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Peng Yuyan and Lin Chaoxian continue to lead the way, confirming their role in the new film "Emergency Rescue"

1905 movie network news Lin Chaoxian’s film has broken through the 3.60 billion box office in mainland China, while the Hong Kong box office has broken through 9 million Hong Kong dollars. Director Lin Chaoxian thanked for tickets at Langham Place in Mong Kok yesterday and officially revealed that the new work (tentative name) will be starring Peng Yuyan, who has worked with him. During the release of "Operation Mekong", there was a frenzy of movie viewing, and the anti-drug theme resonated with the audience, and the box office reputation was double. As a Hong Kong and Taiwan student who is good at the image of a tough guy, Peng Yuyan has always been the favorite object of various directors. It is no wonder that Lin Chaoxian wanted to star in a new film after the bumper harvest of "Red Sea".

Lin Chaoxian revealed at the Hong Kong Film and Television Expo that a new film about rescue operations at sea is now being prepared, that is, "Emergency Rescue" (tentative name). Yesterday, when thanking for the votes, it was officially revealed that the actor will be played by Peng Yuyan. Lin Chaoxian said: "I just went to Malaysia to see the scenery, and then I will go to Belgium, Malta and Mexico. The filming will start at the end of the year at the soonest. Since this time I will use a foreign production team and photographer Bao Dexi, the cost will be very expensive, and it is expected to be 500 million yuan." He revealed that the actor has to undergo diving training in advance: "To practice holding his breath, at least for two minutes, Peng Yuyan’s heart (chest) is so big, his lungs are very big!" In his words, he revealed his appreciation for Peng Yuyan.

Lin Chaoxian once stated that he wanted to make an action trilogy. "Operation Mekong" and "Operation Red Sea" received a good response. Many people speculated that his new drama would make "Action" again, but he said he would make "Emergency Rescue". However, Director Lin’s reputation has already established. Will you look forward to Peng Yuyan’s second cooperation with him?

Constantly turn people’s yearning for a better life into reality

  Chinese path to modernization, people’s livelihood is great.

  The Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made it clear that it is necessary to deepen the reform of the social system by focusing on better ensuring and improving people’s livelihood, promoting social fairness and justice, and realizing more and fairer development benefits for all people.

  In recent years, Yunnan Province has focused on the most immediate and realistic interests of the people, accelerated the reform of social undertakings, and focused on safeguarding the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people. It has innovated social governance. Reforms in the fields of "one old and one young", employment, social security, and grass-roots governance have yielded fruitful results, calling "there is a life called Yunnan".

  Focusing on the needs of the people

  The achievements of reform and development are palpable

  In Chuxiong City Liziyuan Community Home Elderly Care Service Center and Happiness Canteen, the elderly take their blood pressure, press their shoulders and necks, and then eat a cheap and rich lunch, and their days are leisurely and comfortable. Zhenxiong County Longjing Village Children’s Home escorts the healthy growth of more than 1,400 children in the village, and organizes activities such as singing and dancing, painting, crafts, reading, and games to enter the village groups from time to time, so that children’s childhood is full of joy and laughter.

  "One old and one young" has affected millions of families. In recent years, Yunnan Province has continued to promote elderly care services and child welfare through reform and achieved new results.

  Adhere to the cause and industry, and improve the quality of elderly care services. The construction of elderly care institutions and senior-friendly transformation have been rapidly rolled out. The "Three Societies Linkage" provides home visits and assistance services for the elderly living alone, empty nests, left-behind and other special families. It has established a sojourn and elderly care alliance with 13 provinces, autonomous regions and cities to attract social capital to invest 4.368 billion yuan in elderly care services in Yunnan Province.

  Adhere to the maximization of children’s interests and improve the level of care. The integrated development of "nursing, governance, teaching, health and social work" in child welfare institutions 334,000 more than left-behind children’s information entered into the information system, and implemented 5 special projects such as "guardianship and quality improvement", "precision assistance" and "safety protection". Children’s directors and children’s supervisors achieved full coverage.

  With the achievements of reform and development, the bottom line of people’s livelihood is firmly established, regardless of region, gender, age, or occupation. The people have truly felt the new changes brought about by the reform.

  Social assistance has created a new model of "material plus service". On the basis of material assistance such as money and goods, through the introduction of social participation, services are provided in the fields of care and nursing, rehabilitation training, medical care, social integration, and psychological counseling to meet the personalized and diverse needs of the disadvantaged.

  The medical insurance and assistance system for major diseases has been continuously improved, and the participation rate of basic medical insurance has continued to stabilize at more than 95%; create a "medical insurance service circle at the door", so that 45.62 million insured people in the province can enjoy standard, convenient and fast medical insurance services at the door; explore outpatient "one-stop" services to improve medical experience and enhance patient experience.

  The "three visits, four inspections and five deliveries" activities for women groups will timely grasp and address the urgent needs and expectations of women, children and families, and promote the embedding of women and children’s rights protection services, the inclusion of work, and the integration of strength into grassroots social governance.

  "System integration, personnel sinking" has opened up a new model of assisting difficult employees, 71,000 difficult employees have achieved relief from difficulties, and the assistance work of difficult employees has been ranked among the top in the country for many times.

