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"Ace to Ace" Huang Lei led the team against Xu Jinglei, and Mingdao exposed that the filming was at risk of "death"

Video: Ace to Ace 170331 Trailer: Huang Lei and Xu Jinglei lead the team of PK "old" captain Bai Baihe arrives

"Ace to Ace" Huang Lei led the team against Xu Jinglei, and Mingdao exposed that the filming was at risk of "death"

"Ace to Ace" Huang Lei led the team against Xu Jinglei, and Mingdao exposed that the filming was at risk of "death"

"Ace to Ace" Huang Lei led the team against Xu Jinglei, and Mingdao exposed that the filming was at risk of "death"

Zhejiang TV vivo "Ace to Ace" will broadcast the eleventh episode of the second season at 20:30 on March 31st (Friday). This week, "Ace to Ace" is about to stage a "family war". Huang Lei, who temporarily replaced Wang Zulan, took Song Qian, Liu Xianhua, Wei Daxun, and Ren Rongxuan to form a "troublesome family" PK Wang Yuan, Xu Jinglei, Bai Baihe, Ming Dao, and Sha Yi to form a "kidnapper family". In the program, the two families competed fiercely. In order to win, not only Huang Lei played the "gourd baby", but Sha Yi also turned into an "emoji" in seconds. Ming Dao singled out five men, and the scene was extremely hot.

Enter the Blueberry Video to watch the latest full video of the second season of "Ace vs. Ace" > >

Huang Lei’s witty interpretation of "gourd baby" sand overflow becomes "emoji" in seconds

In the eyes of the public, Huang Lei has always maintained the image of a witty and gentle omnipotent uncle, and he is also a good player in games. In this episode, Huang Lei once again showed his super gaming strength to the audience. In the "Line Solitaire" session, the guests had to pass on a long string of lines by way of performance. In the face of Liu Xianhua’s subversive "adaptation" of "Fairy You Die" into "I Invite You to Die", Huang Lei not only guessed that the source of the lines was "Gourd Baby", but also witty reasoning. In addition to the re-interpretation of most of the lines, the performance of "Super God" amazed the guests and the audience.

As the "negative textbook" of Xu Jinglei’s game, Sha Yi claimed to be a "game black hole" like Liu Xianhua, "we are basically equally divided in IQ and understanding". Fortunately, Sha Yi has obvious advantages in the expressiveness of Chinese lines. When interpreting the segment of the collapse of the cloud in "Deep Rain", Sha Yi played the triangle alone, and at one point restored the demonic expression of "Who will save me", and at the other time knelt down and shouted "Dad, I was wrong". The passionate performance was hilarious.

Ming Dao singles out the macho man and exposes the risk of filming "death"

In the "Family Screening Hall" segment that tested everyone’s acting skills, Ming Dao’s performance was particularly eye-catching. At the scene, professional martial arts actors first starred in the "fight scene" template that included various difficult flying body kicks, and then the guests were challenged to imitate.

In the show, Ming Dao, who has a rather elegant and gentleman temperament, faced five strong men and almost perfectly reproduced the movements of the martial arts instructor, and completed the challenge handsomely. Ming Dao admitted that because he had just shot a lot of fighting scenes in the movie, it can be said that he had "practiced", and the main reason for practicing was to ensure that he did not get injured during the shooting. Xu Jinglei, who was on the side, broke the news that during the shooting of the action scene of the Weiya in the new movie, Ming Dao was hung up in advance and hit the back of his head because he did not communicate the time point of "jumping off the building". "Almost died".

Wang Yuan and Lin Junjie interact with Selina in the air to support their sister

In addition to the exciting game competition, "Ace vs. Ace" has always been a touching emotional part. In this episode, the program team arranged for the guests to write letters to the people they wanted to contact, and secretly got a reply and announced it on the spot.

Among them, Wang Yuan, a small fan of Lin Junjie, wrote a letter to Lin Junjie in order to thank his previous idol for helping to make a new song. At the scene, when he saw Lin Junjie’s handwritten reply and photos, Wang Yuan felt incredible and shouted, "It’s true!" The content of the reply made him even more moved.

In addition, Selina Ren Jiaxuan’s sister, Ren Rongxuan, also received a recorded reply from her sister. Although her sister’s acting career development is not as bright as her own, Ren Jiaxuan said that she has always been her pride and said bluntly: "I am willing to be your lantern fish, even if it can only illuminate a small step, I will burn my life and move forward with you." The affectionate confession is touching.

Can Huang Lei’s witty interpretation of "gourd baby" convey accurate lines? What is the content of Lin Junjie’s reply to "little fan" Wang Yuan? More exciting, at 20:30 on March 31 (Friday) Zhejiang Satellite TV "Ace to Ace", so stay tuned.

Ruan Jingtian transforms the new film into a dark horse! And these idol factions turn around gorgeously

1905 movie network feature Douban 8.2 points!It set the highest score for a Chinese-language crime film in the past six years, and word-of-mouth helped its box office to reverse its decline from Friday to Sunday. It successfully exceeded 100 million yuan in its first week of release.

Among them, the role of Chen Guilin is widely praised. The hair is messy, the beard is unshaven, the former domineering president has changed his handsome image, the action drama punches to the flesh, the inner drama is delicate and moving, and the acting is very emotional.

From the rich young master Ji Cunxi in "I’m Destined to Love You" to the ruthless criminal Chen Guilin in "The Three Evils Removed in the Week", Ruan Jingtian’s changes over the years are enough to make him tear off the idol label on his body.

Ruan Jingtian was just a microcosm of the idol faction’s successful transformation.

In recent years, playing the "Invincible Shan Baomei" indifferent chef has become popular with the film and drama series "Detective Chinatown", which has shown cosmetic acting skills; with the role of "I May Not Love You" Li Daren, who has fascinated thousands of girls through the black humor film "Chirp", he has shown his comic talent; in a variety of idol dramas, he has been rolling for many years and is unwilling to be an actor, becoming the producer of the film and the producer of the series "The Lanterns".

The elite male gods and girls in distress who once dominated the screen in the idol dramas of Taiwan, China, are now turning around gorgeously.

masterpiece star making

In the early 2000s, the story concept of the Japanese manga drama "Spicy Teacher GTO" and the adolescent problem of "Spicy Fresh Master" officially opened the prelude to the dominance of Taiwanese idol dramas. In 2001, "Meteor Garden" broke the TV series rating record in Taiwan with an average rating of 6.99. Four years later, the record was broken by "Prince Turns Frog" with the highest average rating of 7.09; in 2008, "Fated to Love You" became the new viewing record holder with the highest average rating of 10.91; in 2011, "I May Not Love You", which won several blockbuster awards, set the final highlight of the puppet.

Looking back at the heyday of the Taiwan puppet, the drama of the overbearing president falling in love with Cinderella took turns. "Green Forest", "Next Stop Happiness", "Smile Pasta", "Shepherd’s Star", "Invincible Shan Baomei", "The Ultimate Class" series were all the rage, affecting the youthful growth of a generation.,, Ruan Jingtian, Chen Bolin, Qiu Ze,,,,, and so on all got the light of the Taiwan puppet and became the new generation of artists in Taiwan who were highly sought after at that time.

The driving force behind "Prince Becomes a Frog" and "I’m Destined to Love You", known as the godmother of idol dramas in Taiwan, said of Taiwan puppet production that when filming in Taiwan, you know which channel to broadcast on at the beginning, "because the platform has already been set, and the artist will be braver. As long as the script is good, the newcomer can have a good chance." She admitted that the idol drama does not have to rely on the cast, but on the well-polished script. Taiwan TV stations will evaluate the popularity and future of the newcomer, and are willing to let the newcomer play a good role. The producer finalizes the actor according to the role fit, and after knowing who is the protagonist, it will help him make it more attractive.

According to public data, the average annual production of Taiwan puppets at its peak exceeded 100. From 2004 to 2013, the mainland imported an average of 16.3 Taiwan dramas per year, accounting for 19.7% of all imported dramas. This means that it is not an accident that Taiwan puppets make stars. Rich performance opportunities and broad development space, coupled with ingenious characters and characters, have allowed a large number of newcomers to emerge and even become famous all over Asia. They have eaten up the dividends of their characters and have high popularity. They are undoubtedly the darlings of Taiwan puppets in their glorious era.

However, with the decline of the puppet, how to adjust the track or achieve transformation has become a problem that the idols have to face.

Because the star "Star Picking" entered the entertainment industry as early as 2004, he chose to go north to develop. Before that, he had shot 7 Taiwan dolls such as "Dolphin Bay Lovers", "West Street Youth" and "Thousand Gold Percent" within a year, and he belonged to a place in the idol circle in Taiwan. After coming to the mainland, he has successively obtained different types of performance opportunities such as "Legend of Immortals and Swords 3" and "New One Cut Plum", creating a new career peak and becoming a pioneer for Taiwanese idol actors to successfully move to the mainland.

