标签归档 乐上海 2021魔都新茶论坛

More AI family SUV 2024 AION V Plus is on the market.

  On June 20th, AI ‘an released a set of Vlog for China families with more love. Xiao Yong, deputy general manager of Ai ‘an, turned into a Vlogger, bringing a "more AI family SUV" to young family users & mdash; — 2024 AION V Plus, the new car is priced at 159,900 yuan — 232900 yuan. Among them, only 170 thousand can buy 7 pure electricity.

More AI family SUV 2024 AION V Plus listed _fororder_image001

  Create the "BAT era" top three pattern "explosive manufacturing machine" Ai ‘an has a new explosion.

  As an "explosive manufacturing machine", Ai ‘an only makes explosive models: In May this year, Ai ‘an sold as many as 45,003 vehicles, ranking the top two in the industry for two consecutive months, opening the "BAT era" of the new energy automobile industry. The two explosive models have been widely favored by young hipsters. The AION S series is stable in pure electric A-class car NO.1, and there is one AION S for every three A-class pure electric cars. AION Y series, the monthly sales volume once exceeded all fuel vehicle SUVs, and led the pure electric SUV market into the "YY era" on its own.

More AI family SUV 2024 AION V Plus listed _fororder_image002

  There are often young cars, but there are few cost-effective home SUVs. At present, the market segment of family SUV is either more than 300 thousand with six seats and seven seats, and there is a "premium" range; Or barely meet the basic needs within 200,000, so that the "mutual will" between families becomes the normal state of car use. This time, Ai ‘an set his sights on the family group with a huge base, joined 750,000 users, thoroughly studied all the travel scenes of the family, summarized six high-frequency usage scenes of the family, and created 2024 AION V Plus, hoping to meet the needs of every family member.

  Focus on the six high-frequency usage scenarios of the family. 2024 AION V Plus is fully upgraded.

  The 2024 AION V Plus adds the exterior color of pulse blue and the interior theme of Milan Time, and optimizes the CNSL area, which enhances the simple and luxurious home enjoyment. For the six high-frequency use scenarios in the home, the performance has also been fully upgraded.

More AI family SUV 2024 AION V Plus goes on the market _fororder_image003

More AI family SUV 2024 AION V Plus listed _fororder_image004

  (1) children’s seats on both sides of the mother easily sit in the middle.

  With the increasing number of families with two children, who says that parents can only "look at the seats and sigh" in the face of the two children’s seats installed in the back row? Thanks to the exclusive platform of AEP pure electricity, the 2024 AION V Plus has an exaggerated wheelbase of 2830mm and a car width of 1920mm, which forms a huge rear space. With the fully flat platform, the mother can easily get on and off, sitting comfortably in the middle of two children’s seats, and taking care of the baby conveniently.

More AI family SUV 2024 AION V Plus listed _fororder_image005

  ② Parents’ party outside the car at the beast farm inside the car.

  Who said that taking a baby out is suffering from each other? The 2024 AION V Plus fully upgraded the ADiGO SPACE smart cockpit. Family party camping, children can watch animation, play games, K songs in the car, upgrade the whole system of audio, and equip with brand Premium HIFI speakers to optimize the sound field layout, which is more immersive; Flat and spacious platform, so that children can sit comfortably on the platform, take Lego on the seat and have an extra playground; Adults outside the car can also use external discharge, cook tea around the stove and chat with friends. They don’t worry about the beasts clinging to each other, and they all have a small world of entertainment.

More AI family SUV 2024 AION V Plus listed _fororder_image006

  ③ Daddy’s car can be gentle and arrogant.

  The 2024 AION V Plus is upgraded to 180kW electric drive, which makes the power more surging, and five modes such as ECO/NORMAL/SPORT can be switched freely with one button. Usually take your family out, which can be quiet and stable, and take care of your family experience; Putting down the family, the dad can also be arrogant, and he can still experience the feeling of pushing his back on the family SUV.

More AI family SUV 2024 AION V Plus listed _fororder_image007

  In addition, the 2024 AION V Plus also has many practical functions to meet more household needs: one-button remote parking allows mothers to keep their baby elegant, so that parking can be done without hands, and the baby can be carried away; ADiGO PILOT intelligent driving assistance system, with multiple functions of full-speed adaptive cruise (ACC), can take the baby to travel alone, and can also take care of the children, cruise independently at high speed, so that the mother is super calm; When relatives visit temporarily, don’t worry about the lack of seats. Buy five seats and get three rows. A family of seven will not leave. It is equipped with a magazine battery that has spontaneously ignited so far and a five-star safety steel-aluminum hybrid body. The invisible safety guard makes the trip more secure. The new car will push the cinema mode, pet mode, upgrade the rest mode, continuously enrich the smart cockpit scene and provide a more convenient and comfortable car experience.

More AI family SUV 2024 AION V Plus listed _fororder_image008

More AI family SUV 2024 AION V Plus listed _fororder_image009

  159,900 cases have made every family member a VIP.

  In addition to the product experience that can meet the needs of the whole family, Ai ‘an has also equipped the 2024 AION V Plus with exciting prices and user rights: 159,900, so that every family member can become a VIP, and 170,000 can buy 7 pure electric seats; Buying a car can enjoy a variety of financial schemes such as 100,000 interest for 3 years, up to 6,000 yuan, up to subsidies and 0 down payment; At the same time, it also provides a variety of customized optional packages such as V2L external discharge set to meet more comprehensive family needs. Among them, the top 1,000 remote parking sets can enjoy half price concessions! (June 20, 2023-July 19, 2023 at 24:00)

More AI family SUV 2024 AION V Plus listed _fororder_image010

  Thanks to the remarkable improvement of scale effect, the 2024 AION V Plus once again embodies the ultimate "quality-price ratio" of Ai ‘an: higher quality and higher cost performance. For China families with cars worth less than 200,000, accounting for more than 81.8%, the 2024 AION V Plus provides a more comprehensive and balanced choice for young family users, and a gift with more AI. As an "explosive manufacturing machine", Ai ‘an is likely to usher in another explosion. (Photo courtesy of Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an)

International observation | It is extremely irresponsible for Japan to approve the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea.

  Xinhua News Agency, Tokyo, July 23rd Japan’s nuclear regulatory agency, the Atomic Energy Regulatory Commission, held a meeting on the 22nd, officially approving the plan of Tokyo Electric Power Company (hereinafter referred to as TEPCO) to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. According to this plan, TEPCO will start to discharge nuclear polluted water next spring if the local government agrees again.