  The construction of affordable rental housing has been vigorously promoted, effectively solving the housing difficulties of more than 58,000 new citizens and young people.

  Respond to the expectations of the people

  Meet the needs of the masses for a better life

  In June this year, it was the graduation season of another year. Thanks to the innovative "enterprise visit" action implemented by the human resources and social security department, 90 college graduates came to the joint stock company of Yunnan Baiyao Group, and job seekers and enterprises were efficiently and accurately connected. In May this year, the "Yunling Entrepreneurship Loan" pilot was launched. Through measures such as expanding support objects, increasing loan quotas, striving for optimal interest rates, and optimizing service processes, efforts were made to solve the problems of difficult and expensive financing, and vigorously promote entrepreneurship and employment.

  In 2022, Yongren County’s migrant worker Yin Bo and his wife came to the county’s "Xingfuli" community to work and achieve employment at their doorstep. Today, Yongren Xingfuli’s new model of "employment enterprises + employment platforms + migrant workers" has been replicated and promoted across the province, becoming an effective way to solve the "three dilemmas" of difficulty in hiring enterprises, difficulty in attracting people to retain people, and difficulty in increasing income from local employment. Effectively promote the effective connection between consolidating and expanding poverty reduction achievements and rural revitalization.

  Employment is the most basic livelihood. The increasingly perfect employment public service system and the employment security system driven by entrepreneurship give everyone the opportunity to achieve their own development through hard work, and also reflect the increasingly diverse needs of the people for a better life. The diverse needs urge new steps in reform.

  The new model of "leading + cultivation + incubation + service" has injected new impetus into young people’s return to their hometowns to start businesses and prosper in their hometowns. The "Youth Hundred Groups Help Hundred Villages" service group has been established to carry out "returning to their hometowns" social practice activities, and the Youth Innovation Association (Alliance) covering 129 counties (cities and districts) has been established to cultivate and contact more than 15,000 young high-quality farmers.

  Deepen the reform of the household registration system to serve the new type of urbanization. Fully liberalize the province’s household registration migration policy in urban areas, smooth the four channels for settling down in housing, renting, employment, and talent policies, and basically achieve "zero threshold" for urban settlement. Promote the integration of the household registration system and the residence permit system, and ensure the basic public services and civic treatment of people who do not want to move their household registration. Since this year, the province has issued more than 320,000 residence permits.

  Improve the long-term mechanism of linking farmers with farmers, and promote the transformation and application of "10 models of interest connection"; promote the reform of water rights, build a water rights trading platform, and land the first water rights transaction; strengthen the standardization of the rural property rights circulation and trading market, and the first market-oriented and standardized digital rural property rights trading center in Southwest China was listed in Asan; comprehensively implement the "1 + 3 + N + 1" comprehensive supervision model of the tourism market, so that "there is a life called Yunnan" is better and more specific; Kunming Panlong District Pilot trust system property management model, explore the solution to the management problems of old residential areas… Reform is not limited, and the development results are constantly transformed into quality of life.

  Embrace the concerns of the people

  Harmony and stability in frontier ethnic areas

  One day during the flood season, from 21:00 to 23:00, the Lushui Meteorological Department issued a series of orange lightning warnings, and the office of the Municipal Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters "called" to "wake up" key prevention areas. At 2:35 the next day, inspections and investigations in key areas found that there were rivers overflowing. After 10 minutes, 245 people from 77 households threatened along and downstream of the river were successively transferred to the disaster shelter.

  This typical case of risk avoidance is a concrete demonstration of Yunnan Province’s continuous improvement of the flood control "1262" early warning and response mechanism in recent years. The smooth mechanism ensures that the flash flood disaster forecast and early warning information "can be sent, received, and called in response", and ensures that the threatened people should turn around as soon as possible and turn around early, so as to effectively protect the safety of people’s lives and property.

  The most solid strength of the party’s work is supported at the grass-roots level, and the most prominent contradictions and problems in economic and social development and people’s livelihood are also at the grass-roots level. In the process of improving the grass-roots governance system in urban and rural areas, the 2023 "Party and State Institutions Reform Plan" clearly establishes the social work departments of party committees at all levels. At present, the social work departments of party committees in 16 prefectures (cities) and 129 counties (cities, districts) in Yunnan Province have all completed the hanging deck construction. With the logic of grass-roots governance, social work is effectively coordinated and linked, and the social governance system of co-construction, co-governance and sharing is improved.

  Establish and improve the working mechanism of the party, government, military, police and people to work together to strengthen border defense, Yunnan Province took the lead in improving the organizational structure of the five-level border defense committee and its office; solidly carry out the special project of popularizing the law and strengthening the foundation to make up for shortcomings, and strive to create a new era "Fengqiao Experience" Yunnan practice model, a large number of contradictions have been resolved at the grassroots level; take the lead in implementing the reform of the "three-in-one" trial mechanism of intellectual property across administrative divisions in the country, and solidly promote the pilot work of compliance reform of the enterprises involved in the case; comprehensively carry out the comprehensive establishment of ethnic unity and progress, innovatively implement projects such as "branches and branches", "happiness blossoms" and "pomegranate red", and complete the construction of 374 modern border happy villages… The reform of the system and mechanism promotes the continuous improvement of the governance capacity of border ethnic Reporter, Yue Xiaoqiong)

  short review

  People-centered comprehensive reform

  "Only by developing for the people can development be meaningful; only by relying on the people can development be motivated." The reform of the social system directly affects thousands of households, and the people-centered value orientation should be more distinct.

