标签归档 夜上海

The father of the flight attendant who was killed by hitchhiking late at night: his daughter is usually very sensible

  Yesterday, the "flight attendant was killed in a hitchhiker late at night" attracted widespread attention from netizens. On the evening of May 5, Li Mouzhu, an employee of Xiangpeng Airlines, was killed while taking a hitchhiker from the Zhengzhou Airport Residence Hotel in Henan Province to the urban area of Zhengzhou. A reporter from Beijing Youth Daily learned from the Zhengzhou police that the murderer is still absconding. The public security organ has set up a special task force and has identified the suspect and is making every effort to arrest him. After police investigation, the perpetrator was a Didi registered hitchhiker with a murder weapon.

  Stewardess killed for hitchhiking late at night

  On the evening of May 5, Li Mouzhu, a flight attendant, was killed while taking a ride from the Zhengzhou Airport Hotel in Henan Province to the urban area of Zhengzhou. A reporter from Beiqing Daily learned that Li Mouzhu, who is 174 cm tall, is from Jinan, Shandong. He is 21 years old and worked as a flight attendant at Xiangpeng Airlines before he was killed.

  Yesterday afternoon, a reporter from Beiqing Daily contacted Mr. Wu, a friend of Li Mouzhu’s father. After Li Mouzhu was killed, Mr. Wu followed him to Zhengzhou to help deal with related matters.

  According to Mr. Wu, on the evening of May 5, Li Mouzhu arrived in Zhengzhou. After returning to the hotel with his colleagues that night to change clothes and take a bath, he called a ride to Zhengzhou Railway Station through Didi near 12 pm and planned to take the train back to his home in Jinan, Shandong overnight.

  He had been sexually harassed by a driver before the incident

  According to Mr. Wu, he and Li Mouzhu’s father have been good friends for many years. In his impression, Li Mouzhu is a particularly sensible and obedient girl. "She is very well-behaved and smart. She is the only daughter in the family. I just started working, and I didn’t expect this to happen."

  A reporter from Beiqing Daily learned that before the incident, Li Mouzhu had sent a message to a colleague saying that he had been sexually harassed by the driver. According to the WeChat chat records of Li Mouzhu and her colleagues, near 12 o’clock on the evening of May 5, Li Mouzhu sent a message to her colleague saying that the driver behaved perversely and sexually harassed her, "saying that I am very beautiful and want to kiss me very much." His colleague replied: "You ignore him."

  According to her colleague, after receiving Li Mouzhu’s WeChat, her colleague once called her. Li Mouzhu said it was "fine", and then hung up the phone. The call time was only a few dozen seconds.

  "Li Mouzhu originally planned to go home, but by the evening of the 6th, no one could contact her, thinking that her mobile phone was lost." Mr. Wu said that on the morning of the 6th, he received a call from Li Mouzhu’s father, "He was very anxious and said that Li Mouzhu had been unable to be contacted, and something might have happened." Feeling ominous, on the afternoon of the 7th, Mr. Wu drove with Li Mouzhu’s family to the Zhengzhou Public Security Bureau Airport Police Station to call the police.

  Mr. Wu said that after learning that Li Mouzhu was killed, her parents were in a very bad mood. "They only have one appeal now, and that is to catch the murderer quickly."

  The suspect abandoned his car and jumped into the river, and the police made an all-out manhunt

  In response to this matter, the reporter of Beiqing Daily called the propaganda department of Zhengzhou Public Security Bureau. A person in charge said that the perpetrator was a Didi driver with a murder weapon, and the murderer was still absconding. At present, the public security organ has set up a special task force, has identified the suspect, and is making every effort to arrest him.

  According to the Zhengzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, in the early morning of May 6, a homicide occurred in the airport area of Zhengzhou City. The victim, Li Mouzhu (female, 21 years old, from Jinan, Shandong Province), was killed on the way to ride the online car-hailing, and the online car-hailing driver, Liu Mouhua (male, 27 years old, from the Zhengzhou airport area), was suspected of committing a major crime. After the task force retrieved multiple monitors near the incident, it was traced along the line, showing that the suspect Liu Mouhua abandoned the car and jumped into the river after committing the crime. Now the police are making every effort to search for him in the relevant area.

  Yesterday afternoon, Xiangpeng Airlines, where Li Mouzhu worked, issued a statement. The statement said that after being notified by the Zhengzhou police, Li Mouzhu, an employee of Xiangpeng Airlines, was tragically killed on the evening of May 5, 2018 on his way to the city from the hotel. We express our deep condolences for the loss of a young life and the loss of a dear employee, and extend our deepest condolences to the families of the murdered employees. At the same time, Xiangpeng Airlines said that it will spare no effort to provide legal consultation, psychological assistance and other help and support to the families, and called on the general public to provide clues to the Zhengzhou police, hoping that the case will be solved as soon as possible and the murderer will be brought to justice.

  Didi is offering a million yuan reward for finding the suspected driver

  After the incident, the relevant person of Didi confirmed to the reporter of Beiqing Daily that the driver was a hitchhiker and the registration information was true after verification by the company. Subsequently, Didi established a special project working group to cooperate with the police to carry out case investigation. Last night, Didi issued an announcement offering a reward of 1 million yuan to find the suspected driver and announced the relevant information of the suspected driver Liu Mouhua. The reporter of Beiqing Daily tried to call the suspected driver’s phone, which showed that the phone had been shut down.

  On May 10, Li’s friend told the Beijing Youth Daily that she was a lively and cheerful girl who was very kind and hoped to find the murderer and bring him to justice as soon as possible. Another person claiming to be a friend of Li Mouzhu posted a post on Weibo to commemorate her, with a photo of Li Mouzhu making a cake.


  Victim’s father: Daughter is usually very sensible

  On the evening of May 10, a reporter from Beiqing Daily met Mr. Li, the father of Li Mouzhu. It had been five days since Li Mouzhu was killed. Mr. Li’s eyes were red and swollen. Mr. Wu, who accompanied him, said that after learning that his daughter had been killed, Mr. Li had been crying for several days. He had been unable to eat these days, but kept drinking water and smoking.

  Mr. Li introduced that his daughter Li Mouzhu was born in 1997. After graduating from junior high school, she went to the local Jinan Aviation College to study. It was her dream to be a flight attendant. The daughter has a cheerful personality and is usually very sensible. Li Mouzhu’s family is in business and her family conditions are good, but she still relies on leaflets and street stalls to work and study during school. In 2016, Li Mouzhu graduated. Her parents wanted her to stay in the local airline in Shandong, but due to the full number of local places, in June 2016, Li Mouzhu went to Xiangpeng Airlines, which is headquartered in Kunming.

  Ms. Li landed in Zhengzhou on May 5 and was given 36 hours of rest. Two days before the incident, she had called her parents to say she was homesick and wanted to take the train early on May 6 back for a day before returning to Zhengzhou. The planned meeting, more than a month after Ms. Li took her annual leave in early April, was the last meeting between Mr. Li and her daughter.

  After losing contact with his daughter, Mr. Li found out based on his daughter’s ID card information that Li Mouzhu did not check his ticket at Zhengzhou Railway Station on May 6, nor did he board the train home.

  On May 7, Mr. Li and his friends drove four hours from Jinan to Zhengzhou to report to the police. On May 8, Zhengzhou police found Li Mouzhu’s body. According to the police, Li Mouzhu was found with multiple knife wounds. Mr. Li said that when his daughter was found, she was naked and there was a dagger at the scene of the crime. Later, the police found the crime vehicle near the crime scene, and the daughter’s pants were on the car.

  Recalling his daughter, Mr. Li said that the clothes he was wearing were all bought by her, and although the family conditions were good, his daughter would always buy things for the family. After the incident, many of Li Mouzhu’s friends called Mr. Li, but he didn’t dare to answer, "Every time I answer the phone, the pain in my heart will be stabbed."