  Analysts pointed out that in April last year, the Japanese government officially decided to discharge nuclear polluted water into the Pacific Ocean despite strong opposition at home and abroad. Over the past year or so, despite the rising opposition at home and abroad, the Japanese side turned a deaf ear and pushed forward the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea, which is extremely irresponsible and will cause serious harm to the global marine environment.

International observation | It is extremely irresponsible for Japan to approve the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea.

  This is the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan, which was shot on April 13th, 2021. (Xinhua News Agency/Kyodo News Agency)

  Push hard

  In April this year, Japan Atomic Energy Regulatory Commission ignored domestic and international objections and doubts, and "generally agreed" to TEPCO’s emission plan, forming a draft "review book". After confirming the draft of the "review book" in May, the Committee said that the draft was "no problem" and entered the public consultation session.

  According to reports, 670 of the more than 1,200 opinions collected publicly are technical opinions, including concerns about the determination of the concentration of nuclear contaminated water and the earthquake resistance of equipment. Despite this, after discussing the opinions collected on the 22nd, the Atomic Energy Regulatory Commission said that TEPCO’s response was "appropriate" and approved its plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea.

  After the Fukushima nuclear accident in March, 2011, a large amount of nuclear polluted water was produced to continuously cool the nuclear reactor whose core melted. TEPCO has prepared about 1,000 water storage tanks for storing nuclear contaminated water at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. With the available capacity of water storage tanks getting less and less, the Japanese government held a cabinet meeting in April last year and formally decided to filter and dilute these nuclear polluted water and discharge it into the sea.

International observation | It is extremely irresponsible for Japan to approve the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea.

This is the nuclear sewage storage tank of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, Japan, which was photographed on February 13, 2021. (Xinhua News Agency/Kyodo News Agency)

  Analysts pointed out that although the emission plan was nominally formulated by TEPCO, in fact, it could not be completed without the participation and support of the Japanese government.

  According to Japanese media reports, in addition to promoting the approval of emission plans, Japan is also stepping up the construction of sea-discharge pipelines. At the end of April this year, TEPCO started the construction of the outlet of the submarine tunnel for discharging nuclear polluted water, with the goal of completing related projects in April 2023.

  make irresponsible remarks

  At present, all parties are generally concerned about the impact of Japan’s discharge of nuclear polluted water on the marine environment and people’s health in countries along the Pacific Ocean. At the same time, questions are raised about the legitimacy of the nuclear polluted water discharge scheme, the reliability of Japanese data, the effectiveness of purification devices and the controllability of environmental impact. Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, pointed out in an interview last year that Japanese nuclear waste water discharged into the Pacific Ocean should not cause environmental damage.

  The International Atomic Energy Agency set up a technical working group to visit and evaluate Japan twice. So far, it has not reached a conclusive opinion on Japan’s sea discharge plan, and at the same time, it has put forward many clarification requirements and improvement opinions. China and Russia submitted a joint technical questionnaire to the Japanese side, and they still haven’t received feedback from the Japanese side. Not long ago, the leaders’ meeting and foreign ministers’ meeting of the Pacific Island Forum also expressed serious concern about related issues.

  In this regard, the Japanese side not only deliberately avoided these questions, but also made irresponsible remarks and tried to cover up the harm. The Japanese side claimed that before the Fukushima nuclear polluted water was discharged into the sea, it had to be filtered by "Multi-nuclide Removal Equipment" (ALPS) to remove more than 60 radioactive substances. Tritium, which is difficult to be removed by the equipment, will be diluted to a concentration far lower than the Japanese national standard and discharged into the sea. The Japanese side also confuses the concept and confuses nuclear polluted water with waste water, saying that waste water discharged from nuclear power plants all over the world contains tritium, and it is safe to dilute it and discharge it into the sea.

  In fact, Fukushima nuclear contaminated water is not tritium-containing wastewater discharged during the normal operation of nuclear power plants, and the radioactive substances contained in it are extremely complex, so it is doubtful whether it can be effectively removed. Given that the Japanese government and TEPCO have many dishonest records in dealing with the Fukushima nuclear accident, their statements are unconvincing.

  Japanese media have found out that there are many radioactive substances in Fukushima nuclear polluted water beyond the standard except tritium. TEPCO also admitted that more than 70% of the nuclear polluted water treated by ALPS does not meet the discharge standards and needs to be filtered again.

  strongly oppose

  There have been a lot of doubts and objections in Japan and the international community about Japan’s plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea. The statement made by the Japan Atomic Energy Regulatory Commission on the 22nd once again aroused serious concern, and all parties urged Japan to cancel the wrong decision to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea.

International observation | It is extremely irresponsible for Japan to approve the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea.

On April 13, 2021, protesters opposed the discharge of Fukushima nuclear polluted water into the sea outside the Prime Minister’s residence in Tokyo, Japan. (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Du Yiyi)

  People from Tokyo, Chiba and Fukushima held protests that day. The people who participated in the event said that the decision of the Atomic Energy Regulatory Commission is related to the future of Fukushima and the marine environment, but it is very irresponsible to make such an important decision without fully informing the Japanese people. Some people also said that they are resolutely opposed to discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea, and Japan can no longer pollute the ocean and pollute the earth.

  The National Federation of Fishery Associations of Japan held a meeting in Tokyo a few days ago and unanimously adopted a special resolution of "reaffirming the position of resolutely opposing the discharge of nuclear polluted water from Fukushima into the sea". This is the third time that the group has passed a resolution against the discharge of Fukushima nuclear polluted water into the sea.

  Japan’s irresponsible behavior triggered strong opposition from neighboring countries. The South Korean government said on the 22nd that it was worried about the Japanese nuclear regulatory agency’s approval of discharging pollutants into the sea, and it would take countermeasures. At the same time, South Korea will also strengthen cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency and strengthen the detection of domestic marine environmental radiation.

  China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated on the 22nd that the disposal of nuclear polluted water in Fukushima is related to the global marine environment and the public health of Pacific Rim countries, and is by no means a private matter of Japan. China once again urges Japan to earnestly fulfill its due international obligations, dispose of nuclear polluted water in a scientific, open, transparent and safe way, and stop pushing the plan of discharging the sea. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China emphasizes that before full consultation and agreement are reached with stakeholders and relevant international institutions, shall not start the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea without authorization. If Japan insists on putting its own self-interest above the international public interest and taking a dangerous step, it will pay the price for its irresponsible behavior and leave a historical stain.