  The purpose of reform is, in the final analysis, to enable the people to live a better life. A prominent feature of Yunnan Province’s reform is to promote "big reform" with "small incisions". Flood control "1262" early warning and response mechanism, three-year action for high-quality development of education and health, and prevention of student drowning are all based on solving the distress and hope of enterprises, grassroots and the masses, and have promoted the innovation and improvement of a series of mechanisms.

  Reform is for the masses, and reform relies on the masses. Yunnan Province summarized and promoted the Yongren "Xingfuli" employment model, and established the "Five Three" pollution control mechanism to promote relevant work to achieve practical results. The investigation and mediation of hidden contradictions, the construction of the "one old and one small" service system, the establishment of national unity and progress demonstration, and emergency early warning response. The implementation of these mechanism innovations cannot be separated from the people.

  Whether the reform is good or not, the people have the final say. The reform has entered the deep water area, and the situation is complicated. The people must support or not, approve or disapprove, be happy or not, and agree or not as the fundamental standard for measuring the gains and losses of the reform. (Yue Xiaoqiong)

Andy Lau returned to Hong Kong, claiming to be Andy’s "fiancée" to pick up the plane and reveal their 18-year relationship

Feature: Picture Channel

  At around 11:30 on August 5, the famous Hong Kong artist Andy Lau flew to Beijing Capital Airport. He arrived in Beijing this time to watch the Beijing Olympic Games. Photo by Tomita

  China News Service, August 26, Andy Lau is surrounded by over-obsessed female fans. According to Hong Kong’s Ming Pao, another "infatuated girl" was waiting for Andy at the airport yesterday morning. She told reporters that he was Andy Lau’s fiancee and they had been in a relationship for 18 years. According to the report, Andy arrived in Hong Kong at 5 pm yesterday, and an infatuated girl was waiting as early as 11:00. She told reporters that she was Andy Lau’s fiancee and they had been in a relationship for 18 years. She also wrote a love letter to Andy as "husband". Someone asked her why Andy didn’t take her to Beijing to watch the closing ceremony. She responded seriously that because Andy couldn’t pick her up in time! She waited for a while without seeing Andy and left disappointed.

  When Andy showed up at 5 p.m., he did not know that his "fiancée" had been waiting for him at the airport. Andy said he would participate in the promotion of the Paralympic Equestrian Games after returning to Hong Kong. He has great confidence in the Paralympic equestrian athletes in Hong Kong. He said he would also support the Paralympics.

Editor in charge: Wang Wenying

Samsung closed its last mobile phone manufacturing factory in China.

  Samsung officially closed its last mobile phone manufacturing factory in China.

  On October 2nd, it was reported in Reuters that Samsung Electronics said that it had stopped producing mobile phone products in China because of the increasingly fierce competition from domestic competitors in China. This also means that Samsung’s last factory in China, located in Huizhou, Guangdong Province, has also been shut down.

  Samsung China responded to the The Paper reporter that Huizhou Samsung Electronics was one of Samsung’s first factories in China in 1992. Considering the current situation of the global mobile phone market, in order to improve the efficiency of global production and operation, it was forced to make a decision to stop production in Huizhou.

  "In the past 27 years since entering China, Samsung has followed the industrial guidance direction of the China government and adjusted its industrial layout in time to adapt to the rapid development and changes of the China market. The adjustment of the Huizhou factory is a normal industrial adjustment; Samsung’s industrial layout in China has been transformed into a high-end manufacturing industry in line with the direction of the China Municipal Government. In the past six years, it has continued to invest in high-end industries in China, amounting to more than 20 billion US dollars, far higher than the amount of industrial adjustment, and will continue to invest in high-end industries in China in the future. " Samsung said in a statement.

  Samsung said that in view of the problem of employee placement, the company will fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees, and properly solve it through various forms such as branch relocation and re-employment support to minimize employee losses.

  Since the beginning of this year, there have been media reports that Samsung will continue to shut down this Huizhou mobile phone factory and transfer its production capacity to Vietnam, India and other countries to cope with the pressure of rising labor costs in China. In the low-end market of China, ODM or OEM mode is adopted.

  Samsung had previously responded to the media: "Due to the severe market situation and intensified competition in China, we are adjusting the output of Huizhou factory."

  Huizhou Samsung Electronics has been pushing the recruitment information of other companies on WeChat WeChat official account for several months to find job opportunities for Huizhou factory employees.

  The full name of Samsung Huizhou Factory is Huizhou Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., which was established in 1992 as a joint venture between samsung galaxy Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Huizhou Real Estate Corporation. It was officially put into production in September 1993 with a registered capital of $32 million. Mobile phone production was introduced in 2006, and now it has developed into 40 GSM/CDMA/3G mobile phone production lines and more than 30 SMD automatic production lines. The products MAINly include main audio, DVD home theater, mobile phone and other products, with a factory area of 120,000 square meters and a construction area of 35,000 square meters.