Around 2011, on the one hand, the homogenization of the subject matter caused the audience’s aesthetic fatigue, and on the other hand, due to the impact of film and television works in the surrounding areas and the impact of brain drain, Taiwan puppet faced internal and external troubles, and its difficulties became increasingly prominent. A large number of film and television practitioners in Taiwan embarked on Huo Jianhua’s journey and went north to explore new paths.

The co-directed "Love Awakens" by two Taiwanese directors Shen Yi ("The Wedding Dress of the Kingdom of Heaven" and "Shepherd’s Star") and ("The Third Part of Huanzhu Gege" and "New Huanzhu Gege") helped Qiu Ze gain popularity in the mainland; "Bad Smile Flower" director Zhang Boyu’s "The Price of Winning Women" starred Chen Jon, and Mingdao Studio participated in the production… Whether in front of the stage or behind the scenes, the former puppet creators are trying their best to re-explore their position in the mainland.

In addition to the series, there are also representatives who have moved to the film industry.

Through the "Love White Paper", Ruan Jingtian made his debut with a large number of fans; after winning awards and recognition for his action movie "Monga", he bravely went to the mainland to shoot and other works; he has participated in other Hong Kong-made films; and has also received more attention through such works.

Although many actors have also returned to Taiwan to continue filming idol dramas during the process of adjusting the track or achieving transformation. But whether they move to the mainland or stay in China, whether they focus on the small screen or the big screen, it is not difficult to see that they have always been committed to getting rid of a single type of performance and boldly exploring diverse development possibilities.

Deepening Transformation

Nowadays, it has been more than a decade since Taiwan puppet highlights were lost, and Chinese Taiwanese idol actors have also undergone a reshuffle.

Returning to the family, Liwilliam,, is in a semi-retired state, Wang Xinling, and Chen Qiaoen have appeared in variety shows or live broadcasts, Zhou Yumin, and Zheng Yuanchang have difficulty setting off water, and Ming Dao and Zhang Dongliang have bluntly stated that there is no drama to shoot, so they can only seek exposure opportunities through "Actors Please Take Place" and "Infinite Beyond Class 2".

Faced with the growth of age and the impact of younger generations, almost every Taiwanese actor who has a Taiwanese puppet as a "pension insurance" will eventually be unable to escape the fate of being swept away. Compared with Yan Chengxu’s controversial performance as a domineering president in "Summer Flower" at an "advanced age", the development space of Taiwanese puppet actors who resolutely take the road of transformation to the end is obviously broader.

In the role of illegal intermediary Lin Yousheng in "Pursuit" and ruthless criminal Chen Guilin in "Three Evils in the Week", Ruan Jingtian’s role in recent years is not only sloppy and rugged in appearance, but also complex in character core. Lin Yousheng is doing illegal activities while having good intentions and loving his girlfriend deeply; Chen Guilin seems ruthless, but in the process of re-finding the value of life, he is also trying his best to save innocent people. Ruan Jingtian plays these two roles very layered.

In an interview with 1905 Film Network, he said that the movie roles he encountered in the past year or two seemed to be echoes of past life stages, forcing him to face the loneliness and weakness he once had. Each role is a new challenge, and he "forced" himself to continue to improve.

Having played a gangster who is not doing his job properly, and a father with intellectual disability in "The Best Meeting", coupled with the successful portrayal of the taciturn and thoughtful Lin Mo in the online drama "Detective Chinatown" series, Qiu Ze has successfully shown more profound performance skills in recent years, and has taken a big step on the road of transformation;

In addition, Hua Tuo in "The Next Stop of Happiness" turned into a hard-working mute in "Fudu Youth", and Wu Dianren, who did not have a single line throughout the process, performed a reborn performance; from the exquisite white-collar worker in "I May Not Love You" to the funny black police officer with long hair tied in "Chirp", Chen Bolin also showed new possibilities as an actor.

In terms of actresses, Zhang Junjun and Lin Xinru have both become more behind-the-scenes creators. The former handed over the first production of "Hunted" last year, while the latter created the series "The Lanterns Are First Up" as producers.

After Zhang Junjun’s highly contrasting performance experience in works such as "The Best Encounter", many people have forgotten her early experience as a cameo in "Meteor Garden 2".

For a long time, it has been revolving around ancient costume romance dramas and modern idol dramas, and in recent years, it has also made people’s eyes shine through "Our Distance from Evil" and "Her and Her."

Represented by "The Distance Between Us and Evil" and "The Algorithm of Justice", the rejuvenated Taiwan drama has been freed from the shackles of the subject matter, the types have become diverse, and the core has become more profound; represented by "When a Man Falls in Love", "Fudu Youth" and "Removing the Three Harmies in the Week", Taiwanese films have continuously strengthened cooperation with creative forces such as Hong Kong and Malaysia.

The important position of the Chinese film and television circle is showing a trend of a hundred flowers blooming, objectively providing rich opportunities for the transformation of idol actors.

The idol factions that once dominated the screen are now turning around gorgeously, which is undoubtedly an excellent transformation for the Chinese film and television industry. I believe that their acting skills are becoming more and more perfect, and they will continue to become the backbone of the Chinese film and television industry in the future, handing over more excellent film and television works.

Lin Qingxia’s upper circumference is plump, and Zhang Shuping testifies that "pure natural" (photo)

  The century wedding of Lin Qingxia (right) and Xing Liyuan (left) once caused a sensation in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

  Lin Qingxia was thin and beautiful when she shot "Outside the Window", but later she gradually emerged with two peaks. "Forever Lin Qingxia" also touches on rumors that Lin Qingxia has undergone cosmetic surgery or skin changes. Lin Qingxia is generous in the book. She admits to applying a maintenance cream to remove dark spots on her postpartum face, but says that "I will never add anything unnatural to myself".

  When asked about breast augmentation rumors, Zhang Shuping flatly denied it. Qingxia was afraid of surgery, he said, and even pierced her ears after marriage. "I don’t think she has had a facelift. Breast augmentation? No. Never."

  Zhang Shuping assured Lin Qingxia that "when the two worked on" Love to Kill ", she was very young and thin, but the upper circumference was already considerable."

  However, Zhang Shuping also persuaded Lin Qingxia to make many breakthroughs: "Love to Kill" persuaded her to take off her bra. "Dream Man" cut her hair so short that it made her cry, so the two did not speak for three days. "The East Undefeated" is between the man and the woman, which is a turning point for her screen. In the end, he also chose the most important look in her life, the wedding dress.

Editor in charge: Li Dan

The 2024 BYD Tang is listed at a price of 219,800-269,800.

Electricity is lower than oil, glory strikes! The glory edition of Han and Tang dynasties sold well when it went on the market. In March, it achieved sales of 34,092 vehicles, ending the first battle of oil and electricity! Glory is overweight again. On April 22nd, Tang EV Glory Edition, Tang DM-p Glory Edition /2024 Edition were heavily listed, and the "Hexagonal Champion" Han and Tang Dynasties realized the rejuvenation of the full matrix glory edition.

Tang Sancha-Glory Edition -KV- Pure Plate

Among them, the Tang EV Glory Edition has a total of three models, with a price of 219,800-269,800 yuan; Tang DM-p Glory Edition has two models, with a price of 229,800-249,800 yuan; The 2024 Tang DM-p Ares Edition has a total of one model with a price of 269,800 yuan.


The whole system comes standard with Yunxiao -C, which is luxurious to carry!

The most advanced core value of Tang EV Glory Edition, Tang DM-p Glory Edition /2024 Ares Edition comes from the standard of Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system, which realizes the new experience of luxury and leapfrog, and brings higher-end travel quality to home users. Yunnian -C can realize stepless adaptive adjustment of damping by controlling the electromagnetic valve of shock absorber to adjust damping. When the vehicle passes through the bumpy road, the comfort control strategy of high frequency and small damping is adopted to make the chassis "soft" and improve the driving comfort. When the vehicle is in rapid cornering, acceleration and braking, the maneuverability control strategy of low frequency and large damping is adopted to make the chassis "hard", provide greater support, restrain the body roll and pitch, and ensure the handling stability of the vehicle. Compared with the traditional passive suspension, Yunqi -C makes the vehicle achieve a "qualitative" improvement in driving comfort, while taking into account the handling of the vehicle.

