The father of the flight attendant who was killed by hitchhiking late at night: his daughter is usually very sensible

The father of the flight attendant who was killed by hitchhiking late at night: his daughter is usually very sensible

  Yesterday, the "flight attendant was killed in a hitchhiker late at night" attracted widespread attention from netizens. On the evening of May 5, Li Mouzhu, an employee of Xiangpeng Airlines, was killed while taking a hitchhiker from the Zhengzhou Airport Residence Hotel in Henan Province to the urban area of Zhengzhou. A reporter from Beijing Youth Daily learned from the Zhengzhou police that the murderer is still absconding. The public security organ has set up a special task force and has identified the suspect and is making every effort to arrest him. After police investigation, the perpetrator was a Didi registered hitchhiker with a murder weapon.

  Stewardess killed for hitchhiking late at night

  On the evening of May 5, Li Mouzhu, a flight attendant, was killed while taking a ride from the Zhengzhou Airport Hotel in Henan Province to the urban area of Zhengzhou. A reporter from Beiqing Daily learned that Li Mouzhu, who is 174 cm tall, is from Jinan, Shandong. He is 21 years old and worked as a flight attendant at Xiangpeng Airlines before he was killed.

  Yesterday afternoon, a reporter from Beiqing Daily contacted Mr. Wu, a friend of Li Mouzhu’s father. After Li Mouzhu was killed, Mr. Wu followed him to Zhengzhou to help deal with related matters.

  According to Mr. Wu, on the evening of May 5, Li Mouzhu arrived in Zhengzhou. After returning to the hotel with his colleagues that night to change clothes and take a bath, he called a ride to Zhengzhou Railway Station through Didi near 12 pm and planned to take the train back to his home in Jinan, Shandong overnight.

  He had been sexually harassed by a driver before the incident

  According to Mr. Wu, he and Li Mouzhu’s father have been good friends for many years. In his impression, Li Mouzhu is a particularly sensible and obedient girl. "She is very well-behaved and smart. She is the only daughter in the family. I just started working, and I didn’t expect this to happen."

  A reporter from Beiqing Daily learned that before the incident, Li Mouzhu had sent a message to a colleague saying that he had been sexually harassed by the driver. According to the WeChat chat records of Li Mouzhu and her colleagues, near 12 o’clock on the evening of May 5, Li Mouzhu sent a message to her colleague saying that the driver behaved perversely and sexually harassed her, "saying that I am very beautiful and want to kiss me very much." His colleague replied: "You ignore him."

  According to her colleague, after receiving Li Mouzhu’s WeChat, her colleague once called her. Li Mouzhu said it was "fine", and then hung up the phone. The call time was only a few dozen seconds.

  "Li Mouzhu originally planned to go home, but by the evening of the 6th, no one could contact her, thinking that her mobile phone was lost." Mr. Wu said that on the morning of the 6th, he received a call from Li Mouzhu’s father, "He was very anxious and said that Li Mouzhu had been unable to be contacted, and something might have happened." Feeling ominous, on the afternoon of the 7th, Mr. Wu drove with Li Mouzhu’s family to the Zhengzhou Public Security Bureau Airport Police Station to call the police.

  Mr. Wu said that after learning that Li Mouzhu was killed, her parents were in a very bad mood. "They only have one appeal now, and that is to catch the murderer quickly."

  The suspect abandoned his car and jumped into the river, and the police made an all-out manhunt

  In response to this matter, the reporter of Beiqing Daily called the propaganda department of Zhengzhou Public Security Bureau. A person in charge said that the perpetrator was a Didi driver with a murder weapon, and the murderer was still absconding. At present, the public security organ has set up a special task force, has identified the suspect, and is making every effort to arrest him.

  According to the Zhengzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, in the early morning of May 6, a homicide occurred in the airport area of Zhengzhou City. The victim, Li Mouzhu (female, 21 years old, from Jinan, Shandong Province), was killed on the way to ride the online car-hailing, and the online car-hailing driver, Liu Mouhua (male, 27 years old, from the Zhengzhou airport area), was suspected of committing a major crime. After the task force retrieved multiple monitors near the incident, it was traced along the line, showing that the suspect Liu Mouhua abandoned the car and jumped into the river after committing the crime. Now the police are making every effort to search for him in the relevant area.