On the national feelings in Jin Yong’s novels

> >
13:13 on August 29th.

Editor: Quge Source:China Journal website
The mainland version of "Eight Dragons" started shooting yesterday. Jin Yong fans are controversial about the actors. (13:00 on August 28th) Jin Yong, the "Hero", returned to the Jianghu to revise 15 martial arts novels. (10:54 on July 21)

Fireworks and firecrackers are banned in many parts of the country, which makes the people protect the environment for the New Year.

  BEIJING, Feb. 20 (Xinhua) Title: [Ten Scenes of Spring Festival] People in China don’t smell firecrackers to protect the environment for the New Year.

  Reporter Zhang Ni

  Today is the fifth day of the first month, and there is a custom of setting off firecrackers to welcome the God of Wealth in China. This day is also the peak of setting off fireworks after New Year’s Eve. However, with the introduction of measures to ban and restrict release in recent years, many cities have become much quieter this Spring Festival. During the Spring Festival when firecrackers are not heard, people’s understanding of the old customs is also changing.

  It is forbidden to put off firecrackers during the Spring Festival in many places.

  During the Spring Festival this year, many places, including Tianjin and Beijing, imposed strict restrictions on the discharge of fireworks and firecrackers, and the bans issued in some places were even dubbed "the strictest in history" by the media.

  For example, Tianjin stipulates that from January 1, 2018, fireworks and firecrackers will be prohibited in areas within the outer ring road of Tianjin (including the outer ring road) regardless of time and place. This regulation is also known as the "most severe prohibition order".

  Beijing, on the other hand, resumed the "prohibition order" this year after experiencing the transition from "prohibition" to "restriction". According to the newly revised "Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers in Beijing", it is forbidden to set off fireworks and firecrackers in the Fifth Ring Road of Beijing, and fireworks sales points are not set up.

  Langfang, Hebei Province stipulates that starting from 2018, fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited in Langfang City and counties (cities) under its jurisdiction at any time of the year. During the Spring Festival, it is also forbidden to sell and set off fireworks and firecrackers in the Third Ring Road of Shijiazhuang City.

  In Shanghai, this year is the third year that the city has implemented fireworks control. During the Spring Festival on New Year’s Day in Shanghai this year, there are more forbidden areas for fireworks and firecrackers than before, and the control is stricter.

  In addition to prohibiting the discharge of fireworks and firecrackers within the Outer Ring Road in accordance with local legislation in Shanghai, on the basis of the scope of prohibition delineated in 2017, all districts outside the Outer Ring Road have added "high-rise buildings and buildings with low fire resistance using flammable and combustible external wall insulation materials" as prohibited places.

  In addition, 17 cities in Shandong Province, except Zibo, Zaozhuang, Tai ‘an, Rizhao, Linyi and Laiwu, all the other 11 cities have issued policies to restrict release and prohibit release.

  Firecracker sales are cold, and sales outlets in Beijing and other places have shrunk dramatically.

  The reporter noted that the sales of fireworks and firecrackers have also changed in recent years, and the sales of fireworks and firecrackers in many places have been "cold".

  According to the data released by the Beijing Municipal Government Fireworks Office in February 2017, the sales volume of fireworks and firecrackers in Beijing has been declining continuously since 2012. In 2017, the sales volume of fireworks and firecrackers in the city decreased by 30.5% year-on-year.

  During the Spring Festival of 2018, there were 87 fireworks and firecrackers sales outlets in Beijing, down 82.97% year-on-year. There were no sales outlets in the Fifth Ring Road and the forbidden areas designated by various districts.

  In addition, a total of 75,000 boxes of fireworks and firecrackers were stocked in Beijing during the Spring Festival this year, which was 55.9% lower than that in 2017. All large, medium and small combined fireworks and beading fireworks and firecrackers were all listed as prohibited sales.

  Zou Yonghong, secretary-general of Shandong Fireworks and Firecrackers Association, told the media a few days ago that at present, fireworks and firecrackers are banned in Jinan, and most cities in the province impose restrictions on fireworks and firecrackers. The discharge and sales of fireworks and firecrackers in the main city have declined. Jinan, Qingdao and Yantai have dropped by 70% in recent five years.

  In Shanghai, there are only nine fireworks outlets in Shanghai this year, and each outlet is expected to invest 300 boxes, which is further lower than the total of 3,000 boxes last year. The variety is limited to firecrackers and Gaosheng. In addition, the principle of real-name purchase is still strictly implemented.

  What do the people think about not shooting during the Spring Festival?

  What do the people think about the ban and restriction regulations in recent years?

  In 2017, a survey of residents in 35 major cities conducted by the Public Opinion and Public Opinion Research Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University showed that when asked, "In order to prevent air pollution, the Chinese government should ban firecrackers and fireworks during the Spring Festival. What is your opinion?" At that time, as many as 80.8% of the people said that they "basically agreed" or "strongly agreed" to ban fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival, which was 16.8 percentage points higher than the survey results in 2015.

  "In fact, before the ban was implemented, I could feel that fewer people were shooting during the Spring Festival. I haven’t shot for many years myself." Chen Tingting, a post-80s generation who grew up in Beijing, said in an interview.

  Chen Tingting remembers that when Beijing just changed from a ban to a restriction, firecrackers kept ringing in the neighborhood almost all night on New Year’s Eve, but there was hardly such a scene in recent years.

  "Setting off firecrackers in the Spring Festival is a childhood memory of many post-70 s and post-80 s, but many children younger than me may not be so enthusiastic, and everyone’s entertainment methods are becoming more and more diverse. In addition, the smog in Beijing in winter has been more serious in recent years, and people’s awareness of environmental protection is also improving. Many people actively choose not to set off firecrackers." Chen Tingting said.

  At the same time, the implementation of the ban policy has also triggered a heated discussion on the Internet, and many netizens also support it.

  "It’s better not to put it away. The electronic cannon I bought from Da Hutong two days ago is environmentally friendly and saves money, saves trouble and worries (I’m afraid that the cannon will blow my hands)." Netizen @O greatly greatly greatly Qian Qian said.

  "You put a whip and he put a box of guns, and every little makes a mickle, which forms pollution. Civilize the Spring Festival and let good air accompany us." Netizen @fun4 entertainment anchor commented.

  However, some netizens think that the "prohibition order" dilutes the "taste of the year" and give their own suggestions for the "prohibition order".

