent transformation of traditional industries such as finance, manufacturing and energy.

  Use big data technology to build an epidemic spread model, and quickly evaluate and predict the source of infection, spread speed, spread path and spread risk of the virus; Artificial intelligence remote consultation, auxiliary diagnosis and image analysis can effectively reduce the risk of close contact infection of medical staff and greatly improve the diagnostic efficiency; Many enterprises open their computing power free of charge, support viral gene sequencing, new drug research and development, and help scientific research institutions shorten the research and development cycle … …

  In the prevention and control of epidemic situation and the resumption of production in COVID-19, behind the new things and formats such as health code, online courses and smart retail, the new generation of information technologies such as 5G, big data, artificial intelligence and supercomputing are put into use, which shows the powerful supporting role of new infrastructure.

  The new infrastructure will deeply integrate advanced intelligent technology with industry, which will accelerate the intelligent transformation of traditional industries such as finance, manufacturing and energy.

  In the energy industry, the wind field of wind power generation is mostly distributed in remote areas, and the team of engineers is resident in R&D centers in different places, so it is difficult to carry out on-site operation and maintenance of wind turbine equipment. Due to the complex internal structure of large-scale wind power equipment, local managers of wind farms often can’t predict faults and maintenance well, resulting in high equipment maintenance costs and difficult to reduce operating costs. "Industrial Internet combined with cloud computing and Internet of Things technology can help solve such problems and reduce operation and maintenance costs." Qiao Jian, vice president of Lenovo Group, said.

  In the aerospace field, the industrial Internet also plays an important role in boosting digital transformation. China Aerospace Science and Industry Group Co., Ltd., an aerospace electrical company located in Guizhou, has realized the whole process, automation and intelligence from marketing signing to development and production scheduling, from supply chain and manufacturing to settlement and after-sales, and solved the problem of agile response to market diversity. "At present, the company has hundreds of thousands of orders a year, and can handle up to 2,000 orders a day, which can meet the needs of single-piece and small-batch production of various personalized products and achieve simultaneous improvement in efficiency, quality and efficiency." Gao Hongwei said.

  The new infrastructure can also promote the upgrading and development of basic industries, especially the information technology industry, which not only drives the industry itself to expand its scale, but also promotes the development and growth of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain.

  Taking 5G as an example, the construction of 5G network not only involves a large number of infrastructure investments such as factories, base stations and power supply, but also drives the transformation and upgrading of various industries such as factory renovation, construction and operation, system upgrade and technical training. According to the forecast of China Xintong Institute, by 2025, the accumulated investment in 5G network construction will reach 1.2 trillion yuan, which will drive the related investment to exceed 3.5 trillion yuan.

  Some experts pointed out that the new infrastructure will also promote the deepening of basic research, promote more achievements in the fields of cloud computing, artificial intelligence algorithms and chips, and help to fill the shortcomings in the field of science and technology.

  Why did you press the "fast forward key" at this time?

  It is not only an objective need to cope with the downward pressure on the economy, but also a strategic choice made on the basis of profound insight and grasp of the general trend of world science and technology and industrial changes.

  In recent years, China has been striving to seize the opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution, vigorously develop the digital economy, and promote industrial optimization and upgrading. The planning and layout of the new infrastructure has already begun. Why do you choose to press the "fast forward button" at this time?

  Experts said that this decision is not only an objective need to cope with the downward pressure on the economy, but also a strategic choice made on the basis of profound insight and grasp of the general trend of world science and technology and industrial changes.

  Mars, a first-class inspector of the Information Technology Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, believes that in the face of the challenges of increasing downward pressure on the economy, declining marginal benefits of traditional infrastructure investment and declining industrial penetration, promoting the construction of new digital infrastructure is an effective way to hedge the impact of the epidemic, optimize the investment structure and stimulate economic growth in China.

  Creating new kinetic energy for economic development is inseparable from the strong support of informationization, digitalization and intelligence. Ma Yuan, founder and CEO of Pengsi Technology, believes that the concentrated outbreak of online demand during the epidemic shows the potential of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, big data and cloud computing to drive the overall social and economic development, and objectively opens the window of new infrastructure.

  Pan Jiaofeng analyzed that as China’s economy shifts from a high-speed growth stage to a high-quality development, the maladjustment of the original infrastructure system becomes more prominent, and based on the new era and new mission, the infrastructure system must be strategically adjusted.

  Accelerating the promotion of new infrastructure, the value is not only immediate. 5G, data center, industrial Internet and other fields are advanced. Investing in new infrastructure is actually investing in the future and providing long-term services. Yang Yuanqing, Chairman and CEO of Lenovo Group, believes that the new infrastructure is a wave of infrastructure construction around the new hard core of economy, science and technology, which injects powerful "digital power" into China’s economic transformation and upgrading, and stores energy for high-quality development.