  On May 5, Li Mouzhu took a taxi from the staff dormitory on the seventh floor of the hotel, ready to embark on his way home. Today, Mr. Li also lives on the fifth floor of the same hotel. Late at night, the crew cars coming and going in front of the hotel occasionally pick up the busy flight attendants, and Mr. Li’s daughter Li Mouzhu will never appear among them again.

  This group of articles/our reporters, Zhang Xiangmei, Ma Jinfeng, intern, Fu Yao

Hengda property sued Hengda to recover 2 billion why do enterprises frequently "son sue me"?

An announcement that Hengda Property sued Hengda for 2 billion exposed the internal entanglement of the "father and son".

In fact, it is not only Hengda Property that has taken the parent company to court. Since the beginning of this year, there have been many cases of property companies recovering accounts receivable from related real estate companies. At present, the real estate industry is in a downward cycle, and the capital problems of real estate related parties often lead to the impact of property companies, especially listed property companies. On the one hand, they are suspected of "blood transfusion" parent company. On the other hand, the real estate liquidity crisis has caused a large number of bad debts of property companies in accounts receivable, which has affected the profitability level.

In the opinion of industry experts, establishing a regulatory system for the use of property management fees in the property industry to ensure that project funds can be misappropriated at least is the key to preventing such incidents.

Hengda property to China Hengda recover 2 billion yuan

On November 28, Hengda Property announced that regarding the enforcement of its deposit pledge of about 13.40 billion yuan by the relevant banks, its wholly-owned subsidiary Jinbi Property has filed a lawsuit with the Intermediate People’s Court of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China, for the recovery of Shenzhen Qihang Metal Materials Co., Ltd., Guizhou Guangjuyuan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., Hengda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd., Hengda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd., and China Hengda Group for the enforcement of the deposit certificate pledge guarantee of about 2 billion yuan by the bank. It requires the relevant responsible parties to repay about 1.996 billion yuan and the provisional interest of about 150 million yuan. Hengda Property said in the announcement that it has received the notice of the court’s formal acceptance of the case on November 28.

On November 29, China Evergrande announced that it had paid attention to Hengda Property’s announcement on November 28 that Jinbi Property (a subsidiary of Hengda Property) had sued China Evergrande and three related subsidiaries for the enforcement of the 2 billion yuan deposit certificate pledge guarantee by the bank. As of now, China Evergrande has not received the notice of the Guangzhou Intermediate People’s Court to file a lawsuit against Jinbi Property.

It is well known that China Evergrande and Evergrande Property have a "father and son" relationship, and the public litigation at this time also exposed its internal entanglements.

In this regard, Yuan Chengjian, co-founder of Jiancheng Shengye, believes that from the perspective of legal relationship, although the two companies are affiliated companies, they are also two independent listed companies. Adopting such a legal and responsible handling method for shareholders can protect the interests of Hengda property shareholders during the handling of Hengda real estate debt, and also provide a reference for other similar events.

"But judging from the current situation, this treatment method has little practical effect, and it is estimated that the misappropriated funds that can be truly recovered will not be too much, or even just a kind of debt confirmation." Yuan Chengjian said.

Wang Yuchen, director of Beijing Jinsheng Law Firm, also pointed out that even if Hengda Property eventually wins the case, it will be difficult to recover the money, because judging from the current financial situation of China Evergrande, there may also be difficulties in implementation.

Xinyuan Service and Jinke Service also "collect debts" from the parent company

Taking the parent company to court is not just Hengda Property, but also the case of property service companies collecting debts from affiliated real estate companies.

On August 15 this year, Xinyuan Service announced that the financing obtained from its pledge was finally transferred to Xinyuan Real Estate for its daily business activities, namely project construction and delivery guarantee. Subsequently, Xinyuan Service submitted an arbitration against Xinyuan Real Estate to the Hong Kong International Arbitration Center, claiming to recover any losses suffered by the company on the mortgage.

It is reported that Xinyuan Real Estate holds shares in Xinyuan Service 300 million with a shareholding ratio of 60%. Xinyuan Real Estate is wholly owned by Xinyuan Real Estate.

In October this year, Xinyuan Service announced that the Hong Kong Arbitration Center has made a final and legally binding arbitration award, requiring Xinyuan Real Estate to immediately pay the losses suffered by Xinyuan Service, including the deposit principal of 402 million yuan, the time deposit interest loss of 2443.82 million yuan and the cost of review and investigation, totaling about 430 million yuan. On November 15, Xinyuan Service, which has been suspended for one year, issued two announcements to update its resumption progress.

In addition, the related party transaction between Jinke Services and Jinke shares has also been a source of concern.

Jinke shares received the litigation materials from the Chongqing No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court on May 29, and learned that the plaintiff Jinke Service Sued Company and its holding subsidiaries’ case on loan contract disputes has been accepted by the court. Jinke shares are requested to immediately return the principal of the loan of Jinke Smart Service 1.50 billion yuan, the interest as of March 20, 2023 32.3327 million yuan and the interest from March 21 to the settlement date.

On August 13, Jinke Services announced that the relevant member companies of Jinke Shares will transfer their respective offset properties to Jinke Services as payment in lieu of the payables due from the continuing related party transaction. The amount involved is 20.40 million yuan, and the offset properties include 36 items, with a total valuation of 20.80 million yuan. Although the relevant member companies of Jinke Shares have transferred 36 offset properties to offset the payables of about 20.40 million yuan, the scale of debt offset is still relatively limited compared to the litigation amount of about 1.50 billion yuan.

At that time, Jinke Service proposed in the announcement that Jinke shares were currently facing a serious liquidity crisis, and therefore could not settle the payments due to the company in cash. In view of the relevant circumstances, the company had reduced the provision of property management services or non-owner value-added services to Jinke shares.

Industry: Establishing a regulatory system is the key to prevention

In recent years, the profitability of property enterprises has declined significantly, among which the clearing of risks such as related party transactions is the main reason. In this regard, the Middle Finger Research Institute analyzed that the real estate liquidity crisis has caused a large number of bad accounts receivable of property companies, which has greatly affected the level of profitability. For example, in 2022, the average value of accounts receivable and bills of listed companies in property services was 1.531 billion yuan, an increase of 36.45% year-on-year; some listed companies disclosed the accounts receivable from related companies, and the average value of this indicator was 173 million yuan, an increase of 63.21% year-on-year. With the expansion of the scale of accounts receivable, the turnover days of accounts receivable have slowed down significantly. In 2022, the bad debt provisions for accounts receivable accrued by property management companies have generally increased. Some companies have made a large amount of impairment against the accounts receivable of related real estate enterprises, which has a significant impact on their performance.

In fact, in the past two years, the real estate industry has been in a downward cycle, and many property companies have also been affected by the financial problems of real estate related parties. On the one hand, the financial independence of listed property companies has been questioned, and they are suspected of "blood transfusion" parent companies. On the other hand, a large number of related party transactions receivables cannot be collected.

In this regard, Yuan Chengjian believes that establishing a regulatory system for the use of property management fees in the property industry to ensure that project funds can be misappropriated at least is the key to preventing such incidents, and it is also a true system guarantee for owners to be responsible.

Beijing News reporter, Yuan Xiuli

Editor, Yang Juanjuan, Proofreader, Wang Xin

Chery Tiggo 9 was officially listed at a price of 152,900-203,900 yuan.

  [New Car Listed in car home] On May 30th, Chery Tiggo 9 was officially listed.The new car has launched a total of five models.The price is 152,900-203,900 yuan.The new car is positioned as a medium-sized SUV with 5 seats and 7 seats to choose from. As a flagship model, the new car integrates the most advanced product technology and configuration of the Tiggo family, and the overall product has been upgraded to a new height.