20230813 Tang DMP 17285

At the core technology level, Tang EV Glory Edition, Tang DM-p Glory Edition /2024 Ares Edition focus on the needs of different scenes, accurately meet the needs of different home users, and achieve the ultimate performance, efficiency, control and enjoyment. Tang DM-p Glory Edition /2024 Ares Edition is equipped with DM-p King Hybrid and comes standard with super intelligent electric four-wheel drive, which has achieved all-round transcendence over traditional mechanical four-wheel drive in terms of power, safety, difficulty relief and energy consumption. At the same time, the DM-p King Hybrid inherits the gene of DM-i super hybrid, which makes the zero-hundred-speed acceleration of new cars as fast as 4.3s, and the fuel consumption of power loss per 100 kilometers under comprehensive working conditions as low as 6.5L, truly realizing "not only fast, but also saving"! At the same time, the 2024 Tang DM-p Ares Edition is equipped with an escape artifact differential lock, which can easily cross the outdoor off-road scene.

Tang Zhanshen Edition 2023072321110a001Z Submission

Tang EV Glory Edition is blessed with ultra-high safety blade battery. The two-wheel drive version has a pure electric cruising range of up to 730km. The four-wheel drive version is equipped with front and rear dual motors, and it has super intelligent electric four-wheel drive, which realizes the super performance of zero-acceleration 4.4s Moreover, the new car can achieve a maximum of 170kW safe boost DC fast charge, and the longest battery life is 173km after charging for 10 minutes, which improves the energy charging efficiency. Whether you love pure electric travel or like to explore the outdoors, you can get the ultimate satisfaction from Tang EV Glory Edition, Tang DM-p Glory Edition /2024 Ares Edition, and get high-quality travel enjoyment.

DSC_EV path -002

The start is high, and there are over 100 flagship standards.

At the configuration level, Tang EV Glory Edition, Tang DM-p Glory Edition /2024 Ares Edition all come standard with over 100 flagship core configurations. Among them, in terms of intelligent cabin, the new car fully upgraded the high-end version of the intelligent cockpit -DiLink 100. Based on the D 100(6nm) chip, it cooperated with international chip giants to deeply customize the vehicle-class cockpit platform supporting 5G. The performance of high-computing chips is better than the mainstream of the industry, and it has the ecological advantages of millions of applications, creating an infinitely enjoyable intelligent cockpit that is "smarter, more efficient and more humane". In terms of intelligent driving, with the help of -DiPilot 10, the new car can achieve L2+ intelligent driving assistance level, and has the functions of BSD blind spot monitoring, DOW door opening warning, etc., and its active safety performance is ahead of the same level.

20230820 Tang DMP 15722A000-lzq

In the comfortable configuration, Tang EV Glory Edition, Tang DM-p Glory Edition /2024 Ares Edition continued the large space base of 6/7 seats of family luxury, and created luxury driving enjoyment from the four dimensions of vision, hearing, smell and touch. Among them, visually, the new car has Dragon Face sports/closed front face, lotus rhyme gray interior color matching, 31-color intelligent cockpit atmosphere lights, etc. The 2024 Tang DM-p Ares Edition further brings a whole set of Ares design, releasing a deep fighting atmosphere. In terms of hearing and touch, the new car has brought high-level configurations such as 12-speaker HiFi-level customized Dana audio, ventilation/heating/electric adjustment of the main and co-pilot seats, and the large 6-seat version has even entered the high-end comfort configuration such as ventilation, heating and 10-point massage in the middle row. In addition, the new car is also equipped with antibacterial module and intelligent fragrance to improve the air quality inside the car and make it fresh to drive.

20230812 Tang DMP Yangshuo 16076Z Submission

It is worth mentioning that the new car has added romantic mode, parking unlocking function, 3D real car color matching, plus convenient configurations such as 220V AC socket in the car, 50W mobile phone wireless fast charging, and 6kW mobile power station, which can comprehensively improve the car experience of family users and unlock a variety of car life.


In the era of traditional fuel vehicles, the B+C SUV market has been monopolized by joint ventures for a long time. With subversive technology and product experience, the Tang family cut into the 200,000-level mainstream market with the strongest joint venture, taking the lead in realizing subversion and becoming a veritable leader in new energy transformation in the mid-to-high-end market. Tang EV Glory Edition, Tang DM-p Glory Edition /2024 Ares Edition all come standard with Yunqi -C, and the strength has jumped again, continuously meeting the ever-increasing car demand of home users. The brand-new Tang family matrix will also represent the China brand, and accelerate the process of converting oil to electricity in the mid-to-high-end SUV market!

RAVE Smart Wearable Air Conditioning AICE3 Global Conference: Open New Imaginations of Life

Author: Wang Li Time: 2023-04-03 21:00

On April 2, 2023, rave, a cutting-edge domestic brand that focuses on new lifestyles, held a new product launch conference in Shenzhen with the theme of "opening a new imagination of life".AICE3, the first smart wearable air conditioner with human health monitoring function on the whole network, made a stunning appearance at this conferenceBrand co-founder Yan Longpeng and product manager Luo Rui made an in-depth analysis of the product’s original R & D intention, R & D process and innovative performance points at the press conference, and introduced the epoch-making product in detail for the global audience in an all-round way.

With the original intention of driving industry change, we continue to make efforts for outdoor cooling

In the past few years, the Rave Research Institute found that as the climate warms, more than 366 national weather stations around the world have released record high temperatures, and the number of people who die from heat stroke every year is as high as 5 million, and this number continues to rise. However, traditional fans and air conditioning products are very limited in application scenarios due to their bulky characteristics. At this conference, Yan Longpeng, the co-founder of the Rave brand, also carried a traditional air conditioner weighing nearly 40 kilograms to "demonstrate" the wrong outdoor cooling method for the audience. To this end, the Rave Research Institute has been hoping to develop a lightweight outdoor cooling product to solve the problem of heat stroke in outdoor travel for humans, and continues to make unremitting efforts to this end.

In 2020, Rave launched a market-disrupting bladeless neck fan, bringing the neck fan into the public eye, freeing their hands to welcome the summer breeze and refreshing users’ awareness of outdoor cooling products.

In 2021, rave noticed users’ high pursuit of high wind, so it revolutionized the air duct and launched a 4-core super-wind neck fan, which greatly improved the wind speed and increased the air volume by 130%.

In 2022, the rave innovative 8 air duct will produce wind up and down, and the new Phantom neck fan will be officially launched, truly enabling the wind to cover the whole body.

These three products have been ranked first in the domestic online market for three consecutive years, and more and more users and brands in the same industry have begun to pay attention to outdoor cooling products. On the way to driving industry change, rave can be said to have played a key role in promoting and leading. However, in order to create a more extreme outdoor cooling experience, rave research institute has undergone 4 years of technical research and continuous iterative innovation of products. In 2023, rave’s new generation of smart wearable air conditioners ushered in new opportunities.

An epoch-making explosion was born, opening up a new imagination of life

Up to now, the rave neck series has successfully applied for more than 230 patents, and has received a large number of real and original sound feedback from users around the world, which has been well received. However, rave’s research and development of products does not stop there. How to make the wind cooler and more comfortable is still the key point that rave needs to explore and improve.

In 2022, rave upgraded the neck fan to a neck air conditioner for the first time, and the cooling technology took a big step forward. "Although we have made a breakthrough in the industry, we still aspire to create an outdoor cooling product that is more extreme, healthier, and more able to meet the multi-dimensional needs of users," said the brand co-founder. Therefore, AICE3 smart wearable air conditioner was born under such a great research and development mission.

At the press conference, brand co-founder Yan Longpeng officially announced the three epoch-making innovations of AICE3:

"A device that truly realizes rapid coolingAICE3 can achieve an instantaneous temperature drop of 12.6 degrees, and the cooling performance is 26% higher than that of the previous generation of neck air conditioners, which is a ceiling-level existence in the industry.

"True outdoor equipment with human health monitoring": AICE3 is also a smart device that can monitor heart rate, blood oxygen and other signs at all times. It can monitor changes in human signs and soothe users’ emotions by adjusting temperature. It is an intelligent cooling partner that can truly understand emotions. Considering the development trend of the current environment, the function of integrating" health "monitoring can be said to be homeopathic.

"A truly intelligent temperature-controlled deviceThe AICE3 is equipped with an Arm32-bit smart chip, which can automatically adjust temperature changes according to the ambient temperature without manual operation, truly achieving active temperature regulation and making intelligence ubiquitous.

These three technologies that revolutionized the times were a major breakthrough in outdoor cooling equipment, which was enough to establish the leading position of rave neck air conditioners in the industry.

RANVOO-ICEMAX cooling technology and Metaura interactionSystem, refresh the new height of products of the same category

After a large number of user research, experiments and scientific calculation and demonstration, Rave found that "comfortable cooling experience" is the core demand of users to purchase cool products in hot weather, and effectively reducing the body temperature under high temperature is also the difficulty that outdoor cooling equipment needs to overcome. Therefore, the Rave Research Institute has improved and optimized the cooling technology from the three dimensions of "cooling efficiency", "heat dissipation system" and "innovative air duct", and strives to bring a cool and comfortable healthy cooling experience. This is also the launch of the AICE3 networkRave Ice Sensing Technology (RANVOO-ICEMAX)Product manager Luo Rui said in an interview with the media, "It is with the support of this cooling technology that AICE3 has achieved a continuous reduction of 10 degrees even in a high temperature environment of 40 degrees. Looking at the industry, no outdoor cooling product has been able to do it so far."