  In recent years, Samsung’s mobile phone sales in China’s domestic market are not good, and it is impossible to provide enough orders to the China factory; However, the high cost of the China factory made it impossible to receive orders from other Samsung markets, which led to a difficult situation for the China factory. In December last year, Samsung closed the Tianjin mobile phone factory.

  A few days ago, the market research company Strategy Analytics released a report saying that Samsung Electronics’ share in China’s smartphone market in the second quarter was less than 1% due to the influence of more China consumers choosing to buy domestic smartphones. In 2013, Samsung’s smartphone market share in China once reached about 20%.

  Samsung has also said that it is reorganizing and matching global industries, and the specific measures are to transfer intensive factories to countries with lower labor costs.

  Regarding the closure of Tianjin mobile phone factory, Samsung said that it actively eliminated backward production capacity, and at the same time, it vigorously increased investment in high-tech industries and added high-end manufacturing projects such as MLCC (multilayer ceramic capacitors) and new energy power batteries. Among them, the MLCC plant is expected to be completed by the end of this year. By then, Tianjin will become one of the major overseas production bases of Samsung Electric, providing basic electronic components for mobile phones, computers, automotive electronics and other equipment worldwide, greatly improving the level and internationalization of the electronics industry in Tianjin.

  Huang Degui, president of Samsung Greater China, recently told People’s Daily that Samsung has become an important participant in the high-quality development of China’s manufacturing industry. "In the future, Samsung will continue to provide China consumers with an important driving force for a better life through technological breakthroughs and high-tech products. At the same time, it will continue to adapt to the development and changes of the China market, strengthen reform and innovation, accelerate transformation and upgrading, and strive to achieve high-quality development."

  The Paper reporter Ling Zhou

The performance version of Shanhai Gun appeared in the lineup of Chengdu Auto Show of Great Wall Gun

  [car home Information] Recently, we learned from the Great Wall pickup truck official that the performance version (|) will be officially unveiled at the 2023 Chengdu Auto Show, which opened on August 25th. In addition, the 2023 Great Wall Gun Black Bomb version will be officially listed at the Chengdu Auto Show.

● Shanhai Gun Performance Edition

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

"Shanhai Gun Performance Edition"

  Previously, some media photographed the spy photos of the performance version of Shanhai Gun. The new car is expected to add some off-road configurations on the basis of the current Shanhai Gun, including the front winch, wading throat and the square mouth of the rear trailer. At the same time, the car will also be equipped with black front middle net, black wheel eyebrows, fixed side pedals, black gantry, etc. In addition, black decorative parts have been added to the front of the car to enhance the off-road style of the whole car.

  In terms of power, the performance version of Shanhai Gun is expected to follow the power of the current model, equipped with a 3.0-liter V6 turbocharged engine and a 48-volt light mixing system, with a maximum power of 260 kW and a peak torque of 500 Nm. The transmission system is matched with a vertical 9-speed automatic gearbox, and it is also expected to be equipped with a Borg Warner 4A+LOCK four-wheel drive system.

● 2023 Great Wall Gun Black Bomb Edition

Great Wall Motor Gun 2021 2.0T Black Bomb Special Edition GW4C20B

Great Wall Motor Gun 2021 2.0T Black Bomb Special Edition GW4C20B

"2021"Great Wall Gun Black Bomb Edition

  The black bullet version of the Great Wall Gun was jointly launched by the modified brand Yunliang Off-road and Great Wall pickup truck. The new car was deeply off-road modified to meet the individual needs of deep off-road and pan-outdoor players. It is expected that the appearance and interior of the new car will not change much.

  In terms of power, the models currently on sale are equipped with a 2.0T turbocharged gasoline engine, with a maximum power of 140 kW and a maximum torque of 360 Nm. It is matched with an 8-speed automatic transmission, which adopts part-time 4wd, has an electronically controlled differential lock on the front/rear axle, and has a crawling mode, a tank turning around and an all-terrain driving mode. (Part of the image source: understand the car emperor; Text/car home Li Na)

Its film arrangement is only 0.7%, but it is the most worth seeing in the near future.

Special feature of 1905 film network Have you ever wondered what it would be like if your memory disappeared one day?

We have seen too many movies, and we often meet people whose memories are fading away, and some incredible things have happened. Some people rely on their only remaining memories to find clues to solve crimes; Some people hit their heads and all their memories were restored; Some people can’t get their memories back all their lives.

The film officially released in the mainland cinema on February 23 rd once again took the memory as a knife. However, this time it is a little different.

1 What’s the difference between this film?

The main characters in the film "Love Before Memory Dies" are two old people. Ella Spencer played by helen mirren is a rebellious old girl, while John Spencer played by donald sutherland is a forgetful old warm man.

The old couple are both seriously ill. John has Alzheimer’s disease, which is what we often call Alzheimer’s disease. The disease makes his memory go wrong and slowly disappears. He needs to live in a nursing home, while Ella has cancer and needs to be admitted to the hospital. At this moment, the two will face eternal separation.

So, the two decided to take a trip in an RV. The English name of the film "The Leisure Seeker" is the name of this RV — — Leisure seekers. They walked all the way from Massachusetts to the south, recalling the experience of spending their holidays with their children. This time, their destination was Hemingway’s former residence in Sisuo Island.