Chery tiggo 9 guide price car make and model Price (ten thousand yuan) 400T+7DCT leading edition 15.29 400T+7DCT deluxe edition 16.29 400T+7DCT premium edition 17.49 400T+8AT+ four-wheel drive to the full version. 18.39 400T+8AT+ Four-wheel Drive Ultimate Edition 20.39

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  In terms of appearance, (|) is very different from the previous models in appearance design. It has an independent design style, a large-scale straight waterfall design of the middle net, and contains chrome-plated decorative strips, among which the decorative strips are also meandered to enhance the three-dimensional sense of modeling. The headlight group is connected with the middle net, and the lamp body is slender in shape, including the design of lenses. A number of ribs on the hood and a three-stage air intake below make the front face more aggressive.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

  On the side of the car body, because the overall height of the new car is not high, even lower than that of the Tiggo 8 PLUS, the length and height of the car are obviously better than that of the Tiggo 8 PLUS, including the third row of windows, so the whole car will have a brand-new vision. The side of the car body looks slender and the front of the car looks wider, giving people a larger vision. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4820/1930/1699mm and the wheelbase is 2820mm respectively. At the same time, it can be noticed that the new car adopts a hidden door handle, which looks more scientific and technological.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

  At the rear of the vehicle, if it is not the logo, it seems that you can’t feel that this is a Chery model. The slender taillights give people a wide body vision again. At the same time, there is a thick chrome trim strip at the taillights. The whole taillight style is unique, at the same time, there is a large spoiler at the roof, and the rear bumper has a two-way exhaust layout.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

  In terms of interior, compared with the interior of the Tiggo family in the past, Tiggo 9 has been promoted to a new height, and it shows a sense of high quality in both color matching and materials. The center console surface includes wood-like decorative panels, large-area soft packages, exquisite chrome-plated air-conditioning decorative openings, and a large central armrest area, which enhances the overall sense of high quality.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

  Dual-screen design is adopted in the car, based on Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip and 5G Gigabit Ethernet, which brings high car performance. The car will also be equipped with Sony’s 14-speaker surround sound and 256-color waterfall melody atmosphere lights. Virtual buttons are used in the steering wheel, gear handle and other areas, which is full of technology. The armrest box is the seat, multimedia and air conditioning control area, and the front part contains the wireless charging board. Because the new car is designed with a hood, there is a huge storage space under the center console.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

  The new car has five seats and seven seats to choose from. The main driver’s seat includes ventilation, heating, memory and massage functions. The decoration of the seat also reflects a sense of high quality, including the collocation of different fabrics, different stitching lines on leather and softer headrest. The power seat buttons are the same as Mercedes-Benz models, located on the door panel, and there are independent boss buttons in the rear seats.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

  The second row adopts three-seat layout, with independent air conditioning control area, and the backrest of the second row is 4/6 down, which can form a wide plane storage space with the trunk. The second row of central armrests provides a cup holder. The third row of seats has a two-seat layout, and the thickness of the overall cushion is acceptable, but like other models, the third row of seats has a higher platform and average comfort. The storage space in the trunk is considerable, and the storage space for sitting people is very good.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

  In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with Kunpeng Power 2.0TGDI engine, with a maximum power of 192kW(261Ps) and a peak torque of 400 N m. The traditional system is matched with 7DCT gearbox and 8AT gearbox. In addition, the Tiggo 9 will launch the Tiggo 9 C-DM model in the future. Its hybrid model has a full-scene intelligent four-wheel drive system, with an acceleration time of 4.26s from 0 to 100 km, a comprehensive battery life of over 1,400 km, a pure battery life of 165km and a fuel consumption of 4.2L/100km.

More exciting videos are all on the car home video platform.

Chery tiggo 9 2023 400T two-wheel drive deluxe edition 7 seats.

  In addition, the car is equipped with CDC suspension, which realizes intelligent full-induction adjustment through stepless adjustment of suspension hardness, dynamic feedback adjustment of 1000 times/second and OTA infinite evolution upgrade triple technology; Compared with ordinary suspension, the suspension comfort is improved by 74.8%, the body roll comfort is improved by more than 50%, and the mute/grip/body posture stability is improved by more than 30%.

● Competitors:

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K 2023 2.0T Four-wheel Drive Pleasant Model

"changan uni-k"

  The same positioning as Chery Tiggo 9 is Changan UNI-K model, which is very interesting in terms of product value, and also more interesting in terms of price and configuration. Comparatively speaking, Changan UNI-K model is more personalized and suitable for young consumers, but it has been launched for quite a long time. Due to the product update, such as the configuration update of the car system, the Tiggo 9 has a better experience, a better sense of overall interior luxury, and more eye-catching performance of power parameters. In addition, the Tiggo 9 is a 7-seat SUV, while the Changan UNI-K is a 5-seat SUV.

● Edit Comment:

  Compared with the previous models, the overall strength of the Tiggo 9 has been greatly improved, and at the same time, it has the consistent high cost performance of the Tiggo family. For many consumers at present, they pay more attention to the quality of the new car. It is expected that this car will have a good sales volume. At the same time, this SUV can meet the needs of consumers who are pursuing space. For consumers who want to buy plug-in models, they can also wait for the listing of the subsequent Tiggo 9 C-DM models. (Text/car home Qin Chao)

Great Wall King Kong cannon declaration map exposure: the length is more than 5 meters 6.

  According to the 350th new car announcement of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Great Wall pickup truck declared a brand-new model called King Kong Gun. .

  The appearance of the new car generally continues the design style of the current Great Wall Gun. The air intake grille is covered with wide chrome trim strips, thick and thick, and the interior is a black honeycomb air intake grille. The overall style looks like a Ford F-150 Raptor, which is extremely domineering.

  Different from the current Great Wall Gun, the new car uses bigger headlights, and halogen headlights and LED matrix headlights will be provided according to the configuration difference.

  The new car is divided into two models: standard container and long container, among which The standard container version has a body size of 5365 * 1880 * 1815mm and a wheelbase of 3140mm. , the container size is 1550*1500*470 mm; The body size of the long container version is 5635 * 1815 * 1840mm and the wheelbase is 3410mm. The container size is 1820 * 1500 * 495mm.

  The new car is equipped with 235/65 and 245/65 tires. The rear axle adopts five leaf springs, with a approach angle of 22/25, a departure angle of 24/25 and a rated load of 500 kg.

  In terms of power, the new car will provide two engines, gasoline and diesel, both of which have a displacement of 2.0 liters.

  The maximum power of the 2.0T gasoline engine is 140kW, and the data of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology show that the fuel consumption of the King Kong cannon equipped with this engine is 9.2L or 9.5L per 100km..

  2.0T diesel engines are divided into 110kW and 120kW low-power and high-power, and the fuel consumption per 100km is 7.7L, 7.9L, 8.1L and 8.2L..

  Judging from the body size and power composition, The positioning of the newly declared King Kong gun is slightly lower than that of the current Great Wall gun, focusing on the economic and commercial field, and the price of the main models will be less than 100,000 yuan. Then it is possible that it only provides manual transmission.

  The sales of the current Great Wall Gun are hot, with a total of 180,000 units sold from January to October this year. If the price of the King Kong Gun is right, it will inevitably become an explosion!

World refitted car industry grand meeting: Counting ten cool car models of North American refitted car show.


    [Content at a glance]At this modified auto show, Volvo exhibited two high-performance modified Volvo S80 and C30, operated by Heico Sportiv, a famous German modified car manufacturer.
Heico’s modified C30 uses an upgraded T5 turbocharged engine.

    The 2007 North American Modified Auto Show (SEMA) was held in Las Vegas, USA from October 30th to November 2nd. After 31 years’ development, this annual modified auto show has become a grand event of the world’s modified car industry, attracting most of the world’s automobile manufacturers and hundreds of thousands of car enthusiasts to gather in Las Vegas every November.

    So far, there are no manufacturers in China, but with the growth and prosperity of China’s automobile aftermarket, the world’s largest modified auto show is gradually entering the field of vision of China players. It doesn’t matter if you can’t come to the scene in person. Now, follow our reporter and take a look at the world’s most advanced automobile modification technology and products.