Products that can only cool down are not enough to have the significance of "epoch-making". Making the product return to the human itself is the ultimate goal of rave’s research and development of outdoor cooling products. rave hopes that smart wearable air conditioners are not only a tool for adjusting hot and cold, but also pay attention to the user’s health status, so that temperature can become a means of calming emotions and relieving stress. Therefore, AICE3 applies the intelligent Metaura active interaction system, striving to explore different scenarios, so that users can have a more comfortable temperature experience.

AICE series products are equipped with multiple temperature sensors to monitor the user’s body temperature and ambient temperature changes in real time. It has also introduced a healthy exercise section in AICE3. Through a variety of sensors, the product intelligently senses the user’s heart rate, blood oxygen and other signs, helping users have a healthier life and challenge higher limits. For example, if you start exercising in a very hot summer, AICE3 will recognize that the user has entered the exercise state through the Metaura system, actively turn on the cooling function, and adjust the temperature and wind according to the increase or decrease of exercise intensity, frequency conversion, switch to exercise mode, record the exercise data, and assist users in completing exercise indicators in a comfortable environment.

What’s more innovative is that AICE3 has designed a 1.9 three-dimensional pressure-sensitive touch screen that can be touched with gestures. Through full-screen touch and three-dimensional pressure-sensitive gestures, convenient functions such as quickly setting temperature and stepless wind speed can be realized. It also supports instant viewing of more health and sports data on the screen. This has truly achieved a new concept of leading the future and ushered in a new era of touch screens for wearing air conditioners.

According to statistics, a total of 200,000 + users from home and abroad watched the global live broadcast of the rave AICE3 product launch on the evening of April 2 at the same time, with a total exposure of 1.784 million + people and a total of 552,000 + likes. Among them, the live stream of the rave Tmall flagship store rushed to the TOP1 real-time list of Tmall live broadcast within half an hour of the launch. This series of data shows that this new product of the subversive era has indeed focused the attention of the whole network, and has also triggered a large number of users to be curious and explore the psychology of new technology products that can lead the future. It is not difficult to predict that in this summer, the rave AICE3 smart wearable air conditioner is bound to become a super hit in the technology wearable market, once again subverting people’s perception of outdoor cooling products, opening up new imaginings in users’ lives, breaking new highs in the industry, and helping the neck series product market take off.

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(Editor in charge: Yongqing)

Yang Mi was mistaken for Fan Bingbing and kissed Feng Shaofeng again.

Yang Mi attends the new drama press conference

    The idol drama co-starred by Feng Shaofeng and Yang Mi held its premiere press conference in Beijing, starring Yang Mi at the press conference, while Feng Shaofeng, one of the male leads, was unable to appear for publicity because he was filming in other places, which was a bit regretful.

    Feng Shaofeng was unable to appear at the press conference due to scheduling issues, but when it comes to cooperating with Feng Shaofeng again, Yang Mi still can’t hide her excitement. She said, "Because this drama is the first urban pure love drama that the two have cooperated with after’Palace ‘, and we have cooperated with Feng Shaofeng for four film and television works in a year, and we meet almost every day, so we have a very tacit understanding and call, and some ambiguous lines can be said naturally without thinking about it. We have also regained the feeling of first love in this drama, and there is no NG in the kissing drama."

    Yang Mi plays a fashion designer in the play. Yang Mi, who has just returned from Milan Fashion Week in Italy, also said, "The experience of Milan Fashion Week has also given me a deeper understanding of fashion. I feel that the whole person is really new, I have learned a lot and opened my eyes. Going to Milan to see the show and feel the atmosphere of the fashion circle and communicate with famous designers has made my understanding of fashion from ignorant to mature. I feel that fashion is really not just about dressing beautifully!"

    Yang Mi’s high-profile appearance at Milan Fashion Week earned enough attention. The domestic media praised Yang Mi’s eye-catching style, which was quite "Little Fan Bingbing". But it was embarrassing that when some domestic media praised Yang Mi, on the famous American VOGUE official website, a photo of Yang Mi was written next to Fan Bingbing’s annotation, making a big oolong. In response, Yang Mi also responded at the press conference, saying, "Fan Bingbing is my favorite actor. We are all Virgos, and we all pursue perfection. If someone can really recognize me as’Fan Ye ‘, it will be a very happy thing. Because Fan Bingbing is hard-working, beautiful and fashionable enough!"

    It is reported that the drama has a special meaning for Feng Shaofeng and Yang Mi, the "screen idol couple" – for Feng Shaofeng and Yang Mi, who have now both turned to the big screen, "Symphony of Fate" may become the last "love swan song" on the screen of the "Feng Mi" combination. In response to the rumors, Yang Mi also responded for the first time at the press conference, saying, "Who said that the two of us will no longer cooperate? I think as long as the script is good and the production team is excellent, Brother Feng and I will co-star in a TV production. Such rumors are simply not a thing!"

Photo by TUNGSTAR, copyright image, declined to reprint

Next page: Yang Mi made a stunning appearance at the Milan show

AI experts reflect on the future of human-machine coexistence: too many obstacles waiting to be broken through

The 3rd Shanghai World Artificial Intelligence Conference Cloud Summit, which ended on July 11, shoulders the mission of contributing "China’s solution" to artificial intelligence, and has become a wind vane for the development of the global artificial intelligence industry. In the face of an industry that is more unknown than known, what is the current situation of the artificial intelligence industry? What will it look like in the future? Dajiandong Studio interviewed the big coffee and enterprises who entered the venue to listen to their answers.

AI has worked its magic in a wide range of fields, and the "Shanghai sample" shows sharp corners

Ma Yun, who is giving a cloud speech with a hologram.

The epidemic is not over yet, and this conference is still full of big coffee. According to the statistics of the conference, more than 550 heavy guests gathered in the cloud, including 7 Turing Award winners, 1 Nobel Prize winner, and 62 top Chinese and foreign academicians. They analyze the artificial intelligence industry from different perspectives.

Baidu founder, chairperson and CEO Robin Li’s on-site speech said that at present, a few general AI platforms and some sub-AI platforms focusing on a certain vertical industry have emerged globally. In the vertical industries of information search, information flow recommendation, and driverless driving, artificial intelligence has proved or initially proved its potential for subversion and reconstruction of the industry.

Huawei director and CIO Tao Jingwen believes that the fourth industrial revolution has arrived, which contains huge digital opportunities. 5G + AI + cloud + industrial Internet, multi-technology integration drives industrial transformation, and human beings are accelerating into the intelligent world where everything is connected.

In the video connection, Tesla CEO Musk is very confident about the future realization of Level 5 autonomous driving. "I think it will be achieved soon, and we are confident that we will complete the basic functions of Level 5 this year."

"For example, Baidu’s autonomous driving; Ali’s city brain intelligent transportation; Tencent’s medical reading and medical image data processing; iFLYTEK’s automatic speech recognition; Cambrian, iFLYTEK, and SenseTime Technology as the representatives of start-ups in technology innovation; Hikvision occupies the first place in the global intelligent security enterprise…" Jiang Changjun, vice president of Tongji University and convener of the Shanghai artificial intelligence strategy consulting expert committee, listed them one by one, arguing that China’s artificial intelligence field, especially the intelligent industrialization application, has taken the lead in the world.

Miao Wei, Minister of MIIT, said bluntly that on the whole, the development momentum of our country’s artificial intelligence industry is good, technological innovation is increasingly active, the industrial scale continues to grow, and the application of integration with the industry continues to deepen, and the development prospect is promising.

At present, Shanghai has gathered more than 1100 key enterprises in the industry, and the output value of the artificial intelligence industry exceeds 140 billion yuan. It has gathered 100,000 industrial talents and become one of the leading regions in the development of artificial intelligence in the country.

"Statistics show that in terms of the number of AI companies, Shanghai ranks among the top in the world." Wang Yingchun, director of the Science and Technology and Society Research Office of the Shanghai Institute of Science, believes that Shanghai has taken the lead in fulfilling the mission of "pioneering a new path and model for the development of artificial intelligence", hoping to form a "Shanghai experience" and promote it nationwide.

AI in the epidemic, deep empowerment into a new trend in the industry

In the actual combat of AI, we have to mention the COVID-19 epidemic. The new round of industrial transformation force represented by artificial intelligence has highlighted "smart responsibility" in various aspects such as disease diagnosis, screening and follow-up, drug research and development, logistics and distribution.