I went to Hemingway’s former residence because John’s favorite writer was Hemingway. At the same time, John is also a teacher. His illness makes him forget the names of his wife and children, but he can easily say Hemingway’s works. Hemingway’s famous The Old Man and the Sea was finished here in Xisuo Island, and it is John’s favorite work.

Two old men "ran away from home" behind their children’s backs. John couldn’t drive because of illness, but during the journey, he drove the old car at a gallop. When Ella called the children, she told them, "Son, we won’t be long. There are some things that I must finish with your father.".

The film fills in the grief and sadness that Alzheimer’s disease would have brought to the family with a lot of jokes, making the whole film easy and interesting.

During the trip, John left his wife alone and drove away. When Ella got on a passerby’s motorcycle and caught up with John, John’s reaction was, "Why are you sitting on a motorcycle?" He has completely forgotten that his wife traveled by car with him.

Similarly, when he arrived in Pennsylvania, he asked Ella, "Where are we?" After Ella told him, he asked, "What are we doing in Pennsylvania?" He will forget his children, mistake his students, and forget the purpose of this trip.

However, he can’t forget English grammar. On the way, when they were forced to hand over the money by a sudden robber, he did not forget to correct the grammatical mistakes made by the robber. At this time, Ella scared away the robbers with a prepared shotgun.

"Love Before Memory Dies" is adapted from Michael Sadrian’s novel of the same name. As a road movie, it reveals the story of travel and uncovers an old story (not much to say, it will be spoiled if you talk too much! ), and behind this past, the focus is on marriage and old age.

In the last period of life, their attitude is not negative at all, and life is full of interest everywhere. Ella, played by helen mirren, painted her nails, wore a wig and put on lipstick. Even though she is not young, she is still a delicate woman. During the journey, the two will also look at old photos with slides.

From the preview, we can also see that the two spent a beautiful and romantic night in the hotel suite. John talked to ella to the fullest; "I can’t believe my wife is so beautiful", the gentleman invited her and they embraced and danced together. The couple who have been together for fifty years have a very funny and warm daily life, and their love is indestructible in the face of aging and death.

The two leading actors won numerous awards.

"Love Before Memory Disappears" was selected as the main competition unit of Venice Film Festival in 2017. After the premiere of the film festival, some media reporters praised helen mirren’s performance. Helen mirren won the Best Actress at the Venice Film Festival in 2006 for her film, and won the Oscar for Best Actress for The Queen the following year.

Helen mirren in The Queen is noble and solemn, but she is very conservative. When helen mirren portrays Elizabeth II after learning of Princess Diana’s death, she reminds herself by saying "I am the queen" every day. And her superb acting skills have been greatly affirmed.

In addition, helen mirren won the Best Actress Award at Cannes Film Festival with and twice.

Donald sutherland, the actor, should be the most familiar Canadian in China. He is also quite powerful. He is the winner of the 90th Oscar Lifetime Achievement Award. Previously, he won the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor twice for Citizen X and War Path.

Donald sutherland has appeared in many films, including series,,, and so on. It is worth noting that he once appeared in the works directed by Xiaogang Feng in 2001. His role is Taylor, the great Hollywood director who came to China to make a film.

It can be said that the performances of donald sutherland and helen mirren were impeccable. Many foreign media commented on "Love Before Memory Dies", although they were quite critical of the film’s plays, they still affirmed the performance of these two drama bones, saying that this is the most attractive part of the film, which is quite convincing. "Every wrinkle is a play, and every expression contains the most complicated emotions in the character’s heart."

3 Italian local teams shoot American films.

Paolo Virzì, the director of Love Before Memory Dies, has shot many Italian local comedies, and can be said to be one of the representative figures. His "My name is Tanino" has all been shortlisted for the Venice Film Festival. "Love Before Memory Dies" is the fourth time that he has been selected for the Venice Film Festival.

But his international fame is not very great. In the 74th Venice Film Festival, many famous directors gathered, and his works also received a lot of attention. Especially with the blessing of the two leading actors, the judges can feel the more delicate emotional expression.

Paolo Virzì never thought that he would make a film that had nothing to do with Italy. When he was invited by an American film producer, he decided that helen mirren and donald sutherland must play the roles.

He said: "When I was filming this film as an American director, I always reminded myself of my Italian identity. On the set, I felt the common feelings of human beings. I tried to look at this story from an Italian perspective, and I kept my own style: shooting this film with a story that is true, human, ironic and mixed with comedy and tragedy. "

Yes, this is the concept that Paolo Virzì has always adhered to: there is always tragedy in comedy, and only dramatic plots can make people laugh.

The foreign media "SSG Syndicate" described the film as a bittersweet and warm journey, and the excellent performance made this film. Film Journal International commented that although this film is a bit ordinary, it is very enjoyable in most cases.

When talking about this film, "CineVue" said: "Sorrow and sadness are often dangerous, but" Love Before Memory Dies "is not like this. Even if love comes to an end, they are still celebrating." The critics of RogerEbert.com even shed tears when watching it.

In addition, although the film was shot in the United States, most of the film’s creative team are Italian. Photographer Luca Bigazzi has worked with Italian director paolo sorrentino in many film and television dramas.