    Chevrolet Cobalt SS

    The 2008 Cobalt SS is equipped with the same 2.0-liter Opel and Ecotec 260hp turbine engines as Chevrolet HHR SS, Opel Astra OPC and Pontiac Solstice. The output power is 55 horsepower higher than that of the previous super-powered Cobalt SS, and the acceleration process from 0 to 100 km/h takes only 5.7 seconds.

    Volvo S80 and C30

    At this modified auto show, Volvo exhibited two high-performance modified Volvo S80 and C30, operated by Heico Sportiv, a famous German modified car manufacturer.

    The modified S80 high-performance concept car adopts T6 turbocharged bioethanol engine, which outputs 350 horsepower at 5500 rpm, with the maximum torque of 550Nm/1500~4000rpm and the acceleration time of 0~100 km/h of about 5.8 seconds.

    It is equipped with Volvo electric control all-wheel drive system with instant traction function, and also adopts specially developed sports suspension.

    Heico’s modified C30 uses an upgraded T5 turbocharged engine. The maximum output power is 300 HP at 5500 rpm, and the maximum output torque is 420 Nm at 3500 rpm. The acceleration time from 0 to 100 km/h is only 5.4 seconds, and the maximum speed reaches 250 km/h (speed limit). The car also uses a specially developed sports suspension.

    Hyundai Elantra "Beach Cruiser" Concept Car

    The hatchback Elantra will be launched in 2008. At this SEMA Auto Show, it made its debut as the concept car of Elantra Touring "Beach Cruiser". This beach cruiser was modified by K-Daddyz Kustomz.

    The car body is painted in two colors, beautiful grape purple and tango orange, with beautiful patterns. The concept car is equipped with a huge panoramic skylight on the roof, and the interior is also made of two-tone high-grade leather. A specially installed 8-channel stereo is installed in the trunk, and high-end speaker components are hidden under the floor of plexiglass. There is no special investment in performance modification, except for the cold air intake system, balance bar and beautiful hood, as well as some small accessories.

    Suzuki SXForce concept car

    This is a brand-new concept car based on the SX4 sports car in 2008.

    Compared with the prototype, SXForce adopts a 5-speed manual transmission, a 2.0 turbocharged engine, the power is increased to 255 horsepower, and an adjustable NASCAR-style tail is added at the tail.

    You can even find a built-in data statistics system, which can help you analyze and download all the information of the engine in real time, and make you feel like you are in the competition.

    Cadillac CTS sports concept car

    At this auto show, Cadillac gave this CTS sports car a brand-new appearance through a series of modifications, including: adopting brand-new front and rear bumpers, improved hood, rear tail and 20-inch rims.

    Carbon fiber parts used in many parts of the car body, redesigned headlights, high-performance brakes with yellow calipers, LED brake lights and exhaust system were replaced with Corsa cat-back exhaust system with 3.5-inch exhaust pipe.

    Ford Roush P-51A mustang

    This car is equipped with Roush Stage3 suspension, powered by an improved ROUSH 4.6L V8 engine, with a maximum power of at least 510hp and a maximum torque of at least 691Nm, so the P-51A should be very competitive. Of course, the full set of Roush aerodynamic kit, upgraded wheels and tires, and upgraded braking system are all included in this upgrade package.

    Hummer H2 Safari

    This is a strong Hummer and a super convertible. The car has no back seat, and the purpose of modification is to use it for competition.

    This Hummer off-road concept car is equipped with a 6.2L V8 engine with 393 horsepower. In addition, the designer has improved the shape of the car, including customized air induction system, customized double exhaust pipe system, wheel flash, protective steel, high-performance brake pads and 20-inch wheels.

    Jeep brings two concept cars.

    At this year’s SEMA Auto Show, Jeep exhibited two Jeep concept cars: Jeep Wrangler Ultimate and Jeep Wrangler JT.

    Wrangler Ultimate is based on Wrangler’s four-door non-limited edition model, equipped with 3-inch body lifting kit and 35-inch BF Goodrich mud tires, 18-inch aluminum alloy wheels, as well as a series of appearance upgrade kits, adding new entertainment systems. The engine adopts a powerful 392 Hemi engine.

    Jeep, on the other hand, is a JT made by removing the rear seat and installing a 5-foot-long cargo box on the basis of the four-door Wrangler non-limited edition. It is equipped with front and rear bumpers and spare tire placement equipment from Mopar, Warn 9500ti winch. (Zhou Weili)

Editor: Tian Shijia

HUAWEI SOUND empowers, how about the M5 sound system?


The first model AITO Wenjie M5, which was jointly built by Jin Kang Celeste and Huawei, has made its sound system a highlight, just like other manufacturers’ new cars. Different from the traditional car companies, AITO Wenjie did not choose the mainstream audio systems such as Dana and Harman Kardon, but adopted the HUAWEI SOUND audio system independently developed by Huawei. According to the official introduction, AITO Wenjie M5 car has a cinema-level and theater experience.

HUAWEI SOUND, which registered its patent trademark in 2020, is completely a novice in the car audio industry, so how does this audio system perform in its class? With this question in mind, this paper will analyze the sound configuration of AITO M5 as comprehensively as possible.

First, the model introduction

Wenjie M5 made its debut at Huawei’s flagship new product launch conference in winter on December 23rd, 2021, and was officially launched on February 25th, 2022. It is a medium-sized SUV with extended-range plug-in hybrid power, offering two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive models, and equipped with Huawei HarmonyOS OS intelligent cockpit system. The Wujie M5 was jointly built by Huawei and Jin Kang Celeste. Celeste Automobile is responsible for the research and development, core technology, manufacturing, delivery, service and car experience, while Huawei is deeply involved in product definition, quality control and channel sales.

At present, there are four models on sale, namely, rear-wheel drive standard version, four-wheel drive performance version, four-wheel drive to reach the standard version and four-wheel drive flagship version, and the price range is 25.98-331,800 yuan.

According to the latest information, the first pure electric model of the M5 will be launched in September. According to the previous plan, two models should be brought, and the number of models will be increased to six.

Second, the car equipped with audio overview

According to the information of official website, HUAWEI SOUND sound system is adopted in the M5.

(1) Number and layout of speakers

The rear drive standard version, four-wheel drive performance version and four-wheel drive to Zhen version of Wenjie M5 are all equipped with 15 speakers as standard, and 19 speakers (including 4 private headrest generating speakers for the main driver) can be optional, and the optional price is 6000 yuan. The four-wheel drive flagship edition comes standard with 19 speakers.

Bound M5






Headrest (non-standard)

Number of speakers







The 15 vocal speakers include: double voice coil subwoofer *1, woofer *4, surround speaker *2, midrange speaker *3 and tweeter *5. Four drivers’ private headrest speakers have been added to the 19 sounding speakers. Judging from the number of hardware, the M5 is in the leading position in its class.

Nineteen speakers are distributed in five sound zones: left front surround, right front surround, center surround, left rear surround and right rear surround, forming a multi-directional and multi-step speaker layout.

(2) Highlights of M5 audio system:

1, the lowest frequency dive to 30Hz

Audio is generally divided into seven sections: ultra-low frequency (ultra-bass), low frequency (bass), mid-low frequency (mid-bass), intermediate frequency (alto), mid-high frequency (mid-treble), high frequency (treble) and ultra-high frequency (ultra-treble). Generally, 20Hz-40Hz is called ultra-low frequency (ultra-bass).

The range of sound that the human ear can hear is 20 Hz ~ 20Hz~20000Hz, which means that the larger the frequency response range of the sound, the more the details of the sound can be restored, and the human ear can hear richer details. Generally, the lowest subwoofer in the cinema is about 35Hz, while the diving frequency of the M5 is lower, which can create more bass details and achieve the cinema-level bass effect.

The bass part of the M5 is handled by the dual voice coil subwoofer *1 and the woofer *4.