Image detection is an important basis and means for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19. The "uAI COVID-19 Intelligent Assisted Analysis System" developed by United Imaging, an artificial intelligence subsidiary of United Imaging Group, is the industry’s first AI full-process solution that integrates the overall and partial image characteristics of pneumonia and accurately triages pneumonia images.

In the face of the explosive demand for medical treatment, artificial intelligence assisted diagnosis system comes into play. Shanghai Yitu Technology launched the "COVID-19 intelligent evaluation system" based on artificial intelligence technology, carried out rapid diagnosis and intelligent analysis of curative effect, and launched it in the Shanghai Public Health Center. The evaluation results of more than 70 cases of COVID-19 have been preliminarily verified, showing that the evaluation results of the system are highly consistent with the evaluation of experts.

In the epidemic, as the first wall of intelligent early warning monitoring, the fire-eyed infrared thermometer independently developed by Shanghai Zero Carbon Technology Company can simultaneously monitor up to 100 targets in a unit area, and distinguish the temperature of each individual through an infrared detector with an accuracy of 0.1 degrees, which greatly shortens the measurement time.

In addition, UKED’s safe house technology provides support for information investigation of personnel in epidemic key regions; Yunzhisheng has launched "epidemic prevention and control robots", which has effectively helped grassroots street communities to carry out health tracking and flow investigation; small i robots use automatic speech recognition, semantic understanding and other technologies to carry out voice interaction, providing free epidemic prevention robot services to the community…

The actual combat of AI in the epidemic highlights the new trend of AI deeply empowering the industry. Ge Yue, global vice president of Apple, exclaimed, "The epidemic has shown us the power of technology."

"Artificial intelligence is a magic card in our hands." Chen Liming, chairperson of IBM Greater China Group, said that embracing new digital technologies represented by artificial intelligence and cloud computing will help enterprises reduce or even resolve the impact of unforeseen events such as major epidemics.

Basic research is still a shortcoming, and an influential ecosystem has not yet been formed

The artificial intelligence industry has made great progress, but it is still in its infancy and there are still many shortcomings.

Ge Junbo, an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and head of the cardiology department at Sun Yat-sen Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, believes that the application of artificial intelligence in reality has not been perfect so far. Medical big data is still "big and messy" because of the lack of data governance standards. "What artificial intelligence needs is accurate data. It can provide a diagnosis through learning, sometimes more accurate than a doctor. The premise is that the data you give it must be accurate."

"Technology is very useful, but it is only a tool. It can be fully utilized in technology applications in the future, but you cannot be superstitious about technology." Zhang Wenhong, director of the infectious disease department of Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, said that there are still many obstacles to the clinical application of big data.

He pointed out that when there are unexpected situations in big data, reliable doctors can rely on their own logic to continuously generate new data. Although artificial intelligence can continuously learn and make new judgments at every stage, medical care is not a game of Go. Artificial intelligence cannot generate new data here, but also relies on people.

Similarly, Liu Qingfeng, chairperson of iFLYTEK, said that the development of artificial intelligence today is by no means as long as there is data or as long as the data can be used to solve the problem.

How to use less data to achieve better results and make data self-driven more effective; how to solve multilingual problems; how to solve privacy problems; how to solve emotional humanization problems… In his opinion, artificial intelligence still has a lot of core technology innovation, which is a real need for source technology innovation and strong technology field.

Jiang Changjun said frankly that the current artificial intelligence industry in our country has not yet formed an influential ecosystem and industrial chain. Compared with the United States and Europe, it is more focused on application landing, and the development of basic theories and original algorithms is weak, and there is a lack of breakthrough and landmark research results. The development of common technology platforms and smart chips is relatively weak.

"We need to further raise awareness, focus on the future, increase research efforts, make up for technical shortcomings, establish an industrial ecology, and seize the commanding heights of the industry."

It is gratifying to note that currently, leading Internet companies have realized that establishing an industrial ecosystem through open-source technology is an important means to seize the commanding heights of the industry. For example, Baidu’s PaddlePaddle, Tsinghua University’s Jittor, Megvii’s MegEngine, and Huawei’s MindSpore have all open-sourced their deep learning algorithms to master the underlying AI technology through independent research and development.

What is the potential of the artificial intelligence industry? The world will have a super 12 trillion market space

UBTECH Walker Robot

How will the artificial intelligence industry develop in the future?

"It is expected that by 2025, the ICT industry will have 5 trillion scale, the retail industry will be about 1.50 trillion scale, and the smart manufacturing 6.40 trillion scale." Tao Jingwen believes that with the application of artificial intelligence and big data, the world will have a market space of more than 12 trillion, which requires a more open attitude and cooperation.

"There is a saying in the field of artificial intelligence: there is as much artificial intelligence as there is artificial intelligence, and it refers to the learning curve that a technology needs to go through in the early development process. Some people call this the sowing season and the harvest season." Chen Liming, chairperson of IBM Greater China Group, said that with the passage of time, the accumulation of experience, the enrichment of algorithms and the increase of investment, artificial intelligence will also break through the early learning cost and accelerate the deployment in various industries. Perhaps 20 years later, many companies are AI companies in a sense.

"A few years ago, a city needed to do intelligent computing and needed more than a dozen cabinets; a year ago, this AI chip could already reduce the number of cabinets to one; in the next ten years, as long as it is shrunk a hundred times on a palm-sized chip, one hand can support the city management needed today." Yitu Zhulong said that the next ten years will be the super-Moore era of AI computing power.

Wang Xiaoqiu, President of SAIC Motor Group, realized that new-generation information technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing are important engines driving technological revolution and industrial change. In the future, with the continuous maturity of 5G artificial intelligence and other technologies, it will surely promote the accelerated leap of the economy and society from networking to intelligence.

Liu Qingfeng, chairperson of iFLYTEK, said: "In the post-epidemic era, we have been promoted to the digital’survival era ‘. In the future, online and offline life will become the norm. Whether it is epidemic prevention and control, or future production and life, we will face a phased or long-term coexistence of online and offline digital survival. Artificial intelligence lights up the fireworks in the world, which is not only a very attractive and attractive picture in the future, but also a huge trend in the future that we will have to face."

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, many people have also raised some concerns: Will AI replace our jobs?

Wang Yingchun, director of the Science and Technology and Society Research Office of the Shanghai Institute of Science, said, "Every profession is made up of different job content, and artificial intelligence replaces some of them, and eventually forms a working model in which humans and machines coexist harmoniously."

"In the next stage, AI will be ubiquitous and easier to apply. Traditional companies have the ability to hire their own AI engineers, just as every company has IT engineers today." Kai-Fu Lee, founder and CEO of Innovation Works, believes that AI + will continue to be valuable, but + AI is the bigger solution.

(All photos are provided by the organizers of the conference.) 

"May Day" Promotes Consumption and Opening of Large Auto Show Carnival

On April 29th, the "May 1st" consumption promotion and large-scale auto show carnival in Haimen District, jointly sponsored by the District Bureau of Commerce, the District Media Center and Haimen Economic and Technological Development Zone, opened in Haimen Sports Center, attracting many citizens to spend and play, and gathering popularity for Haimen consumer market.

In the auto show area, more than 20 auto dealers participated in the exhibition. Japanese and European joint venture brands exhibited some mainstream models, and many domestic first-line brands such as Chery and BYD also appeared one by one. In addition, a number of new energy vehicle brands that are very popular at present are also popular with the public, meeting the needs of different customers in all directions. It is reported that in this carnival, the auto show will last until May 1st. In order to help this auto show, the District Bureau of Commerce took out a large amount of special funds for automobile consumption to subsidize consumers, and the maximum subsidy for car purchase was 6,000 yuan. "At this auto show, the District Bureau of Commerce has preferential policies, plus the discounts of Dongfeng Nissan dealers and Haimen Dongfeng Nissan stores, adding up to the whole preferential strength is still relatively unprecedented." Liu Jia, sales manager of a car dealer, said.

The food area provides all kinds of food for the public, and freshly squeezed juice, iced drinks, octopus roast and other foods open the taste buds of diners. Online celebrity trunk market has attracted many young people to join in and show different consumption elements. In the evening, you can also watch the live Super League competition and wonderful band performances in Haimen Sports Center, which is very lively.

Original title: "May 1" Promoting Consumption and Opening of Large Auto Show Carnival "

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Leading high-quality development with scientific and technological innovation.

  Author: Dai Shuanping, professor and doctoral supervisor of School of Economics of Jilin University, and researcher of China State-owned Economic Research Center of Jilin University.