  For example, the netizen @ Gaofeng Ben Si put forward: "Don’t let everyone shoot, will the government organize several places to set off the previous celebration fireworks?" Add some joy to the festival. "

  What does the government encourage to change customs and do without setting off firecrackers?

  At the same time, in recent years, many local governments have also promoted changing customs and encouraging people to celebrate traditional festivals in a more environmentally friendly way.

  It is mentioned in the Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers that "it is encouraged to change customs and promote the use of safe and environmentally friendly alternative products such as electronic firecrackers and fireworks containers".

  This year, environmental protection departments in many areas also issued initiatives before the festival.

  Anhui Provincial Environmental Protection Department issued a proposal, hoping that leading cadres at all levels in party member would set an example, consciously take the lead in not buying or setting off fireworks, and at the same time guide and motivate people around them to actively respond to the proposal and do a good job in banning fireworks.

  The proposal also calls on citizens to advocate the concept of environmental protection, change traditional ways, choose low-carbon environmental protection methods such as electronic firecrackers, festive music and flowers, be friendly to the environment and say "no" to pollution.

  The proposal issued by the Department of Ecological and Environmental Protection of Hainan Province puts forward that "Party and government organs, enterprises, institutions and their staff at all levels in the province take the lead in setting an example, taking the lead in not setting off fireworks and firecrackers, and driving the whole society to form new festivals and customs that advocate environmental protection."

  During the Spring Festival this year, Chen Tingting’s family did not buy fireworks as in previous years, but bought Spring Festival couplets, window grilles and other new year’s goods early, and decorated the room completely.

  In the past two years, in addition to cleaning and decorating the room and preparing for the New Year’s Eve, she and her family have another pastime, that is, grabbing red envelopes, which they enjoy every year, and the whole family goes into battle together.

  "Although I can’t grab much money, I think it’s quite fun. Maybe times have changed, people’s holiday habits will also change, and maybe grabbing red envelopes will become ‘ Annual customs ’ Yes. " Chen Tingting said. (End)

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: In March, the automobile production and sales decreased by 44.5% and 43.3% respectively.

  Beijing, April 14 (Xinhua) According to the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently released the economic operation of the automobile industry in March 2020. The data shows that in March, the production and sales of automobiles were 1.422 million and 1.43 million respectively, down by 44.5% and 43.3% respectively. From January to March, the production and sales of automobiles were 3.474 million and 3.672 million respectively, down by 45.2% and 42.4% respectively.

  According to reports, in March, 2020, with the phased results of epidemic prevention and control in COVID-19, auto companies accelerated their resumption of work and production, production and operation resumed in an orderly manner, and the auto market gradually picked up, but the overall production and sales were still at a low level.

  Car sales in March decreased by 43.3% year-on-year.

  In March, the production and sales of automobiles were 1.422 million and 1.43 million respectively, down by 44.5% and 43.3% respectively.

  From January to March, the production and sales of automobiles were 3.474 million and 3.672 million respectively, down by 45.2% and 42.4% respectively.

Image source: website of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

  — — In March, passenger car sales decreased by 48.4% year-on-year.

  In March, the production and sales of passenger cars were 1.049 million and 1.043 million respectively, down by 49.9% and 48.4% respectively. In terms of vehicle types, the production and sales of cars were 493,000 and 491,000 respectively, down by 50.3% and 48.6% respectively. The production and sales of SUVs were 498,000 and 485,000 respectively, down by 44.8% and 43.9% respectively. The production and sales of MPV were 35,000 and 46,000 respectively, down by 77.3% and 70% respectively. The production and sales of crossover passenger cars were 22,000 and 21,000 respectively, down by 48.6% and 58.2% respectively.

  From January to March, the production and sales of passenger cars were 2.684 million and 2.877 million respectively, down by 48.7% and 45.4% respectively. In terms of vehicle types, the production and sales of cars were 1.233 million and 1.325 million respectively, down by 50.4% and 47.6% respectively. The production and sales of SUVs were 1.288 million and 1.372 million respectively, down by 43.1% and 39.6% respectively. The production and sales of MPV were 114,000 and 136,000 respectively, down by 70.4% and 63.3% respectively. The production and sales of crossover passenger cars were 49,000 and 45,000 respectively, down by 51.1% and 54.1% respectively.

Image source: website of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

  In March, China brand passenger cars sold 433,000 vehicles, down 48.2% year-on-year, accounting for 41.5% of the total passenger car sales, and its share increased by 0.2 percentage points year-on-year.

  From January to March, the cumulative sales of China brand passenger cars was 1.155 million, down 47.3% year-on-year, accounting for 40.1% of the total sales of passenger cars, and the share decreased by 1.5 percentage points year-on-year. Among them, the sales volume of cars was 265,000, down 48.7% year-on-year, with a market share of 20.1%; The sales volume of SUVs was 752,000 units, down 41.3% year-on-year, with a market share of 54.8%. MPV sold 91,000 vehicles, down 69% year-on-year, with a market share of 67.2%.

  — — Commercial vehicle sales in March decreased by 22.6% year-on-year.

  In March, the production and sales of commercial vehicles were 373,000 and 388,000 respectively, down by 20.3% and 22.6% respectively. In terms of vehicle types, the production and sales of trucks were 341,000 and 357,000 respectively, down by 20.3% and 22.1% respectively. The production and sales of passenger cars were 32,000 and 31,000 respectively, down by 20.9% and 28% respectively.

  From January to March, the production and sales of commercial vehicles were 790,000 and 794,000 respectively, down by 28.7% and 28.4% respectively. In terms of vehicle types, the production and sales of trucks were 721,000 and 728,000 respectively, down by 29.3% and 28.2% respectively. The production and sales of buses were 69,000 and 66,000 respectively, down by 22.9% and 30.7% respectively.

Image source: website of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

  In March, the sales of new energy vehicles decreased by 53.2% year-on-year.

  In March, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were 50,000 and 53,000 respectively, down by 56.9% and 53.2% respectively. In terms of vehicle types, the production and sales of pure electric vehicles were 38,000 and 40,000 respectively, down by 58.5% and 55.6% respectively. The production and sales of plug-in hybrid vehicles were 11,000 and 13,000 respectively, down by 50.2% and 44.1% respectively. The production and sales of fuel cell vehicles were 38 and 36 respectively, of which the output increased by 5.6% year-on-year, and the sales volume was the same as the same period.