Among them, the dual voice coil subwoofer is an 8-inch subwoofer with dual driving voice coils and independent rear cavity, and its peak power can reach 100W, which means that the bass of the M5 has super explosive power and more impact. The four woofers are four 6.5-inch door woofers.

HUAWEI SOUND adopts bass transient control technology, dual-drive voice coil, subwoofer with independent back cavity, bass dynamic fidelity algorithm, spatial audio technology, etc. At the same time, with the help of the design of closed box, the maximum volume can reach 107db and the lowest frequency of bass can reach 30Hz.

2, 1000W+ peak power

In general, the better the sound quality, the greater the sound power. The power of the 4-speaker stereo of an ordinary family car is about 150W, and that of the 6-speaker stereo is about 200W W.. The higher the price of a car, the better the sound system and the higher the corresponding power. For example, the bose audio power on the 200,000 or so models is about 400W, and a channel of Audi A6 high-grade BOSE audio can reach 560W. The higher-priced HiPhi X can reach 600W W. The M5 can reach 1000W+ peak power, which is also ahead of competitors.

3, 7.1 channel system

The 7.1-channel system of Wenjie M5 is made up of 15 speakers, which is responsible for five sound zones: left front surround, right front surround, center surround, left rear surround and right rear surround. Compared with the 5.1-channel system, the 7.1-channel system has two separate channels, so that the number of speakers in the rear surround can reach four, and at the same time, the sound effect can be optimized according to the passenger’s position, creating an immersive sound field. That is, when playing a symphony in a car, you can hear the directions of different instruments as in a concert hall.

4. Tri-frequency sound

The M5 consists of three speakers, namely treble, midrange and bass, which is usually found in millions of luxury cars. On the technical level, M5 uses active frequency division technology to divide the sound source signal into three channels and supply them to different speakers. Based on the layout of surround speakers, the output sound can finally achieve a fuller and clearer surround stereo experience in the car.

It is worth mentioning that under the optimization of software and hardware, such as double-layer laminated sound insulation glass in the front and rear rows, acoustic sealing of 3M soundproof pad, LASD liquid acoustic damping material on the floor and control algorithm of intelligent electric drive system, the noise inside the car is 38db at idle speed, which provides a rare quiet environment for the play of the car audio system.

Third, the introduction of unique audio brands

HUAWEI SOUND, a high-end audio brand developed by Huawei, is a multi-product audio technology solution brand, which mainly empowers Huawei related brands. There are 6 R&D centers and more than 300 audio engineers around the world. Its products include smart speakers such as Huawei Sound X, and its service targets include: laptops, headphones, tablets, speaker speakers, televisions, car cockpits and so on.

Representative products include Huawei MateBook X Pro equipped with four HUAWEI SOUND microphones and six HUAWEI SOUND speakers, and Huawei Smart Screen equipped with six HUAWEI SOUND speakers.

It is worth mentioning that in the car cockpit, at present, HUAWEI SOUND only serves the brand AITO Wenjie. In addition to the above-mentioned Wujie M5, the cabin sound of AITO Wenjie M7, the second model of AITO Wenjie, is also built by HUAWEI SOUND. AITO Media M7 has 19 professional speakers, supports 7.1-channel music sound field, 1000W independent power amplifier and 107dB bass effect, which is similar to that of Media Media M5.

Fourth, the technical analysis of highlights

At present, HUAWEI SOUND has its own core technology, but it has not been disclosed much. Among them, the three-frequency sound technology is outstanding. Compared with the treble and bass of the two-frequency speaker, the three-frequency speaker has three frequencies of treble, alto and bass, and the sound transition process will be more gentle and soft.

In the M5, three speakers, namely treble, midrange and bass, form a "three-frequency speaker". In the M5, active frequency division technology is adopted to divide the sound source signal into three channels and provide them to different speakers. Finally, it is asked that the M5 high, medium and low tri-band speakers give full play to the greatest advantages of each speaker within their respective frequency response ranges.

In addition, in the newly released M7, the HUAWEI SOUND audio system equipped with it also uses Boom-Boom bass transient control technology, sound cubic space sound effect, distributed pickup and other technologies to restore sound effects, and at the same time, AI noise reduction, ENC active noise reduction and other technologies make the car noise of the M7 as low as 35dB when idling, achieving the quiet effect of the music hall; At 120Km/h, the noise inside the car is only 64dB, and the language clarity is 86%, which creates an extremely quiet environment for the perfect reproduction of the sound inside the car.

V. Comparison of parameters of main competing products

Because the HUAWEI SOUND sound system is only mounted on the car, it can’t enter like other stereos.

Comparison of competing product parameters under the same brand.

The main competitors of M5 are Tesla Model Y, Tucki P7 and Li ONE.

(1) Tesla Model Y

The price of Tesla Model Y is 31.69-41.79 million, and the overall price is higher than that of Wenjie M5, both of which are medium-sized SUV models.

All three models of Tesla Model Y are equipped with 14 speakers as standard, which is one less than the 15 standards of the M5. The layout of Tesla Model Y speakers is as follows: front door, high school, low school *2, rear door, high school *2, alto on the back seat *2, subwoofer on the bottom of the passenger seat *1, all of which are not equipped with headrest audio.

This set of audio system is characterized by good hardware materials, both capacitors and wires are better than most car audio materials. The disadvantage is that the sound insulation of the Model Y car body is not good, and there will be greater resonance when the volume inside the car is large.

Like M5, Tesla Model Y did not choose the current mainstream car audio brand, but adopted the American brand Martin Logan. Martin Logan is the world’s top brand of electrostatic audio. Because of the principle of face-to-face sound, the sound field is particularly wide. Previously, it mainly occupied the home theater market, and its main products included electrostatic speakers and traditional speakers.

Martin Logan has the most difficult patented curved linear source (CLS) technology in the world’s loudspeaker field, which expands the original sound surface and makes the best listening area larger and wider. In addition, it has the exclusive technology of electrostatic cone-basin mixed structure, which can solve the low-frequency problem of electrostatic speakers. The low-frequency is clear and clean, and the bass adopts independent irregularities involving the box, thus avoiding the occurrence of standing waves in the box.

(2) Tucki P7

The price of Tucki P7 is 239,900-429,900 yuan, and the price range is larger than that of the customer’s M5. It is positioned as a medium-sized car. There are 15 models on sale in 2022. The 11 models with lower prices are equipped with 8 speakers as standard, and 18 speakers are optional. The 4 models with higher prices are equipped with 18 speakers as standard. From the perspective of the number of speakers, the customer’s M5 is better.

Tucki P7 is different from the first two, equipped with the mainstream top car audio, and the top Confidence series audio of Dynaudio. Volkswagen, Volvo, Bugatti, etc. all have cooperative relations with Tanner. At present, in addition to Tucki P7, BYD Han EV, Lantu FREE and other models also adopt Tanner audio.

Tucki P7 can be equipped with 18 speakers (optional for low version and standard for high version), with 16+2 layout for 18 speakers and 2 headrest stereos for the main driver. On the other hand, the M5 is equipped with four main driver’s headrest stereos, and the main driver’s audio experience is better than Xiaopeng P7. From the function point of view, both of them can play telephone and navigation sounds independently, and can use different sound sources with other speakers to realize the function that the main driver and passengers do not interfere with each other. Like the M5, the car also has 7.1.2 channels with independent power amplifier, with a total power of 600 watts.

According to the layout, the audio system of Tucki P7 is located on the left and right sides of the instrument panel near the A-pillar, with a liftable treble *2, a vehicle B-pillar and a vehicle ceiling with a treble *2, a 6.5-inch bass *1 on each of the front and rear door panels, a 3-inch alto *5 on the front door, center console and shelf, a 10-inch subwoofer *1 in the trunk, and a 2-inch full-range speaker *2 on the main driver’s headrest.