Musician Carlo Wizz and director Paolo Virzì are old partners, and he has participated in Osodo and My Name is Tanino.

Editor Jacob Quadri worked with the director on My Name is Tanino, but he is famous for working with Italian director bernardo bertolucci.

The best domestic documentary this year tells a story about baseball.

Wen | Ai Jiangtao

A few days ago, when I saw this film in the cinema, I didn’t see it as a documentary at first. After watching it for more than ten minutes, I realized that it was a documentary. After watching it, I found it was like a feature film. Director Xu Huijing’s later explanation relieved me: "I’ve always wanted to shoot a documentary in the form of a feature film." Different from the traditional documentary style, the director adopts multi-camera mode and tries to tell a more three-dimensional story-Under the leadership of Sun Lingfeng, the captain of the former Chinese baseball team and the founder of the strong baseball base, a group of unfortunate children from marginal broken families all over the country went to the United States to participate in the competition through training and changed their lives little by little.

Unlike many sports movies, the core of this story, as Sun Lingfeng said,Not that they chose baseball, but that baseball chose them.Sun Lingfeng told me that after being the captain of the Chinese baseball team for 15 years and the coach of the Jiangsu baseball team for a while, he had reached the ceiling in his original position and wanted to do something really valuable, cultivate children according to his own set of ideas and change the baseball ecology that few people in China care about. The criteria for his selection of players are simple and peculiar: 1. Being poor enough; 2. Good health; 3. There is no hereditary disease in the family.

The tension of the film comes from the contrast, on the one hand, children from poor families, and on the other hand, baseball, which has always been regarded as a middle-class sport. For these children, everything is lucky enough and strange enough.

In October 2017, when this documentary entered the filming, the strong base was established for more than two years. At the beginning of the film, the 10-year-old Xiao Shuang followed Erbo to his father’s grave, and they walked on the country road. Erbo told him to practice with the coach and never come back when he went out. Xiaoshuang came from rural Hebei. His father died of illness before he was born, and his mother chose to leave home when he was a few months old. Xiao Shuang was supposed to be given away, but people thought he was too thin and chose his brother. The small pair in the camera is quiet and restrained, and cries easily. Xu Huijing soon noticed this sad-looking child. When everyone was fighting, he was quietly playing with a little dinosaur in the corner.

Another protagonist of the film was careless. He was 11 years old when he started shooting. Just two days after he entered the base, he turned the place upside down. Like Xiao Shuang, Xiao Shuang doesn’t have a complete home. His father works outside all the year round. When he was a few months old, his mother left home after a fight with his father. But what he showed was recklessness and bravado: he didn’t wait in line for dinner, teased other players with somersaults, couldn’t walk in line, liked to show off how strong he was and how to scare off older children with a knife. The sloppy appearance made Xu Huijing a little excited. He felt that this story had become a protagonist who could string together other characters.

In this way, these children from troubled families met baseball. The daily training of the team is mainly handled by Sun Lingfeng’s master Zhang Jinxin. The boy’s "master", who was almost 70 years old at that time, was a legendary baseball coach in China. He was the president of Fengtai baseball school. He has been engaged in baseball training for more than 40 years and led the China junior baseball team to win four world championships. More than half of the players of China baseball national team have been trained by him. Teacher Guo Zhongjian is responsible for children’s study and daily management. Guo Zhongjian graduated from the Department of Civil Engineering of Tsinghua University. He was the president of Tsinghua University Baseball and Softball Association and was a volunteer at the base. In Xu Huijing’s words,These three men, touts are like grandfathers, Sun Lingfeng is like fathers, and Guo Zhongjian is more like mothers.

The rules of the baseball game are very trivial, and the technical and tactical requirements are also high. At the baseball base, it took Mr. Chloe Wang half an hour to let me understand the rules of the game roughly. To put it simply, the baseball game is divided into nine innings, with nine players on each side. In the game, nine members of the defense team played together, with the pitcher pitching at the pitcher’s mound, while the other members were scattered at home plate, first base, second base and third base for defense; The attacker sends one batter at a time to hit the pitcher’s ball at home plate. After hitting the ball, he should quickly run to other bases. If the defender steps on the base mat before passing the ball to the base, he will successfully get on the base, otherwise he will be out.

If he hits a good ball called a "home run", the defender can run back to home from first base and score a point without any time to pass it back. On the other hand, if you miss the pitcher’s good shot three times in a row, you will be killed and sent to other batters. After all nine players are killed, you will switch between attack and defense. For the defensive side, how to run and pass flexibly on the field according to the pitching characteristics and hitting effect to prevent the offensive players from getting on the base is a great test of the tactical level and cooperation consciousness of the players.

After a brief understanding of the rules of the game, it suddenly occurred to me that if there were no division of bats and bases, baseball would be a bit like running circles that we used to play when we were children. Similarly, many people had to run into the circle to attack and defend, and if they were caught halfway, they would be sent off directly. This makes me instinctively have a good impression on baseball. I don’t know how these children feel when they first come into contact with baseball, but obviously, they have enough things to face besides training.