  From January to March, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were 105,000 and 114,000 respectively, down by 60.2% and 56.4% respectively. In terms of vehicle types, the production and sales of pure electric vehicles were 77,000 and 85,000 respectively, down by 61.8% and 58.6% respectively. The production and sales of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles were 28,000 and 29,000 respectively, down by 55% and 48.5% respectively. The production and sales of fuel cell vehicles were 183 and 207 respectively, down by 19.7% and 7.2% respectively.

Image source: website of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

  From January to February, the main business income of key enterprises decreased by 32.8% year-on-year.

  From January to February, the main business income of key enterprises (groups) in the automobile industry totaled 382.7 billion yuan, down 32.8% year-on-year; Accumulated profits and taxes totaled 21.16 billion yuan, down 65.1% year-on-year.

  Automobile exports increased by 0.8% year-on-year in March.

  In March, 91,000 vehicles were exported, a year-on-year increase of 0.8%. In terms of models, the number of passenger cars exported was 68,000, a year-on-year increase of 21.9%; The number of commercial vehicles exported was 23,000, a year-on-year decrease of 33.8%.

  From January to March, 204,000 vehicles were exported, down 11.5% year-on-year. In terms of models, the number of passenger cars exported was 154,000, a year-on-year increase of 5.3%; 50,000 commercial vehicles were exported, down 40.7% year-on-year.

Zhang Xuhao, who is worth 9 billion, started his business again and aimed at the golf course

[Hunting Cloud Network Shanghai] reported on December 12 (Text/Egg General)

"Our aim is that 2680 yuan must be used in playgolf for everyone to learn golf. In fact, this movement is very simple and very civilian, and it cannot be demonized by past thinking. "

Recently, after three years’ silence, Zhang Xuhao, the founder of Hungry, started a new entrepreneurial action. Unlike Hungry, a grounded takeaway project, this time he has to enter a high-end niche track-"Golf Driving Range and Teaching Training", and he has generously smashed 150 million yuan from the beginning.

For the latest entrepreneurial action, this time Zhang Xuhao is unusually high-profile. Since Hungry was acquired by Alibaba for $9.5 billion in April, 2018, he has stepped down as a legal person, shareholder and other senior management positions of Hungry, Baidu Takeaway related operating companies, ending the era of "Hungry in Zhang Xuhao" and gradually disappearing after wealth freedom.

This high-profile publicity makes people wonder, is it Zhang Xuhao who blew the horn for starting a new business, or is it just the invisible rich who pursue sports out of love?

It is understood that the main company of PLAYGOLF is Shanghai Geke Sports Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., which operates a 60,000-square-meter golf course-Huangxing Golf Club, equipped with outdoor football field, outdoor tennis, indoor basketball, fighting sports and other sports venues.

According to the data, PLAYGOLF was located in the original Huangxing Park Golf Driving Range in Shanghai, which was once the largest venue in Asia, setting a Guinness record for 300 people swinging at the same time, but it was closed in 2019. According to the official introduction of PLAYGOLF, the renovation cost 150 million yuan and took more than 300 days. After the renovation, there are 240 automatic service positions and a 1,400-square-meter green practice area, which is called "the only long-stick real grass position and the largest green in Asia".

According to its official report, PLAYGOLF will be "the best golf driving range in Asia and even the whole world". To this end, it has also built many supporting measures, such as bars, steakhouses and all-day restaurants, in addition to a full set of customized entertainment services.

In the public comments, we can see that PLAYGOLF’s quick entry teaching of high ball and white ball covers swing technical guidance, physical ability evaluation, technical analysis and comparison, playing fees and golf training direction planning. The group purchase price is 392 yuan, and the public playing position can be used by one person for one hour. At the same time, the park also has a luxury private room with a group purchase price of 2560 yuan for private party packages.

According to the eye-catching survey, the legal representative of PLAYGOLF is Li Dongping, which was established in September 2020. However, in the enterprise change record, before May 31, 2021, the legal representative of the company was Zhang Xuhao. In the company’s equity penetration, Zhang Xuhao shares accounted for 99.41%, which is the actual controller of the company. This means that PLAYGOLF is actually a personal entrepreneurial project in Zhang Xuhao.

According to the introduction of Zhang Xuhao’s circle of friends, the promotion of PLAYGOLF has the shadow of being hungry in those days, hoping to break people’s stereotype of golf as a luxury sport through low prices. As low as 268 yuan per class, it looks quite "close to the people". According to public information, the size of the golf market has increased from 8.64 billion yuan in 2016 to 10.26 billion yuan in 2020. With the annual growth of consumption data in this field, it also means that the golf market is gradually being accepted by more middle-class consumers.

In fact, Zhang Xuhao’s high-profile entry into the sports track is not his first entrepreneurial attempt in recent years.

After leaving hungry, Zhang Xuhao set up Shanghai Puguan Business Consulting Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Shanghai Yuduo Business Consulting Co., Ltd. in March and April of 2018 respectively, and registered and established Shanghai Geke Business Consulting Co., Ltd. in 2019. The latter holds 100% of Shanghai Geke Sports Technology Development Co., Ltd.

At the same time, Zhang Xuhao also invested in Shanghai Yangwan Network Technology Co., Ltd. in the past three years, accounting for 5% of the shares. The latter is to study the use of blockchain technology to provide credible financial service providers around the world. Although Tianyan found on its homepage that the team got angel round investment in 19 years, it successfully launched DeFi wallet DeBank in early 20 years, and got A round investment at the end of 20 years to accelerate the launch of DeFi wallet products. But at present, there is no more public information about the product and the company.

If Hungry, founded in 2009, was Zhang Xuhao’s vague ambition when he was a student, then today’s high-profile publicity for PLAYGOLF is mostly due to his love.

Aside from the label "founder of Hungry", there is another label about Zhang Xuhao that has been mentioned countless times, and that is "national second-class athlete".

It is reported that Zhang Xuhao loved intense sports since he was a child, such as boxing, basketball and car racing. He loves all kinds of basketball, and once completed the training course for racing drivers and got the qualification certificate. Hungry after the establishment, it is also an "entrepreneurial movement" that makes him feel excited.

Even as a former member of the basketball school team, in 2016, Zhang Xuhao invited his idol Kobe Bryant as a spokesperson for being hungry, which is one of the few unicorns in the take-away industry associated with sports.