This set of audio will cause four door panels to resonate when playing audio, and it will also resonate at medium and low frequencies. In addition, this set of audio system can meet the requirements of most car owners for audio systems.

(3) Li ONE

Compared with the competitors mentioned above, Li ONE’s sound system is rather lame. Li ONE has a total of one model with a price of 349,800 yuan, which is higher than the top price of the M5. The whole system comes standard with 12 speakers.

The speaker of Li ONE Audio System is TEAC brand, and its Chinese name is First Audio. Although there is an ASK independent amplifier, the signal output power of the amplifier is only 310W.

Specifically, Li ONE’s 12 speakers are composed of alto, treble, alto and subwoofer. Although there are quite a few speakers, Li ONE’s host software has no systematic electro-acoustic management software, but only simulated surround and HIFI sound mode, which will lead to serious frequency interference and chaotic sound field. In addition, the bass of this system is turbid and the layering is poor, and this sound system is seriously complained by consumers.

From the layout point of view, the windshield and instrument panel tweeter *2, the front door alto *2, the instrument panel middle alto speaker *1, the rear left and right doors, the tweeter *2, the third row seat ceiling surround the speaker *2, and the left 8-inch subwoofer *1 in the rear trunk.

Earlier, Li Xiang claimed that most high-end car audio brands cooperated with car manufacturers, neither producing speakers nor amplifiers, mainly for the purpose of tuning, and even many of them just posted cards. In addition, Li Xiang said that the ideal car does not have an OEM, but makes its own software and comes standard to every car. Therefore, according to the ideal view, Li ONE should not choose to cooperate directly with audio brands, but personally participate in the software level.

VI. Summary

After in-depth analysis of AITO’s M5 audio system, it is found that its audio system is excellent in hardware level and audio experience, ahead of competitors such as Tesla Model Y, Tucki P7 and Li ONE.

However, at the core technology level, HUAWEI SOUND lost to the traditional mainstream car audio manufacturers. However, HUAWEI SOUND is less than 3 years old. With Huawei’s research and development capabilities, I believe that more audio "black technology" will be seen in AITO’s models in the near future.

2022 Chongqing Auto Show opens. Hundreds of new cars are launched nationwide.

People’s Daily Online, Chongqing, June 26 (Hu Hong) On the 25th, the 2022 Chongqing Auto Show opened at Chongqing (Yuelai) International Expo Center. At the auto show, more than 100 new cars were launched nationwide, and over 1,000 models were displayed in a centralized way. The exhibition also created the first intelligent networked new energy vehicle museum in China, which attracted the attention of many citizens. The auto show also set up the first motorcycle show, bringing together nearly 20 popular brands, and high-end electric motorcycles made in Chongqing appeared one after another.

Chang 'an Deep Blue SL03 appeared. Photo courtesy of Changan Automobile

Chang ‘an Deep Blue SL03 appeared. Photo courtesy of Changan Automobile

Changan dark blue SL03 pure electric version debuted.

At this auto show, the pure electric version of Changan Deep Blue SL03 made its debut. Both the car and the previous extended-range version are based on Changan’s brand-new EPA1 pure electric platform, with a pre-sale range of 179,800-231,800 yuan, which is expected to be officially listed in July this year.

Changan Deep Blue SL03 has a body size of 4820*1890*1480mm, a wheelbase of 2900mm, an aspect ratio of 0.78 and an axle length ratio of 0.6. Through the overall optimization of the overall aerodynamics of the car body, the drag coefficient of Changan Deep Blue SL03 is as low as 0.23Cd, which is equivalent to the level of Model3, with the help of the slip-back car body, sports kit, hidden door handle and closed aerodynamic wheel hub.

In terms of intelligent technology, Changan Deep Blue SL03 adopts a number of intelligent technologies, such as intelligent information screen, intelligent steering sunflower screen, intelligent voice assistant, intelligent scene in the whole cockpit, NFC card unlocking and intelligent induction of Bluetooth key, to help consumers travel conveniently, easily and comfortably.

In terms of power, Deep Blue SL03 is equipped with Changan’s new generation super collector drive, with a peak power of 190kW, a peak torque of 320Nm, and an acceleration time of 0-100km/h of 5.9S s. In the future, Deep Blue SL03 will also introduce extended-range power and hydrogen fuel cell power. When the extended-range model is full of oil and electricity, the cruising range of CLTC can reach more than 1,200km under comprehensive working conditions, and the cruising range of pure electric mode can also reach 200 km, and the fuel consumption can be as low as 4.5L/100km in power-loss mode, while the hydrogen fuel cell power model can be recharged for 3 minutes, and the cruising range of CLTC can reach more than 700km, with a hydrogen consumption of 0.

Lantu Auto made its debut with its two models, Lantu FREE and Lantu Dreamer.

Lantu Auto made its debut with its two models, Lantu FREE and Lantu Dreamer. Photo courtesy of Lantu Automobile

Lantu Auto unveiled with two models.

At the auto show, Lantu Automobile, a high-end electric brand of Dongfeng Motor Group, made its debut with its two models, Lantu FREE and Lantu Dreamer.

At the scene, the Lantiu automobile booth attracted many consumers to stop and visit. Lantu FREE is equipped with air suspension and supports adaptive height adjustment of 100mm up and down. In addition, Lantu FREE has original extended-range and pure electric dual-power modes. The extended-range version can be powered by oil and electricity, and supports four ways to replenish energy. The comprehensive fuel consumption per 100 kilometers is as low as 1.3L It is worth mentioning that all the functions of intelligent driving assistance come standard in Lantu FREE. The automatic parking system not only supports lateral and vertical parking spaces, but also supports inclined train spaces, which can be recognized for parking without reference objects and parking lines.

Lantu FREE body is built with the design concept of ultra-high strength cage cockpit skeleton body, equipped with the world’s first 2000MPa aluminum-silicon coated door crash beam, and the world’s first TRB+Patch composite structure thermoformed A-pillar, which can protect the safety of people in the car to the greatest extent in the event of collision.

In terms of battery safety, Lantu FREE successfully challenged the world’s first public test of bottom collision of electric vehicles after wading, and the test results were "no smoke, no fire, no explosion and no water". Lantu FREE pays more attention to the health and safety of users than its peers. It is equipped with an intelligent air management system to keep the air fresh in the car. Lantu FREE is also equipped with OEKO-TEX EU baby skin-friendly first-class seats made of environmentally friendly materials.

After 9 years, the Asian Youth Championship group qualified! A light in the dark night of China football.

  BEIJING, Beijing, March 9 th: After 9 years, the Asian Youth Championship Group qualified! A light in the dark night of China football.

  Reporter Bian Liqun

  In the U20 Asian Cup group match, which ended on the evening of 9th Beijing time, the U20 national football team played Kyrgyzstan 1-1 and successfully qualified from the "group of death". This is the U20 national football team reaching the U20 Asian Cup knockout round again after 9 years.

  For China football in the valley, it is undoubtedly an invaluable light in the dark night.

  Competition progress

  This game is still quite thrilling. The opening ceremony of Kyrgyzstan U20 posed several threats. It wasn’t until the 19th minute of the game that China shot a slightly threatening shot, and Eiffel turned around and attacked the goal in the restricted area, slightly higher than the crossbar.

  In the 30th minute, Kyrgyzstan set the ball, but the close header in front of Brauzman didn’t reach it, so China dodged a bullet.

  Yi Bian fought again. In the 49th minute, Brauzman pushed the goal, but the offside goal was invalid.

  In the 59th minute, the passive China team took the lead in breaking the deadlock! China fought back, Buick Berdinov made an own goal in the process of clearance, and China led 1-0!

  In the 87th minute, China missed the goal in the counter-attack. In turn, Kyrgyzstan scored a quick counter-attack, and China scored 1-1 in Kyrgyzstan. In the end, this score was difficult to maintain until the end.