  The Central Economic Work Conference in 2023 emphasized: "We must take the promotion of Chinese modernization as the greatest politics, unite the overwhelming majority of the people under the unified leadership of the Party, focus on the central task of economic construction and the primary task of high-quality development, and turn the grand blueprint of Chinese modernization into a beautiful reality step by step." It is of great theoretical and practical significance to accurately understand the theoretical wisdom and practical requirements contained in it for building a socialist modern country in an all-round way and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese modernization.

  Promoting high-quality development is the primary task for China to move towards a moderately developed country. Leading the construction of modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation is a realistic choice for China to promote new industrialization at present. The modern industrial system is the foundation of the new development pattern, the basic framework for promoting high-quality development and the core component of the modern economic system. Science and technology, education and talents are the strategic supporting forces to promote Chinese modernization. A new round of scientific and technological revolution with artificial intelligence as the core is entering an all-round expansion period and will profoundly change the future economic form. Therefore, exploring new industries, new models, new kinetic energy and developing new quality productivity is an important way for China to seize future development opportunities.

  Diversified layout, regional cooperation, green transformation and digital empowerment are the distinctive features of the current global industrial system and industrial chain supply chain reshaping. In 2023, the Central Economic Work Conference not only emphasized "improving the new national system", "vigorously promoting new industrialization" and "supporting key core technology research, new infrastructure, energy conservation, emission reduction and carbon reduction", but also proposed "building a number of strategic emerging industries such as bio-manufacturing, commercial aerospace and low-altitude economy, opening up new tracks for future industries such as quantum and life sciences, widely applying digital intelligence technology and green technology, and accelerating the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries". Ecological civilization construction and green low-carbon development also fully reflect the characteristics driven by technological innovation. "Green low-carbon supply chain", "realization mechanism of ecological product value", "new energy system" and "intensive recycling and efficient utilization of resources" are all closely related to the construction of modern industrial system.

  Modern industrial system and scientific and technological innovation are mutually conditional and mutually supportive. Scientific and technological innovation leads the construction of modern industrial system, and industrial development is the soil for continuous scientific and technological innovation. In some frontier science and technology fields, China is changing its role from "runner" to "runner" or even "leader". However, how to play a leading role in basic research and cutting-edge core technologies requires China to make major reforms and explorations in the national innovation system. To promote the close integration of scientific and technological innovation and the construction of modern industrial system, it is necessary to continuously promote the popularization and application of intelligent and green technologies in manufacturing industry, continuously optimize the business environment, continuously stimulate the vitality of innovative subjects, open up new scenes, new fields and new tracks for innovation, establish new ones and break old ones, and accelerate the construction of a modern economic system.

  Expand domestic demand consistent with high-quality development requirements. Modern economic system is a sustainable economic system driven by scientific and technological progress, with high efficiency in resource allocation and continuous upgrading of industrial structure and product quality. Effective internal demand is the fundamental guarantee for stabilizing the economic system. However, effective demand is not static. Demand should face the future, guide resource allocation, and promote industrial structure and product quality improvement. Therefore, tapping new consumption and other new consumption growth points that meet the needs of high-quality development and effectively support new industries, new models and new kinetic energy is the key work direction to expand domestic demand. At the same time, to form effective demand, it is necessary to enhance people’s consumption confidence and satisfaction. In 2023, the Central Economic Work Conference put forward corresponding measures to expand the effective demand of residents from the perspectives of implementing new development concepts and building a new development pattern. For example, "promoting urban-rural integration and coordinated regional development", "promoting new urbanization with county towns as an important carrier" and "building livable, resilient and smart cities" can all expand the total demand. Similarly, giving priority to people’s livelihood and employment has sent a strong signal to stabilize social expectations. Only by building a sound social security system can residents be willing to spend and dare to spend.

  Deepen reform in key areas and expand high-level opening up. Domestic reform and opening to the outside world are the most basic experience summary of China’s economic construction. The Central Economic Work Conference in 2023 highlighted two basic points of work: reform in key areas and high-level opening to the outside world. Fully activating the endogenous motivation and innovation vitality of various business entities is the basic foothold of deepening the reform in key areas, treating state-owned enterprises and private enterprises equally, promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in a new direction of specialization, serving the new round of scientific and technological revolution and helping high-quality development. It is worth noting that the meeting proposed to plan a new round of fiscal and taxation system reform, which will be of great significance to building a modern economic system and establishing a risk prevention mechanism in key areas.

  High-level opening to the outside world pays attention to tapping new kinetic energy of foreign trade, and expands and consolidates the foundation and depth of international exchanges based on new economic development models, new kinetic energy and new industries. Focus on expanding intermediate trade, service trade, digital trade, cross-border e-commerce export, and promoting the opening up of the service market, which shows that China’s foreign trade pattern has undergone fundamental changes, and traditional raw materials and processing and manufacturing have not adapted to the requirements of China’s high-quality development. With the reshaping of the industrial chain value chain, Chinese enterprises have been deeply embedded in the global value chain, and the importance of intermediate trade is getting higher and higher, and the status of producer service trade and digital trade in the trading system is gradually improving. Meanwhile. The construction of such institutional systems as "high standard economic and trade rules", "cross-border flow of data", "market-oriented, rule-of-law and international first-class business environment" and "investing in China" should also meet the requirements of China’s new development pattern and high-quality development as soon as possible.

  Prevent and resolve risks in key areas. In 2023, the Central Economic Work Conference emphasized that "next year, we should persist in striving for progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability through progress, establishing first and then breaking", and put forward the working bottom line of "stabilizing expectations, growth and employment". The working idea of "stabilizing" is embodied in social stability, implementing a prudent monetary policy, maintaining the basic stability of RMB exchange rate at a reasonable level, stabilizing and expanding traditional consumption, ensuring the employment stability of key groups, and ensuring the supply and price stability of important livelihood commodities.

  "Striving for progress with stability, promoting stability with progress, establishing first and then breaking" embodies China’s new thinking in dealing with the relationship between reform and development, as well as new strategies to reduce the pain of reform and stabilize social mentality. What "stands" is not only the new quality productivity, but also the new economic governance mode. At present, the risks of real estate, local debts and small and medium-sized financial institutions are the three major risk areas. Based on this, this paper puts forward some concrete work ideas to prevent and resolve risks, such as "three major projects", "accelerating the construction of a new model of real estate development" and "a big economic province should really take the lead". These schemes are based on the premise of maintaining overall stability, setting buffer zones, gradually absorbing risks, and minimizing the possible negative impact of "breaking".

The soul of the army is immortal, and the glory will stay forever. In 2020, the "most beautiful retired soldiers" was released!

Once in the army, the soul of the army is deep into the bone. Generations of revolutionary soldiers have made important contributions to national independence, national liberation and socialist modernization with blood, life, wisdom and sweat.

  A word "to" means a lifetime. Whether dressed in military uniforms to defend the country or taking off military uniforms, retired soldiers have written wonderful chapters on all fronts: on the road to winning a well-off society in an all-round way and fighting poverty, in the battle against the COVID-19 epidemic, in the forefront of flood control and disaster relief … … At the emergency moment that every country needs, they all charge ahead and practice the clank oath of "retiring and not fading, and building a new era" with actions.

  What we see in the retired soldiers is the simple brand of hard work, the heroic blood that came forward in times of crisis, the upright posture that keeps its true colors forever, and the infinite power for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!




  They dare to charge, be brave in dedication, have a sense of responsibility and mission, overcome layers of difficulties and obstacles, and forge ahead in times of national crisis. They are the silhouette of a group, reflecting the spirit of the times when the vast number of veterans are based on all walks of life and devoted to social construction; They are a bright banner, showing the excellent qualities of Do not forget your initiative mind, a retired soldier, and keeping his mission in mind.

  Let’s walk into these shining names together and feel their sincere and unchanging Chinese military soul — —

Zhao Xiaoying

Head nurse of thoracic surgery department of army characteristic medical center

  She is a "desperate three mothers", Wenchuan earthquake relief has her firm figure, and helping Liberia fight Ebola has her solid footprint. After taking off her military uniform, she became a rehired employee. After the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, she took the initiative to apply for "aid to fight the epidemic in Hubei". As the first batch of medical team members, she went deep into the high-risk pollution wards of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital and Huoshenshan Hospital to participate in the rescue work. The ward where she served as the head nurse "has the highest cure rate, the lowest mortality rate, zero infection among medical staff and zero complaints from patients".

Wang Guohui

Secretary of the Party Branch of Tianying Village, Baiji Town, shenqiu county City, Henan Province

  After the outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan, on New Year’s Eve in 2020, veteran Wang Guohui chose to "go upstream" and drove 500 kilometers alone to deliver 5 tons of vegetables picked from his vegetable planting base to the construction site of Huoshenshan Hospital under construction. Having served in Wuhan for 17 years, he has long regarded it as his second hometown. His hometown is in trouble, and he is duty-bound to go through fire and water! After that, he sent "love vegetables" to Wuhan twice regardless of his personal safety. He built a "love bridge" between Shenqiu and Wuhan, showing the feelings of the retired soldiers about their home country.