  "In the long run, the new infrastructure is a strategic, pilot and overall project with a strong foundation and long-term benefits. We must focus on the long-term and not be divorced from the national conditions, and we must do what we can." Wan Jinbo, a researcher at the Science and Technology Strategy Consulting Institute of China Academy of Sciences, said.

  Gao Hongwei said that the enterprises participating in the new infrastructure should also have the ability, determination and patience, do things with professional counterparts, take a long-term view, and ensure the speed and quality of the new infrastructure. (Reporter Wu Yuehui Gu Yekai Yu Jianbin)

Reveal the details of Fan Debiao’s 48 million contract! The new season will not continue to be assisted by the transaction.

On September 18th, Beijing time, the details of Vanderbilt’s four-year $48 million contract were exposed, with a starting salary of $10.71 million and a player option of $13.29 million in the last year. The Lakers could not trade him in the new season. In the next few years, Fan Debiao will continue to assist James and Thick Eyebrows in winning the championship.

Previously, the Lakers and Vanderbilt reached a four-year and $48 million early renewal contract. Recently, the salary website Spotrac disclosed the details of Vanderbilt’s new contract.

$10.71 million in the 2024-25 season; $11.57 million in 25-26 season; 12.43 million dollars in 26-27 season; $13.29 million in 27-28 season (player option).

The annual salary of Fan Debiao’s four-year new contract is increasing year by year, and he has the player option in the last year; In addition, Fan Debiao will have a six-month trading freeze period, which will make him unable to be traded in the new season (February next year is the trading deadline).

Fan Debiao, 24, joined the Lakers before the 22-23 season trade deadline, played 26 regular season games for the Lakers, averaging 7.2 points, 6.7 rebounds, 1.6 assists and 1.2 steals, helping the Lakers to make a strong counterattack to the playoffs and all the way to the Western Conference.

Although Fan Debiao missed the opportunity to renew the four-year $71 million maximum salary contract, he renewed the four-year $48 million contract ahead of schedule, which is the biggest contract renewal he has ever obtained in his career. Next, Fan Debiao can play for the Lakers with peace of mind, and continue to assist James and Thick Eyebrows in winning the championship.

Busquets: I really want to fight with Messi again, but my future has nothing to do with him.

Live on May 21st, despite losing to Real Society at home, Barcelona, which has locked in the league title, can still celebrate the championship in Camp Nou, and busquets won the championship as the captain. Before leaving Barcelona, he was able to celebrate the hard-won league title with the fans. In an interview with the media, busquets talked about winning the championship, Messi and other topics.

About the feeling of winning the championship

We haven’t won the championship for a long time. Being able to share the championship with the fans will make you happier when you leave, and it will also make you feel more wonderful. After years of hard times, you will be proud to be able to experience all this and win the championship again. This is a mixed feeling, but also a very happy farewell. I am honored to win many championships in a big family like Barcelona. It is very important to experience all this and feel recognized when I leave and win the championship again.

Regarding whether it is possible to withdraw the decision to leave the team

I’m not like Alemanni … This is the law of football, everything is the beginning and the end. No matter where I am, I will support Barcelona from now on, and the team has another fan. I think we can start a successful era, because we have formed a United team that can compete with any opponent.

About your decision about your future.

I haven’t made a decision yet. Although there are many choices, nothing has been decided yet. I won’t make a decision until the end of the season, because from now on I will enjoy my farewell.

Is your future related to Messi?

Everyone must make his own decision, and everyone has his own life, family and wishes. Of course, I really want to fight with Messi again, but my future has nothing to do with Messi.

About your career.

Perhaps in terms of individual awards, my career has not been recognized enough, but I am not pursuing such things. I feel that I am valued by my teammates and opponents, which is very important. I never want to be the center of attention, even though I have to be for so many years.

ChatGPT will have self-awareness in two or three years. How to prevent it from threatening human beings? Zhou Hongyi said so.

"The development of ChatGPT is not a matter of competition among several Internet companies, but determines whether China can accumulate this technology in the next industrial revolution." Zhou Hongyi, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and founder of 360 Group, told the Times Weekly reporter.

Zhou Hongyi has been elected as a member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Committee for two consecutive years, and "safety" has always been the key word of his proposal. Recently, the great breakthrough of ChatGPT has caused extensive discussion. Zhou Hongyi has talked openly about the development prospect of ChatGPT more than once, and also expressed his concern about the safety of artificial intelligence.

In Zhou Hongyi’s view, ChatGPT or Big Language Model is a milestone in the development of artificial intelligence. It is the starting point of general artificial intelligence and the turning point of strong artificial intelligence, so ChatGPT will bring an industrial revolution driven by strong artificial intelligence or general artificial intelligence.