  Yesterday afternoon, Xiangpeng Airlines, where Li Mouzhu worked, issued a statement. The statement said that after being notified by the Zhengzhou police, Li Mouzhu, an employee of Xiangpeng Airlines, was tragically killed on the evening of May 5, 2018 on his way to the city from the hotel. We express our deep condolences for the loss of a young life and the loss of a dear employee, and extend our deepest condolences to the families of the murdered employees. At the same time, Xiangpeng Airlines said that it will spare no effort to provide legal consultation, psychological assistance and other help and support to the families, and called on the general public to provide clues to the Zhengzhou police, hoping that the case will be solved as soon as possible and the murderer will be brought to justice.

  Didi is offering a million yuan reward for finding the suspected driver

  After the incident, the relevant person of Didi confirmed to the reporter of Beiqing Daily that the driver was a hitchhiker and the registration information was true after verification by the company. Subsequently, Didi established a special project working group to cooperate with the police to carry out case investigation. Last night, Didi issued an announcement offering a reward of 1 million yuan to find the suspected driver and announced the relevant information of the suspected driver Liu Mouhua. The reporter of Beiqing Daily tried to call the suspected driver’s phone, which showed that the phone had been shut down.

  On May 10, Li’s friend told the Beijing Youth Daily that she was a lively and cheerful girl who was very kind and hoped to find the murderer and bring him to justice as soon as possible. Another person claiming to be a friend of Li Mouzhu posted a post on Weibo to commemorate her, with a photo of Li Mouzhu making a cake.


  Victim’s father: Daughter is usually very sensible

  On the evening of May 10, a reporter from Beiqing Daily met Mr. Li, the father of Li Mouzhu. It had been five days since Li Mouzhu was killed. Mr. Li’s eyes were red and swollen. Mr. Wu, who accompanied him, said that after learning that his daughter had been killed, Mr. Li had been crying for several days. He had been unable to eat these days, but kept drinking water and smoking.

  Mr. Li introduced that his daughter Li Mouzhu was born in 1997. After graduating from junior high school, she went to the local Jinan Aviation College to study. It was her dream to be a flight attendant. The daughter has a cheerful personality and is usually very sensible. Li Mouzhu’s family is in business and her family conditions are good, but she still relies on leaflets and street stalls to work and study during school. In 2016, Li Mouzhu graduated. Her parents wanted her to stay in the local airline in Shandong, but due to the full number of local places, in June 2016, Li Mouzhu went to Xiangpeng Airlines, which is headquartered in Kunming.

  Ms. Li landed in Zhengzhou on May 5 and was given 36 hours of rest. Two days before the incident, she had called her parents to say she was homesick and wanted to take the train early on May 6 back for a day before returning to Zhengzhou. The planned meeting, more than a month after Ms. Li took her annual leave in early April, was the last meeting between Mr. Li and her daughter.

  After losing contact with his daughter, Mr. Li found out based on his daughter’s ID card information that Li Mouzhu did not check his ticket at Zhengzhou Railway Station on May 6, nor did he board the train home.

  On May 7, Mr. Li and his friends drove four hours from Jinan to Zhengzhou to report to the police. On May 8, Zhengzhou police found Li Mouzhu’s body. According to the police, Li Mouzhu was found with multiple knife wounds. Mr. Li said that when his daughter was found, she was naked and there was a dagger at the scene of the crime. Later, the police found the crime vehicle near the crime scene, and the daughter’s pants were on the car.

  Recalling his daughter, Mr. Li said that the clothes he was wearing were all bought by her, and although the family conditions were good, his daughter would always buy things for the family. After the incident, many of Li Mouzhu’s friends called Mr. Li, but he didn’t dare to answer, "Every time I answer the phone, the pain in my heart will be stabbed."

  On May 5, Li Mouzhu took a taxi from the staff dormitory on the seventh floor of the hotel, ready to embark on his way home. Today, Mr. Li also lives on the fifth floor of the same hotel. Late at night, the crew cars coming and going in front of the hotel occasionally pick up the busy flight attendants, and Mr. Li’s daughter Li Mouzhu will never appear among them again.

  This group of articles/our reporters, Zhang Xiangmei, Ma Jinfeng, intern, Fu Yao


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