Kuang Yuanping

Chairman of Hubei Yanhuang Group

  At the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, Kuang Yuanping, who was visiting relatives in Australia, was held up in Sydney due to flight interruption. Affectionate for the motherland, he actively called for the establishment of an overseas Chinese anti-epidemic coordination group in Australia, and sent an initiative to overseas Chinese businessmen and overseas Chinese communities in 78 countries to raise a large number of urgently needed medical materials, and spent 10 million yuan to send the materials to Wuhan twice by charter flights. He also mobilized the affiliated enterprises and employees of the Group to donate money and materials to support nearly 500 hospitals, isolation points and communities in Hubei Province, showing the true feelings of a retired veteran and the responsibility of outstanding entrepreneurs.

Ding guonian

Chairman of Zhejiang Guohua Group Co., Ltd.

  After retiring, Ding Guonian developed a small enterprise into a group enterprise with total assets of 7.5 billion yuan. Since the establishment of the company, he has always adhered to the development concept of "retired soldiers are valuable human resources" and adhered to the principle of "giving priority to the recruitment of retired soldiers", creating a cultural atmosphere of respecting, worshiping and invalidating the army in the enterprise. Up to now, he has recruited more than 2,000 retired soldiers. He took the initiative to assume social responsibility, and when he became rich, he did not forget to give back to Mulberry, help the needy and donate money to study, with a total donation of more than 260 million yuan. During the epidemic spread in COVID-19, he also actively rushed to organize donations and materials, which contributed to the fight against the epidemic.

Yu Wenxian

Professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Dean of Shanghai Beidou Navigation Innovation Research Institute

  Yu Wenxian, known as the founder of "China Precision" and the "pilot" of Beidou navigation, has led a research team to achieve a series of achievements in radar target recognition, remote sensing information processing, integrated navigation and positioning technology, and made outstanding contributions to key technologies of defense, equipment development and industrialization in China. After retiring, he promoted the establishment of the Institute of Perception and Navigation in Shanghai Jiaotong University, undertook major projects such as the application demonstration project of Beidou satellite navigation in the Yangtze River Delta, led the establishment of the key laboratory of Beidou navigation and location service and intelligent detection and identification, and devoted himself to solving the core technical problems in Beidou navigation and location service, with remarkable scientific research results.

Joe Sun

Xinjiang entry-exit frontier inspection station Hong Qi La Fu entry-exit

Border checkpoint police

  Sun Chao, who joined the army at the age of 17 and became a frontier soldier in Hongqilafu, Xinjiang, gave up the high demobilization fee because of the army reform, and chose to be a grassroots policeman at the entry-exit frontier inspection station in Hongqilafu. He stayed on the Pamirs at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters for 24 consecutive years. Although "being a soldier is at the edge of the horizon", in order to let his comrades stationed in the "forbidden area of life" eat fresh vegetables, he taught himself agricultural knowledge, overcame the key technical problems of vegetable planting in the alpine region, successfully planted more than 36 kinds of vegetables, built 8 vegetable greenhouses, and created the "Wan Ren Ice Peak, Ten acres of Jiangnan" green mile!

Chen bingjin

Chief Engineer of Sichuan Chuanjiao Seed Industry Technology Co., Ltd.

  Chen Bingjin, an agricultural science popularization person who walks in the field, is a "farmer scientist who came out of the pepper field". After retiring from the army and returning to the countryside, determined to change poverty with science and technology, he studied hard, asked for advice with an open mind, worked hard in school and worked hard in middle school, overcame difficulties such as lack of funds and technical resources, and with his strong perseverance and firm belief brought by his five-year military career, he independently overcame scientific research problems in the pepper field, bred more than 70 new pepper varieties, obtained 11 invention patents in the pepper field, boosted the scientific and technological progress in China’s pepper field, and wrote his own legend from farmer to scientist!

Dong bojun

Secretary of the Party Branch of Qinghai Lizhan Law Firm

  After retiring, Dong Bojun’s fine style, which has always been tempered by the green military camp, affects his practice process. He loves his job and pays attention to social responsibility, puts forward the service concept of "working in the law firm and dedicating to the grassroots", and goes deep into military camps, communities, rural areas and schools to carry out legal preaching and legal consultation on a voluntary basis all the year round. He never forgets the kindness of military education and training, and provides free consultation and training for all legal affairs involving active servicemen and retired servicemen. He has made important contributions to the economic development and social stability of Qinghai Province, and is called "a full-fledged iron-mouthed lawyer" by judicial personnel.

Wang changqun

Retired cadres of Yunnan Grain and Oil Transportation Company

  Wang Changqun, who joined the army at the age of 15, has participated in tasks such as liberating the southwest, eliminating bandits and defending the frontier. Later, she obeyed the organization’s arrangement to participate in local economic construction, took root in the border area with her husband, and made contributions to the construction and development of the border area. In the 1970s and 1980s, the war on the southwest border ignited, and she volunteered to be the leader of the condolences before the support. A family of six people went to the battlefield, and two sons fought bravely and died heroically. After retirement, she inherited the red family style, was enthusiastic about social undertakings, offered love for public welfare, helped fight the epidemic, and always adhered to the original nature of Communist party member and performed boundless love.

Jin yuguo

Chairman of Longyuanhong Fruit Distribution Co., Ltd., Jingning County, Gansu Province

  In line with the idea of "let everyone change their living methods", Jin Yuguo, after retiring, was under great pressure. During his tenure as village party secretary, he raised funds to set up wood distribution stations, carpet factories and brick and tile factories, which enabled more than 300 people in the village to find jobs at home and made his village one of the "10 Red Flag Villages" in the city. He also based on the advantages of local apple planting, seized the opportunity, took the lead in establishing an organic apple demonstration base, set up a professional cooperative, extended the industrial chain, created the "Longyuanhong" apple brand, promoted Jingning apples to be exported to more than 30 cities and 16 countries and regions in China, and led more and more villagers to start businesses and become rich.

He Jianzhong

Director of Jiangping Road Post Sub-office, Taixing City, Jiangsu Province

  After retiring, He Jianzhong became a grass-roots postman. Faced with the "boring" work of repeating sorting and delivery every day, he set himself the "three noes" work goal of "no mistakes, no omissions and no complaints", and worked diligently for 15 years, which was recognized by the masses; After serving as the director of Jiangping Road Sub-bureau, he once again established the "three noes" rule of "no complaining, no shrinking, no admitting defeat" and led the overall situation from the countdown of the city’s performance to the first place for 12 consecutive years. After being elected as the representative of the 11th to 13th National People’s Congress, he dutifully made suggestions and served the people’s livelihood, and made steady progress on the road of performing his duties.

Guoqiang Zhang

China FAW Group Co., Ltd. Vehicle Road Tester

  He used to be an automobile soldier. After retiring, he went to China’s largest commercial vehicle enterprise to become a vehicle inspector. He has been attached to the automobile for 37 years, and has grown from a layman who can only operate the steering wheel to a technical "vanguard" in the quality assurance post, and has also become an out-and-out "automobile veteran". In his work, he created his own learning method of "one look, two notes, three exercises and four summaries", and formulated a set of testing standards. The National Professional Skills Standard for Automobile Assemblers and Adjusters, which participated in the editing and presiding, became an industry textbook, contributing to the revitalization of national automobile brands.

chen weihua

State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China Xicheng District Taxation Bureau

Deputy director of the first taxation office

  Chen Weihua, who was the 31st monitor of Zhang Side Class, brought the good idea, good style and good tradition of "green military camp" into "blue tax post" after retiring. He insisted on "serving the people", started as a grass-roots tax collector, actively studied and humbly asked for advice, and quickly grew into a business backbone; He performed his duties and was willing to contribute, strictly audited every deed tax business, established a standardized defense line, and saw through many illegal cases; He expanded "online and offline double assistance" to achieve zero complaints about tax service in ten years. During the COVID-19 epidemic, he actively explored the classified service mode and became a good "non-contact" tax practitioner. He is a lubricant between taxpayers and tax workers, a "service yardstick" in the eyes of colleagues, and a "Zhang Side wearing a tax badge".

Zhang Tianshui

Gulou District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province

Deputy stationmaster of sanfang qixiang fire rescue station

  In 2012, Zhang Tianshui, a sophomore, abandoned his pen and became a fire fighter. With the reform of the fire brigade, he took off his "olive green" and replaced it with "flame blue". He described his youth in the arduous task of defending the fire safety of the ancient buildings in Sanfang and Qixiang, and devoted himself to the glorious mission that the only fire rescue team in the country was responsible for raising and lowering the national flag in the provincial capital city. He set an example in training and practiced his skills hard; Fight bravely in fire fighting and rescue, and charge ahead. Zhang Tianshui, the hero of the post-90 s fire, vowed to be a firefighter with zero mistakes under the national flag!