Zhang Xuhao once said that how to make sports closely integrated with users, products and corporate culture is the most critical point. As a sports fan who often works out and loves to play basketball, he has an entrepreneurial personality who dares to fight and fight, which may have laid the groundwork for his current entry into the sports circle. He has been looking for suitable opportunities and projects, and PLAYGOLF has become an attempt he is willing to make public.

Like Hungry, Zhang Xuhao still chooses Shanghai for his second venture. The difference is that his wealth is not what it used to be, which makes him quite generous this time. In May this year, Zhang Xuhao ranked 490th in the 2021 New Fortune 500 Rich List with a wealth of 9 billion yuan.

Interestingly, Zhang Xuhao has always shown more love for basketball than golf. Compared with some new generation entrepreneurs, Zhang Xuhao’s values are somewhat traditional. He likes the images of some athletes in the past and values the self-discipline and diligence of entrepreneurs. For the extreme sports that many entrepreneurs are keen on, he said that it is "too dangerous" because "safety is the most important".

In an interview with Lazy Bear Sports in 2017, Zhang Xuhao even bluntly said that under the trend that people in China are paying more and more attention to sports and participating in it, the unicorn "Hungry" will definitely appear in a certain segment of the sports industry in the future. China Capital is also paying more and more attention to the development of the sports industry, and said that sports need to be commercialized, but not over-commercialized, and a balance needs to be found. "Ma Yun’s Tai Ji Chuan is very interesting. You can’t be left or right. To find a middle point, this is wisdom."

In this way, Zhang Xuhao’s investment in PLAYGOLF is not surprising. Golf is indeed a sport that needs wisdom and balance to achieve success. At the same time, as one of the "Four big noble Sports", which is also known as tennis, snooker and bowling, if it can be popularized, it will have great commercial potential for more potential audiences.

Interestingly, although the single lesson of PLAYGOLF is as low as 268 yuan, the cost advantage is not obvious from the price of other golf driving ranges, but the positioning of PLAYGOLF is higher, which makes it more cost-effective.

Of course, PLAYGOLF is not a completely pure golf driving range, but also equipped with outdoor football field, outdoor tennis, indoor basketball, fighting sports and other sports venues, which means that PLAYGOLF is still a comprehensive sports project on the whole, which can also meet more users who love fighting, basketball and other sports, and at the same time realize the integration of entrepreneurship and sports in Zhang Xuhao.

It is worth noting that since the beginning of this year, with the implementation of the policy of prohibiting off-campus subject training, the track of physical education, which has been silent for a long time, has ushered in a change. Beijing Motive Sports acquired Isee Cinderella Children’s Art Center with RMB 400 million, and Hangzhou Youth Sports Education Brand Bingo Movement and Shanghai Seed Nova also completed a new round of financing of RMB 10 million.

The implementation of the "double reduction" policy has greatly increased the demand for sports training. In addition to basketball training, with the rise of the middle class, minority sports such as fencing, baseball and skiing have obvious long tail attributes, and their training market will also be released in the tide of consumption upgrading. The favorable policies will boost the rapid development of the industry.

This year, SNOW51 and Xueleshan, indoor ski training institutions, have successively announced the completion of billion-dollar financing. It can be seen that the market space left by the "double reduction" and the promotion of consumption have made the youth sports training institutions usher in rare development opportunities, and with the help of industrial policy dividends, there will be a broader market space for minority training such as fencing and skiing in the future.

From this point of view, Zhang Xuhao’s high-profile disclosure of the move to enter the sports circle is particularly timely.

An industry insider, who asked not to be named, told Hunting Cloud that Zhang Xuhao added some elements to the transformation of PLAYGOLF, which is a world-famous basketball court, and China Locke Basketball Park also landed in Shanghai.

"In fact, PLAYGOLF is a bit similar to the current hot virtual sports open in the Metauniverse. The target group is 400 million middle-income people in China. By lowering the threshold of high-end sports and redefining the sports consumption scene, the ultimate goal is to improve the frequency of sports."

In his view, golf, racing, skiing, rowing and other high-end sports have been trapped in the venue and price restrictions, so the frequency is not high, but now we can lower the threshold of venue conditions, time constraints and high costs by realizing the operation of sports in urban stores and re-transforming sports consumption scenes, and finally let high-end sports gradually become popular.

Whether the meta-universe or the scene is reconstructed or not, it remains to be seen whether Zhang Xuhao can take a different path with cost performance when Internet gameplay is used in high-end sports.


Reveal the details of Fan Debiao’s 48 million contract! The new season will not continue to be assisted by the transaction.

On September 18th, Beijing time, the details of Vanderbilt’s four-year $48 million contract were exposed, with a starting salary of $10.71 million and a player option of $13.29 million in the last year. The Lakers could not trade him in the new season. In the next few years, Fan Debiao will continue to assist James and Thick Eyebrows in winning the championship.

Previously, the Lakers and Vanderbilt reached a four-year and $48 million early renewal contract. Recently, the salary website Spotrac disclosed the details of Vanderbilt’s new contract.

$10.71 million in the 2024-25 season; $11.57 million in 25-26 season; 12.43 million dollars in 26-27 season; $13.29 million in 27-28 season (player option).

The annual salary of Fan Debiao’s four-year new contract is increasing year by year, and he has the player option in the last year; In addition, Fan Debiao will have a six-month trading freeze period, which will make him unable to be traded in the new season (February next year is the trading deadline).

Fan Debiao, 24, joined the Lakers before the 22-23 season trade deadline, played 26 regular season games for the Lakers, averaging 7.2 points, 6.7 rebounds, 1.6 assists and 1.2 steals, helping the Lakers to make a strong counterattack to the playoffs and all the way to the Western Conference.

Although Fan Debiao missed the opportunity to renew the four-year $71 million maximum salary contract, he renewed the four-year $48 million contract ahead of schedule, which is the biggest contract renewal he has ever obtained in his career. Next, Fan Debiao can play for the Lakers with peace of mind, and continue to assist James and Thick Eyebrows in winning the championship.

20 points blood abuse African champion! The men’s basketball team won Qiao Shuai’s selection lineup, and three people were eliminated. Zhao Rui regretted it

20 points blood abuse African champion, China men’s basketball team won the night, Qiao Shuai selected the lineup, three people were eliminated in advance, Zhao Rui regretted. Our China men’s basketball team in the warm-up match of the Italian team, when China men’s basketball team won the first warm-up match and beat the abusive opponent, the final selection and adjustment of the men’s basketball team, it can be said that with the performance played by the men’s basketball team this time, it also made Jojevich have a fixed mind, and at the same time, three men’s basketball team members may be eliminated in advance and may miss the subsequent World Cup appearance. In this way, China men’s basketball team can also play in the game with a more complete and reasonable lineup and play the strongest team.