Xu Huijing filmed for half a month at a time, and came back and forth for more than ten times, silently recording everything that happened here, and began to enter the inner world of children little by little.When he first arrived at the base, careless ate a lot every time he ate, until he couldn’t eat any more, and sometimes even vomited himself, which was of course related to his frequent hunger before. He looks tough and sloppy, but he is also very afraid of the dark. Because he can’t get along well with other partners, everyone doesn’t want to sleep with him, so he has to beg from the coach one by one. When sleeping, he often ties a safety rope to the bedside to fix himself and the bedside. When other players go outside to participate in the competition, they will stick to the sloppy base and sing songs that miss their mother in the night.

Xiao Shuang, who usually withers, is often said by touts that he lacks domineering and is too conservative. But when careless made fun of his father, he jumped up and had a fight with careless.For Xiao Shuang and careless, their imaginary parents may be the greatest comfort when they face all difficulties, because they have never met each other, and they can imagine their parents over and over again.Just like the little boy in "Summer of Kijiro", his mother originally existed only in imagination, but once he stumbled upon his mother’s photo and address, he couldn’t help but set foot on the road of looking for it. However, it may not be a bad thing for him not to find his mother. At least he can think about his mother again and again according to his own wishes.
Favourite has a good way of training children. For a naughty boy like careless, he let him make trouble for the first week and ignored him at all. A week later, he began to tighten the reins by staring at a small thing until he corrected it. During the filming of the documentary, Xu Huijing’s children just went to kindergarten. He applied this method to children and found it very effective. At the base, the tout told me that the children he trained in those years were all carefully selected young seeds. Now these children are more like shoveling and leading them, being more patient and understanding their hearts.

In the film, a scene is impressive. At one end of the training ground, the master kept cheering for everyone, encouraging everyone to be a wolf on the field. The camera at the other end of the training ground was careless and even the formation was not neat. He said to the camera with tears in his eyes: I am a stray dog!

After training for a while, the children can finally go to the United States to compete. The children who really came into contact with baseball culture for the first time were very excited. In the arena of Major League Baseball, in the face of a sudden heavy rain, careless turned himself into an inflatable muscular man with a raincoat and had a great time. In the official competition, due to the overage of the captains Dabao, Mahua and several other players, Xiao Shuang, whose arm was injured, became the absolute main force of the team. In the match with the previous U10 champion Chicago team, the children tried their best and lost the game.

After the game, Xiao Shuang even sat on the sidelines sobbing because of one of his pitching mistakes. He cried and said, "You know how hard it is to come here to participate in a competition with so many people helping us!" Usually naughty sloppy at this time also ran to comfort Xiao Shuang. At this time, they have become a real team. Xiaoshuang also learned to take responsibility at that moment.

However, after returning from the American competition, Xiao Shuang ran home. Sun Lingfeng personally drove home to pick him up, and he didn’t want to go back. For this reason, he also got angry with Erbo, who lived alone: You just want to throw me away! At the end of the film, Xiao Shuang ran to a big pine tree on the hillside at the entrance of the village. A person kept inserting pine leaves into the thick branches of the pine tree and chatted with Erbo sitting on the hillside without a word.

"great! The post-editing of "Teenager" has gone through a long time of more than a year. Xu Huijing found that he actually didn’t know enough about children, such as why Xiaoshuang ran home from the base and stopped his promising future. During the epidemic, Xu Huijing, who seldom takes her children, had more time to get along with her children. Slowly, the children allowed themselves to help him bathe, take him to school, and show him the way to school. The emotional connection between father and son became closer and closer. It was then that he understood that whether it was Xiao Shuang or sloppy, or the older captain Dabao and the youngest player Li Haixin,For these children from marginal families, what they lack most is a sense of security."Xiao Shuang is at Erbo’s house. At least he can shout at Erbo when he is angry, but at the base, when the coach says him, he can only listen."

When suffering meets baseball, it is not so much that baseball has changed them, but that kind of collective and regular training life makes these children who are extremely lacking in love feel vaguely at home.As Sun Lingfeng said in the film,Baseball is a home-going sport, because home plate is called home, and you can only score if you run back to home.Children are getting used to change, although they still can’t help but look back from time to time.

Like many people, I asked Sun Lingfeng why he chose such a group of children. His answer is frank and direct: it is not entirely for charity or public welfare, but pure. These children, like white paper, have less attachments and fetters, and can run through his training concept more systematically.

In his words, these children from U8 to U15 are all treasures after training here for more than three years. In the future, whether they enter professional teams or become coaches, they will be sown like seeds.For these children, baseball, like reading, doing business and learning technology, will become a brand-new way to change their destiny.Sun Lingfeng’s plan is quite ambitious. He hopes to go through the whole chain of talent output, team output, venue construction and event formation through the strong angel baseball training base.

Today, the base in Tongzhou is the fourth home of the powerful angel. On this 200-acre land, there are neat living areas, training areas and even vegetable fields. The base now has 68 players. Last year, it accepted 18 poor Yi children from Daliangshan, Sichuan, and set up a women’s baseball team composed of Yi girls. At the base, every child is very polite and greets people outside. After lunch, the children cleaned in groups in the canteen before leaving.
Sloppy skateboarding, jumping all the way to show us the vegetable fields. In front of him, he is obviously tall and thin. "Can you not be thin? We have to run 20 kilometers every day! " Thankfully, a few months ago, Xiao Shuang also returned to the base to join the training. He looks more confident and cheerful, like all children who love to play, riding a small bike and wandering around.