Retired soldiers in Lujiang County, Anhui Province

Flood fighting and emergency assault team 1

  In the summer of 2020, Lujiang County, Anhui Province suffered a once-in-a-century flood. On July 22nd, the Shidaweilian section of Datong Town in this county suddenly burst its dike. At a critical moment, a retired military cadre (Wang Song) and four firefighters (Chen Lu, Chang Qing, Li Junjie and Li Shun) transferred from the former Armed Police Fire Brigade formed a flood fighting and emergency assault team to rescue the trapped people. In the emergency rescue, regardless of personal safety, they fight where the most dangerous is and where the most difficult is, and truly regard the front line of flood fighting and emergency rescue as a "whetstone" to show their mission responsibility. Chen Lu and Wang Song have been chased as martyrs.


Deputy Mayor of Chuanfangyu Town, Jizhou District, Tianjin

Concurrently secretary of the Party branch and village director of Maojiayu village.

  Twenty years ago, Maojiayu Village was a "bachelor village". After Li Suo retired, he voluntarily gave up the "iron rice bowl", led the villagers to start businesses, improve the living environment of the village, engage in tourism, run farmhouses to open homestays, build healthy leisure, cultural tourism and health care bases, and build an unknown backward village into a well-known "national agricultural tourism demonstration village", which not only made the "myth" from poor villages to tourism professional villages.

Potting Song

Party Secretary of Houbaligou Village, Zoucheng City, Shandong Province

  After leaving the army, Song Wei worked hard and became a local entrepreneur with small achievements. In 2005, facing the expectations of the villagers, he resolutely returned to the village as the branch secretary and took over the poor and backward mess in Houbaligou Village. After fifteen years of hard work, Song Wei, in accordance with the development idea of "leading by Party building, educating people by filial piety and benefiting the people by industry", United and led the villagers to vigorously develop the collective economy, forming the industrial pattern of commerce, science and technology, education, old-age care and eco-tourism in internet plus, resettling more than 20,000 people for employment and entrepreneurship, and making the village develop from initial debt to assets of more than 4 billion yuan, becoming a well-known civilized village.

Guizhou Anshun "Bing Zhi Shu" Poverty Alleviation Team

  Guizhou Anshun "Bing Zhi Shu" poverty alleviation team consists of seven retired military cadres, including Xiao Zhengqiang, Yang Shouliang, Lin Xiancai, Chu Daiyang, Lei Xingfa, Hu Kegui and Yang Bing. They kept their true colors as soldiers, continued to write about their feelings, played the vanguard and exemplary role of party member, a retired soldier, took off their uniforms and went to the "new battlefield" to fight poverty and overcome difficulties, leading the people in party member to become the "vanguard" in the decisive battle to fight poverty and build a well-off society in an all-round way. They promoted the rural industrial revolution, promoted grassroots social governance, and gradually grew into leaders of grassroots party building, maintainers of harmony and stability, and caring people of the people, which played an important role in demonstrating and leading Anshun’s economic and social development.


Bing Lianchang, a villager from Houtou, Qiaoshang Township, Huguan County, Shanxi Province

  After 22 years of training and education by the party and the army, although he took off his military uniform, he always maintained his true colors of sharing worries for the party, contributing to the country and serving the people. In 2018, he resigned as a journalist and volunteered to return to his hometown to serve as the company commander of Houtou Village. He devoted himself to the cause of poverty alleviation in his hometown and led Houtou Village to build roads to get rid of poverty. More than 3,500 meters long, with thousands of stone steps and more than 100,000 stones, Niu Hesong took three years to lead the villagers to "move the mountain from the foolish old man" and cut two tourist trails in the depths of Taihang Mountain, which opened the door to the development of tourism in Houtou Village and made the poor and backward mountain village uproot its roots and embark on the road to prosperity!

Shi bingqi

Dazhuang Village, Xingcun Town, hejian city City, Hebei Province

Party branch secretary and village director

  In February 2018, Shi Bingqi, who had retired from the post of deputy teacher, gave up the comfortable retirement life in Beijing and resolutely returned to his hometown to lead the villagers to a well-off society. He laid a solid foundation for party building and formed a unique "educational model of farmers’ ideological and political work"; In view of the stubborn diseases such as garbage, road water and illegal buildings in the village, he established 20 village rules and regulations to rectify the appearance of the village; In order to stop the unhealthy marriage customs, such as comparing people’s feelings and doing big things, he explored a new way of villagers’ self-management and constantly promoted the change of customs … … In just over two years, he led a "post-village" with a scattered team and frequent contradictions into an advanced, stable and civilized "benchmark village" and was affectionately called "senior university village official" by the people.

  They always keep their true colors and overcome difficulties, showing the style of veterans struggling for the first place; They dare to charge and dedicate themselves in times of crisis, demonstrating the mission of "if there is a war, they will return when they are called"; Their deeds are touching and inspiring, which will inspire the veterans to build a new era and gather strong positive energy to learn advanced and strive to be advanced.

  The release ceremony is divided into four chapters: Retrograde Expedition, Vow Silent, Ordinary Persistence, and Strength of Attacking. Through video display, interactive interviews and other links, we strive to present the advanced deeds and feelings of work and life of the "most beautiful retired soldiers" from all angles, and show the veteran spirit they always remember in their hearts.

Host Crowd East, Wang Ning

Host Crowd East, Wang Ning

Wang Lida sang "Hold on"

Wang Lida sang "Hold on"

Tashi Dhondup sang "There is a Love Constant".

Tashi Dhondup sang "There is a Love Constant".

A bugle performance

A bugle performance

A bugle performance

Children's voice recites "Who is the cutest person" (excerpt)

Children’s voice recites "Who is the cutest person" (excerpt)

Ju Hongchuan sang "The Storm of Youth"

Ju Hongchuan sang "The Storm of Youth"

  This year coincides with the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of Chinese people’s Volunteer Army’s war to resist US aggression and aid Korea. The release ceremony also specially set up a tribute link, inviting three old heroes to the release ceremony, namely Huang Zhifu, Lin Bingyuan and Chang Zhiguo, to tell the heroic story of the volunteers who are not afraid of strong enemies and sacrifices, to accept the high respect of the "most beautiful retired soldiers" and the audience, and to encourage the majority of retired soldiers to follow the example of the old heroes, remember this magnificent history, inherit this spirit of promoting dedication, and pay tribute to the heroes and the audience.

In 2020, "The Most Beautiful Retired Soldiers" paid tribute to three old heroes.

In 2020, "The Most Beautiful Retired Soldiers" paid tribute to three old heroes.

  Jiang Jianguo, Vice Minister of Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China, Zhu Tianshu, Vice Minister of Veterans Affairs, and Bi Bin, Deputy Director of the Propaganda Bureau of the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission, attended the ceremony and presented awards for the "Most Beautiful Veterans" in 2020.

The awarding guests presented awards to the first group of "the most beautiful veterans" in 2020.

The awarding guests presented awards to the first group of "the most beautiful veterans" in 2020.

The awarding guests presented awards to the second group of "the most beautiful veterans" in 2020.

The awarding guests presented awards to the second group of "the most beautiful veterans" in 2020.

  They come from all walks of life, but they have the same name — — The most beautiful retired soldier. What they took off was the military uniform, and what they could not get rid of was the muscle memory of "charging forward" and the true colors of brave and determined soldiers. They showed their talents in times of crisis, without fear of fighting the tide of the times, and their advanced deeds spread all over the country, sketching out the most beautiful scenery of "serving the people".

  Join the army and defend the country; Retire and build a beautiful home. The transfer of the battlefield and the change of identity have not changed the true colors of the "most beautiful retired soldiers" revolutionary soldiers, the true colors of serving the people and the true colors of unremitting struggle. They have taken off their military uniforms and bid farewell to the army, and they are still shining in various fields, writing a new chapter in their lives and careers with their own words and deeds!

  Retirement does not fade, loyalty and courage, tonight, let us pay tribute to the "most beautiful retired soldiers" and witness the glory of "veterans"!

The awarding guests took a group photo with the 2020 "Most Beautiful Veterans".

The awarding guests took a group photo with the 2020 "Most Beautiful Veterans".

Central radio and television main station

Society and Law Channel (CCTV-12)

It premiered at 20:15 on December 18th.

Science and education channel (CCTV-10)

Replay at 15:38 on December 19th.

National defense military channel (CCTV-7)

Replay at 22:30 on December 19th.

"Shiny name — — The release ceremony of the most beautiful veterans in 2020 "

Pay tribute to every retired soldier!