First of all, we all know that our China men’s basketball team has been carrying out intensive training and training in Europe in the near future. Recently, the China men’s basketball team has also arrived in Italy, and there have been many warm-up matches in Italy. This time, we also participated in the Trentino Cup in Italy. The China men’s basketball team made its debut in the early hours of this morning. Facing the Cape Verde team, Cape Verde is also an African champion team. Our China men’s basketball team can also be said to have played a quite eye-catching performance on the court, which is absolutely not timid.

Today, many fans may have missed the game, but they also saw the final result. Our China men’s basketball team finally beat their opponents by 86: 66 and 20 points. This game showed us many characteristics of the China men’s basketball team, which were not seen by Du Feng before. In this game, the overall transmission ball of the men’s basketball team is more accurate, and there are more vacancies for our players on the court. There is no such situation as one person holding the ball and four people watching it before. Therefore, we played more resolutely and decisively in the China men’s basketball team as a whole, and the shooting accuracy was higher. In this game, the shooting percentage of the China men’s basketball team on the outside line was over 50%, and such a shooting percentage made the China men’s basketball team have the assurance of winning the game.

At the same time, we can see that the defense of the strikers has also been well reflected in this game, so how can such a men’s basketball team not make everyone full of expectations? But at the same time, after the game, some players of China Men’s Basketball Team were questioned by the outside world. It may be said that Qiao Shuai will make a key consideration on whether these three players will stay in the team after the selection of personnel in this game. Which three players are they? First of all, the first player is Zhao Rui, and Zhao Rui’s words show that Qiao Shuai made his debut in this game, but in this game, Zhao Rui obviously didn’t hand over the satisfactory answer sheet. In this game, Zhao Rui scored only four points and two assists, which was really not qualified, and the overall performance was also very lame.

In this game, more fans may question that, in addition to his personal offensive disadvantage, some mistakes caused by him on the court have greatly affected the overall rhythm of the China men’s basketball team on the court, and Zhao Rui’s attitude has not been able to satisfy the fans. Unlike Fang Shuo and other members of the China men’s basketball team, Zhao Rui will be affected by the emotional mistakes on the court, which is really not conducive to his personal play and even more unfavorable to the whole team. Positive face, right? Therefore, after this game, Zhao Rui should first make some reflections on his own situation, and we saw that Jorjevich reprimanded Zhao Rui continuously on the court, which was also a reminder to him. Therefore, if Zhao Rui can’t make personal adjustments in advance and maintain a continuous positive attitude on the court, the China men’s basketball team may make a final consideration for him in the follow-up.

In addition to Zhao Rui, the other two players are Fu Hao and Yu Jiahao, who didn’t get a chance in this game. Although these two players said that they didn’t have too many opportunities to shine and show themselves in this game, we can also see the whole clue through the overall mobilization of Qiaojieweiqi, because in this game, we saw that Qiaojieweiqi used a lot of young strikers such as Zhang Zhenlin and Zhu Junlong. They are more energetic, more mobile and more defensive, so Fu Hao’s overall tactical position and position in the team is really not prominent after the positive performance of these front lines, which may also lead him to leave the team early.

In Yu Jiahao’s words, in this game, we saw that Qiao Jieweiqi also used the other three inside lines of the team more. Yu Jiahao was also slow and had limited defensive coverage on the court. Therefore, this overall situation may also lead to his early elimination together with Fu Hao. Through this game, the morale of the men’s basketball players has soared, and the fans have more expectations for the World Cup. We are also looking forward to Qiao Jieweiqi’s final lineup through this warm-up match.

Warriors: Faced with a choice, rebuild or pursue the championship?

The Warriors are faced with a difficult choice: whether to continue to pursue the championship or rebuild? However, for this powerful team, their attitude is clear, and the goal is still the championship. In the past few seasons, the Warriors have been the dominant player in the NBA. They have superstars such as Curry, Thompson and Green, and top players such as Durant and Cousins. Their golden age undoubtedly brought endless glory and excitement to the fans. However, with injuries and contract problems, the Warriors suffered some setbacks last season. Despite this, the Warriors did not give up the goal of pursuing the championship. Instead, they regard these difficulties as opportunities for exercise and growth. They know that if they want to stand at the top again, they must make more efforts and persistence. On the occasion of the new season, the Warriors readjusted their lineup through draft and trading, and introduced some young and potential players. They hope that these newcomers can inject new vitality into the team and play an important role in the game. In addition, the Warriors still own Curry, a superstar. He is the soul and leader of the team, and his existence provides the Warriors with the motivation to continue to compete for the championship. Although he also suffered from injuries, Curry showed amazing resilience and tenacious willpower. His return will undoubtedly inject new vitality and confidence into the Warriors. The Warriors were faced with the choice of rebuilding or pursuing the championship, and they chose the latter. They made it clear that the goal is still the championship. By adjusting the lineup, cultivating young players and Curry’s return,The Warriors will once again show their strength and determination.

When choosing Paul, the head coach of the Warriors obviously valued his ability to control the field and the importance of the game. As an experienced point guard, Paul has excellent organizational and leadership skills, which can effectively command the team’s attack and improve the overall combat effectiveness. However, we can’t ignore the risks brought by Paul’s height and age. As a point guard, Paul is relatively short, which will be limited when facing some tall inside players. On the defensive end, he may encounter some difficulties and be easily broken by his opponent by taking advantage of his height. In addition, with the growth of age, Paul’s physical fitness will gradually decline, which will have a certain impact on his lasting combat effectiveness. However, the Warriors chose Paul for no reason. First of all, the core players of the Warriors have excellent scoring ability, and they need a point guard who can organize the attack stably. Paul is such a player. His passing skills and awareness are excellent, which can create more scoring opportunities for teammates. Secondly, Paul’s importance in the game is not only reflected in the offensive end, but also can bring stable leadership and experience to the team, which has a positive impact on the growth of young players. Of course, in order to maximize Paul’s advantages and reduce risks, the Warriors can make up for his height disadvantage through tactical arrangements. They can use fast passing and flexible defensive strategies to limit the play of opponents’ inside players and strengthen the overall defensive awareness of the team. In addition, Paul also needs to arrange his rest time and training plan reasonably.In order to maintain good physical condition and stable competitive ability. It is risky for the Warriors to choose Paul, but this choice also fully takes into account his field control ability and importance.