  Re-qualify after 9 years

  As Japanese U20 beat Saudi U20 2-1 in the same group, China scored 4 points in the group stage, with 1 win, 1 draw and 1 loss, and qualified as the second group. In the previous two group matches, the U20 national football team was reversed by Japan 1-2 and defeated Saudi Arabia 2-0.

  Whether it is the process or the result, this is a happy result. Since the U20 national football team, represented by Wei Shihao, reached the Asian Youth Championship (U20 Asian Cup) in 2014, the China team has not qualified for 2016 and 2018.

  In the 2020 Asian Youth Championship, China suffered the first missed trough in 25 years, but the Asian Youth Championship was later cancelled due to the epidemic.

  In this Asian Youth Championship, China stumbled through the preliminaries, but fell into the "death group" where Japan and Saudi Arabia were located, and its prospects became even more bleak.

  It is precisely these factors that make people feel extremely happy even if the U20 national football team is "only" qualified for the Asian Youth Championship, and it has successively made headlines and hot searches in major media.

  Of course, there are also different voices that this is an accidental event of "eating jiaozi", which is due to luck, and what’s more, it has come up with a cynical "traditional artistic ability".

  Then ask, isn’t one of the great charms of football accidental? Otherwise, why is Saudi Arabia still talking about winning Argentina in the World Cup? If you can’t be happy if you win or lose, what’s the point of football? Simply make a spittoon to abuse and vent?

  At present, the strength of China football is indeed limited, but it is worthy of applause to be the best under limited conditions, which is not limited to the U20 national football team, but also to the national football team and the women’s football team in China.

  Give a sample of China football.

  Of course, over-belittling and over-flattering are not conducive to the current football in China. At this stage, we still need to be rational and pragmatic. This U20 under Antonio also fully embodies this point.

  Although the tactic of "swinging the bus" was adopted and the ball was handed over to the opponent, it was not for the sake of swinging the bus.

  We can see the adjustment of the defensive level and formation, the aggressiveness in the rush, the routine of counterattack, including the design of the set-pieces, and we can still see some skills. It is already very successful to achieve such an effect under the existing team.

  Coupled with the vigor, the players carried out the tactics well. Whether against Japan or Saudi Arabia, which is stronger than themselves, the boys of the China team always fought and were not defeated.

  This has also set a good example for China football. In the face of strong players in the international arena, it is not just passive beatings. We can find a way that suits us and compete to a certain extent.

  In addition, Eiffel, Mutalifu and Hu Hetao, who performed well in this U20 national football team, also showed the importance of the league. They all made progress under the struggle of the Super League last season. Can withstand the critical moment in the U20 national football team.

  After entering the knockout stage, on the evening of 12th, Beijing time, the U20 national football team will play against South Korea. The opponents had previously drawn U20 in Oman, Jordan and Tajikistan at 4:0, 2:0 and 0:0 respectively.

  Fight hard, catch up, China boys continue to refuel! (End)

The Chinese horror film expected in the year was scolded by the hot search.

The writer of this article is the writer @ 中中中中中中中中.

Lazy and greedy, do not love labor, only love movies. 

Last weekend, two hardcore movies were discussed by everyone.

One is Wei Jiahui+Liu Qingyun’s hot police and bandit suspense film Detective Wars, and the other is the annual Chinese-language horror film Curse that many fans are looking forward to.

"Curse" is a very lively movie both inside and outside the play. It is adapted from the true story of a six-mouth evil in Kaohsiung. The trailer was taken off the platform because it was too scary.

When it was shown in Taiwan Province, China, some viewers fled the cinema in fear, and some went to the temple to worship God after watching it. In the same period, the box office topped the Hollywood blockbuster "New Batman", ranking first at the box office of Taiwan Film this year with a score of NT$ 170 million.

With such a stunt, the appetite of mainland fans is naturally lifted high, and even known as "the best Chinese horror film of the year."

However, after the "curse" was launched, it was scolded by the hot search.

Not for anything else, just because of "bad luck."

Is "The Curse" really horrible or unlucky? Xiaowan has helped everyone to check the film. The front part is "high energy" and timid.

"Curse" strung together a curse spanning six years with two timelines.

Six years ago, if a man and his boyfriend and friends formed a "ghost squad" to explore the mysterious village. The whole village is wrapped in a strange and mysterious atmosphere. Everyone greets with strange gestures and worships strange evil spirits.

Boyfriends and friends broke into the "absolutely forbidden tunnel" and died on the spot, and the villagers also died. If the pregnant man was lucky enough to survive, he left here in a state of mental breakdown.

Six years later, Ruonan, who returned to normal, got her daughter’s right to care, and the mother and daughter started a new life. But strange things have happened one after another, and my daughter has symptoms of evil.

If the man runs around for his daughter, but more innocent people suffer, she finally decides to go back to the source of fear-the tunnel in the forbidden area of cults to find out.

On the surface, the horror elements in The Curse are nothing new, but a combination of "Death in a Forbidden Area", "Curse-ridden" and "Strange Death", with the tearful affection elements of "Motherly Saving Women".

But is the "Curse" really about the story of "the great mother is eager to love her daughter and return to the forbidden area PK evil spirit"?

Not necessarily.

There are many contradictory scenes and details in the film. The biggest doubt is: When did the man know about the evil god The Secret Behind? Six years ago or six years later? 

We can interpret this film in a different way, which may break the existing story about "maternal love".

Formally, The Curse also belongs to the popular screen/desktop movie in recent years, which is constantly switching between mobile phone screen, computer screen and video recording in the monitoring room.

Most of the curse content is if the man is explaining it to the screen, and this first-person narrative is actually mixed with many subjective elements.

Through the screen, we saw a novice mother who often "does bad things with good intentions", and she unconsciously felt sympathy and pity.

But what if the man lied? What if we see what she wants us to see?

What if it was all a scam from beginning to end?

The Curse has both positive and negative interpretation space. It depends on the audience’s understanding that loving mother/evil mother, saving women/sacrificing, breaking spells/unsealing evil spirits.

As early as the beginning of the film, "The Curse" implied by the running direction of the Ferris wheel and subway that "our thoughts quietly shape the world". The world is what you think.

The biggest controversy surrounding the curse is: bad luck.

Why did the audience feel unlucky, and even this topic was once hotly searched.

The first is the immersive fear brought by Chinese horror.

Japanese, Korean, European and American horror films are still separated by a layer, and ghosts that can only be hit by crossing the ocean cannot induce the sense of sight of domestic audiences. Taiwan Province horror movies are different. Everyone has the same root and the folk culture looks familiar.

There are two kinds of horror elements in the curse: foreign elements and Chinese elements. The former includes insects, antennae, secret fear and jumpscar; The latter includes folk customs, feudal superstitions and Chinese binding.

Although the former is scary, it will be forgotten after seeing nausea; It is the latter that really goes deep into the bone marrow and causes association.

Whispering the mantra "Fire Buddha Xiu Yi" and "Heart Sa Baa" which can be seen everywhere, strange cult totems can also find similarities in murals;

There are common spells and exorcism rituals in feudal times; There are also ancient altar offerings, swaying dim red lanterns, and hairy clay dolls in the ancestral hall, which can understand the essence of Chinese horror.

Have to sigh with emotion, Taiwan Province horror movies have a way of holding Chinese horror. It is a trend in recent years to combine folk elements with stories of evil spirits, and it is also an opportunity for Taiwan Province horror films to revive. The previous "Little Girl in Red" series and "Zongxie" also exploded for similar reasons.

Little girl in red 2

The second reason for bad luck is that the audience feels offended.

Watching traditional horror movies, we usually stand in the perspective of God and overlook the tricks of the characters in the film. Although the people in the film have no idea about their own situation, we know in advance that there are ghosts of the dead, and we treat them with a sense of superiority from an omniscient perspective.

"Curse" uses screen narration, which is equivalent to the audience standing in the second perspective and having an equal dialogue with the characters in the film, which is easy to produce immersion.