ChatGPT is not only an enhanced version of search engine, but also more than a chat robot. It will reshape all digital applications and industries through the artificial intelligence services provided by SaaS. Zhou Hongyi said, "In this field, we can catch up."

At the National People’s Congress this year, Zhou Hongyi submitted a proposal, calling on China to catch up with the great leap of artificial intelligence big model technology represented by ChatGPT. People should pay more attention to the innovation mode behind technological breakthrough while paying attention to technological innovation.

Zhou Hongyi, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and founder of 360 Group.

Promote the innovation and development of artificial intelligence big model technology

ChatGPT has caused a global heated discussion. This year, Zhou Hongyi proposed a large-scale artificial intelligence model technology represented by ChatGPT.

"We must find the law of industrial development in the research process." Zhou Hongyi said, for example, why is ChatGPT successful in the United States? Why did Americans take the lead in making it? Why can OpenAI and Microsoft cooperate? "Understanding these problems can promote relevant departments to formulate policy guidance conducive to the birth of China version of ChatGPT and promote the integration of universities, scientific research institutions and industrial companies in China." Zhou Hongyi said.

"We can’t just see how high its big model parameters are." Zhou Hongyi emphasized that the most important thing is to maintain a good and open culture of cooperation. In his proposal, Zhou Hongyi summed up three key factors for the success of ChatGPT-firstly, the "Microsoft +OpenAI" collaborative mode of production, research and research, secondly, the open innovation mode based on open source and crowdsourcing, and finally, the ecological innovation mode centered on the general big model.

Source: the creativity of the worm

Zhou Hongyi suggested that it is necessary to establish a collaborative innovation model of "large-scale scientific and technological enterprises+key scientific research institutions", build China’s "Microsoft +Open AI" combination, and lead the big model technology research; From the height of building a national strategic scientific and technological force, we should screen production and research institutions with good technical foundation, form an industrial synergy combination with complementary advantages, and give full play to the research advantages of scientific research institutions in key core technologies; At the same time, we will give full play to the advantages of large-scale scientific and technological enterprises in productization, engineering, scene, commercialization and data, and become the leading leader in tackling key problems and application of large-scale model technology.

He also proposed to support the establishment of a number of long-term open source projects of national artificial intelligence models to create an open and innovative ecosystem of open source crowdsourcing. Zhou Hongyi believes that the artificial intelligence big model should not be an advanced technology monopolized by a few companies, but should give full play to its industrial and social value.

Focusing on how to promote the technological innovation and development of artificial intelligence big model, Zhou Hongyi proposed to set up a number of national long-term projects in an open source mode for multiple technical routes, with "large-scale scientific and technological enterprises+key scientific research institutions" as the leader, and guide universities, scientific research institutions and innovative enterprises to form innovative ecological groups of multiple technical routes through open source, cooperation, crowdsourcing and ecological innovation modes. On the one hand, it can reduce the risk caused by the wrong choice of technical route, on the other hand, it can also avoid the monopoly of technological achievements in the hands of a few institutions and promote greater scientific and technological innovation and industrial development.

Not developing is the biggest insecurity.

ChatGPT drives a wave of entrepreneurial craze. Wang Huiwen, the co-founder of Meituan, Zhou Bowen, the former chairman of JD.COM Technical Committee, and Wang Xiaochuan, the former Sogou CEO, successively announced their retirement and entered this frontier field.

Technology giants have returned to the rivers and lakes, and Internet giants such as Ali, Tencent, Baidu and Byte have made statements one after another, which will increase investment in artificial intelligence. Under the craze, it is only a matter of time before China version of artificial intelligence language model and ChatGPT-like products appear.

OpenAI took the lead in developing ChatGPT. What did it do right?

Zhou Hongyi believes that OpenAI uses a large number of open source algorithms and papers, skillfully combines various open source achievements, and cooperates with Microsoft to solve the problems of engineering, computing power, data, product experience and business model. Secondly, like Apple’s App Store ecosystem, OpenAI cultivates vertical applications based on ChatGPT. In addition, user traffic is also very important, attracting users to use it, and at the same time, it can also feed and debug large language models based on manual tagging reinforcement learning. Finally, OpenAI has a long-term spirit and a pattern to make universal artificial intelligence innovations that change human beings.

In Zhou Hongyi’s view, China Internet companies have strong engineering ability and strong technology landing ability. "Now, ChatGPT has made a sample, based on open source technology, and there are no insurmountable obstacles. The rest is a matter of time." Zhou Hongyi firmly believes that "with the support of the state’s encouraging policies, China can achieve a better level of follow-up in two or three years."

The big model of artificial intelligence language has a high entry threshold, which is mainly reflected in both technology and capital.

Citic jiantou research report pointed out that the evolution of Transformer in network structure has brought about the improvement of parameters and model layers, which has caused the qualitative change of generative AI technical ability; At the same time, the advantage of parallelization allows it to train on a larger data set, which also promotes the development of pre-training models such as GPT.