Cole’s admiration for Paul is beyond words. He praised Paul without stint as one of the best point guards in basketball history. Indeed, both in technology and leadership, Paul has demonstrated extraordinary ability. As a point guard, Paul is skillful and comprehensive. His eye for passing the ball is extremely unique, and he can accurately find the space of his teammates and create scoring opportunities. His organizational ability is also first-class, and he can lead the team to play a smooth offensive system. In addition, Paul also showed excellent ability in shooting and breakthrough, and his personal scoring ability was remarkable. More importantly, Paul can control the game at the critical moment. He is famous for his calmness and decisiveness, and he can make the right decision in a tense situation. Whether in the playoffs or in the regular season, he can play his best and help the team win. Because of this, Cole is full of expectations for next season. He believes that under the leadership of Paul, the team can achieve better results. Cole knows that Paul’s joining is not only to improve the team’s strength, but also to bring the fans the joy of victory. In Cole’s view, next season will be a season full of hope and challenges. He believes that the team can play a wonderful game under the leadership of Paul and present a wonderful basketball feast for the fans. Regardless of the outcome, Cole firmly believes that the team will develop in the direction expected by the fans. In a word, Paul, as an excellent point guard, not only performed well technically, but also showed his ability to dominate the game at critical moments.Cole praised him and looked forward to next season.

The Warriors missed Poole, which meant that no one inside was available, which undoubtedly put an end to their championship era. In the past few years, the Warriors have been famous for their excellent outside shooting and teamwork. However, the basketball game is not only about shooting from outside, but also the existence of inside. In the past few seasons, the Warriors have made brilliant achievements with the outstanding performances of superstars such as Curry, Thompson and Duran. However, in the face of powerful opponents, their weaknesses in the inside are exposed. The lack of a strong and comprehensive insider makes them at a disadvantage in defense and rebounding. Poole’s mistake undoubtedly sounded the alarm for the Warriors. He is an insider with excellent basketball IQ and skills, and can provide stable insider support for the team. However, due to various reasons, the Warriors failed to sign him, resulting in an empty inside. However, we can’t declare that the Warriors’ championship era is over. Basketball game is a team sport, and victory depends not only on the performance of individual players. Warriors still have excellent players such as Curry, Thompson and Green, and their outside firepower is still terrible. In addition, they can make up for the lack of inside through tactical adjustment. The Warriors need to find new options inside. They can bring in an excellent inside player through trading or free market signing to enhance the overall strength of the team. At the same time, they can also train young players and improve the depth and competitiveness of the inside. It’s a pity for the Warriors to miss Poole.But it doesn’t mean that their championship era is over.

Thank you for reading this article, and the determination and strength of the Warriors will be demonstrated again. They chose to pursue the championship. By adjusting the lineup and training young players, they believe they can return to the top. Curry’s return will also inject new vitality and confidence into the team. Let’s expect the Warriors to show great strength and determination in the new season!

2-3! Cao Meng continued to compete for the championship, and Zhang Linyan was fascinated: one-stop internal cutting+world wave, making 19 goals in the first season

On May 21st, Beijing time, the first leg of the semi-final of the Swiss Women’s Super Playoff started, and Zhang Linyan, a talented woman studying abroad in China, broke out again. With the help of God, this campaign was directly cut in one stop, and she scored a key goal for the Cao Meng women’s football team. However, the Cao Meng women’s football team lost 2-3 to Zurich women’s football team, and it was at a disadvantage to compete for the championship. She needed to win in the second round to have a chance to enter the final.

Cao Meng women’s football team won four consecutive victories before the current round of competition, which strongly impacted the championship trophy, while Zhang Linyan took out the state of winning the championship and losing the hand. She made achievements in four consecutive games, scored three goals and one assist, scored two through-train goals, won the best goal award in a single round and made a wonderful assist. However, the Zurich women’s football team also has an excellent state, and it is also a favorite for the championship, entering the semi-finals with seven consecutive victories.

In this match, the competition between Cao Meng women’s football team and Zurich women’s football team was fierce, and the game was in a stalemate. Zurich women’s football team is slightly superior to Cao Meng women’s football team in both offensive and defensive ends. In the first 68 minutes, Zurich women’s football team leads 2-1; In the 68th minute of the game, Zhang Linyan, who started the game, once again showed her super personal ability. She got a straight ball from her teammates on the right side of the frontcourt, cut the ball directly to get rid of many defenders, and finally shot the world wave with her left foot directly from the arc top of the restricted area, and the ball hung directly in the corner of the top left corner of the goal. Cao Meng women’s football team lost 2-2 Zurich women’s football team, but at the last moment Cao Meng women’s football team lost another goal, and Cao Meng women’s football team finally ended the game 2-3.

The first leg of another semi-final game has also ended. Selvelt defeated St Gallen’s women’s football team 2-1 away and remained unbeaten in the season. This game is 19 wins, 2 draws and 0 losses, which is the biggest favorite to win the championship. Cao Meng women’s football team has 14 wins, 2 draws and 5 losses this season, while Zurich women’s football team has 17 wins, 2 draws and 2 losses. As can be seen from the total score, the stability of Cao Meng women’s football team is not as good as that of Servit and Zurich, so it is difficult to be optimistic about the championship. However, they have Zhang Linyan, the winner of the Swiss women’s super season Golden Globe Award, which greatly enhances their confidence in the championship, and they have the opportunity to complete the counterattack with the star effect in the second round.

Although 22-year-old Zhang Linyan studied abroad in European football for the first time, she made 19 goals in the first season of studying abroad, and her offensive ability was fully recognized. After the regular season, she won the Swiss Women’s Super Official Player of the Season Award, which is a new history for China women’s football players studying abroad. At the same time, she also won the Best 11 Player Award. With such high-light performance, Zhang Linyan needs a championship trophy to end the season. All the last five games have made achievements, and all of them have shown the performance of top stars, which is enough to prove her desire for the championship. There is reason to believe that Zhang Linyan will continue to make achievements in the second round of the semi-final to help the team reverse the promotion.

It is understood that Zhang Linyan’s promotion after studying abroad is very obvious. Her confrontational ability, game rhythm and ball handling ability are all better than in the past, especially her breakthrough ability, which has fulfilled the talent of talented players. Recently, she has made achievements in three consecutive games (including two goalkeepers). According to this growth rate, Zhang Linyan may go further in the new season and challenge the five major leagues.