So when we read the spell after Ruonan at the end of the film, we found ourselves cheated and became a part of the curse.

When the audience realizes it, people will naturally feel annoyed. The subtext is "The director actually dragged us into it" and "The dummy actually lied to the real person".

This kind of "offense" to the audience is not new, and it has also appeared in other horror films before.

The most classic is the video of Sadako’s death in "The Ring of Midnight". People who watch the video will die strangely within 7 days, and if they pass it on to others, they can hand over bad luck.

There are also pirated videos in "Ghost Will Show". It is said that anyone who sees the death of Fusang (the film in the film) will be killed by a female ghost. Of course, the characters in the play saw it, and so did the audience outside the play.

In Truth or Adventure, there are also scenes in which videos are posted to video websites. In this way, the protagonist group allows more people to share the devil’s sanctions.

"Curse" should refer to the above films and set up a bridge that offends the audience. From the perspective of communication, this stunt is quite memorable, which is really conducive to the wide spread of the film.

Its essence is no different from old terrier’s "If you don’t forward it to X people within X hours, you will …", so you don’t have to feel unlucky or unlucky.

Don’t be afraid, there is also a curse letter in Legend of Wulin.

Returning to the film itself, The Curse is a Chinese horror film worth watching with acceptable quality.

The greatest advantages and disadvantages of The Curse are related to the screen narration.

On the one hand, with the help of large and small screens, it builds a horror experience with a strong sense of immersion and interaction, and all the scary pictures seem to happen in front of us.

On the other hand, in order to pursue the consistency of the form before and after, the film also added a screen where it is not necessary to use the screen narrative, which is not as good as the semi-screen narrative of the Female Ghost Bridge.

The Curse has brought many amazing highlights, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. Kevin Ko, a new generation director, also has ambitions and plans to devote himself to it.

When he was a student, he filmed a small-budget horror short film "Ghost Print", the first feature film was the slashing thriller "Fatal Party", and in his early works, there was a doomsday counterattack related to the doomsday element, which was enough to see his interest.

In the past ten years, he has not produced much, and he is out of the category of horror. The Adult 2, the Emergency of Getting Off the Bill and the Budaoxia, which were filmed in the mainland, can only be regarded as unsuccessful commercial comedies.

From the beginning of "The Curse", Kevin Ko returned to the old line of horror films. The win-win box office reputation of "Curse" gives him confidence to promote the follow-up films of the same type.

In addition to Curse 2, which features a girl and a boy, Kevin Ko also intends to open a "one-word movie universe" based on the real events in Taiwan Province.

Maybe, there will be the next explosion in the follow-up new films "Pickling", "Sleeping", "Even" and "Burial" of "One Word Movie Universe".

Note: Some pictures in this article are from Douban and the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us actively.

Abandoned for 65 years, the main fighter plane of World War II of the US Army "surfaced" on the British beach.


    [Content at a glance]In World War II, a P-38 fighter plane ambushed Isoroku Yamamoto’s plane and killed it. As for this fighter plane abandoned on the Welsh beach, it was gradually covered with sand and has been sleeping on the coast for 65 years. Its most famous achievement was the ambush of the plane of Isoroku Yamamoto, commander of the Japanese joint fleet, on April 18th, 1943, which killed the mastermind of the Pearl Harbor incident.


In World War II, a P-38 fighter plane ambushed Isoroku Yamamoto’s plane and killed it. [Profile picture]


The heroic attitude of P-38 Lightning fighter during World War II. [Profile picture]

The northern coast of Wales, England, has charming scenery and golden beaches, and tourists come in an endless stream in summer. Surprisingly, a plane was buried in the shallows for 65 years until July this year. According to expert appraisal, this rusty "antique" actually belongs to the famous American P-38 "Lightning" fighter in World War II.

Shoal surprises antique fighters

According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on November 15, this fighter plane was discovered by a family who came here for a holiday on July 31 this year. It may be because of the climate that the sand surface on the beach flowed and retreated, which made this plane see the light again. Before that, people built sand castles, walked and swam around it, but they didn’t know it existed at all.

At first, people thought it was an unmanned reconnaissance plane in the 1950s, but when an aviation fan saw the photos published in the local newspaper, he recognized its identity from its unique "double-body" shape-the P-38 Lightning, the main fighter of the US military in World War II, and then got in touch with American aviation historians.

Experts uncover twists and turns.

Through the serial number and other records of this fighter, the experts finally determined its identity. It was built in 1941, arrived in Britain in 1942, and then began to carry out combat missions along the coast from the Netherlands to Belgium. On September 27, 1942, Robert, a pilot from North Carolina? Fred? Lieutenant Eliot took part in the bombing exercise, but due to fuel supply problems, he was forced to make an emergency landing on the Welsh beach. Because the belly of the fighter plane landed in the shallows first, the wing tip of the plane broke, but Eliot was safe and sound. Unfortunately, three months later, Eliot, 24, was hit by the enemy in an air battle in Tunisia, flying another P-38 "Lightning" fighter plane, which was destroyed and killed, but his body and wreckage were never found.

As for this fighter plane abandoned on the Welsh beach, it was gradually covered with sand and has been sleeping on the coast for 65 years. Rick gillespie, the head of the International Organization for the Restoration of Historical Aircraft, who led the team to visit, said that some official records of the United States showed that the military dismantled its weapons and equipment and salvaged it because it could not take off on the beach. "But in fact, they didn’t do it. Because of the military’s information censorship system and the fact that Britain closed the beach in World War II and did not open it to the public, no one knew where it was hidden. "

This incident was later forgotten by American officials. On November 19, 1961, a fire destroyed a lot of data of the US Air Force, and the plane that had disappeared before was later listed as "officially abandoned" by the military and was not mentioned again.

Robert Jr., 64, who lives in Tennessee, USA? Eliot, the nephew of that young pilot, spent nearly 30 years trying to understand his uncle’s deeds. "For me, this is a major discovery, which makes me excited." He expressed his great hope to go to the scene to see the recovered fighter in person.

It once frightened the Japanese army.

It is reported that the P-38 "Lightning" fighter is the first twin-engine military aircraft developed by the famous Lockheed Aircraft Company. Johnson introduced it in the late 1930s. At the beginning of 1942, an F-4 reconnaissance plane modified from P-38 suddenly appeared over the southwest Pacific Ocean, which was the first appearance of P-38 on the battlefield, and then P-38 was put into the European battlefield one after another. Because the P-38 adopts the layout of double tail supports, it looks like two fuselage, and it was called "double-body demon" by the Axis forces at that time.

After 1943, P-38 also began to appear in the vast Pacific battlefield. With high speed, heavy armor and powerful firepower, the excellent characteristics of the P-38 made the Japanese army hate and fear. Its most famous achievement was the ambush of the plane of Isoroku Yamamoto, commander of the Japanese joint fleet, on April 18th, 1943, which killed the mastermind of the Pearl Harbor incident.

By the end of production in 1945, a total of 9,923 P-38 models had been produced, but there were only 32 complete machines and some spare parts. The newly discovered plane on the Welsh beach may be the oldest "Lightning" fighter. The "International Organization for the Restoration of Historical Aircraft" plans to join hands with experts from the British Museum to begin the restoration of this fighter in the spring of 2008. The British Imperial War Museum and the Royal Air Force Museum are also interested in this. In order to prevent being robbed, the authorities did not announce the current specific location of the fighter plane, but let it continue to return to the cover of sand. (China Daily website/Kang Juan)


The United States builds a "space fighter" with 6 times the speed of sound, and it is powerful to drop bombs in low-earth orbit.

American warships visited northern Vietnam for the first time after the normalization of US-Vietnam relations.

The F-35 "Lightning 2", a new generation stealth fighter in the United States, was publicly unveiled.

In 2009, the United States provided Pakistan with F-16 technology that was prohibited from leaking to China.

The United States will allocate $100 million to develop space attack weapons.

Editor: Cao Jin