The copyright of the article belongs to Sanlian Life Weekly., please contact the backstage for reprinting..

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# Football highlights

World football plays well every Friday.

The fifth goal, Bayer Leverkusen midfielder Velc, flicked around in the penalty area and singled out the other team’s entire defense. In the face of the opponent’s five-person double-team hitting the hand near the corner, with such performance, it seems that it is difficult for Vilt to stay in the pharmaceutical factory.

The fourth goal Tristan corner kick directly scored. This goal requires not only superb footwork, but also strong self-confidence. The corner kick directly breaks the door, and the high arc is the secret.

The third ball was hung upside down in the restricted area of Mitrovic, with an excellent angle and a heavy potential. Mitrovic (Riyadh Crescent 6-0 Mumbai City AFC Champions League), such high-quality goods as Mishen can be described as a blow to the Saudi League.

Palacios volleyed at almost the same position in the second ball, stretching his movements in one go. Froumy Nensai 5-3 goias Bajia. This ball is more beautiful and gives people a greater visual impact.

The first goal, Harry Kane’s shot in the middle of the field, is bold and has the charm of Beckham’s fame with one goal. This ball is expected to be selected for this year’s puskas award.

I haven’t seen such a wonderful goal for too long.

Thank you for your appreciation, and your attention is more exciting.

World Cup Preview: Dancsics Retreated from Injury! The men’s basketball team won! America is beaten!

The World Cup starts in two weeks, and national teams

Are in full swing for running-in preparations.

China men’s basketball team ushered in an exciting victory.

Beat Cape Verde in Italy’s four-nation tournament.

In this game, Li Kaier did not participate in the battle.

But the men’s basketball team still plays high-quality organization and defense.

Especially Cui Yongxi’s domineering empty dunk in the second quarter.

It shows the indispensable vitality of the new generation men’s basketball team.

Constantly honed, with the in-depth understanding of tactical concepts

I am confident to see the men’s basketball team under the new system

Re-killing in the international arena responds to some heights.

In contrast, the American team seems to be not going well.

The newly formed "dream team" is like a "dream detachment"

At the beginning of joint training, the starting lineup of American men’s basketball team

Actually lost to the selection team who came to practice. …

Cunningham played like Dancsics in the selection team.

One-on-one hit, series from soup to nuts, leading the team to victory.

But Cole said that he was not worried about such a thing at all.

It is an old tradition for the American team to lose to the selection team.

It has happened in the past, and it will not delay the men’s basketball team to win the championship in the end.

At this moment, the real Dancsics is also having a hard time.

Last time we talked about Dancsics, who became the captain.

The first time I led the team, I lost to the Greek team without letters.

Even in the game, I was robbed and dunked by the letter brother.

Brother letter at that time, don’t mention how proud you are.

"Ha ha ha! Scared! Letters are all brothers in front of me! "

Holding my breath, Slovenia and Greece fought for the second time

It’s a pity that Dancsics’s team still lost this time.

Greece finally defeated Slovenia 88-77.

Moreover, Dancsics was injured in the second quarter.

Before the knee injury, he had just scored 18 points.

After the knee injury, Dancsics dropped out of the game directly.

In fact, the injury is not serious, but the knee is very important

For safety reasons, Dong Zi didn’t play in the second half.

But it does not prevent him from continuing to participate in the national team schedule.

The really bad news is that his national team-mates

Cancar, also unfortunately injured his knee in the game.

His injury is much more serious than Dancsics’s.

77 also prayed for the health of his teammates on social media.

But in a high probability, I didn’t run away without the World Cup.

Two consecutive defeats in the warm-up match, and I was slightly injured myself.

An important teammate almost reimbursed the race schedule.

Dancsics’s World Cup trip was not very smooth.

As the strongest player in the international arena at present,

How sure is he to lead the team to win the championship?

US media: Ballmer is tired of failure, and the new season will be his last bottom line.

Earlier on August 4th, Beijing time, the US media once again followed up and reported some internal news about the Clippers. Ballmer, the owner of the Clippers, was tired of failure. The 22-23 season will be an important node for him to assess the players and the future development of the team, and it is also his final bottom line. It is completely understandable that Ballmer chose to renew his contract cautiously in advance at this time. After he took over the Clippers, he showed his ambition to the league and fans. He was often seen in the home game. He cheered for the team crazily. Ballmer was also not idle in some important away games. He followed the team to the away game, and he spent a lot of money. His investment in the team has always been among the best in the league. In order to have an independent team culture and mark him, he invested heavily in building a new arena. Ballmer’s vision for team management is also very vicious. He even invited the LOGO man. Looking at the transactions and contracts made by the old West in the Clippers in recent years, it is basically correct. However, the Clippers’ double stars have fallen in front of injuries again and again in recent years, and the team has fallen in the playoffs again and again. As the owner of the team, Ballmer has done everything he can, and it is right to be cautious now. The next season will be a huge test for the Clippers, as will George, 33, and Leonard, 32. Age and past injury history will put the future contract renewal in doubt unless they can show Ballmer and fans different performances, higher attendance and good competitive state in the new season.