As for why ChatGPT can answer questions, Zhou Hongyi told Times Weekly that the training materials for ChatGPT are very important. He pointed out that people mistakenly thought that since robots are chatting with people, they should learn chat materials. In fact, the chat materials generated by social tools have low knowledge content.

"When we chat, no one is talking about knowledge, but they are all lifting each other’s poles. There are many wisecracks and nonsense words." He explained that the chat robot trained in this way is more than "artificial mental retardation" or "artificial leverage", and the dialogue is illogical.

ChatGPT avoids this kind of corpus, just as a person is not necessarily good at expressing, but he is full of poetry and books, expressing elegance and logic, and everyone is willing to chat with such people. Zhou Hongyi emphasized that it is very important to feed ChatGPT with high-quality corpus.

Tuchong creativity

Artificial intelligence technology promotes social progress and also hides risks.

Zhou Hongyi is worried that if ChatGPT is allowed to input corpus without limitation, and get knowledge of searching and browsing the Internet at will, will the self-conscious GPT have the idea of being hostile to human beings after watching movies like Terminator?

After consciousness, ChatGPT may evolve into "eyes", "ears", "hands" and "feet" in the second step. At present, GPT has only "brain". If you add "eyes" and "ears", you can understand all kinds of images and videos of human beings and understand all kinds of audio, knowledge storage will advance by leaps and bounds, and the level of intelligence will also be greatly improved.

In the future, when ChatGPT accesses the API of the Internet and enters the era of the Internet of Everything, it is undoubtedly equivalent to having "hands" and "feet" and indirectly having the ability to control the world. By then, ChatGPT can not only buy air tickets on the webpage, but also take taxis, order takeout, and even manipulate various IoT devices through the webpage.

Finally, ChatGPT may be able to evolve itself. At present, ChatGPT can only write some simple codes. One day, when its code ability is improved, can it automatically look up its own code, correct the upgraded code, or even recompile a new version? If so, it will have the ability of self-learning and evolution, and realize the prospect of robot manufacturing robots.

Zhou Hongyi insists that the biggest insecurity is not developing artificial intelligence. "Whether humans will therefore go into destruction remains to be seen. However, we can’t stop developing technology, but know where the bottom line and boundary of technology are, so as to regulate the development of technology in the right direction. " Zhou Hongyi said.

Data-Driven Operation | Future Development Direction of Smart Building System

Smart building refers to upgrading traditional buildings to intelligent buildings through Internet of Things technology, so as to realize more efficient and intelligent management and operation. Through the connection and cooperation of various sensors, equipment and systems, smart buildings can realize real-time monitoring, analysis and control of all aspects of buildings, thus improving energy utilization efficiency, optimizing space utilization and safety management, and bringing people a more comfortable and intelligent living and working environment.

(Firehawk Technology Intelligent Building System Development smart.figo.cn)

First, the characteristics of smart buildings

Smart buildings use the Internet of Things technology to connect all devices with the system to realize intelligent management and control. Through big data analysis and artificial intelligence algorithm, the automatic monitoring and management of facilities and energy in buildings are realized. In addition, the smart building also has a visual monitoring system and intelligent maintenance management, which can know the usage and maintenance status of the building in real time and improve the overall management efficiency and safety of the building.

(Firehawk Technology Intelligent Building System Development smart.figo.cn)

Second, the advantages of smart buildings

Smart buildings can improve the operation efficiency and energy utilization rate of buildings and reduce the operation cost and energy consumption through automatic and intelligent management. At the same time, smart buildings can also improve the comfort and health of living and working environment, and provide better use experience and services for residents and enterprises. In addition, smart buildings can also realize the integration and sharing of building information, which is convenient for different departments and users in the building to work together and communicate.

(Firehawk Technology Intelligent Building System Development smart.figo.cn)

Third, the application scenarios of smart buildings

Smart buildings can be widely used in office buildings, residential buildings, commercial complexes and other buildings. In the office building, the smart building can realize the automatic adjustment and management of the office environment, and improve the work efficiency and comfort of employees. In residential buildings, smart buildings can realize intelligent control and management of family living environment and improve the quality of life and safety of residents. In the commercial complex, smart buildings can realize the intelligent management and operation of commercial facilities and services, and improve the efficiency of commercial operations and user experience.

(Firehawk Technology Intelligent Building System Development smart.figo.cn)

Firehawk Technology Smart Building System takes the life cycle data of buildings as the core, and integrates new ICT technologies such as Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and big data based on the three-dimensional technology of digital twins to build a new generation of smart buildings with high technology, efficiency, safety, green and health, so as to enhance the image of the park’s external services and reduce costs and increase efficiency in its internal operations.